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The Elven Community

Post by Turgon »

Ehrenwerter Teesh,

Ich bin Turgon, Hoher König der Noldor von Gondolin.

Eol wird nicht zu euch zurückkehren. Ich habe Eol zurückbefohlen, und er wird sich hier vor meinem Thron zu verantworten haben für sein unwürdiges Verhalten in Illarion.

Ich selbst entsandte Eol vor geraumer Zeit nach Illarion, mit der Aufgabe, zu lernen und zu lehren. Es war eine hohe Gnade, die Eol wiederfuhr, wurde er zuvor wegen einiger Verbrechen hier zum Tode verurteilt.

Aber Eol ist auch mein Schwager, wenngleich ohne meinen Willen oder den meiner Schwester, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte, auf die ich hier nicht länger eingehen will.

Ich habe Eol begnadigt und mit einer ehrenvollen Aufgabe betraut, als ich ihn nach Illarion entsandte. Aber Eol wußte auch, dass es ihm verboten war, zu kämpfen, zu zaubern oder sich als Druide zu betätigen.

Eol hat Schande über mein Haus gebracht.

Wie mir berichtet wurde hat Eol sich dem Rausche hingegeben und öffentlich seine Unwürdigkeit unter Beweis gestellt.

Wie mir berichtet wurde hat Eol angefangen, sich in der Kunst der Magie zu üben, obwohl ihm hätte klar sein müssen, dass er als Dunkelelf nicht über die Fähigkeiten hierzu verfügt.

Wie mir berichtet wurde hat Eol einen Attentäter angeheuert und dessen Ausrüstung und Aufenthalt in Illarion finanziert, und er gab diesem Attentäter den Auftrag, Orks zu töten, die bei euch in Illarion als "Wilde Horde" bekannt sind. Auch hat er diesen gedungenen Mörder mit Tränken aller Art versehen, die er in großen Mengen herstellen ließ, einzig zu dem Zweck, sie für Kampfhandlungen einzusetzen.

Eol hat damit wiederholt gegen meine Befehle gehandelt. Seine eigentliche Aufgaben hat er darüber vernachlässigt.

Eol wird aus diesem Grund hier erneut vor Gericht gestellt werden, die Anklage lautet auf Hochverrat.

Ich entschuldige mich für das entehrende Verhalten meines Gesandten und wünsche eurer ehrenwerten Gemeinschaft Frieden und Wohlstand.

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Simonic Jace
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Post by Simonic Jace »

I suggest that we have a fund raising day. In this day we could go around collecting money, we could post the names of people authorized to sell on the site, the main board and this board. We could also sell our wares and offer our advisement in the tavern similarily.
Please post refinements for this idea here...
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Simonic Jace
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Post by Simonic Jace »

Below is a website translated version of Turgon's post, for the non German Speaking of us.

Honor value Teesh

I am Turgon, high king of the Noldor of Gondolin.  

Did not hurry becomes you return.  I have hurried zurückbefohlen, and he becomes to answer for have himself here before my throne for its unworthy behavior in Illarion.  

I myself dispatched hurried long time ago after Illarion, with the task, to learn and to teach.  It was hurried a high grace, that wiederfuhr, was convicted it before because of some crimes here to the death.  

Also my brother-in-law is but hurried, although without my will or that of my sister, but that another story, on which I not more long want to go in here, is.  

I have hurried pardons and entrust with a honorable task when I dispatched it after Illarion.  But hurried knew also that it was forbidden it, to fight to act to magic or as a Druide.  

Shame has hurried brought over my house.  

How reported became has hurried itself given away me to the intoxication and placed publicly its unworthiness under proof.  

How reported became has hurried begun me, to practice itself in the art of the magic although clearly be must would have to it, that it not controls as a Dunkelelf the capacities to this.  

How reported an attempt angeheuert hurried has became and its equipment and stay in Illarion financed me, and it gave the order to kill Orks, that are confessed with you in Illarion as a "wild horde", to this attempt.  Also he equipped this hired murderer with soaking of all type, whom he let produce in large quantities, only to the purpose to insert it for battle actions.  

Hurried therewith repeated against my commands acted.  It has neglects its actual task about that.  

Hurried becomes for this reason here again before court placed become, that reads accusation on high treason.  

I excuse myself for the disgracing behavior of my envoy and desire your honor values partnership peace and prosperity.  

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Post by Quortol »

werter Turgon

Ich kenne Eol und er ist für mich ein guter Freund geworden. Deswegen bitte ich euch seid gnädig zu ihm. Vielleicht hat er kleine Fehler wie jeder von uns doch er ist noch immer einer der aufrichtigsten Elfen die ich kenne die keinerlei Hass oder Agressionen an den Tag legte.

Nun vielleicht seid ihr auch dieses mal gnädig uns schickt ihn wieder ins Exil und sei es für immer. Doch verschont bitte sein Leben. Er ist ein guter Elf der den Tot nicht verdient hat.
Entsendet ihm bitte auch meine grüsse und das ein Freund von ihm in Illarion wartet und für ihn da ist sollte er jemals zurückkehren.

Ich verbleibe Hochachtungsvoll und in trauer

Excuse that i ride in german but i dont know the right words in English
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Post by Elladan »

werter turgon

auch ich bitte um gnade für Eol meinem mentor und guten freund. er lehrte mich den kopf zu benutzen und nicht das schwert. offen gesagt kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das Eol die von euch beschriebenen taten begangen haben soll. selbst die magie konnte er mir nicht lehren sondern stellte mich einem freund von ihm vor, auf das er mir die kunst beibringe.
Eol ich vermisse euch sehr. ich flehe euch an, turgon, lasst Eol in frieden gehen!

Khanor Faenohan
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Post by Khanor Faenohan »

I have no knowledge of German language so when I read Simonic's translation I could not fully understand what it meant until I translated the English word 'hurried' into German. The word 'hurried' became more than a word, it became Eol.

Eol is my friend, I admire him. I also know of the orcs named, 'the Horde'. Because of the Horde I lost my friend. Now my hated and anger are too consuming to supress.
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Post by Kalypse »

Dear Elven Friends,

I´m here to give some not so happy news... I won´t be able to be with you for almost a month counting from next monday, june 8th for ooc reasons... But be sure I will be back and i will miss you all while I´m away.

May my spirit be with you...
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Post by Kalypse »

just correcting..july 8th, I´m sorry...:)
sometimes I just get lost in time...hehe
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Post by Turgon »

Honourful members of elven community, and in the first line those who are not speaking german, I have to apologize.
To apologize that I did not wrote down my message in english, but i did not realize the problem of translation.
To apologize that it took so much time for me, to sit down and translate my message,
and to apologize if the following translation comes out of a quit unperfect owner of your vocabulary and your grammar.

And I have to thank Simonic Jace, for his work on this, on my mistaken.

So now, I want to let you know what my message was about because I feel that in Simonics digital translation some things might not come out very clear.
And after that I will try to translate these both replies from Quortol an Elladan.

First message was:

Honourful Teesh,

I am Turgon, Supreme King of the Noldor of Gondolin.

Eol will not come back to you. I gave Eol the order of return, and he will find himself standing on trial at my trown for his disgraceful behavior at Illarion.

Some time ago I myself sent Eol to Illarion, with a task of learning an teaching. This was high grace for Eol, because before that he was set on death-penalty for some crimes.

But Eol is my brother in law, although without my will and the agreement of my sister, but that's another story, which I will not explain here.

I had mercy on Eol and gave him a honourful task, sending him to Illarion. Eol knew exactly, that he was forbidden on fighting, on casting and on working as a druid.

Eol brought disgrace on my house.

As I was reported Eol felt on drugs and gave witness on his disgrace in the presence of public.

As I was reported Eol started in practising the art of magic, although he should have known, that for him as a dark elf this art is not available.

As I was reported Eol hired a sniper, supported his equipment and shelter in Illarion and gave him command to kill Orcs, those are known as the "wild bunch". Also he supported this sniper with all kinds of potions, that Eol let produce, only for the case of fighting.

So Eol has reacted against my commands continuously. His primary task he mishandled meanwhile.

For that Eol will be brought to trial again and the accusation will be on high treason.

I apologize myself for the disgracing behaviour of my attaché and wish your honourful society peace an prosperity.


[ooc: for its very late now, I will do my best to translate the other two messages tomorrow]
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Post by Turgon »

Second message came from Quortol


Honourful Turgon

I know Eol and he has become a really good friend of mine. Therefore i ask you to be graceful with him again. Maybe he might have faults like all of us have, but he still is one of the most sincered elves I know, who has shown neither hate nor aggression.

So perhaps you will be mercy on him again an send him back in his banishment, so even it would have to last forever. But please, save his life. He is a good elf who does not have have to face death. Please transmit my best wishes to him, telling that a friend is waiting in Illarion and will admit him whenever he may return.

Yours very truly and full of grief

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Simonic Jace
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Post by Simonic Jace »

Please, I beg of you Turgon, do not banish my friend Eol. Yes, I know he has broken some of your rules, but, during his time in Illarion we have become good friends. Turgon, if you re-admitt him to our fair country, I can assure you he will be under mine and the other members of the Communities' watchful eyes. I know that Teesh will give him a second chance as will Khanor, who is a great friend of his and me.

Please, do not hurt Eol, Your's

PS: Turgon, why not turn away from judging others and come to us?
Let our light and happiness wash over both you and Eol...
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Post by Kalypse »


I am not sure what to say, because I don´t really know the whole situation. I understand that apparently Eol had a terrible past, and I´m so sorry to hear that... but Eol is also a great friend of mine and at least in my presence he has never done anything to be ashamed of. Unfortunately I am not aware of the things that have happened before I came to this land and the only opinion I can give is that of my point of view. The impression I have of Eol is that of a wise and honored elf and I´m terribly sad that this is all happening... I still can´t believe he could do such thing.

I just wish you would consider the words of us, friends of him... although I don´t know the gravity of the situation, but he has been a great friend of mine, for as long as I knew him.
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Post by Turgon »

This was the third german message and it came from Elladan

Honourful Turgon

I also beg for mercy for Eol, my tudor and good friend. He teached me to use my braininstead of my sword. Let me say: I can't imagine Eol did the crimes described by you.
Even magic he wasn't able to teach me, but introduced me to a friend of him, so this one could teach me that art.
Eol I miss you very much, an I beg of you, Turgon, let Eol pass in peace.

Khanor Faenohan
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Post by Khanor Faenohan »

Dear Turgon,

         One of the crimes you mentioned was that Eol was on drugs. That was my fault and therefore demand Eol should not be charged with this. As it goes it was me whom origionally consumed the toadstool, as a druid I taste many herbs not knowing their effects diectly consumed. As an effect of this drug I had an experience that could only be describe as 'a voyage to trip-out city' and begun to hallucinate and act indiferently to what I normaly would. As a consequence of the consumption of these toadstools I wandered aimlessly about Illarion making abnormal noises. Still 'high as a kite' I stumbled into a forest and met Eol, to whom I threw toadstools at and urged him to eat them. So as you can imagine Eol ate the toadstools out of curiosity rather than anything else. This is the reason I demand the charges of drug usage be dropped from Eol as it was against his will that he was affected by the substances. Before I leave on my voyage to my homeland I would like to ask, is there a price for Eol's freedom? And if so, how much?
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Post by Kalypse »

Dear elven friends,

this is my last post before I have to leave you for a while, so i want to say that I had a really great time together with all of you and I´m specially happy that today I have seen one great thing happen!!! At town there were lots of my friends together... there was like 7 elves at one place plus some friends of mine from other races and I was sooo happy that I can´t even put in words. And then some of us went camping and it was marvellous to walk with so many ppl that I care about. The next thing I know is that we were learning how to dance with Ninalooniel and laughing, and when we got tired Teesh had this great idea of playing an ancient game and so did we... and it was nice, we should repeat that sometime because I think that´s what this is all about... interaction...:)

I wish you all the best!! I shall return as soon as it is possible...
*hugs everyone*
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The Elven Community

Post by Turgon »

Werter Elladan, werte Elfen-Gemeinde,

Eure Sorge um Eol hat mich nicht unberührt gelassen. Nach einigem Zögern habe ich mich entschlossen, darauf zu antworten.

Zunächst einmal: Eol geht es den Umständen entsprechend gut. Unsere Gefängnisse sind keine Kerker, es sind Bezirke, die der Gefangene nicht verlassen darf, ansonsten fehlt es ihm an nichts.

Der Prozess wird in den nächsten Wochen stattfinden. Die Klage wegen des Drogenmißbrauchs habe ich fallen gelassen, nachdem mir eure Schilderungen die Umstände des Vorganges verdeutlicht haben.

Eol wird sich verantworten müssen, daran besteht kein Zweifel. Wir werden ihn auch nicht ausreisen lassen, es gibt keinen Preis für eine Freilassung. Ich glaube auch nicht, dass dies im Sinne Eols wäre, denn er scheint eingeshehen zu haben, wie sehr er mein Vertrauen hintergangen hat. Ich will dem Prozess nicht vorgreifen, aber ich denke, man wird in erster Linie mir die Schuld an den Ereignissen machen, weil ich es war, der Eol seinerzeit mit einer Aufgabe betraut habe, für die dieser Elf offensichtlich nicht geeignet war.

Wir werden ein gerechtes Urteil fällen, zu seiner Zeit, aber wir werden uns dabei nach unseren Maßstäben und Gesetzen richten.

Ich hoffe, Ihr ehrenwerten Elfen werdet dies respektieren.

Eine Bitte habe ich noch: Sucht meinen guten Freund Dhalsim auf, berichtet ihm kanpp von meinem Schreiben und bittet ihn, euch die Truhen auszuhändigen, die ich einst in seine Obhut gab. Ich habe keine Verwendung mehr dafür und Eol, der sie einst hätte erhalten sollen, wird sie wohl auch nicht mehr brauchen. Nehmt den Inhalt und verkauft ihn, das Gold soll eine Spende sein für eure Gemeinschaft.
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Post by Teesh »

Hello my dear friends. :-)
Sorry i wasn't replying for some time (a lot of ooc stuff to do).

Anyway the most important thing i want to tell you is that the website has moved to a new address:

The server we used before has died ;-)) It changed into a cloud and i believe it lost its way to the cross hehe...

I have to go now, but later in a few hours i will reply to all your posts.

Fare thee well dear elves :-)
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Post by Kaleyka »

I would like to join the Elven Communtity. I am a novice druid, and my secondary hobby is bottlemaking. I agree to all of the rules. Thanks, Keleyka
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The Elven Community

Post by Teesh »

Hiya dear friends :-)

My dear elvine, Im happy to inform, you are a member of the community from now on :-) Welcome! I hope to meet you soon in Troll's Bane

@Simonic Jace:
Dear Simonic, the idea of a fund raising day is very interesting and worth considering. Thanks for your thought. Personally i can say i dont like it much, but i haven't discussed it yet with Kalypse and Liriel, I will. My againsts are: we are all able to work. None of us members is disabled in any way. We all have 2 healthy hands and 2 healthy legs and a healthy head :-) We already recieve many gifts from the members and friends of the community (of other races too). Personally such form of collecting money sounds like begging to me, but... but i believe it could happen for example if the money collected would be spent on something else than the community's needs, for example planting more trees in the forests or organising special festivals or something like that...
by the way Simonic, as you probably noticed, this automatic translator is very bad ;-)

Thank you very much for your translation :-) I have to say i am very surprised about the accusations on Eol... I have spoken much to Eol, we made friends and i see him as an elf of great wisdom and willpower... I cant imagine he helped in killing anyone on purpose... I hope that in the land where you both come from a rule exists, that no one is guilty until proven... I also hope that Eol is not in prison... and if it happens that Eol is guilty of the accusations then i ask for a light punishment for him, please consider he also did a lot of good things and i know he proved his goodness and kindness many times. Thank you for good wishes Turgon and i wish peace, love and happiness to your land and your people.

My Dear Kalypse, you are so right :-) Yes, this camp was a wonderful meeting, i am so happy it happened too, and i hope and believe it will happen many times again :-)
I have to say i liked these dancing lessons very much and i would like to repeat it... I still dont remember steps 4 and 5, and later there was a spin around and this is difficult for me... I hope you can teach us a bit again Ninalooniel :-) Oh, about the ancient game idea... hehe... i have a greater idea even, but it needs a little preparings and discussing with Liriel and Kalypse, then i will tell ;-))

Yours sincerely, Teesh :-) Luck on your ways good friends...
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Post by Teesh »

Oh, Turgon... again i and probably many other folks have no idea what you have wrote in your last german post :-)
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Post by Kaleyka »

Um, Elvine?
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Post by Teesh »

Oh gee!!! Im sorry... what a mistake... your name sounded to me like a girl-elf name, sorry :-) I have corrected it just now...
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Post by Kaleyka »

#me narrows his eyes....... and laughs. Thats ok.
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Post by Teesh »

I would like to thank king Turgon for his many many valueble gifts for the community. Also i thank Dhalsim and Khanor for their many gifts and help. Thanky you. All the gold aquired from the gifts will be spend well for the community and its members i assure :-)

By the way i want to announce that we have already collected over 300 silver ingots, so we are on a good way to build the Elven Shelter. We look farther for this day. :-)

My dear members, to let you know we are not lazy and we work hard to make the community grow and develop i inform that now we are mainly working on the german translation for the website and the distinction system for members. Also we started work on the Elven Academy. If you have any ideas that could help in these matters let us know. :-)
Brendan Mason
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Post by Brendan Mason »

I regret to inform you Teesh, that the Elf Simonic Jace, is now dead. He died protecting my father from the fiend Drahken.
It would appear however that his soul passed into my body and I am, essentially, him re-incarnate.
I would like you all, at the Elven Community to know that I will help you no matter what.

I hope the door to your shelter is open to me, your humble halfling friend.
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Post by Teesh »

Thank you Brendan for your note. I'm so sorry to hear that Jace has been killed. It's a great loss for all of us. But at once i am happy he managed to reincarnate and i am happy to greet him in your body :-) You are welcome to our community, though you can't become a member, because you are not an elf. But we are happy to make friends with folks from other races, as well as we wish to cooperate :-)

Brendan, Simonic (if you hear me), i wish you peace and love on your new ways.
Brendan Mason
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Post by Brendan Mason »

Both of us appreciate that, Teesh, and I hope we can be firends, as you and Simonic were.

I hope to ally with you soon, as I too wish to create a Halfling Community.

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Falk vom Wald
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Post by Falk vom Wald »


Hello Citizens of Illarion.
The Celebration to Zasmias resurection is on Thursday the 25th at 8 pm (german-time / may 6-8 hours ahead to us-time) in the Tavern.
We invite all Poeple to join the Party.
Free beer and wine are allready there.
Invite all of your friends to come. and hear agn the lovly "KUCKUCK".

We'll waiting for you.
Hail to Adron.

I am sure, Elven-Community is needed to be present there.
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Post by Kalypse »

Hello my dear elves!!!!

I´m here just to post that I´m back. I missed you all of the community!!:)

Hope I can see you guys soon on Troll´s Bane.
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Post by Hyssena »

I hope all is well with the community and I'm glad to see Kalypse is back.
Just as a suggestion, perhaps you should edit your very first posting to change the webpage address. That way new elves interested in the guild won't have to search through all the pages to find the new address. :)