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The Elven Community

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2002 8:32 pm
by Kalypse
Hello my dear elves and friends,

I´m wondering where everybody is... after I came back I have only seen Liriel, Liridon and Khanor Faenohan from our community and although they are great friends of mine I am still sad because I wanted to personally say hello to you all. I was farming the other day to clear my head up and I wondered where you were... I just hope that the most scaring stories I have heard since my return didn´t scare you away too...

Anyway, you are all special to me and I would enjoy your company.

The Elven Community

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 6:59 am
by Aerkady
*Timidly walks up to the podium...nervously smiles and looks around....clears his throat*

Lords....Ladies *nods to all present with respect*

It is with much humility and hope that i approach the community and ask to be allowed entrance. I am new to these lands, but feel I have carried myself with kindness and dignity in my brief days here.

To these facts, I believe, my friends (elven) Khanor, Elaralith, Merdia, Andiii, (halfling) Wolfkehl, Tisiphony, Legulas, (human) Chrystalis, Merton, Master Druid James Trolley, and others I cannot remember presently (my apologies) to include a lizard kin, will attest and speak for my character.

It is my belief, to the depths of my being, that one should show kindness, patience, and honor to our fellow inhabitants regardless of race, class, or religion. As such, I have attempted to carry myself with honor and insure that my presence in the world speaks well of all elven kind.

My skills are shaping up nicely, through much hard work and guidance from such as Khanor. My thanks again friend, not only for the help but the knowledge of the Elven Community.

I have, to this date (being playing for 3 days roughly) made only two ill mannered people....well, three. 1. a coward who gravely wounded (pk'd) me while I was in thought (afk), 2. a human named "Crazy Killer" (only by his admission) who tried to spell me to death, for no reason (though he claimed he had reason? It was my first night playing? lol), while selling my goods. Coward attacked me through a window! Fortunately i managed to find safe ground and heal, and lastly the dwarf Oyea who claims I insulted him so he killed me (pk'd).

Well, i asked if all dwarfs were dropped on their heads as a matter of culture *smirks*

This after he tried to pick a fight with me repeatedly, as Elaralith will attest, and I refused. I do not know of his "history" in the lands, but I state that he is no friend of mine. I am under the impression that he was looking for a reason and, because I wouldn't fight him previously, he took my words to be his "right". Tisiphony and another dispatched him after he slew me. He has since left me alone.

But these are different times. I am much better equipped now and more knowledeable. So it is that I submit myself to the Elven Community first and to the people of the land second.

If ever, as is my belief, my forge, sword, or spells can be of service to my friends, brothers, and sisters they shall be.

I have spent my days improving myself, mapping the land, and making friends. I intended to take the path of the Druid but, despite my friend Khanor's advice fate seems to have had a different path for me in mind. So it is that I am a Craftsman first, Fighter second, and Mage third.

Sincerely proclaimed by Talen Aerkady - Wanderer, mapper, artist, and friend to many.

Thank you.

*looks around with a more steady eye....nods....and takes a seat again*

((pardon any mispelled char names or forgotten ones please))

The Elven Community

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 12:25 am
by Kalypse
Dear Aerkady,

It makes me very happy to know that you are interested on joining us and I can´t wait to meet you personally. I know you have met good friends of mine like Khanor and Elaralith, both of them have gained my trust and I´m glad that you met such nice people.:)
You have my blessing to join us, but I still need to let both Teesh and Liriel know. I don´t think there will be a problem though. Teesh is now very very busy and I haven´t seen him around town for a while...
I would love to have you as a friend and I welcome you to our campings if you wish... :)

May your days be safe...

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 5:56 pm
by Djironnyma
Ein stolzer Elf, welcher eine innere Ruhe und eine hohe magische Kraft ausstrahlt, überfliegt die vielen Zettel. "hmmmmmm nunja das Meiste auf englisch und zu dem Politik. Wie ich es mir dachte"- spricht er und geht von dannen.

(Edited by Djironnyma at 5:58 pm on Aug. 2, 2002)

The Elven Community

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 4:08 pm
by Kalypse
Hello dear elven friends!:)

It´s with great pleasure that I announce that Aerkady, Ganesa Dagny and Caledia are now part of our community! Teesh is a little busy and doesn´t have time to update the website right now, so I thought of posting here. Thanks to our friend Marimes, the human who gave me this idea.

Yesterday my friend Ganesa was stuck on the roof of the library for a while... poor Ganesa... be careful, my friends, and watch your step while being there..:-)

Luck on your ways!

The Elven Community

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 5:18 pm
by Caranthir the great
"Well, i asked if all dwarfs were dropped on their heads as a matter of culture"


After that statement I wonder should somebody beat a little sense into your skull with a warhammer!

*grrrmlll* :angry:

The Elven Community

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 6:26 pm
by Elaralith
I attest to Aerkady's goodness....and Caranthir I really do think that it would NOT be necessary to bash a warhammer into anyone's skull just because of a harmelss question!

The Elven Community

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:22 pm
by Ganesa Dagny
" Yesterday my friend Ganesa was stuck on the roof of the library for a while... poor Ganesa... be careful, my friends, and watch your step while being there..:-) "

Yes, i came to the call for help from a stranger.  He said he was walking on the roof, and ended up in a section of the roof with no way out, and that he was stuck. So, i went to the roof to check it out, and i too, fell down. I was talking to Kalypse, and a few others that were there from time to time, including Marimes, who was there for quite a while, and Tisiphone.  And a few others, as well.  And then another lady elf, pardon me for forgetting her name.... fell down as well.  But they all came up with a genius idea to get us out, and , it worked! So a big thanks to everyone who helped out that day.

Be careful not to walk on the roof of the library, especially near the edges, so that this does not happen again. But should it, im sure that everyone that was there that day will know what to do.

That is one day i will not forget. Heh.

Farewell, and safe journeys, all.

P.S. - I am having a big sale of potions sometime soon, after i gather enough herbs, i think it will only take a week or less. 50 potions of your choice for 250 gold.  Or pretty much 1 potion = 5 gold.  I hear thats a good deal from who i have sold to before.  All sales will be dedicated to the Elven community, as i really have no use for money -=D

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 6:23 am
by Aerkady

With no disrespect intended, I believe you failed to understand all that was said.

Your fellow dwarf oyea did, in the presence of Elaralith, attempt to pick a fight with me SEVERAL times. A fight that I did not start, intend, or otherwise incite. Each attempt I politely told him no. I am no saint, but even the patience of saints can be tested by someone so persistant and annoying as oyea. So it was that, while listening to another similar conversation that oyea was engaged in, i made the comment. It was directed at him, and only him, and fully intended as the insult it was phrased to be; again to him alone.

He, of course, took this as his long waited reason to attack the newbie that I was and wound (pk) me.

I know I am not the first to have a problem with your brother oyea and he appears to have a serious problem attacking people in general, if not new people to the lands.

One would think that such an honorable dwarf, as you're rumored to be, would be far more concerned with how your brothers mar your dwarven reputation than any mere words from me.

A heartfelt thank you to my elven sisters and ladies for speaking of my character. You honor me.

Servant, smith, and protector to the Elven Community as best i may

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 8:09 am
by Cain Freemont
#me speaks out with his loud, bellowing voice.

It is with great honor that I approach thee today.  My life in this land has been quite an exhausting one, and I would now like to settle down into a  This existance with which I have dwelled has lead to many things: happiness, anger, confusion.  However, the one emotion I seek I have yet to find.  And that is contentment.  I seek something, anything that can grant me a content lifestyle. This is why I standeth before thee today.  I wish to join the Elven Community.

I will NOT project my excuses as to why thou shouldst acknowledge me as a fellow member, nor will I try to sway you with references of people I know of which you might also have befriended.  I will simply explain my true motives in wanting to join this Community and ask for thy permission.

As a follower of Elara, the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge my only desire is to bequeath the burning in my soul for knowledge.  Though contrary to common belief, not all followers believe in TRUE fate.  Some of us feel that we can shape our own fate.  I feel that by aquiring enough knowledge, I can better the whole of our majestic land.  If you feel at this point that I wouldst be more an encumbrance than an asisstance, please keep listening.  Though my motives are clear, that all I seek is to quench my thirst for knowledge, I will still contribute to the community.  I take many forms, depending on the situation.  If you need me for craft, I am a tailor.  If you need a soldier, I am a mage.  If you need money, I am a contributor.  If you have a problem, I am insight. If you need entertainment, I am a bard.  And if you need someone to talk to, I am a friend...a listening ear.

Though my anger has driven me to madness at times, I will never kill in an act of cold-blood.  I wish of thee to overlook my aggression.  I guarantee that I would never kill unless in DIRECT defense of myself or the Community.

Regardless as to whether or not thou wouldst grant me entry for any reason, I can still do all these things for thee.  I hope thou wouldst consider my proposal, for my mind seeks knowledge, but my heart seeks contentment.

Sincerely thine for always,
Cain Sebastian Freemont

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 11:16 am
by Caranthir the great
Bahh, you think I am a saint?

My point about the bashing was..
If someone feels that to insult a single dwarf, he has to insult the whole race, yes I feel that the person could use some sense beaten into his head.

You talk him as my "brother", I'd pefer "kinsman" that should clear the mix-ups.
Surely, I dont like what he is doing, but I haven't ever even seen him (i think) and if I ever do, I will have a chat with him.
I have done that before with a dwarf who attacked my friend for no reason.

Ah, By the way,  before you start insulting the dwarven race again, lets count all the elven murderers, and all the dwarven murderers..
I'd say that we'd have more reason to insult your race than you to do likewise.

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 11:31 am
by Cain Freemont
Caranthir...I can understand that you are likely angered for having your race insulted...and I apologize for my fellow elves, but I personally don't think that ANY race should have the odacity to insult another race.  Every race is flawed in it's own way, tis the natural way of life.  However, tis also true that each race has its perfections that make it unique.  So don't ANYONE go off on each others' races!  Please, I am trying to be peaceful here.

Sincerely yours,
Cain Freemont

P.S. Elven Community people...please read my speech

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 3:26 pm
by Aerkady

I see your points Caranthir and Cain. So it is that I humbly request your forgiveness in the matter Caranthir.

It was but my first day to the lands and, having never seen one of your kind before, i see now that It was handled poorly in my ignorance and his ill manners. I do not wish to further aggrivate the situation.

In fact I have many friends, of many races, and I count among them the dwarves as some of the finest. I can think of no other in the lands that I hold dearer than my friend, and fellow smith, Mishrack. A shining example of how dwarves and elves may live in harmony when common ground and mutual respect are reached.

May we all be so blessed.

Thine in humility
Talen Aerkady

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 4:31 pm
by Kalypse
*reads all the posts carefully and thinks*

I first direct my thoughts to both Caranthir and my dear friend Aerkady... I have seen many sad things happen throughout the land and that includes people of every race, and I have also seen many great things being done by lots of people from different races. I would even say that the greatest things I have ever seen happening were when different races were involved. Now I´d like to reinforce Cain´s words when he mentions the different qualities and defects of each race... In my opinion nobody has the right to criticise something that they are not familiar with. Every thought is worth considering and reactions to the situations may vary from person to person. We can´t blame a race for one of it´s kind... Aerkady, I´m glad to hear you now know that and Caranthir... if you knew that already, maybe you shouldn´t consider to blame elves either... I´m deeply sorry and hurt that so many elves have troubles on relating to others, but changes cannot be made by force, violence and sometimes even with a good conversation... changes can only be made if a person really wants to.

*turns her attention to Cain Freemont*

I am glad to hear your intentions and your expectations regarding the community... I would be honored if I could have a change of meeting you sometime soon in Troll´s Bane. If you need a friend I´ll be there. May your days be filled with peace and your heart find contentment, for one of the most valuable things in life is to feel good with others and yourself... and although many seek that on great goals and achievements, what really matters are the smallest things. :) I therefore invite you to join us on our campings anytime you wish.

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 10:10 pm
by Cain Freemont
#me smiles as he turns to face Kalypse.

I would be absolutely delighted to meet with you.

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 12:06 am
by Elaralith
@ Caranthir

There are better things to do than count the murderers in dwarven and elven races .

Things like helping to stop the murdering!  

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 2:21 am
by Cain Freemont
#me looks at Elaralith thoughtfully.

You are completely right Miss Elaralith.  Counting the murders between the Elven and Dwarven races will only create more transgressions and senseless acts of murders between both races.  The best way that I can think of to prevent this further is to..forget the acts that either race has committed, no matter how outrageous the circumstance.  Anything hereafter can be dealt with in an orderly fashion as can anything else. We must rise up above the aggression in order to contain it and cleanse it.

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 9:56 am
by Caranthir the great

Ye' are right, Elaralith.
But, heh, ye' really think that I count each and every one of those?

It was just a statement, anyone of you ever heard about Zuljin for instance?
He is a elf, and I assure ye' that he is much more dangerous than the dwarf we discussed about, and he has killed many.
Yet no-one has in my knowledge insulted his race/culture.
Why is that?

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 10:02 am
by Cain Freemont
#me shudders at the name Zuljin.

I certainly remember him.  Absolutely no respect towards anything that moved.  His senseless acts are in the past, as is he.  Therefore it is imperitive that we move ahead of such an atrocious past and mend what damage has been done.  Does that not sound good?

As always, I await your insightful reply.


The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 12:49 pm
by Caranthir the great
"As always, I await your insightful reply."

Ah oh, that breaks my heart.
Well, I guess that it is nice that atleast someone listens you.
#me grins

But in one point you are mistaken, he is still here.

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 4:45 pm
by Kalypse
My friends... I believe that everyone understood the main idea that this discussion would lead to... Do we really need to argue over and over? Good and evil will always be there, everywhere, in everyone... tell me one person that never felt anger. The difference between people is only at the way they direct their thoughts and feelings to... if you let anger arise, it will... if you allow yourself to forgive, there will be forgiveness.

Wishing peace...

The Elven Community

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:24 pm
by Khanor Faenohan
Greetings friends, I write here to tell you I am leaving Illarion for some time, but do not doubt that i will return. Take care everyone.
Oh yeah, whats this thing with falling off the library, sound like something I would have been dumb enough to fall into.


      Khanor 'Jibbletts-deedoodar-thicketts' Faenohan.

The Elven Community

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 4:05 am
by Cain Freemont
Well Khanor...  We will all miss you and await your return.  Take care of yourself.  I look forward to the day in which I shall meet you again.


The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 1:15 am
by Kalypse
Hello once again, my elven friends...

I would like to announce that we have a new member. Feel welcome and at home, my friend Cain Freemont! :) I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

My heart seeks for peace to whom I care about.

The Elven Community

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 5:48 am
by Cain Freemont
#me takes a bow.  

Thanks for letting me into the Community.  I  will do what I can to make this the best experience yet.


The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 10:21 pm
by Khanor Faenohan
Greetings, I have returned now, my journey was cut extremely short due to uncontrolable events.
((Note to all who know me: Recently my hard drive was reformatted and thus clearing it of all data stored on it, and due to my own mistakes I forgot to backup that tiny file on my comp with my char data in, and as a consequence I will not have any char's names in game. This is also the same with my other char, Khánja. Sorry my bad :())

((Edit: Considering there is no way of me getting this file back what can or must I do to start remembering people's names?))

(Edited by Khanor Faenohan at 10:24 pm on Aug. 16, 2002)

The Elven Community

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 11:25 pm
by Kalypse
Greetings, my dear friend Khanor :)

I am very happy to know that you are coming back and I welcome you. Feel free to talk to me whenever you wish to. Considering the last few days I will probably be in town or near it and...well... won´t be hard to find me... just look for a campfire and some people around it..hehe

My heart seeks for peace to those I care about...


The Elven Community

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2002 9:22 pm
by Kalypse
Greetings, my dear elven friends...

I am here today to sadly inform that Teesh will no longer be with us and please don´t ask me why... I am sure that many of you are wondering by now if the elven community still stands and all I can say is that I am going to try my best to keep it up, although now, more than ever, I will need everybody´s help... I am still not sure how we are going to solve the website problem, I still have to talk to him about it but he says that it won´t be that much of a problem. I am hoping that now that the server is down this news are going to reach many people at once... if there are any further questions feel free to ask me.

I really enjoy being around you all and I hope this doesn´t cause doubts among you, because a community is made of all people involved and only us together will be able to do so... (as for technical matters I know a couple of things but I am really going to need some help, after all I am just an elf..hihi)

Thank you for your attention and may your dreams come true...


The Elven Community

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 4:08 am
by Kalypse
After the storm comes the clean weather...

I just had some great news!!! Listen to this... the elven community has been invited to participate on the wedding of Nilanooniel and Elladan that is going to happen soon, although I don´t know the time yet but you can check it on the thread about their wedding from time to time. I am deeply honored for such invitation and I hope you all are able to come... Nila is a good friend of mine and I will do my best to be there...:)

May the couple´s lives join together in harmony!


The Elven Community

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2002 5:12 am
by Khanor Faenohan
I most sincerely think that I speak for the entire community when I say that we will all miss Teesh greatly. Although his departure leaves doubts about the community's future, I am sure that any problems we face now, shall soon be dealt with and this time of uncertainty will pass. I shall be helping in anyway I can with anything I can do.

 Yours Khanor 'farmer' Faenohan . . . . .