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Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:15 pm
by HolyKnight
Haven't had a chance to read through all this thread, but there is one little thing that has always frustrated me and that is that the right alt key does not work to bring up your spell book. The right ctrl key works but not the alt key. I have always wondered why and how is that possible?!

Note by Estralis: The ALT-key won't be used for the spellbook after VBU anymore.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:22 pm
by Friedwulfa
Wär kewl wenn stapelbare Items die man einsammelt (zB. Honig) auf schon vorhandenen landen würde und nicht auf dem erstbesten freien Platz im Inv.

Ist wirklich nur ne Kleinigkeit, aber ich denk sowas sollte gemeldet werden ;)

Note by Estralis: Würde mir auch gefallen!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:20 pm
by Lia
Wenn ich das Buch aus Irundar umblättern will stürze ich jede Mal ab.

Note by Estralis: Bitte sowas nebst Fehlermeldung (siehe error.log im Illarion-Verzeichnis) auf Mantis posten. Danke!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:53 pm
by Manitu
Aus einem Bienennest kommen Wespen, und keine Bienen.

Note by Estralis: Derzeit nicht änderbar.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:30 pm
by Friedwulfa
Wenn ich Kohl nach dem wachsen gleich weiter verrotten lasse ist der verblühte Kohl nicht mit dem verblühten Kohl stapelbar den ich separat, gestapelt verroten lies.

Note by Estralis: Das klingt nach einem generellen Problem mit stapelbaren Items.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:37 pm
by Eele
Es wäre eine große Wohltat für den Bedienkomfort, wenn man den Laufbefehl mit einem einfachen Linksklick aktivieren könnte. Den Befehl immer wieder per Rechtsklick aus dem Kontextmenü auszuwählen ist etwas störend, wenn man sich über größere Distanzen bewegen muss.

Note by Estralis: Wird erledigt.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:25 am
by Skaalib Drurr
Your knowledge in herblore is not sufficiently to collect here.

Please change to sufficient. Or sufficiently advanced.

Note by Estralis: Done at testserver -> VBU!

Also all skills are displayed in alphabetical order with the exception of farming.

Note by Estralis: Sounds like a client issue. Maybe this is due to the renaming of the skill from peasantry? -> Might be fixed with new client.

and there is no message when a hammer breaks whilst smithing.

Note by Estralis: Strange.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:46 pm
by Qeewee
When smoking a lot of Sibanac you get the message #me murmurs nothing but gibberish to himself. When you are playing a female character.

Note by Estralis: Will be fixed with the VBU.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:25 am
by Kamilar
The Troll's Bane NPC guards all do a #me yawns and covers his mouth thing which doesn't seem so bad at first blush. But it's so out of place with crimes happening right under their noses.

Bandit: #me commits a violent crime
Guard: #me yawns and covers his mouth

It just seems wrong.

Note by Estralis: Guards will be totally reworked with the very big update.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:41 am
by CJK
This may have been mentioned in a German post, but I didnt really read those too much.

Sometimes there will be a little box thing in the place of a letter. I know it has it on the homepage in the gods (looks kinda bad to a noob I'm sure) and also I recall seeing it places ingame. I just cant think of an example where.

Oh, and it spoils my fun that there is no tobacco. :wink:

Note by Estralis: Could you point out which pages of the homepage are affected?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:15 am
by Kamilar

I found these two examples on the home page with a quick scan. Looks like the punctuation is not recognized. If I find more, I'll post them.

Note by Estralis:

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:03 am
by Juliana D'cheyne

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:18 pm
by Illal
"Your condition today: Today you really feel that you actually DO outsmart humans"

What? Really? No freaking way.
This is kinda humorous the first time and gets progressively more annoying.

Note by Estralis: Please provide an alternative.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:30 am
by Illal
Alternative: Even the memories of your early youth come to mind quickly; age and experience are with you today and you can solve any problem with ease.

Note by Estralis: Thanks, will be active with the VBU!

New thing:
"backing oven" instead of "oven" or "baking oven"

Note by Estralis: Should be fixed with next reload.

This is also listed as "backing house" on the Build[ing] rules price list (linked under "priceliste" - which I assume is an english bastardization of the german word) on the main page.

Note by Estralis: This list will most probably vanish anytime soon.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:19 pm
by Triton
"Dragonflies" ? = Libellen

Ich weiss ja nicht wie ihr das seht aber eine Libelle hat mich noch nie angegriffen. :wink:

Note by Estralis: Illarions Insekten sind ungemein groß, fies und blutrünstig!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:26 pm
by Rincewind
GolfLima wrote:bei einem Kampf am Depot in Vanima im Haupthaus traf ich einen Gegner hart an den Beinen und wie gewöhnlich bildeten sich Blutflecken um ihn hereum - einer davon war auf dem selben Feld wie das Depot :arrow: als ich danach das Depot öffnen wollte ging dies nicht, ich konnte nur den Blutfleck ansehen

1) wenn ein Blutfleck auf dem selben Feld wie ein Depot ist kann mann dieses nicht öffnen
2) ich weis nicht ob das mit Türen oder mit benutzbaren Gegenständen (Ofen, Webstuhl, ....) ähnlich ist, sollte ´mal überprüft werden
Note by Estralis: Am Testserver bereits behoben, wird mit dem VBU aktiv sein.
GolfLima wrote:auch bei der Einstellung: Deutsch
kommt die Bezeichnung "agressive deer"
:arrow: sollte ´mal geändert werden
Note by Estralis: Wird mit dem VBU behoben sein.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:34 pm
by Lexis Katarino
Rincewind wrote:
GolfLima wrote:auch bei der Einstellung: Deutsch
kommt die Bezeichnung "agressive deer"
:arrow: sollte ´mal geändert werden
Nicht nur da, sondern bei jedem NPC.

Note by Estralis: Nicht nachvollziehbar.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:31 pm
by Hrar Godcairn
If there is a blood spot over a door you can't open the door.

Note by Estralis: See above.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:36 pm
by Sammy Goldlieb
Hrar Godcairn wrote:If there is a blood spot over a door you can't open the door.
Same with portals, you cant enter if there is something thrown over it.

Note by Estralis: See above.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:03 pm
by Llama
Those are bugs and are best reported on mantis. FIrst one has been known for ages - second one is a result of how you read the datavalue off a stacked item. If you throw an item with a non-zero datavalue you can get a portal to somewhere different. Please put those in mantis.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:42 pm
by H.Banestone
1. Druid rune skills are not captalized in the skill tree.
2. leatherarmor, dwarvenplate, shadowplate - should be capitalized and separated into 2 words.
3. If you hold a herbal broth stock in your hand, and someone observes you, the label they get back in the description is "in his hand is a strong healing potion". Check labels on the green potion graphic.

Note by Estralis: All above will be fixed with the VBU.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:54 pm
by Ayla
Spelling issues with Augham, the Drunk outside of Bane!

"Augham brabbles something ununderstandable"
Suggested: Augham brabbles something incoherent.

"Augham tumbles to the left"
Suggested: Augham stumbles to the left.
- "tumbles" brings to mind he suddenly became an acrobat, not a clumsy drunk. xD

Note by Estralis: Augham won't survive the VBU.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:29 am
by Cascarrabias
there is no message when a slicer breaks during carpentry.

Also I believe there's no message when a crucible breaks during smelting, as well the forge will stay on afterwards not allowing use.

Note by Estralis:

While using the millstone to grind grain, you get break messages. This one makes no sense:
You made it to get a stone out the the grain short time before it falls into the millstone.

Note by Estralis: I get it.

The stirring rod has no ware values, if that's the way they are, then they cannot stack.

Note by Estralis: I don't get it.

One of the daily afflictions, the one that gives you dexterity. It allows you to make items that are beyond your normal level but it also makes you create everything in a bad, highly scrapped condition. Even equipment that you can make normally as brand new. Cannot tell of any difference in combat.

Note by Estralis: Not a bug.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:24 am
by H.Banestone
Trying to use plant runes on a non plant:
"This is not a medicinal plant" should be "medical"

Note by Estralis: See post below.

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:46 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
H.Banestone wrote:Trying to use plant runes on a non plant:
"This is not a medicinal plant" should be "medical"
Medicinal is the more accurate term.
'Medical' is related to the treatment of illness and injuries. to see if your are healthy.Medical relates to the practice of medicine. It's a very broad term, and serves as an adjective for most things related to medicine.

'Medicinal' means related to the medicine.Medicinal is used strictly for medicines. That is, pills, potions, drugs, tablets, capsules, syrups, herbs, local applications. Anything with bio-active properties can be called medicinal if it makes you better when you swallow it, inject it, or rub it on your skin, etc.
He drinks whiskey for medicinal purposes.
Many herbs and plants can have medicinal benefits.
What are the medicinal properties of Aloe vera?
Note by Estralis: Thanks!

Re: All your little worries... / All eure kleinen Sorgen...

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:47 pm
by Estralis Seborian
Thanks to everyone! All little problems were either fixed, will be fixed with the very big update or are at least submitted to Mantis. If you have any further little worries, be it just a small typo or a minor glitch, report it directly to Mantis so we can fix it, too!