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Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:10 am
by Quantus
Name: Quantus
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 4752 years
Mage/Battlemage: Battlemage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english)): New Language

Personal remarks: I have not yet made a name for myself, or even have a purpose in this land, and I wish to do so before I die. Magic comes naturally to me, as it is in my blood, and in my brains. And while I may wish to be a battlemage, I hope to be able to eventually learn all forms of magic, both to support and help others with.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:39 am
by 1d20

(( If you really can't find my character at all IG, feel free to send me a PM and we can arrange something. ))

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:32 am
by 1d20
Only two more spots are available to become my student.

If you truly can not find me in town or around Gobaith, feel free to send me a dove. We may arrange a meeting.

Good luck to all,
Blake Thorn

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:36 am
by Rhianna Morgan
*Obschon das Pergament alt ist, kann man nicht übersehen dass der Schreiber scheinbar eine gute Ausbildung genossen haben muss, denn seine Schrift ist geschwungen und fehlerlos. Er hat den Brief zweimal in den beiden Gemeinschaftssprachen verfasst.*

Sehr geehrte Meister der Akademie,

Hiermit bewerbe ich mich, Alan Dowland, für ein Studium der Magie an der magischen Akademie von Gobaith. Ich lebe bereits seit beinahe zwei Jahren auf der Insel Gobaith. Seit einiger Zeit bin ich ein Bürger der freien Stadt Varshikar, der Wüstenblume von Kumdah. Meinen Lebensunterhalt bestreite ich als wandernder Barde, um nur im Winter in meine Heimatstadt zurückzukehren.
Ich muss hinzufügen dass ich nicht auf ein allgemeines Studium der magischen Weisheiten und Künste aus bin, sondern mich nur für den Bereich der Illusionen interessiere. Ich möchte meine Fähigkeiten als Barde besser nutzen können, und meinen Zuhörern auf eine angemessenere Weise meine Musik vermitteln können.
Die Formalitäten liegen anbei.

Danke für Eure Zeit,

*unterzeichnet* Alan Dowland

Name: Alan Dowland
Rasse: Mensch
Geschlecht: männlich
Alter: 20 Jahre
Magier/Kampfmagier: Illusionist
Alte Sprache/Neue Sprache: Ich spreche beide Sprachen fliessend

Persönliche Bemerkung: Ich wäre dankbar wenn mir erlaubt würde, unter Eurer Anleitung jeden einzelnen Tag härter an mir zu arbeiten, als ich in meinem ganzen bisherigen Leben gearbeitet habe, und noch dankbarer, wenn ich die Chance dazu erhalten dürfte.


*Although the pergament is old, you can't ignore that the writer seems to have been well educated. His writing is elegant and without any mistakes. He wrote the letter twice in the two common languages.*

Honourable Masters of the Academy,

by this letter I, Alan Dowland, aks for your acceptance as student of magic at the Magical Academy of Gobaith. I have lived on the island of Gobaith for almost a year now. For some time, I have been citizen of the free town Varshikar, the desert flower of Kumdah. I live being a wandering bard, only returning to my hometown in winter.
I have to admit though that I am not wishing to be taught all the wisdoms and arts of magic, I am only interested in magical illusions. I want to be able to use my bard skills better, and to perform to my listeners with more perfection. The formalities are added below.

Thank you very much for your time,

*signed* Alan Dowland

Name: Alan Dowland
Race: human
Gender: male
Age: 20 years
Mage/Battlemage: Illusionist
Old language/new language: I am able to talk in both languages fluently.

Personal remarks: I would be glad to work harder every day under your guidance than I have ever worked in my entire life, and I would be even more thankful if you gave me the chance to do so.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:04 pm
by 1d20
I was to announce my last 2 students today, but as I have not been in town enough to observe the potential candidates and to meet with prospect candidates, I will dismiss the time limits and decide on who my students will be when I feel comfortable with begining their education.

- Blake Thorn

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:25 pm
by Gergoth
41 years old
Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
New Language
Personal remarks:
I am would like to study magic as i am unable to defend myself via other means. I think magic is cool ...but then what goes boom and doesn't look cool? So long as the fire isnt close to my wings... that hurts... ever seen what happens to moths? Im not always so good at doing what im told and i get bored easily at times. But when i want to im a good learner...until the boredom rolls in... I think i would make a good student...Altho maybe some trouble for a teacher... But then whats life without some fun?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:50 pm
by Rugosch

Im ssearrccching. Ive alrready walk on thisss ilsse overr a dozzzen yearrsss ago, sshorrrt afterr the time, Drrakhen Vorrkalion arrisssess, but then Ive to go in the deep waterr. Sslept a long time. Forrgot mossst knowledge. Now Im ssearrcching a teacccherr forr the arrcane. Ive to get back what I forrgot. Ive to trry it at leassst.

Can anybody help me?

Name: Cchrrss'Zzcch'Aicch
Race: Lizard
Gender: Male
Age: 112 ears
Mage/Battlemage: Mage
Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:42 pm
by Allaviana Ariali
Greetings, honoured members of the Magic Academy of Gobaith, I, Vilirion Temail seek to further my knowledge of the arcane arts and I would feel honoured if I was accepted as a student in your academy. After I have been studying the principles of nature to a level far advanced, I would appreciate if I had the ability to enhance my knowledge of the arcane, as one should always strive to perfect one's mind.
Sincerely Yours.
Vilirion Temail.

Name: Vilirion Temail
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 3629 ears
Mage/Battlemage: Mage
Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
New language.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:52 am
by Maeglin
Greetings great teachers of the Academy.
I know I can't compare to some of the great mages at this time, but One day I'd like to become as powerful as some of the teachers here. I've never left the Island of Tol Vanima before, so I have no arcane knowledge as of yet but the flame of desire is in me to learn magic.

- Maeglin
- Elf
- Male
- I'm not sure exactly, 5 and a half thousand years old I think.
- I don't really see the difference, I'd like to learn it all, For teleportation, walls, ice, fire, and battle.

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
- The New Language

Personal remarks:
- I'd like to have the most active teacher, and to learn the most powerfulspells. Thankyou if you accept my application.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:56 am
by 1d20
Being one of the rare active teachers, I'd like to mention to aspiring mages that pinning a missive on the Academy's board as an application is not the most effective way to obtain a teacher.

Be less lazy.

Being taught the arcanes is a privilege only a few receive, sometimes out of luck, but don't count on it. If you want a teacher, impress them. Show them you're worthy of their time to be invested in you.

- Blake Thorn

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:30 am
by Kundra
I wish to open my inner eye. I can read most books, with the ones I do not need.

We will together shield the storm. I have my faith. And you have my word.

I will try to find you. If we do not find ourselves before.



Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:11 am
by The Harbringer Family
I am Jakob Harbringer apart of the Harbringer family I wish to learn to arcane if anyone is willing to teach me, perhaps a interview is nesscesary but I am devoted and strong willed intelligent with my words and ready to take on any obsticle that comes my way.

Name: Jakob Harbringer
mage/Battlemage: Mage
language: the new language
Gender: male

I will be honored to be taught by any whom is willing I am very devoted to completing training in the harbringer family's name I will make my father proud.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:36 pm
by Fildara
Gibt es irgendjemanden, der mich bitte in die Akademie lassen kann? Es ist langsam echt ernüchternd, die ganze Zeit vor verschlossenen Toren stehen zu müssen.


Kantar Eltharon
~Schüler von Kawako Tao~+


Is there anyone who can let me inside the Acadamy? It is very sobering, to stand in front of closed doors all the time.

Kantar Eltharon
~Student of Kawako Tao~

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:20 am
by Arvemor
The writing upon the parchment has strange...

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:09 am
by Darken Rahl
°es ist ein sehr ordentlich geschnittenes Blatt geblichenem Pergament an das Brett geheftet worden. Das Blatt sieht aus als würde es sehr lange für diesen augenblickaufbewahrt worden sein. auf ihm steht in einer sehr ordentlichen schrift die eindeutig als frauenhandschrift zu indentifizieren ist :°
Sehr geehrte Akademie,
ich wär sehr interessiert a meine Ausbildung zur Magierin zu beenden.
Mein Name ist Hyarerth Moriquendi. Ich bin eine Elfin die in der Natur aufgewachsen ist , dabei habe ich schon früh interesse an Magie gezeigt. Nicht nur durch meinen Onkel der ein herrvorragender Magier war , sonder auch durch die altägliche Magie des Lebens : Das wachstum der Natur...der zyklus des Lebens...die verbindung von zwei Kräutern zu etwas neuem... Leider hat mein Onkel nicht lange genug gelebt um mich zu einer Magierin auszubilden...Ich hatte jedoch eine schöne Zeit in der ich meinem Onkel helfen konnte und erste erfahrungen machen konnte. Ich bin ein sehr schwacher Mensch, verfüge nicht über viel Ausdauer und bin nicht besonders schnell... körperlich zumindest. Geistlich bin ich ein sehr kluger mensch und verfüge über große Willenskraft und bin sehr schwach zu manipulieren.Ich würde mich freuen von meinem Lehrer bis ins tiefste gefordert zu werden, weil das in meinem Leben bis jetzt noch nicht der Fall war. Ich konnte Handwerklich oder kämpferisch nie etwas in meinem Leben erreichen. Deswegen ist es mein größter wunsch meine Ausbildung zu beenden.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

~* Hyarerh Moriquendi *~

Hyarerth Moriquendi
2002 Jahre
Alte Sprache ((deutsch))

Persönliche Anmerkungen:
Ich bin bereits Schülerin bei Kadiya, aber leider ist diese zurzeit verhindert und kann über einen längeren Zeitraum keinen Unterricht geben. Die Antike Sprache habe ich bereits erlernt, außerdem verfüge ich über Kennisse in Bereichen Elementen und geschichtliche Magie und das Wesen von Magie

Magic Academy Pupil Application

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:20 am
by donaideenn
Name: Severant ((Forum name " Donaideen))
Age: 43
Hieght: 5'6
Mage/Battle-Mage: Mage
Interested in : Wall creating magic, ice magic, and teleportation as well as Transformo.

Areas where can be reached include TrollsBane. Surronding areas, and the lighthouse.

With my regards, I believe a comment to end is in order. Please forgive me of my unsteady hand, on some of my words, for as I right this I am running on a tight schedule. I am also activley looking for a teacher, whom will except me as a Pupil. I am able at this time to accept ANYONE who shall take me.

Sincerely, and coldly, Severant ~ Wannabe Mage Pupil, member of.... **the rest is smeared**

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:56 am
by Eadgar

Old language / New language

The New Language

Personal remarks:


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:32 pm
by Aguan
Aguan Tanne (Littlethorn)





23 Sommer


Alte Sprache ((deutsch)) / Neue Sprache ((englisch))
Alte Sprache

Persönliche Anmerkungen:
Ich strebe schon immer danach ein Magier zu werden. Ich weiß ganz genau wie ich damit umzugehen habe und nehme diese Macht auch vollkommen ernst. Ich flehe euch Meister an, gebt mir eine Chance mich zu beweisen auch wenn ich ein Halbling bin! Bitte gebt mir die Chance euch zu zeigen, dass ich damit umgehen kann und diese Macht vollkommen ernstnehme.


~Aguan Tanne Littlethorn

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:08 am
by Alli Zelos
The parchment is torn from the wall.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:17 am
by Teleco
Name: Namai
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 180
Mage/Battlemage: Mage

New language ((english))

Personal remarks: I am seeking a teacher that is able to teach me the basics through to the advanced stage of magic, I am willing to work hard for greater knowledge and eagerly await a reply.

Signed, Namai

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:50 pm
by Felicia Saral
Name: Felicia Saral
Rasse: Elbin
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 226
Magier/Kampfmagier: Magier

Alte Sprache ((deutsch)) / Neue Sprache ((englisch)): Beides/Both

Persönliche Anmerkungen: Es würde mich außerordentlich freuen einen Lehrer zu finden. Meine genauen persönlichen Gründe warum ich gerne Magier werden würde, möchte ich nicht hier öffentlich nennen, aber ich teile sie gerne auf Nachfrage mit. Ich werde mit Sicherheit sehr angestrengt und so oft es mir möglich ist lernen und die Anweisungen meines Lehrers, sofern ich einen bekomme, befolgen. Es wäre eine große Ehre, an der Akademie eine Ausbildungsmöglichkeit zu erhalten. Vielen Dank schonmal. Hochachtungsvoll Felicia Saral.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:38 am
by Hucu





Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
New language

Personal remarks:
I will work hard to learn and I thought that if I learned magic before I tried to join the town gaurd of Trolls Bane, it would really help the town.


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:50 am
by Lidian





Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
New language

Personal remarks:
I am a hardworking person, and will work hard to learn magic.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:28 pm
by Matron
Send me a dove, then come by and I will let you inside. Maybe you are lucky and able to catch a loose mage, you never know where to expect those. They might even happen to pop by at the academy once in a while,
the Janitor

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:37 pm
by Ulthadar
Name: Gretien Ulthadar

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Mage/Battlemage: Mage

New language ((english))

Personal remarks:


Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:42 am
by Vlade Pardus
Name:Vlade Pardus





New Language

I am to dedicate my life to the Magical lifeforce of this world. i however wish to be able to put my knowledge not only being helpful to myself but others as well. This is my reason for applying.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:16 pm
by Pancho
- Pancho Lindenbrook
- Halfling
- Male
- Adult and cleared of youths flaws and errors
- Mage

Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))
- Old and New Language

Personal remarks:

- With your permission I wish to study the books of your library, that should provide plenty of opportunity for me to meet the mages of this Academy.

- Mit eurer Erlaubnis möchte ich die Bücher eurer Bibliothek studieren, das sollte genügend Gelegenheiten schaffen um die Magier dieser Akademie kennenzulernen.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:27 pm
by Morbius
*the parchment gets ripped off in a gust of wind and flys though the air, out of sight and out of mind*

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:53 pm
by Pancho
A small halfling clad in a red robe walks up to the academy notice board shortly after the last parchment has been pinned.
Reading it carefully he smiles as he realizes a little obstacle the elf might crash into when his application would be read.
Quickly he looks around to check that nobody watches him as he quickly draws another 0 behind the age on the last parchment, making it read 1180. Content with what he has done he steps away mumbling towards himself. "Probably just a slurred number, I doubt anyone would take this application serious if he realy were just 118 years old, he still got 62 years to go till he's an adult, on the other hand the earlier you start to learn, the better, hmhm..."

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:02 am
by Morbius
*the ink is has become smeared and is unreadable*