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Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:59 pm
by PurpleMonkeys
Did I miss the meeting? when is it..?


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:28 pm
by Bregor Ayun
(( Frederick's meeting is every monday at 18pm CET (i.e. GMT +2 atm) at the keep. However, this week it did not take place (I guess, since I couldn't make it either), hopefully we all can gather by next monday ))

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:20 pm
by Bregor Ayun
*returning from a spiritual journey in the woods of Gobaith he undertook to strengthen his faith, Bregor finally finds his way back to civilization and wanders to the doors of the keep, pinning a small note to the doors*

"Greetings Knights, Squires and Pages of Gobaith!

Malachin called upon me to find again those noble, just and honourable and gather them in the keep, thus I call for my Pages to attend the upcoming meeting in a dwarven day, being Page Krull Karfang, Page Dranis, Page Tirrend Skye and Page Caiah Daekash, join me at our keep to discuss the matters of the Knighthood, the happenings in Bane and all Gobaith and to train and advance on our way to knighthood.

Kind regards,

Squire Bregor Ayun"

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:47 pm
by Karfang
Squire Ayun,

Meh is hunting deep in the Northern woods as is tradition with meh people, and cannot come until winter, but Me will attend then.

Meh has been training, collecting supplies and just been made Steward for meh clan. Me hopes Oomies and Orcs can have better relations.

~Krull Karfang

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:04 pm
by Taiah
A rolled parchment lands on the roof of the keep dropped by a dove flying over. It flutters in the breeze rolling to the door finally caught by a stray nail coming loose from the latch. When opened the handwriting is small and neat.

Squire Ayun,
I am writing this to you from the Druid house having been told news of Trolls Bane as I lay here recovering from my injuries. Caiah won't be able to make the meeting this time, we have been very ill and are being treated by the druids until healed.
Taiah writing for Page Caiah Daekash

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:30 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Although rather belated, I hope you two get well soon Taiah, and Page Caiah can be able to attend the meetings again in the future.
Also, Looking forward to you rejoining us come winter, Page Karfang, we will respect your obligations.

Matters that should be discussed on the next meeting are:

- Continue discussion on: Request for help from Friedwulfa and others to join in their battle
- Request from the Troll's Bane Militia to help in defending the town/the Knighthood's stand towards the Prince of Salkamar
- Proposal by Krull to work on the relationship with the orc clans
- Extension of the Keep

~ Squire Bregor Ayun

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:41 pm
by Hawkmoon
I am proud to announce that Squire Bregor Ayun of Gobaith today was knighted. From now on he is therefore known as Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith.

Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith has now the big and important responsibility to lead and guide the knighthood together with the other knights in the duty of protecting the island and its people and to fight the evil.

May Zhambra protect him and the knighthood in this task.

Sir Frederick Hawkmoon of Gobaith.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:01 am
by Karfang
Meh back from hunt and meh mad!

Meh ask dat Knighthood help Trollsbane against Invaders. What needs discuss?

Meh knows dat joo will when Gobaith is faced wid danger. What is Knighthood's position?

Da Orc Nation is behind Trollsbane. What say joo?

~Page Krull Karfang
Chief of the Orc Nation

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:02 am
by Bregor Ayun
Thank you Sir Hawkmoon for the trust put into me, I will do my best to serve the knighthood and all good people of Gobaith.

Glad you are back from the hunt, Krull! Gladly I want to add that Page Krull Karfang, Chief of the Orc Nation, has tonight been appointed Squire of Gobaith and is eager to pursue his new duties. Congratulations.

To all members of the Knighthood, the Knighthood will come to the aid of Troll's Bane, more on the next meeting.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:12 am
by Bregor Ayun
I am proud to announce that the man Kenfric Shalpert, having just arrived from Salkamar on the mainland, decided to take upon him the long path towards Knighthood and will serve the Knighthood as a Page, he was sworn in today at the altair. Welcome, Page Kenfric Shalpert, may Malachin be with you on your future tasks and deeds.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:24 am
by Olaf Tingvatn
As Turga walks by the overcrowded boards he sees a famlliar handwriting that catches his attention, after reading the words of Krull he snorts angrily then takes out his writing bone

Meh dinkin dat chiefy shudd care mor 'bout da horde den behin som nait or whubebbur. Wub it look laik to meh beh dat da naithudd maddur mor to da chiefy den da horde. Wub it beh chiefy? yuu hab shaim 'cause ob whu yuu beh? yuu wanna beh mor laik oomins? dis nub 'bout anur, dis nub 'bout da oomin taown and dis nub beh 'bout oomins niidin 'elp. Dis look mor laik orc wantin to pliis da oomins. 'Dat' maik meh nub praoud to beh membur ob Da orcs ob da northern mountain.


He spits on the ground then goes to his depot before heading towards the harbour with a heavy looking bag on his back

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:09 am
by Taiah
Page Caiah walks past the boards and stops not recognizing the handwriting of a Knight or Squire, only reading the first sentence then shakes her head pulling off the last parchment whispering to someone not seen "must have placed it on the wrong board".

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:29 am
by Karfang
Hail Knighthood,

Meh have done discussions with brothers and came to realizations today.

Meh nub a Human, Meh an Orc.

Others see me as an Orc, and only an Orc.

Meh never be seen as good as Humans in Human eyes, no matter my efforts.

Meh see no benefit to my people by remaining with the Knighthood. In fact, Meh accused ob being Human slave. Dis cannot beh!

Meh must quit Knighthood and return to my people. I am chief and must lead dem.

Meh hopes joo understand.

Former Squire,
~Krull Karfang

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:56 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Chief Krull Karfang has been released from his oath to the Knighthood by me.
May Malachin look over you in all the battles to come.

I will be at the keep in 2 dwarven hours from now, for today is the meeting day. I hope as many of you as possible can attend, you can now meet then our newest member, the dwarf Bjorn Eisenklinge joined our ranks today and swore his oath upon the knighthood.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:44 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Tirrend now serves the Knighthood as Squire Tirrend Skye of Gobaith, he has proven his will to uphold the ideals of the knighthood, and is now entitled to swear in Pages.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:18 pm
by Bregor Ayun
The meeting is beginning now.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:05 am
by Bregor Ayun
For her loyalty and dedication towards the knighthood, Caiah Daekash has been made a Squire of Gobaith, now entitled to uphold all just laws upon all Gobaith and to accept new members into the knighthood, may Malachin guide her in her new tasks.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Further, I will hold training sessions at the keep the following evenings from 9pm CET onwards. [Edit: except for tuesday]
Since the original list is somewhat outdated, the Knighthood would be then comprised of the following:
  • Elder Knight Sir Dantagon Marescot

    Sir Frederick Hawkmoon, Knight
    Sir Bregor Ayun, Knight

    Squire Jonathan Cain
    Squire Tirrend Skye
    Squire Caiah Daekash
    Page Dranis
    Page Kenfric Shalpert
    Page Bjorn Eisenklinge

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:03 pm
by Bregor Ayun
((apologies for my absence yesterday, had to work longer than expected. Same problem exists today, won't make it before 8pm gmt. looking forward to train with ya.))

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:25 pm
by Bregor Ayun
((quick reminder: today's meeting is at 8pm GMT, in the keep))

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:35 am
by PurpleMonkeys
I and Bregor had an idea. There should be a quartermaster in the knighthood, who keeps an armory for the guild. This would greatly help us, I believe.
I would like to be the quartermaster, although I am fine if you pick someone else.. (or even decline the idea)

Squire Tirrend Skye

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:44 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Sir Hawkmoon and I agreed that Squire Tirrend Skye will be our new Quartermaster, responsible for equipment such as armors and weapons. If you have anything spare you dont really need but could be useful to other members you can give them to him to be added to the armory.
They will be used for newer members, in case of battles or if you lost all yours, and as a return for the silver we still need donated.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

((Next meetings:

Thursday, 8.10., 8pm (gmt): Bregor
- battle of tb 2
- new quartermaster
- training
- something important

Monday, 12.10., 4pm (gmt): Frederick, Bregor
- future plans and ideas
- keys (for those you cannot attend, I will be around later that evening so you can collect them, meaning Squires Tirrend and Caiah)
- tasks
- training))

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:27 pm
by Bregor Ayun
  • Image
The Aim of the Knighthood - In the Eyes of the Realm:
  • To assail infidelity, to venerate the priesthood and the righteous, to protect the poor from injuries and to alleviate suffering, to pacify the territory of Gobaith, to pour out their blood for their brothers and, if need be, to lay down their lives.

The Aim of the Knighthood - In the Eyes of the Knight:
  • Perfection of the soul. To fill one’s own heart with the gifts of generosity, modesty, nobility and courage. All this to follow the path of the good and the righteous to ultimately allow one’s heart to rise and reach the Gods’ divinities.
    How is this aim achieved? By following, as best one can. the knighthood's Code of Chilvary and the Principals of Courtly Love

"For his excellence and loyalty in service of the Knighthood of Gobaith, for upholing the law in the town of Troll's Bane furthermore as Captain of the guard, protecting the innocent and defenceless and all inhabitants of Troll's Bane, being loyal to the Knighthood and his oath and a true follower of the code of chivalry, Squire Jonathan Cain, Captain of the Guard, has been given the rank of a full Knight of Gobaith and shall henceforth be known as Sir Jonathan Cain of Gobaith. Thus agreed Sir Hawkmoon and Sir Bregor Ayun, Knights of Gobaith. The ceremony was hold on the 10 Elos 28 by Sir Bregor Ayun, in the presence of the gods. He shall henceforth be entitled to uphold all just laws on all Gobaith, recruit Pages and appoint Squires and hold meetings in the keep. He is now entitled to wear the full knight insignia:"
  • Image
With thus he shall also form a member of the newfound Knight's Council, known also as the Council of Three, to lead the Knighthood in absence of the Elder Knights, being hereby comprised of
  • Sir Frederick Hawkmoon
    Sir Bregor Ayun
    Sir Jonathan Cain
Furthermore, doves will reach you from the castle to all our members, asking for your availability for new meeting times, as most seem not to be able to make the current ones. Next meeting: ((monday))

~ Sir Bregor Ayun of Gobaith

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:33 pm
by Bregor Ayun
((Greetings. since i am missing the forum accs of all our Pages, here again the message sent out to everyone regarding the time and date of the meetings:
Due to the low turnout of attending members at the current meeting times, I'd like to set a new time and date, and to have the maximum number of people attending, i would need of everyone a rough overview of the times you are actually able to log on to Illarion, so please answer this message with an overview of the timespan available on each day, and please give all times in GMT.

Thank you, looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:07 pm
by Taiah
There is a parchment hung outside the Keep

Anyone wishing to join are invited to come to the Knights meeting taking place now.

Squire Caiah Daekash

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:24 pm
by Vern Kron
A man walks up, and looks about. The keep is silent, as he unlocks it. Going about, he tidies up the area, before letting out a frustrated sigh and takes a book off the shelf. He pulls out a sheet, and places it neatly in the middle of the table.

Dear Friends,
There is something that I think needs to be done. Actually, a few things. However, one of the most important to do now, is to remember. It is Chos, and nearly the end of it. I have yet to see a stone set up for one of your allies in the past. I have yet to see any indication of those long past. For more information, please send a dove, or preferably, come speak to one of those you have seemingly long since forgotten, aside from a couple of you.

Waiting Patiently,
Artimer Fault.

P.S. Please do this before the end of Chos.

The parchment rests there quietly now, waiting to be read and acted upon. Artimer leaves as quietly as he left, tidying the place and locking the building behind him.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:35 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Upon entering the keep and making his way to the altar for his nightly prayers, Bregor notices the small note on the table. He picks it up and reads it with a slightly puzzled expression showing on his face. He quickly takes out a clean sheet of parchment and starts to scribble a letter, pins it to the leg of his loyal white dove. He then walks up the staircase to the roof and lets it fly, wasting no time due to the month of Chos ending soon.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:09 am
by Taiah
Having left her leather gloves at the keep before the meeting, Taiah walks inside to find them and seeing the note leans down to read it curiously without picking it up. Upon viewing the signature at the bottom a smile crosses her face before quietly whispering to someone not seen.

I know, too bad we didn't see him at the meeting though, maybe another time.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:53 am
by Bregor Ayun
Visitors to Stoneridge may find a large parchment pinned to the wall inside the Knighthood's great hall, reading as follows:


Winter has dawned upon Gobaith, the season where things need to perish and die, to live again in the new season. Also do humans die in the winter of their lives, thus is the cycle us mortals have to go through. But not only by nature but also by force can an existence be ended and reach the halls of their creator. It is this time however we choose to remember those who left us, to fill our hearts with the memories of their laughter, their pain, their whole being, for when we remember and commemorate their life's and achievements.
To dedicate your life to the cause of the Knighthood, to follow the ideals throughout your entire life, to stand up for the rightful and just, to defend the defenseless and fight the evil is a risk and danger every new day, and not all will come back from the field of battle, but shall live on in our songs and stories, for those who fall in the name of the Knighthood will never be forgotten.
Thus it is my duty as well as my honour to commemorate the death of Dame Ayla To'Lorn, Knight Chamberlain of Gobaith, who after years of dedication to the code of chivalry and the Knighthood lost her life serving the Knighthood. She left us in the prime of her life, as an Elder Knight to the Knighthood, and though she might have passed, still people live her memories, and still stories are told.
I extend my thoughts and memories to those unnamed and uncounted we lost along the way, but wouldn't it have been for those risking and sometimes losing their lives we would not be where we are today, but mighty Stoneridge still guards the pass, still we knights are present on the isle, ready for when we are called, but the following days, as Chos draws to its end, we should use to think of those who died for their beliefs, who protected the innocent their whole lives, those who died with a sword in their hand. Kneel down and pray for their souls to find peace, pray for the gods to guard their souls. Death is a part of life just as birth is, but only when we remember those who fought before us, we can not only live as a knight, fight as a knight but also die as a knight, in honour and dignity. Here is how I pray to the Five to guard their souls when those who gave their life for others left this world:

Snow is falling down on this glorious land,
Colours fading, turning into white again,
To fallen heroes angels sing, they cry their winter tears,
In this morning days will turn to years.

Nothing on earth stays forever,
but none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again,
you're gone to the home of the brave.

I call to all Pages, Squires and Knights to commemorate those who lost their lives in doing what is right, in fulfilling their oath, and include them in your prayers. May the Five give you a long life and may Lord Malachin protect you in battle.

~ Sir Bregor Ayun
Knight of Gobaith, Paladin of Malachin
Member of the Knight's Council

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:17 pm
by Bregor Ayun
((/Edit: meeting cancelled due to no one showing up, thursday meeting time cancelled alltogether, waiting for last replies to my pm to set up new and better meeting time))

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:06 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
A silver haired man dressed in furs and wool steps up to the gates and reads over the notes. He pins a Lilly to the note mentioning Ayla's death before standing in silence. The silence is broken by the cooing of a child. "Dad. Can we go now?" The man chuckles and takes the child's hand in his, leading them off in the direction of Trolls Bane. "Yes, son. I just had to check on my sword children and their sword children."