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Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:52 pm
by Fildara
Ein wenig unsicher Blickt sich Ilara um und entscheidet sich schließlich doch dazu, das Pergament an das Brett zu heften.




in Menschenjahre umgerechnet etwa 19 oder 20


Alte Sprache ((deutsch)) / Neue Sprache ((englisch))

Alte Sprache

Persönliche Anmerkungen:
Wenn es möglich ist, würde ich gerne um einen Lehrer oder einer Lehrerin bitten, der/die der alten Sprache mächtig ist.
Die Götter mit euch!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:51 am
by Brian Stubbs
- Brian Stubbs
- Human
- Male
- 19
- Mage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
- New Language

Personal remarks:
- i am very interested in learning the arcane arts. i really hope that some one will take the time to teach me. I am very smart and will do any thing to learn the arts. i will be a very good student.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:27 pm
by Q-wert
Zettel am Brett der Akademie wrote:Gastvortrag

Sagen und Nahkampf der Echsenkultur

11. Chos 29 zur Zeit zum Sonnenhöhepunkt (ehemaliger, nicht gültiger Termin)
Letzter Tag im Monat des Blutes zum Sonnenhöhepunkt (neuer Termin)

Ssar'ney, Jäger mit Pflicht des Hohentemplers von Zyathis

offenes Übungsfeld vor dem Lehrgebäude (unabhängig der Wetterlage)

1/4 Stunde vor dem Anfang am Platz vor dem Leuchtturm für Nicht-Studenten und Personen die nicht begabt sind Priester zu werden,
Priester-Begabte und Schüler der Akademie werden zum regulärem Beginn vor dem Feld erwartet

Zugehörigkeit zu mindestens einer der allgemein bekannten Gottheiten,
Kenntnis des alten Dialekts in der Handelssprache

Benötigte Utensilien:
Robuste, der Witterung angemessene Kleidung

~Der Zettel wurde unter dem ganzen Papier, dass über ihn geheftet wurde hervorgeholt und neu an dem Brett befestigt.
Am unteren Rand wurden mit sauberer Schrift ein paar zusätzliche Sätze hinzugefügt.~

"Es wird noch ein Magier benötigt, der zu Beginn das Portal zu der Akademie für die nicht Zauberbegabten öffnet.
Falls sich jemand bereit erklären möchte zu helfen, möge er bitte einen kurzen Notiz hinterlassen.
Für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass sich niemand dafür findet, wir der Vortrag ausfallen müssen.

Zusätzlich muss leider bekannt gegeben werden, dass der Zeitpunkt des Vortrages sich um 6 Dreitage verschiebt.
Der Termin damit in den Monat des Blutgottes, dennoch sind alle die die Voraussetzungen erfüllen herzlich eingeladen dem Vortrag beizuwohnen.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:26 pm
by Kennen
Name: Kennen Vanhite
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Mage/Battlemage: Mage

New language ((english))

Personal remarks:
I am always been interested in the ways of magic and would do whatever would be needed to become a mage. I am very hard working and able to read. If you would have me as a student then I would be very grateful.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:13 am
by Morbius
-Stefan Elvaris
Mage/Battle mage:
-Honestly I would happily study either one.
Old language ((German)) / New language ((English))
-New language.
Personal remarks:
I have been told that my abilities would be suited to that of a battle mage/warlock whether you prefer to call it, yet as I mentioned above, I would happily learn under a teacher of either title. I can tell you I will work hard, I can say I will not misuse that which I learn from a teacher should I have the honour of learning. I will do anything to learn magic and can almost guarantee perfection in all I will do while learning magic. I am eager to push myself past and beyond any boundaries that should get I’m my way. I will learn, I will respect, and I will succeed with the best of my abilities.

Yours truly
Stefan Elvaris.

Bewerbuch auf einen Lehrer

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:55 am
by Derion
Ein Junger in normales Gewand vermumter Mann, kommt an die an den Leuchtturm und bindet eine Schriftrolle an.

Grüße ich hoffe ich habe meine Bewerbung auch an die richtige geschickt da ich gerne als schüler in der Magischen akademie aufgenommen werden möchte .

Die schrift des Schrifftrollenschreibers ist fein geschwungen und gut zu lesen.




-16 Winter bin ich alt am 2 Siros auf Dorion geboren.

Magier/ Kampfmagier:
-Gerne das erlehrnen von Magie und deshalb Magier.

Alte Sprache/ Neue Sprache:
-Nun ich behersche beides jedoch die alte sprache gut und die neue sprache sehr schlecht.

Persönliche Anmerkung:
-Nun ich hoffe wirkich das ihr mich aufnehmt und ich werde gehorsam und geduldig sein deshalb wäre ich froh wen ihr mir Zurück schreiben Würdet.

Gezeichnet in erfurcht und Respekt: Djuke

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:22 am
by Rhianna Morgan
Ein junger Norodaj mit einem Wolfsfell als Mantel kommt an das enorme Brett am Leuchtturm an dem all die Bewerbungen hängen. Er stemmt offenbar mit einem plötzlichen Impuls den Rehbock den er über den Schultern trug auf den Boden und nähert sich den Schriften.
Stirnrunzelnd überfliegt er die ihm unbekannten Buchstaben, bis er einen der Namenszüge offenbar erkennt.
"N Möchtegern-Marker der Magier werden will? Das kann doch nich..." Der Jäger vergleicht das Schriftbild mit dem anderer Bewerbungen. Es wirkt sogar auf ihn sehr ähnlich.

Ohne lange nachzudenken reißt Agrimur den Zettel ab, und legt ihn auf seinen Oberschenkel, mit einem Stück Kohle ein paar Runen aufschreibend. Dann pfeift er leise, und ein Rabe kommt zu ihm heruntergeflattert. "Meinste die Kadiya kann Runen lesen? Naja du hast Recht. Wenn nich soll se se irgendwem zeigen der es kann..."

Moin Kadiya von den Magiern,

Diese Bewerbung ist von jemandem der kurze Zeit vorher noch in den Drachenklan eintreten wollte. Vielleicht solltest du das mal überprüfen. Ich werde dem(das letzte Wort wurde ausgewischt und schmierig darüber geschrieben) den Jarl persönlich unterrichten.

Grüße, Agrimur Farenson (zumindest der Name ist ohne Schwierigkeiten leserlich)[/Norodaj]

Als der Rabe die Nachricht davonträgt kann man den Norodaj noch murmeln hören "So is seine Bewerbung sogar schneller bei ihr als es ihm lieb sein dürfte..."

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:16 pm
by PurpleMonkeys
A young, robed man walks up to the board, pinning up a neatly written note

Name: Joseph Flame
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Mage/Battlemage: Mage
Old language((German))/New language((English)): New Language
Personal Remarks: I reluctantly post on the boards, as it is cluttered enough as it is, but I haven't a reply from the letter I sent by dove a while ago. I wish to learn the arcane arts not for myself, but to aid others. I feel that I am useless, for I can hardly lift a fair sized weapon, and I cannot craft at all. Also, I was once a thief, so I feel that I owe it to people to help them. I have been told I have a strong connection to the "Mana Flow", I believe it was called, and I am able to create sparks( From a need to be warm, and excess mana flowing from me, so I've been told ). I have already begun reading, and I would feel honoured if any one of the Academy's teachers would teach me.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:14 am
by Arvemor
I hereby withdraw my application from the academy. I have seen what is written here, and I do not wish to be a part of it.
-Arvem Blackstone

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:06 pm
by Vanessa Krast
*the note has been ripped off*

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:32 pm
by Tanistian_Kanea
Reformed Academy of Magic,

I have in my possession a book of Ancient.


Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:39 am
by Darkshade
~a man can be seen standing outside the academy gates. he wears the mage novice robes but when asked he says he has not yet found a teacher~ ((someone please come, i need someone to rp with))

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:30 pm
by Brian Stubbs
* a man walks up to the board and puts a piece of parchment and walks off towered bane *

- Brian Stubbs
- Human
- Male
- 19
- Mage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
- New Language

Personal remarks:
- I am very interested in learning the arcane arts. the reason i am wanting to learn the arts is because my father was a mage and i am wanting to be a mage like him. I will be a good student and i will do what ever it will take to become a student. I have sent doves to some of the teachers but with no reply. I am hoping that a teacher will see it and will take me on as a student.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:16 pm
by Arylide
- Arylide
- Human
- Male
- 25
- Mage I think

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
- New language

Personal remarks:
- From the day I was born I felt something, an ebbing of something inside me. It’s hard for me to describe especially on such a public board but it is like the coming and going of the tides, the breaking waves of the sea. I feel it more when walking the fields or woods, it fills me like a full belly until it is uncomfortable to bear. I was told that I should seek council here, that I have the mana? I’m not sure that it’s true, I’ve never cast a spark or spell before, but I have come to a time in my life where I want to know. I don’t want to feel like I am going to burst or be sick, I want... release, control?

I do very much hope I have come to the right place. I've been to medicos, they say I eat to much but I am thin man. Or that I get summer chills or light feavers that cramp my belly, I don't think this true. I have traveled far to put this simple note here. Yours in hope and waiting,


Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:26 pm
by Arterion
-Arterion el'Tumindil



-4 Tausend Elfenjahre / 4 thousend Elvyears


Alte Sprache ((deutsch)) / Neue Sprache ((englisch))
-Alte Sprache doch bin ich dabei die Neue Sprache zu lernen

Persönliche Anmerkungen:
- Ich habe mein Leben der Forschung gewidmet und bin nun (meines Erachtens) dazu bereit die Arkane Kunst zu erlernen.
- Auf Wunsch werde ich noch mehr Informationen über mich gerne per Taube schicken.

Ich wäre erfreut darüber eine positive Antwort zu bekommen.

~Arterion el'Tumindil~

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:13 pm
by 1d20
Karl wrote:For all hopeful students, I'd like to re-iterate a message I've said a few parchments earlier.
MoonDust wrote:Being one of the rare active teachers, I'd like to mention to aspiring mages that pinning a missive on the Academy's board as an application is not the most effective way to obtain a teacher.

Be less lazy.

Being taught the arcanes is a privilege only a few receive, sometimes out of luck, but don't count on it. If you want a teacher, impress them. Show them you're worthy of their time to be invested in you.

- Blake Thorn
In other words, the "application" system mentioned at the top of this board is a very old routine, when there were very little people interested in magic. At the rate of individuals that want to be taught nowadays, it's a malfunctioning system. No teacher reads the applications. If you want a teacher, find out names of teachers (by asking or reading) and actively look for them. Approach them without demonstrating your interest to learn magic from them, but only your general interest in magic. Try to become friends with them, learn from them and eventually ask them if you'd be fit to be a mage some day.

It isn't an easy process, but it isn't impossible either.

I may hold a meeting with prospect students soon as I am interested in teaching someone new.

- Blake Thorn

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:11 am
by Netsirk
*a little elfess walks up to the board and pins a elegant looking parchment to it*

- Arawen Undorina

- Elfess

- Female

Mage/ Battle Mage:
- Battle Mage

New or Old:
- New

Personal Statement:
My name is Arawen Undorina. I would be honored to meet with a Mage to discuss the Arcane arts. I am interested in learning and would like to know whether or not I would make a good mage. I would greatly appreciate the time.

~Arawen Undorina~

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:07 pm
by 1d20
Aspiring learners,

I would like for it to be known that I will be seeking new pupils within the upcoming days. I have spoken to a few of you and have began making opinions, I've ideas on who may or may not be worthy of the arts.

Thusly, if you have not already, by all means share your interest to learn magic with me and if the time allows it, we may have a discussion.

Best regards,
Blake Thorn

A note has been added to the parchment; Unfortunately, doves, falcons, wolves and letter-carriers alike unless of conscious nature will be unable to reach me. Spare the poor beings' souls and avoid sending me thesuch.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:06 am
by NeroReborn
*A tall elf wearing a robe starts writing the following on a parchment*
Eredor Legolas
(Blank Space)

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
New language

Personal remarks:
Posting this message to interact with a teacher, to ask questions, and to discuss our opinions of Magic.
I also want to know if I will be worth being taught to, I believe I am but I will let the experienced ones decide.

*Putting the parchment on the board, he ensured it is well in place. After he puts his hood on and makes his way towards Troll's Bane*

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:28 pm
by Saorsa
Tinuviel Altava

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
Preferably Old, but I understand New aswell

Personal remarks:
I've walked the theoretical path for a while now. I would like to make my first steps on the practical path, if a teacher deems me ready to do so.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:20 am
by MewmewGirl
Name: Caitatha
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Mage/Battlemage: Mage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english)): New Language

Personal remarks:

To write about ones self is strange to me. To really understand my need to have a teacher and what type of student I would be, one would need to meet me in person, rather than read some note I have left. I am hoping tho that this note may help such a meeting take place.

What I can promise is that I shall not start to learn and run off. I would dedicate myself to the Academy and to my teacher. If someone finds that teaching me is the right idea, I will stay through all my training and be with the Academy still afterwards.

I have... issues... which from all the research I have done I have learned that only study within this field will help me. These are not things I am able to write for all to read. These are things I must discuss with a teacher in private. I need to speak with those able to teach. Only then can you really understand why I need the help and guidance of the Academy.

I only write these things down so that you may know a little of me and may seek me out if you happen to recognize my name.



Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:36 am
by Saelnir



Age-3041 years old

Additional coments-from what i read, this group seems tyranical, but order is needed to keep magic in control

. i just want to learn, i dont care who teaches me.

Re: The magic academy of Gobaith~Die Magische Akademie Gobai

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:39 pm
by Gibble Thibblebum
Magic Academy wrote:
- Elf
- Male
- 346
- Mage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
-New Language

Personal remarks:
- I have long been trying to learn magic but have had much trouble connecting with a teacher. I was long ago given a book of the ancient language that I have been studying from and in fact have been locked within the confines of the academy for quite a while as my old key has not worked for some years. I would like to progress past the ancient language and learn how to use it and runes to cast magical spells.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:30 am
by Gwaihir
Name: Gwaihir Inziladun
Gender: Male
Age: 1187 years
Mage/Battlemage: Mage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english)): New language

Personal remarks:

In all truth there is not much to say. I have been interested in the Arcane Arts my entire life and only now have decided that I might be worthy of learning them. However, to truly know if I am worthy to learn these arts I feel I would have to turn to the elder mages. Which is what I do now as I ask to be an apprentice in the Arcane Arts.

If you shall accept me I will be most grateful. I look forward to working with whomever is chosen as my Master and I promise to be a rigorous learner and worker. I look forward to this experience.

Thank you for your time.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:02 am
by Avalyon el'Hattarr

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:23 pm
by Kyre
A woman in the dead of the night, who is rarely seen yet feared by some, softly cackles as she takes a parchment long since covered with others and pulls it out placing it prominently on top of other notices at the Academy. Not much interested in magic preferring to learn more of her witchcraft she turns and just as mysteriously disappears as she had appeared.
Kadiya wrote:Bis auf weiteres werden alle bestehenden Regeln der Akademie außer Kraft gesetzt und durch folgende Neuregelung ersetzt:

Jeder Magier oder Warlock, gleich welcher Rasse, Herkunft, persönlicher Gesinnung oder Gilden-/Stadtangehörigkeit soll die Möglichkeit bekommen an der Akademie zu lehren solange er den Frieden der Akademie nicht gefährdet.

Die Akademie ist ein neutraler Ort des Lehrens und des Lernen und Streitigkeiten, gleich welcher Art, unabhängig ob unter einzelnen Personen, oder unter Gilden/Gruppen haben hier nichts verloren.
Ebenso sind die allgemeinen Regeln des Anstandes und der Höflichkeit einzuhalten.

Wer nicht in der Lage zu sein scheint, diese einfachen Regeln zu befolgen und den Akademiealltag aus diesem Grund gefährdet kann, zeitlich befristet oder bei erneuten Verstößen auch permanten, der Akademie verwiesen werden.

Jeder Lehrer, der an der Akademie Magie unterrichten möchte, kann sich bei mir melden und ihm wird Zugang gewährt.

Ich möchte auch nicht-magischen Lehrer dazu einladen, offizielle Unterrichtsstunden an der Akademie abzuhalten. Für eine thematische Absprache möchte ich diese allerdings bitten, sich zuvor ebenfalls mit mir in Verbindung zu setzen.

Desweiteren wird es zukünftig in regelmäßigen Abständen (( jeden zweiten Mittwoch im Monat )) eine offene Sprechstunde geben, wo Probleme und Anliegen an mich herangetragen werden können. In dringenden Fällen bin ich zudem auch mittels einer Taube zu erreichen.

~Kadiya Artaliar~
Leiterin der magischen Akademie zu Gobaith


Until further notice all existing Rules of the academy are obsolete and replaced by the following:

Each mage or warlock, of whichever race, provenance, personal ethos or guild-/town-membership should have the opportunity to teach at the magic academy as long as he or she does not jeopardize the peace upheld at the academy.

The academy shall be a neutral place for teaching and learning and all differences, no matter of which nature, whether between individuals or between groups or guilds, do not belong here. The common rules of decency and politeness are to be followed in the at all times.

People, who do not conform with these simple rules and jeopardize the academy life with their behaviour, could be expelled, temporarily or permanently, from the academy grounds.

Each teacher, who wishes teach at the Magic Academy, can contact me and he or she will be granted access.

I would also like to invite non-magical teachers, to hold official lessons at the academy. I would like to ask them to contact me as well to reach an agreement on which subjects they wish to teach. They will be granted access as well after an agreement has been reached.

Additionally there will be open consultation-hour at regular intervals (( the second Wednesday of each month )) in the future, were complaints and other concerns could be communicated. Doves can reach me at all times for more urgent matters.

~Kadiya Artaliar~
Headmaster of the magic academy of Gobaith

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:51 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
The Achmage oddly opens his mailbox, only to find it stuffed with letters which quickly fall all over the floor. He sighs and after slapping his forehead a few times, he goes to the board, rips off his old post and pins it over the large one, without even bothering to read it. He takes out a feather, dips it in red ink and makes a few modifications on his own.
Dear applicants, the Magic Academy extends it's appology for the time taken to consider your applications. Have no doubt that they are all being carefully looked over and analized, and your background and island activity monitored by our senior staff.
As an word of advice, posting your application here, afterwards spending your time in a tavern under the tables, or other places that do not involve your healthy formation into future able mages, shall not contribuie to your chance of receiving a place in this Academy. Forming a reputation outside our halls shall prove to be a quick way inside.


Dear Mages, Master Mages and students, a meeting shall be called shortly to assess the curent state of the Academy as well as future perspectives. All Academy members are expected, all non-members are requiered to write a letter of attendance beforehand. Please leave the letter of activity in my mail box inside the Academy grounds, or if you do not yet have access to the grounds, the janitor shall be happy to deliver it for you. ((forum acc: Avalyon el'Hattarr))

With best regards,
Archmage el'Hattarr

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:32 pm
by Ikana Kasin
Name: Via Aweras

Rasse: Elfe

Geschlecht: Weiblich

Alter: 995

Magier/Kampfmagier: Magierin

Alte Sprache

Persönliche Anmerkungen:
Vor bald 2 Jahren begang ich meine Ausbildung unter Meisterin Artaliar. Aber da Sie einige Zeit später bereit auf Reisen ging und seither ihr Rückkehrzeitpunkt nicht bekannt ist, suche ich einen Lehrer, der mir weiter den Weg der Magie zeigen kann.
Seit Begin von Artaliar's Reise verwende ich regelmässig dir mir beigebrachten Übungen der Eis-Illusionen.

Ich würde mich über jeder Nachricht freuen, sei es von einem Lehrmeister der Theorie oder der Praxis.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:24 am
by Silverbeard
Name: Sterling Silverbeard
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 240 years
Mage/Battlemage: BattleMage
New language ((english))
Personal remarks: Arrr! I'm a miner and warrior by trade, but I wish to do honor and respect to my race by becoming one with the arcane arts. It may seem odd for a dwarf to request this, but in my years, I have found that in battle, it is the mage who provides healing, transportation, attack and surprise. Toward the end of life, one looks back upon their time. We dwarves have very few who can muster these forces for benefit in Battle, and I wish to be one of the rare and wise "sage" mage. I seem to have the 'aptitude', wisdom and years of experience for it.

Ghost in the Garden

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:30 pm
by Gibble Thibblebum
Near the beehives lies a swollen and many lumped corpse of an elf. As one looks around they notice the elfs ghostly figure crying over his dead body, trapped in the gardens for all eternity, unable to get to a cross. If one listens closely, they can hear the ghostly whisper, "I waited. The student was ready...but no teacher ever appeared. Over a year I was locked within, unable to leave till one day...I was just hungry..."