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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:26 pm
by Harald Hradradr
Hehe, Boindil, wieso auch nicht. War ne gute Story und dazu nen lecker Bierchen. ;)
Habt mich lang wach gehalten, was, gerade für heute, nur gut sein kann. ;)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:26 pm
by Shenandrea
Oooookay... first of all again.... noradur... what else can i say than i really love the way you RP!

then... thank you to sindri the short scene in bane... i really enjoyed to see an old char of my beginning back on illa.

mareda.... never..... never think of let shen holding your baby again...
and then the whole rest in bane, ayla, artimer, colin, dan....

and now ... good night

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:20 am
by Lrmy
It was cool outside of town with all the guards and Athian there.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:34 am
by Duncan MacGuillis
Danke an alle Marker für den gelungenen Abend: :D
Tjalf und Familie, wie immer untehaltsam, Gerron fürs mittrinken und die Unterstützung bei der "Hexenjagd" ;);
der sicherlich verhexten Daryia für ihre großartige Darbietung;:)
Und der " bösen Hexe" Marie, die sich dorthin gewagt hat. :D :twisted: :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:52 am
by Marie Besani
Dariya....was soll ich sagen: das war einfach nur groß - geniales RP!!!!
Gerron, Duncan, Hagen, Hinnerk und die anderen: bezaubernd...einfach bezaubernd! :twisted:

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:57 am
by Dariya
joi ... da war Zunder in Mark :D

uhm, danke an alle, die am Markttag teilgenommen haben
Dank vor allem an Marie *verneig*
Gerron ... das wird nicht ohne Folgen bleiben ;)
Duncan ...du bewegst dich auf verdammt dünnem Eis
Gudrun ... gib Acht, dass dich ein Felsbrocken nicht einschließt ;)
Hinnerk ... Hinnerk ... ganz der Vater .... oder doch nicht? ;)
Vigalf .... schön, dich kennen gelernt zu haben

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:05 am
by Bellringer
All the guards, especially at the fire scene.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:09 am
by Korm Kormsen
hagen ist immer noch nass und sauer...
danke, euch allen!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:11 am
by Evan Ross
Great time with the guards, Except for all the fires.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:51 am
by Kadiya
Danke an alle von der Rose, die heute mit dabei waren. Es war ungalublich gutes RP, welches ihr abgeliefert habt :D

Ich habe leider nur Zeit für einen Screenshot gehabt...aber immerhin ;)

Edit: Und natürlich auch vom Licht *Saril auf die Schulter klopf* ;)


Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:29 am
by Guir Rabenflügel
Kadiya wrote:Danke an alle von der Rose, die heute mit dabei waren. Es war ungalublich gutes RP, welches ihr abgeliefert habt :D
Ja, es war wirklich genial^^ Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht! Danke an alle, die da waren, war geiles RP! *alle durchknuddelz*

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:18 am
by Lrmy
*Looks above*

:( I am never around for the quests...or they are never where I am.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:03 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Sighs nodding in ageement

It was wonderful to RP with Eli again today!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:19 pm
by Noradur
Guir wrote:
Kadiya wrote:Danke an alle von der Rose, die heute mit dabei waren. Es war ungalublich gutes RP, welches ihr abgeliefert habt :D
Ja, es war wirklich genial^^ Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht! Danke an alle, die da waren, war geiles RP! *alle durchknuddelz*
war klasse gestern. Hatte lange nicht mehr so viel spass mit euch.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:22 pm
by Katarine
Amras Seregon das war richtig gut! Danke! :)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:51 pm
by Alytys Lamar
Oh WOW.... this was simple exciting, so awesome and .. I still can't found words.

Mercutio and Guir many thanks for the short and fine RP, but you *UNKNOWN* (known) Man...

phantastic.. the time had wings <3 <3 the best RP since Months !

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:42 pm
by Ardian
Noradur wrote:
Guir wrote:
Kadiya wrote:Danke an alle von der Rose, die heute mit dabei waren. Es war ungalublich gutes RP, welches ihr abgeliefert habt :D
Ja, es war wirklich genial^^ Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht! Danke an alle, die da waren, war geiles RP! *alle durchknuddelz*
war klasse gestern. Hatte lange nicht mehr so viel spass mit euch.

Ja, war richtig super. Und weil die Lichteffekte so toll waren hab ich auch 2 Screenshots gemacht. :o

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:19 pm
by Sun Long
Ich war so fasziniert von Rildurans Lightshow, dass ich ganz vergessen hab, überhaupt welche zu machen. :cry:
Trotzdem ich leider eher gehen musste war es fun pur. Danke euch allen.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:31 pm
by Saril
Hilfe ich tippe zu schnell ^^

war spaßig Jungs und Mädels

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:27 am
by Dalan Ginthor
My deep thanks go to that cowering lizard: very nice roleplay from your side! Ubbdiwak was great too :)

Then I need to thank Mia too. Nicely played. I really pity her :( and that lizard as well.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 5:12 am
by Shenandrea
uhm.. yes...where to start.... thank you to:
oger for the hunting..
then leeven even after the server crash... everytime it's so amazing to RP with you.
aaaaaaaand last but not least the whole scene in bane...
dantagon, his sisters, rorak, taeryon and leeven again

thx to all <3

You're Wrong

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:48 am
by SirOwnU
I think what people are failing to understand is that there are numerous things that cannot be said with role-play. For example, how do you teach somebody how to play the game WITH roleplay. Uh yeah you must reach into your bag and pull out the rue and target the water... and use the rue. So many noobs wouldn't understand how to do all that. They would ask questions like how do I open my bag? How do I use the Rue? ect....

Another thing that can't be explained with role-play is how to use magic.

You can't expect any noob to use role-play until they understand the game. First they must fully understand the game before they start to understand role-play and explaining how to do something is almost impossible to do efficiently by using Role-Play.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:36 am
by Deinarious
Hate to tell you this, "SirOwnU", but this is an appreciation thread. And the moderators here don't like it when people go off topic.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:40 am
by SirOwnU
All I'm saying is that as a noob I think that people should respect the fact that new players should have nothing to do with role-play until they know the game better.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:57 am
by Deinarious

It's a role-playing game, not something the likes of World of Warcraft. People here expect role play when they login. In fact, I'm not sure but you may be the target of disciplinary action if you don't role play but instead use out of character conversation.

Now let's get this wagon back on the trail. (Everyone fucking get back on topic.)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:11 am
by Colin Smalls
basically sirownyou the roleplay comes before helping newbs. At least as i understand it.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:55 am
by AlexRose
Colin Smalls wrote:basically sirownyou the roleplay comes before helping newbs. At least as i understand it.

@Sirownu: OOC (( )) is used for communicating out of character. It's only meant to be used to teach newbies and say things like ((gtg)). When you see a newbie you can completely drop out of RP mode and cut straight to ooc and teach him until you think he's alright on his own, then go back to RPing.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:03 am
by Arien Edhel
Use another thread for such discussions.

Back to topic!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:08 pm
by Senrin der Ältere
Wunderbarer Einkaufsbummel mit Magnus!
Und Haare sind doch geil :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:08 pm
by Matron
Andril, mein Lieblingszwerg ;)