The Kingdom of Silverbrand ~ Das Königreich Silberbrand

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Post by Faladron »


wir haben erfahren, dass Lonor Lamar in Silberbrand eingekerkert hat.

Lamar ist wegen einiger Verbrechen gegen Briar zu verurteilen und ich wollte fragen ob er, bis ein Gericht zusammengestellt worden ist,
im Kerker von Silberbrand verbleiben kann.

Solltet ihr weitere Fragen dazu haben bitte ich euch es Manu Recharm
mitzuteilen, er wollte für das Gericht sorge tragen.

Phillibald Sonnenkern.
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Post by Thorwald »

Tag auch

Ich hab Lonor zugestanden Lamar die 2 Tage die er den Halblingen Frist gegeben hat unterzubringen , aber ich werd das sicher nicht solange tun bis irgendwer irgendwann zu einer Endscheidung gekommen ist .
Ich werd Lamar nicht versorgen und behandeln , das müßt ihr schon selbst erledigen .

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Post by Guran »

Irmormom zum Gruße,

sollte morgen ((mind. 18.00 Uhr)) kein Halbling nach Silberbrand kommen und Lamar mitnehmen oder sich um ihn kümmern, so werden wir ihn wieder freilassen.

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Post by Manron »

Tach auch,

sofern ick es weiß, besteht auch kein Vertrag mit Greenbriar, nicht dat ick hier jetzt wat falsch interpretiere, aber ick denke wir sind hier für niemanden verantwortlich! Lonor bekommt seine zwei Tage, was danach geschieht, liegt nichtmehr in den Händen Silberbrands und ick rate euch sehr, keine Verbrechen auf dem Grunde Silberbrands zu verrichten, selbst wenn die Einwohner von Briar meinen rechtens zu sein ihn gleich vor dem Kerker zu richten!

Zerrt ihn über den Fluss und macht dann mit ihm wat ihr wollt, is uns relativ egal, aber nicht bei uns!

Manron Vizekönich von Silberbrand
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Post by Guran »

Irmorom zum Gruße,

ich hab mich heute mit dem Halbling Philibald über Lamar unterhalten und den Halblingen eine frist bis ((Sonntag)) zugestanden ein Urteil über Lamar zu fällen. Sollten die Halblinge bis zu diesem Tag nicht über Lamar entschieden haben wird er freigelassen.

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Post by Boindil »

Irmorom zum Gruße!

Silberbrand erhebt Anklage gegen Lamar!
Details dazu können am Brett des Königreiches eingesehen werden.

~Boindil Al'Ad Kàzár~
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Freya Goldband
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Post by Freya Goldband »

Irmorom zum Gruß,

ich, Freya Goldband, möchte mich dem König Thorwald untertänig tun und in seiner wunderbaren Stadt Silberbrand ein Heim finden.

Ich hoffe auf eine positive Antwort.

~Freya Goldband~
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Post by Boindil »

Irmorom zum Gruße Freya!

Ein jeder Zwerg oder jede Zwergin sind herzlichst willkommen in Silberbrand!
Das einfachste wäre wenn du zuerst einmal direkt nach Silberbrand kommst.
Die Zwerge können dich herumführen und dir deine Fragen beantworten.
Desweiteren möchte ich dir folgende Zeilen ans Herz legen:

Auszug wrote:VI Anwärterschaft

1. Anwärter auf die Bürgerschaft Silberbrands kann jeder Zwerg werden, der vom König oder einem der hohen Ratsherren dazu ernannt wurde.
2. Anwärter haben sich hier am öffendlichen Anschlag Silberbrands zu melden .
3. Anwärter haben sich unaufgefordert bei dem internen Anschlag Silberbrands anzumelden , der Weg dorthin ist am Ende der Gesetzessammlung zu finden .
4.Werden die Punkte 2 und 3 nicht oder nur Teilweise erfüllt , wird der Antrag nicht beachtet .
4. Die Anwärterschaft endet mit dem vor dem König abgelegtem Bürgereid.

~Boindil Al'Ad Kàzár~
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Post by Thorwald »

Das Königreich Silberbrand gibt bekannt :

Ab dem heutigen Tage ist das Graben in den Minen Silberbrands , in der Ebene des Thronsaals und darunter wieder für alle frei möglich . Die Türe die den Zugang versperrte ist wegen Ermangelung eines zuverläßigen Verwalters endfernt worden .

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Post by Boindil »

Thorwald wrote:The Kingdom of Silverbrand notifies:

From this day on, mining in Silberbrand, on the level of the throneroom and below is again possible for everyone. The door which locked up the entrance has been removed because it lacked a person able to maintain it and process permits properly.

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Post by Goldburg »

~A Hawk flies in carrying an official Scroll sealed with a wax image of a Griffin clawing upon the mountain~

Hail King Thorwald, and Vice-King Boindil!

I have recieved word that Surian Silverbeard, ambassador to Trollsbane for both of our nations, gave verbal permission for a human named "Falastur" to use the Silverbrand mines. He looks like ((800.....)). The Human admitted this himself. The elf Lythios also was witness to the conversation.

This human has accumulated "Plenty of Ore" in his own words, at the expense of our brothers in Silverbrand without a mining license. The Laws of Silverbrand are clear. Only Dwarves may use the mines or anyone that pays for the "Mining License". This was prior to your Notification of open mining.

I warned him to purchase one from you, otherwise, I would be obliged to "Cut him down" if caught in the mines. His response was 'disrespectful'.

For us, our "Treaty" with Silverbrand which establishes Goldburg clearly states that no "Non-Dwarf" shall be allowed to use your mines and we have followed this to the letter. Surian is a "Dual-Citizen" of Silverbrand and Goldburg, and an ambassador for us as well! As a "Dual-Citizen" for us, he is bound by both our laws and those of Silverbrand, and he has violated our agreement with Silverbrand. For this, we apologize and I offer to pay a fine in ores that you deem fit. Our citizens are true dwarves and do not wish Silverbrand any harm.

As Punishment, I have removed Surian Silverbeard as our Ambassador effective immediately. I am sure he had good intentions, and this is his first offense, so his citizen status will remain.

Further punishment for violation of the Laws of Silverbrand is your affair, but I ask for mercy in his case.

Again, we apologize for this infraction. It is unclear whether he acted for Silverbrand or for Goldburg, but we have disciplined him on our side for this.

Thank you and Irmorom's Blessings upon our Brothers and Sisters of Silverbrand!
~Chester Copperpot, Chief of Goldburg
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Post by Boindil »

Irmorom for Greeting Chester, Chief of Goldburg!

First of all, I'm not the "viceking" nor I'm claiming another title!
Secondly, as you maybe can read in the parchment above yours, the mine of Silverbrand is free for mining.

Announced by king Thorwald of Silverbrand!

So, no need of mining licenses or anything else.
It maybe will change in a far future but if it does, be sure we will give an official announcement.
None the less thank you for your informations and your mindfulness!

But, you should think about your punishment against Surian, cause he had done nothing wrong.

May Irmorom be with you!

~Boindil Al'Ad Kázár~
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Post by Kingdom of Silverbrand »

  • Hört, Hört!

    Thorwald, König Silberbrands, ist heute am 20. Bras im Jahre 24 auf eine längere Reise aufgebrochen.
    Zu seinem Schutze wird Boindil Al'Ad Kàzár ihn begleiten.
    Silberbrands Amtsgeschäfte werden durch dessen Bruder, Ferin Zwergenblut, mit Unterstütung des Vizekönigs Manron und des "Hohen Rates" weitergeführt!

    Hear, Hear!

    Thorwald, King of Silverbrand, is gone today, 20th Bras in the 24th year,
    on a long journey.
    Boindil Al'Ad Kàzár, is with him for his protection.
    Silverbrands official duties will be lead by his brother, Ferin Zwergenblut, with support of Viceking Manron and the "High Council"!

    ~Boindil Al'Ad Kàzár~
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Post by Massimo Granitbart »

Massimo hinterlegt ein Schreiben am Brett:
  • Mein Name ist Massimo Granitbart und ich würde gerne Bürger von Silberbrand werden.
    Ich habe von meinem Großvater viel über das Schürfen und Schmieden gelernt und bin daran recht geschickt.
    Diese meine Fähigkeiten würde ich gerne in den Dienst des Königs von Silberbrand stellen und dem Königreich ein treuer und fleissiger Bürger sein.
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Application for citizenship

Post by yamo »

I, Yamo the miner, wish to become a citizen of Silverbrand. I am a Dwarf and wish to be at hand when the evil and stupid Nubtell, the orc, and his loathesome bretheren attack Silverbrand, the Crown Jewel of Dwarven civilization.

~Yamo the miner~
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Senrin der Ältere
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »


Since ya are are speaking the new language ya should think about joining the dwarven town of Goldburg.
I don't think ya would feel at home in Silverbrand.

Massimo Granitbart,

Du solltest mich das nächste Mal wenn du dich in der Stadt befindest nochmals aufsuchen.

~Ferin Zwergenblut
Prinzregent von Silberbrand
Prince Regent of Silverbrand
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Post by Kingdom of Silverbrand »

Hört Hört!

Heute, am 17. Eldas trat zur 6. Stunde des Morgens der Hohe Rat Silberbrands zur ersten Sitzung zusammen.
Dabei wurde folgendes beschlossen:
  • Einsetzung des Hohen Rates bestehend aus Richter Tulkas, General Friedwulfa, Hohepriester Thorgrimm und Vizekönig Manron, sowie Surian als Berater. Der alte Rat ist damit aufgelöst.
  • Abschaffung der Stadtwache und Einführung einer Bürgerwehr
  • Beschluss weiterer Baumaßnahmen und des Fortführens der alten Bauvorhaben

Ferin Zwergenblut
Prinzregent zu Silberbrand


Hear Hear!

Today, on the 17th Eldas, the High Council of Silverbrand had their first meeting.
The following points have been decided:
  • The High Council has been introduced, consisting of the Judge Tulkas, General Friedwulfa, Highpriest Thorgrimm and Viceking Manron, as well as Surian as an advisor. The old council is dissolved.
  • The Townguard has been dissolved and the Militia of Silverbrand was founded
  • New building projects will be made and we will continue on old ones

Ferin Zwergenblut
Prince Regent of Silverbrand
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Post by Goldburg »

Hail Brothers of Silverbrand!

We welcome this news and wish you all prosperity in your new High Council!

As always, we continue to attract new members, lose a few, and continue to grow. If new members are able to speak the old tongue, We have been suggesting they also join Silverbrand as well to enhance their 'community'. I appreciate your recent effort to find brother Yamo a home with us. Thank you.

We desire close ties of friendship and brotherly love between the old and new tongues and intend to continue in this respect.

Irmorom bless and keep thee!
~Chester Copperpot
Chief of Goldburg
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Post by Dalam »

Sehr geehrte Zwerge Silberbrands,

Schon vor knapp einem Monat nun habe ich dem Prinzregenten einen Brief zukommen lassen, doch eine Antwort blieb aus. Deshalb mache ich mir ernsthaft Sorgen, dass etwas nicht stimmt oder etwas Beunruhigendes passiert ist. Ist er denn wohlauf?

~ Dalam Vanherl Yg'Erfan
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Post by Boindil »

Irmorom und Malachín zum Gruße!

Prinzregent, Ferin Zwergenblut, ist natürlich wohl auf!
Er ist momentan nur sehr beschäftigt, vieleicht solltet ihr euch mit dem Anliegen an den Hohen Rat wenden.

Mögen Irmorom und Malachín eure Wege geleiten!

~Boindil Al'Ad Kázár~
~Akolyth Irmoroms
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Post by Dalam »

Danke für Euren Rat!

Doch ich bekam zu meiner Erleichterung nun doch eine Antwort und es wurde alles in die rechten Wege geleitet.

~ Dalam Vanherl Yg'Erfan
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Jeff Corwin
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Post by Jeff Corwin »

I would like to formally invite all citizens of Silverbrand to a feast in Goldburge. It will be two dwarven days from now ((Saturday)) in the evening ((10pm CST)) at the smithing hall in the citidel. Please send me a dove if you can come so i can make sure i have enough food and drinks also send me a dove if you do not know where the smithing hall is or do not have a key to the citidel.

The event is a feast. It will consist of a short prayer to Irmorom and a blessing by me the High Priest. That will be followed by a feast with much food and drinks. After the meal is done there will be a game played in which you can win five silvers.

Hope everyone can come.

-Andrew Xavier, High Priest of Goldburg
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Post by Silverwolf »

Hallo Andrew Xavier! You are a priest of Imorom and Bragon right? I'm the highpriest of Bragon and Thorgrimm is the highpriest of Irmorom, but we don't know you! ONLY Thorgimm can make you to a priest of Irmorom and ONLY I can make you to a priest of Bragon! So explain please, how you can be a priest?
There are ONLY one highpriest of one god and ONLY this priest can educate new priests!

Surian Silverbeard
Highpriest of Bragon
Ambassador of Silverbrand
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Evan Ross
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Post by Evan Ross »

Perhaps he learned from priests who don't reside on this island? There are other dwarves who aren't here after all.

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Vern Kron
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Post by Vern Kron »

Surian. I would like you to -recall- what happened that day, with the dragons.
There was four, no, five of us, and a dragon. This dragon was evil, and we had not yet known that, until anouther dragon arrived. You were there trying to help the dragon, until finally one of those present prayed that if there was a sign, let it be a fog lifting for the dragon you were trying to help to be shown as evil. Some one had prayed to Bragon, and some one showed you all that the dragon was evil. Do you remember who that was, Surian, because I sure do, you may be a priest of Bragon, but you are not -the- high priest of Bragon, that was something you self appointed yourself to. If a dwarf gets a calling to be a priest, who are you to stop him?
Artimer Fault.
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Post by Manron »

I can make sure, that Surian is the highpriest of Bragon! If you know another dwarf who pray every day to him and get the knowlegde that surian get from Bragon, show me this dwarf and i´m sure, they will get the title highpriest too! If not, accept that Surian is one of them!

Viceking of Silverbrand
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Post by Jeff Corwin »

I am that priest. I am Andrew Xavier High Priest of Bragon and i will meet with you if you like.

-Andrew Xavier, High Priest of Goldburg
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Post by Goldburg »

~A Golden Hawk arrives with a note affixed, sealed with a waxen image of a Griffen clawing upon a mountain. It is addressed to High Priests Surian and Thorgrimm of Silverbrand~

Hail High Priests of Silverbrand!

I am informed that there is dispute regarding the appointment of our new High Priest. Permit me to explain.

Goldburg is an autonomous (separate) clan from Silverbrand. We are small, yet durable. Due to our small size, we do not have the luxury for dogmatic opinions and claptrap about Temple worship. In fact, High Priest Surian spent several months with us and never once mentioned he was a priest, a fact I was disappointed with when he left us. If one is a priest, they should always say so in my opinion.

Without a priest, Goldburg lacked that element of respect and protection of our Gods. So, when a newcomer to the Isle arrived, and immediately said he was a priest, he was our first I knew of. Trained in the ceremony and art of worship from the Mainland.

I embraced him and had a long, personal discussion with him about our history, goals and desires. His duties were well thought upon and needed.

High Priest Andrew Xavier is our first and only priest. Therefore the position of "High Priest of Goldburg" is his. He is not "High Priest of Silverbrand" and is therefore no threat to you. I encouraged him to invite any of Silverbrand to our ceremonies, since you have done the same.

I do not know much of these matters, however I fail to believe that with all the thousands of Dwarves in this world, that the "Highest" Priest of any God can remain in a desolate place like Gobaith. There is greater work to be done on the Mainland. Much less, two "Highest Priests". Nay, the Gods do not appoint a 'single' channel for their message, but employ many, maybe hundreds to spread their message. Self-appointed 'Prophets' are not known among Dwarvenkind. Considering these points, I fail to see what is upsetting about this.

We needed someone to be in 'charge' of spirituality and worship of the Gods here. Someone to bring our dwarves closer to Them. Someone to keep the flame alive in Goldburg. Therefore, Brother Xavier is appointed as the "High Priest of Goldburg". If we are fortunate, we may recieve more priests, but High Priest is the first and he is therefore our "High Priest" until he resigns the position.

I pray that you and he can cooperate and combine the candlelight of three priests for a brighter light to shine upon this ungodly place. In my opinion, we could use all the priests we can get.

In Irmorom's Name,
~Chester Copperpot, "High" Chief of Goldburg
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Post by Silverwolf »

Artimer, I am the highpriest of Bragon. I got his blessing and he himself said that I should be his priest! That has nothing to do with this day, but with Bragon.

Chester, I didn't say, that I'm a priest because you shouldn't emblaze you with a title like this. This isn't in the sense of Bragon nor of all gods. Did you ever asked?

Surian Silverbard
the ONLY highpriest of Bragon
Ambassador of Silverbrand

P.S.: If you don't believe this, meet me in person and you will see it.
((Inform yourself by GM Estralis if you don't belive.))
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Post by Lamar »

Stop crying, stupid dwarf.

Andrew Xavier, High Priest of Goldburg is the real highpriest. You are nothing then a cheater.

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