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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:19 am
by CJK
A man walks up to the boards, his shoulders slightly hunched from years of expectations and failures being placed upon them. As he reads the note announcing the death of his sister-in-arms , a lone tear slowly rolls down his cheek indeed it may be the first he has shed in years. When he sees the Lilly that was caringly placed upon the note he is flooded of memories of days gone by, and with them all that he had lost that he had held dearest.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:52 pm
by Taiah
*A parchment is placed on the keep door*

Trolls Bane needs our help

Squire Caiah Daekash

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:42 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Bregor, still fighting with the pains from an old sword wound, finally manages the way to the keep and pins a note to the board

"After reading your answers to my letters regarding the meeting times, I figured I'd propose the following new times.

((friday, 11pm GMT, OR sunday 11pm GMT))

Please send me a letter via dove whoever still feels associated with the Knighthood of Gobaith and remains true to their oath, stating which of the above times you can make, or indifference.


~ Sir Bregor Ayun
Knight of Gobaith

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:45 am
by Taiah
Caiah places the sword back in it's sheath after letting Anon out of the keep and locking the door, then leans against the wall appearing thoughtful yet happy, or as happy as she will show anyone.. before walking to the board. She takes out a parchment and sits at the table taking great pains to write slowly and formally as the custom of the other parchments.

A new page to the Knights of Gobaith who henceforth shall be called Page Anon of D'Athen, has sworn his oath this day the 18th of Tanos year 29.

Squire Caiah Daekash

Whispering softly to the empty chair next to her she nods "He said both of us" before pinning the parchment in a prominent place.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:49 am
by Taiah
Caiah sends a dove back to the keep with a parchment attached that is dropped off at the bottom of the door, when opened it has some red dust falling from it yet the writing is formal and plainly seen.

Page Linden Solmur took his oath to the Knights of Gobaith this day Tanos 21 the year 29.

Squire Caiah Daekash

In the graveyard she whispers softly "Yes sister, he will be a great Knight I think" before turning to fight another red demon.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:53 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Welcome to the Knighthood of Gobaith, Page Anon of D'Athen and Page Linden Selmur! May you from now on never sway from the path of a knight, and live up to the ideals you swore upon! I would be very pleased to meet both of you on the next meeting I will be able to attend, which is being held on the 01. Ushos 29 at 12:00 hours ((from now on: sundays, 11pm GMT)). Also, I would like to see as many of you as possible there, for we have much to be discussed.
The current members of the Knighthood are as follows:

Sir Dantagon Marescot, Elder Knight

Sir Frederick Hawkmoon, Knight
Sir Bregor Ayun, Knight
Sir Jonathan Cain, Knight

Squire Tirrend Skye
Squire Caiah Daekash

Page Kenfric Shalpert
Page Dranis
Page Anon of D'Athen
Page Linden Selmur

Of course everyone else who is interested in joining the Knighthood is more than welcome to attend our meetings.
May Lord Malachin protect us!

~Sir Bregor Ayun
Knight of Gobaith

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:19 am
by Bregor Ayun
((a little late, but the meeting is starting now, please drop by the keep if you should be available. and please bring torches or sth like that :P))

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:24 am
by Bregor Ayun
A large parchment can be seen on the Knighthood's board right at the entrance to Stoneridge, bearing the insignia of the Knighthood of Gobaith. In plain but well readable handwriting there is written:
  • Image

Fellow Knights, dear Squires and Pages.

On today's meeting, though with only three of us attending, some major points have been discussed and decided upon, here is a summary of what we discussed:

- I proposed we, the Knights, will over the next few weeks meet up with the heads of the various towns and groups on this isle, and establish new contracts of free movement for our members and offering to uphold the law in the respective towns and lands or confirm and strengthen those already in existence.
Espacially with the town of Troll's Bane, which is currently governed by the Salkamarian forces under Prince Anarion of Lonewood, we will accept the defeat and seek to reestablish our privileges. For years before most of us had reached this isle, this castle, our castle, has been built and given to us to protect the lands surrounding Troll's Bane and to secure the pass to the Kingdom of Silverbrand, and uphold the contract we will, might we not be happy with the outcome of the battle, we need to accept their victory, and no further action shall be taken by the members of the Knighthood against any Salkamarians, town officials or town guards.

- The halfling and alleged criminal Bindus is being sought for his crimes against citizens of Troll's Bane and threatening members of the Knighthood, I issue all Knights and Squires to take hold of him upon sight and surrender him to the nearest town guard. Be careful, he is said to be a trained fighter.

- A large joust will be held by the Knighthood in roughly four dwarven weeks from now. Invitations to all fighters that deem themself worthy of such will be hung out in every major settlement on the isle one dwarven week from now, in the categories archery, sword fight and bare knuckle fight. A worthy prize will be handed out to the winners of each category, and food and drinks will be served for just a little copper. Whoever is available and willing to help should send me a dove, I will need hands to construct an arena and put up banners. Everyone will be invited to watch and enjoy.

- The Knighthood officially searches for a skilled blacksmith to enter our ranks, note's regarding that will be posted in major settlements around Gobaith, if any interested should read this, feel free to send a dove to Sir Hawkmoon, Sir Cain or Sir Bregor. For not only on the battlefield honour is to be won, by the hands of craftsmen Stoneridge and the settlements of Gobaith have been built, and mighty swords been smithed.

Should you not agree with the above proposals, I request you to join me or the other Knights at our next meetings. The next meeting will be on 05. Ushos 29 at 06:00 hours. Topics will be the discussion of the above, the expansion of the castle, the organisation of the joust, the hunt for criminals and after the meeting a training session, an expedidtion to the graveyard is what I thougth of. Again I ask the new Pages to attend whenever possible and extend the invitation to everyone interested.

May the Five guard you,


~ Sir Bregor Ayun
Knight of Gobaith

/Edit: sorry, didnt work out today, but I will be more active from now on again, you can as well send me a pm in case you should notice me on the online list, if you dont want to wait till sunday or have no time then, so we can meet up guys. remember, a guild can only function with member interaction... and please dont let me be the only one posting here.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:16 am
by PurpleMonkeys
On the 18th of Ronas, I, Squire Tirrend Skye swore the young man Benjamin Terrant into the knighthood. I think he will do good, and already knows a bit about fighting. He also contributed some items to the Armory, which reminds me.. If you have anything you don't need(fighting-wise or money), please give it to me so I may put it in the Armory.

I have been away, but even before I left there were not many knighthood members around. If any of your are still around, could you please say so? So far I only know I, Kenfric Shalpert, and Caiah/Taiah are still here..

Thank you,
Squire Tirrend Skye,

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:21 am
by Taiah
A parchment is placed under the last with hastily written handwriting.
- The halfling and alleged criminal Bindus is being sought for his crimes against citizens of Troll's Bane and threatening members of the Knighthood, I issue all Knights and Squires to take hold of him upon sight and surrender him to the nearest town guard. Be careful, he is said to be a trained fighter.
Page Anon of D'Athen caught and detained the halfling Bindus at the keep today, he has been tied to the flag pole on the roof.

Squire Caiah Daekash for Anon of D'Athen

An even tinier note in another handwriting is posted under that.

The halfling seems to have disappeared.

This note remains unsigned but the handwriting may be recognizable

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:02 pm
by Bregor Ayun
A large parchment is placed on the Knighthood's board, in hasty letters there is written:

In contrast to certain rumors, the Knighthood has neither lost its status in the laws of Troll's Bane, nor has it dissolved, the Knights, however busy, are still around and keeping a look.
I deeply apologize for not holding the last meetings, an old sword wound held me back and tied me to the bed. Now that I am fully recovered, any issues that need immidiate dealing with; you will be able to find me nearly all day either at the keep or the town of Troll's Bane.

I also congratulate Page Anon of D'Athen to the capture of the criminal halfling Bindus, well done, and good to hear the island of Gobaith is a safer place by the efforts of the Knighthood! Hoping to meet you soon.

Also, welcome to the Knighthood of Gobaith, Page Benjamin Terrant! I hope to be also meeting you very soon.

We will again gather at the keep at the beginning of the 15. Bras 29, at midnight, Tirrend, can you bring lamps and oil please? I hope to meet as many Knights, Squires and Pages and those who seek to become one at the meeting! Again, a lot of things need to be addressed, even more because it'll be the first meeting in a dwarven month!

Also, I finally fixed the date for our joust to be hold upon, mark the 02. Findos 29 at 21:00 in your calendars!

May the lord Malachin guide you in battles and your travels on Gobaith,

Looking forward to meeting you all again,

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith
Member of the Knight's Council
Paladin of Malachin

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:51 pm
by Bregor Ayun
In addition, the halfling Bindus paid his fines to the town and shall henceforth be regarded free of all charges. Upon meeting him in Troll's Bane and speaking with him, I said that no member of the Knighthood will lay hands on him again, shall he not again break the laws of Gobaith.
Furthermore, I invited him to the meeting on sunday, to clear out the previous matters, among other things.

I hope everyone will be able to attend. Those who this concerns and know already they won't be able to make it, please send me a letter or hang a notice to the keep's wall.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:55 pm
by Taiah
Adds a parchment to the keep wall after frowning at one of the posts she sees whispering to someone not seen "Why would I do that to the halfling?", yet her dark eyes gleam.

Sir Ayun,

I am not sure if I can be at the meeting or not and won't know until right before the time.

Squire Caiah Daekash

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:47 am
by JonathanSmith
Bregor Ayun wrote:In addition, the halfling Bindus paid his fines to the town and shall henceforth be regarded free of all charges. Upon meeting him in Troll's Bane and speaking with him, I said that no member of the Knighthood will lay hands on him again, shall he not again break the laws of Gobaith.
Furthermore, I invited him to the meeting on sunday, to clear out the previous matters, among other things.

I hope everyone will be able to attend. Those who this concerns and know already they won't be able to make it, please send me a letter or hang a notice to the keep's wall.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Something was added below the paragraph regarding Bindus:

Who cares about the scribbling concerning incidents in Troll's Bane of a non authorized person?
A dirty criminal remains a dirty criminal. Regardless of a paid fine. Keep that in mind, honorable knighthood.

Si vis pacem, cole iustitiam!

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:58 pm
by Taiah
Taiah walks to the board of the keep and frowns reading the change in a previously posted parchment as she whispers to someone not seen.

That wasn't there before.

..reaching to carefully tear off the bottom leaving the original intact though slightly messed with the torn edge.

Maybe you should move this board inside the locked keep sister?

Crumpling the part torn off, her silver hair shining in the sun with only the edge slightly singed..

Anyone in the Knights would have signed it, and no, you don't have to like him, but he is my friend!

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:07 am
by Bregor Ayun
((meeting is starting now. Will be a bit late, java crashed right before entering the meeting room :/))

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:26 am
by The Knights of Gobaith
A large parchment is pinned on the Knighthood's board, in the simple and orderly handwriting one might notice as Sir Bregor Ayun's, reading:

"Today, long talks and hard decisions have been made, and last but not least, I am proud to announce the following changes in our ranks:

The dwarf Dain Irionfoot has been sworn in as a Page to the Knighthood, after proving his patience and willingness to fulfil his new duties and serve the Knighthood. He shall henceforth be known as Page Dain Ironfoot. Welcome to the Knighthood of Gobaith, Dain!

Many know me as a man to easily trust people, but one should not misinterpret trust with blindness, easy going or misjudgement of character. As my predecessors and mentors I do believe in the possibility of change, a person can change, his aims can change, we all change as the time goes by and new aims become visible to us. Our oath teaches us to treat everyone with the same rights and with dignity, and to be ever respectful, and for me, to give a chance where a chance is deserve, thus I am proud to announce that the halfing Bindus Sterracillo has been sworn a Page to the Knighthood and is eager to serve his new ideals and his Squire and Knight. Welcome to the Knighthood, Page Bindus!

With utmost pride, I also want to reward loyalty, honesty and great efforts to the people of Troll's Bane, and thus I, Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith, with the power bestowed to my title, appointed the man Kenfric Shalpert a Squire of Gobaith. He shall henceforth be known as Squire Kenfric Shalpert of Gobaith, and is entitled to wear the insignia of a Squire to the Knighthood, accept new Pages into the Knighthood and guard the castle Stoneridge. Congratulations!

This results in the new structure, as follows. As a small surprise, I changed the structure a bit so that every Page is now serving a Squire, who again are to report to me, as the current lead knight of the Knighthood of Gobaith.

Sir Dantagon Marescot (dwelling on the mainland for now)

Sir Bregor Ayun

Knight's Council (Sir Ayun, Sir Hawkmoon and Sir Cain)
  • Squire Tirrend Skye
    • Page Dain Irionfoot
      Page Benjamin Terrant
    Squire Caiah Daekash
    • Page Anon of d'Athen
      Page Linden Solmur
    Squire Kenfric Shalpert
    • Page Bindus
      Page Dranis
((Names written in italics are treated as missing in action, please send a dove to Sir Bregor Ayun if you read this, or alternatively, contact your Squire or join us at our meetings every sunday at 24h GMT+1.
P.S.: A new thread will be made tomorrow, for this one is totally cluttered, watch out for it.))

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:59 am
by PurpleMonkeys
Jack the lizard is also a page..( I forget his full name )

Squire Tirrend Skye,