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Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:26 am
by Anamosa
Anamosa looks around wandering were her family has gone. she decides to follow in rawtog footsteps. and return back to find the original howling band.

as she looks back one more time before leaving. she boards the ship and cries as the ship leaves.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:29 am
by Kyre
An elfess with hair the color of the night is seen embarking on a ship carrying a small bag. Speaking not a word she pays her way and moves quietly to the assigned cabin refusing the offer of food.

The harbor appears quite busy that night as three ships prepare to weigh anchor. One with it's bow facing just to the next nearest harbor possibly to take on more supplies and passengers before a longer journey. Another ship sets sail toward the wide sea, the destination appearing quite far as the hold is packed with supplies and food and the ship's waterline is high under the excess weight. The third ship obviously not as heavily packed faces north by north-east as the crow flies.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 11:30 pm
by Azure Lynch
After receiving a note azure heads aboard a ship with no markings or indication of where it is traveling. Azure is probably seen by many but does not speak a word. Armed to the teeth. He sends off three dogs before he heads off.((internet down till Friday gonna rp where he is going))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:26 am
by Clara G.
Clara waddles to the docks of the harbour with great difficulty; huffing and puffing as she struggles with several small baskets and a rucksack. She stops on occasion to straighten her hat and hems when they fall askew, before pressing onward past the boat barkers and fishmongers. Clara always detested the harbour - while her family's tavern was always crowded and just as difficult to navigate some days, at least it usually smelled better. Her eyes welled with tears at the thought of it as she made haste to the final pier. Awaiting her arrival was an elderly man with long spindly limbs, sporting a haggard expression and a black arm band over a dingy grey tunic. He embraced the halfling gingerly before placing a knobby hand on her shoulder "Come niece, let's get you home". Clara nodded silently and handed him her belongings. Once the last basket was aboard the skiff, he lifted her by the shoulders with care and placed her in the boat beside them like a precious sack of peppercorns. With a hearty shove, the pair slowly make their way to open water - silent, save for the occasional soft splash of the old man's oars. Before the boat slips into the mist, he lifts the oars and unfurls a sail. From the shore, it seems as if Clara looks back one last time before turning her gaze to a small slip of parchment pulled from one pocket or another. It's not long until the little boat is lost to sight entirely, though over the din of boat barkers and fishmongers the faint sound of sobbing can be heard....

((Greetings all - The past month or so has been pretty hectic. Until my RL becomes a little less chaotic (sometime come fall I'm hoping) I'll be Rp'ing in the forums. Feel free to PM me at any point - I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:58 pm
by Mr.Oldie
Lar Able could be seen helping a to-the-bone-starved Zzrracck "Purple" back through the gates of Galmair and into the Dark Alley.
Many passers-by looks at the pair curiously, though the ones that recognise the lizard and his assisstant halfling will know they are headed to the Irmorom flat.
Both seems to have been missing from Galmair for a long while. Almost close to a year.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:00 pm
by Matron
Franz, the scribe boy of Teptoc Transportations, is seen in all the towns these days, trying to learn of his employer's whereabouts. However, it would seem noone has seen the charming lizard recently.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:54 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam seems to be mostly absent from the town. If one actually looked for her, they might catch a glimpse of her in a corner of the Runewick library, or hiding from Miggs in Galmair. If they got a bit closer, they would see she was surrounded by various books on the arcane and even a few on basic medico knowledge. If she is spotted outside at all, she is likely being marched out by a very pregnant woman, grumbling at her about real food, fresh air, and sleep. Perhaps if one found her later in the evening, they could see her being coaxed out by a large light haired man to sit on a bench or a blanket under the stars. A bit later, they might watch him mark her page and gently pry a book from her hands as she sleeps on his shoulder.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:06 pm
by S'rrt
After suffering major injuries at the battle to destroy Moshran's temple in the desert, S'rrt tells the people he knows how he feels quite weak and also fatigued due to disturbing dreams of violence. When asked about these nightmares, he refuses to speak about their details.

Lately, he can often be seen sitting at a table in one of Cadomyr's buildings or balconies, staring ahead, sometimes with a drink glass. Upon seeing any of the Queen's higher subjects, he tells them with a weary voice how he can't function properly due to the Blood God's influence, and needs some time to rest and clear his mind with Tanora's help.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:20 pm
by Kugar
Exelous can be seen leaving the kingdom of Cadomyr with a large bag of supplies over his shoulder. Before leaving the realm, he stops by the gate guard Horatio and asks him to pass on the message that he will be gone some days on pilgrimage.

((Due to a recent downpour of responsibilities I'll be gone until probably the weekend or end there of. Sorry to those who I was trying to set up a mini quest with. Life just happens, ya dig? We can do it later. No rush!))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:40 pm
by Vern Kron
Artimer is seen in an unusual hurry as he works on various projects of his own.

((computer is down for a time, prolly a week at max, earliest being 24 hrs from now. life is also pretty busy for the next few weeks but it wouldnt really had been noticable.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:47 am
by Kyre
Kyre packs a bag and gives each sleeping child a brief kiss moving from bed to bed. She picks up the infant and swaddles her in a blanket before slowly opening the door hoping to prevent it's usual squeak. Gazing back briefly, she nods in satisfaction at the parchment left on the table near the lamp. Holding the sleeping witchlet in her arms Kyre makes her way down the dreaded tunnel with a mantra in a mixture of elven and ancient.

Best to be safe.

Embarking immediately then escorted to her cabin, the witch lay down on the small bunk with the infant cradled in her arms resting her weary eyes mumbling sleepily.

Just a short shopping trip is all.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:33 pm
by Azure Lynch
Kaya lance giggles as she boards a boat and disappears into the night carrying twin children

(((Focusing on Azure and one other character for a bit. About got azure maxed on a few skills.)))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:08 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
Samantha has been seen less and less around town as of late. The few who notice and ask around may learn that she is pregnant and lovingly calling the babe "little dragon" for all the discomfort she's having. Perhaps she is simply spending more time resting at home these days?

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:03 am
by rakust dorenstkzul
Guy is confined to his bed for some time, recovering from his time as a slime.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:52 am
by CJK
Jonathan Cain has still not been seen for what seems like weeks. Some of the tailors in Runewick claim they heard him talking excitedly about going and getting some thread from a settlement not far off.

((Should be back around once I finish up this semester next week.))


Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:18 am
by The Ominous
The short-haired elf Camus was seen leaving for the wilderness with a small bundle after storing most of his possesions safely in the Inn. ... 27#p697827

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:42 pm
by Annabeth
Annabeth's days seem rather hectic recently arranging for her upcoming events.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:28 pm
by S'rrt
When in Cadomyr, at times S'rrt appears rather passive when working on goldsmithing with occasional gazes to the wall. The same passiveness is present in his more frequent visits to the tavern for a glass of wine.
This behavior is contrasted by his furiously vocal combat training either on dummies or with other Cadomyrians. The lizard can still be seen visiting Galmair but only for an aimless wander before returning to the desert.

Only those who are the lizard's closest and oldest friends can determine that this is not his usual apathy; it is contemplation.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:31 pm
by Thorwald
Hab mal wieder alle Chars gelöscht und versuche die Sucht zu beenden ,
wird wahrscheinlich keinen Erfolg haben aber was soll es .

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:10 am
by Katharina Brightrim
Thorwald wrote:Hab mal wieder alle Chars gelöscht und versuche die Sucht zu beenden ,
wird wahrscheinlich keinen Erfolg haben aber was soll es .
Bis bald :)

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:40 pm
by Q-wert
~The recovery of Baron Ssar'ney seems ill fated. He remains bedded, treated and guarded at the Temple of Zhambra where he was brought after the battle against Phelmon, incoherently hissing feverish words of faith and battle during the brief moments of his waking.~

((Had a car crash. Nothing really bad, but I'll need to sort some stuff out.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:20 am
by Kraex
Sir Kraex'Ju spearheads defense efforts of Cadomyr to insure the protection of the realm. For several weeks now patrols beyond the citadel keep him busy, perhaps his face is seen amongst the marching masses or barking orders to the common militia. Duty bound his missions keep him in and out of Cadomyr-- mostly out.

((RL is keeping me busy should be on tomorrow US time for a long while though!!))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:20 am
by Kyre
Kyre and her middle child, the troublesome witchling may be seen boarding the ship early dawn at the harbor. Waving goodbye to Oxi on shore, she may be heard by anyone near while turning to her daughter...

"I am sure you'll like those classes Teilra, but it is important to concentrate!"

Holding the little girl's hand, the witch pensively gazes at the retreating shore until it disappears from view waiting for her magic to arise muttering to herself..

"No more freak rabbits"

(( going to Spain! :D will be back in a few days ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 11:14 am
by S'rrt
Over the next dwarven week, the standing leader of the House Desert Fox in Cadomyr is known to be guarding various elusive points in an effort to catch undead sneaking toward Cadomyr: around Letma, the gates leading from Letma to Cadomyr, on the roads and on the walls of Cadomyr. He may occasionally be seen training or socialising but he often reminds others not to wait for him to appear and instead advises them to contact him via a dove/courier/letter slipped under the door to the Desert Fox HQ if needed.

((going to spend time with family in Finland next week (Sunday 29th - Friday 3th) but may occasionally pop online)

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:06 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam and her daughter Phoenix have not been seen for a week, or was it two? Anyone who inquires at the gate of Cadomyr will get a quick nod from Horatio. Seems Mrs. Lynch's mother is feeling ill, and she thinks a visit from her granddaughter might lift her spirits. Horatio is quick to add that Mr. Lynch is apparently out hunting, and Mrs. Lynch couldn't get word to him before she left, so she left word with him in case Mr. Lynch stumbled by. To a select few, Horatio may add that Mrs. Lynch didn't look so good herself. Must be worry over her mother that left her looking like she hadn't slept in days...

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:21 pm
by Camarisa
It's been close to a week since the black haired woman was seen saying goodbye at the docks. She claimed there had been a flood on her parent's island, and felt her daughter was no longer any safer there than in Illarion. She kissed an orc on the cheek and hugged a redhead and an elfess before climbing into the boat. She has not been seen since. Perhaps she chose to stay and help clean up the island?

((Computer on the fritz again. Hope to repair it soon but I think we all know that's a long shot.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:09 am
by Kyre
With a small bag packed along with her journal, the witch boards the ship hurriedly and nods to the Captain. Once shown to her cabin by the steward, she pulls out the rather old and slightly torn journal that has a few pictures the children added and reads one part over again..

Attempt to trace the artifact.. or at least the history. More research on demons is probably needed also....

Being rather tired she closes her dark eyes and goes to sleep.

(( Think I'll take a little break from playing her.. should eventually come back energized :D ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:01 pm
by Alrik
It seems that the Grimler family prepares for a short trip to Salkamar. It is said that they wont be away for to long.

(on vacation from 25.07 - 31.07)

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:36 pm
by S'rrt
The crimson-cloaked Baron of Cadomyr, S'rrt K'shire, is reportedly hiding away with Allesandra of Runewick to treat her bad physical and mental condition from being a prisoner of Jefferson Gray. He has told his messengers to keep his messages safe until he comes out from hiding to catch up, after which he returns to hiding again.

((will not be IG this weekend/next week but will try to check forum,/messages))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:04 pm
by Kugar
The volatile Jefferson Gray hasn't been seen in a while. Is he plotting something or did his old mortal shell finally die?

Whether such a thing is known or whether the circumstances of the brutal being's hiatus will ever come to light is uncertain.