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Haus bauen

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:31 pm
by Jonny Pfantom
Ich habe mal folgende frage wo kann ich in Trols Bahne das land kaufen und wie kann ich es bebauen?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:34 pm
by Jupiter
Es heißt Troll's Bane.
Und ganz einfach: dein Char meldet sich bei dem Governour von Troll's Bane und sagt, welches Stück Land er möchte und wenn du das Land hast kannst du auch dich beim Baumeister melden (Lennier) und ihm erzählen, was du bauen möchtest.
Wäre aber ratsam es zu erst mit dem Baumeister zu besprechen, ob das, was du vorhast, gehst, sonst kaufst du das Land noch um sonst.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:33 pm
by Jonny Pfantom
Vielen Dank aber wo ist das Governour von Troll's Bane?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:39 pm
by Estralis Seborian
Der Gouverneur kann meist sturzbetrunken in der Taverne gefunden werden ;-). Frag mal nach einem Charakter namens Sir Jorokar, siehe: ... hp?t=27188

Das ist hier aber off-topic.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:01 pm
by Lennier
The building rules have changed. Read the first post of this topic.

Following news are included:

The price of tools raises with the number of existing tools. The first two ones cost 50 silver coins each plus material. The price of more tools is 50 silvercoins above of the last one (50, 50, 100, 150, 200 etc.).

This change is to prevent more settlements and buildings of allrounders. The costs explode with any new tool.

New rules for change of ownerships.
Everyone who wants to sell his building and everyone who wants to overtake any existing building in any kind of strategy has to stay in contact with me.

This is to take care, that the buildings will not be in hand of few old, aggressive guilds, which are outnumbered and don't care for orginal buildings in their property.

New needed ressources (pins and cutters, stone blocks).

Different minor changes.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:55 am
by Juniper Onyx
OK, I like the changes, but a a question please:

For the Buildings already "Built" but not yet paid for: *Hint*Hint*
We still go by the plans using the old costs, right?

Now I'll have to re-calculate my plans for new buildings....again. :roll:

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:01 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Agreed, I hope this doesn't change the plans of anyone who has building in progress. We are almost ready and I really don't want to recalculate any values.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:31 pm
by Lennier
Made deals are never included. But ever new deals have to be made under these new rules.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:34 pm
by Vern Kron
I have a question on buildings, shops, and ownership.

Lets say, a group of people want to build a shop in a town, (and the goverment agreed ofcourse). Is this legal?

Assuming this is met, would this shop be able to be locked and things?
Would the owners of the shop, not be able to build homes, seeing as this would be a group of people, such as a guild?
What rights would they have over the place, such as who they choose to serve, and can they lock it from people they do not wish to enter at their whim?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:21 am
by Juniper Onyx
These questions are rather easy. Allow me to help answer this based on Lennier's most recent rules.
Vern Kron wrote: I have a question on buildings, shops, and ownership.

Lets say, a group of people want to build a shop in a town, (and the goverment agreed ofcourse). Is this legal?
As the Rules state:
"• Building projects should be concentrated at areas of existing settlements and towns. Therefore the founding of new settlements becomes more difficult.
• Offical citizens can build one little house in a town with the agreement of their goverments.
• The towns are:
o Troll's Bane
o Varshikar
o Silverbrand (only in the underground)
o Greenbriar
o Tol Vanima "
A 'shop' is just a house used for that purpose. No need for a 'Guild' to do this, but a Guild is also allowed to build whatever, wherever they want with GM approval.
Vern Kron wrote: Assuming this is met, would this shop be able to be locked and things?
Yes, as long as you pay for locks and keys. Only the 'owner' or 'Guildmaster' gets the keys or change the locks.
Vern Kron wrote: Would the owners of the shop, not be able to build homes, seeing as this would be a group of people, such as a guild?
"....Only chars get counted, which are not member of any other guild or which are not owner and co-owner of a private house." If your Group only has 4 'active' players to keep the Guild 'active', then probably not. With more, you could because then only 4 without houses or other Guildmemberships need to be counted for your Guild requirements.
Vern Kron wrote: What rights would they have over the place, such as who they choose to serve, and can they lock it from people they do not wish to enter at their whim?
"Only the owner of the door is allowed to build in or change the locks." If the 'Guild-leader" passes out keys, then they can get in. If those keys are lost, stolen or purchased, then they can get in. If the door is open, anyone 'can' enter. This is where RP is necessary to 'affect' people's decision to 'enter'.

Who you choose to serve is part of RP. The Forums are half of the game.

See the first post of this thread for current rules. Lennier is good about updating it, and letting us know he has. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:52 pm
by HolyKnight
shouldn't this be a sticky?

hmm I read the thread and a page back someone asked the same question hehe. *waits for Alex on his post*

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:05 pm
by Lennier
Because of serval issues i need to make clear my rules in matter of Trolls Bane....

Since Edward Cromwells ingame reform Trolls Bane is devided in some destricts, ruled by noble men, which were placed in their position by E. Cromwell himself.

These nobles got a right to decide about building projects on their land. An inagme rule within the administration of an ingame town...

That rule does not harm me. It will not work in kind, like some of you thought.

In talk with PO Cromwell i made clear following: I can not allow new buildings in wilderness, far away of the save town wall, buildings which are in ownership of only 1 single character.

Outside of the town - in mean far away of the town wall is land, that only can be controled by guilds and groups like guilds.... In this mean i allow that nobles act like guild leaders, which rule about the members of their district.

In condition, that these nobles begin to act like leaders of sub-groups of Trolls Bane, with some member lists to show me their autonome activity, in every district could be build a headquarter of the nobles and their members.

Two districts are excluded currently:

Borough of Midlands (Baron Silas Farron) until the status of Knights of Gobaith is clear for me.

Borough of Eastmark (Baron Julius Rothman) until the status of Kallahorn is clear for me. Maybe whole Kallahorn should be assimiliated as Borough of Eastmark.

Individuals are limited on the town itself and close near to the town wall. Best places currently to spread are in south (loaction of the farm fields)

An other would be in east (between Garons Workshop, Arena and the Trolls Vein). But first the status of the Borough of Midlands should be clear.

When districts devlopes well individuals also can settle in range of the headquarters.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:29 pm
by Juliana D'cheyne
Is there an advantage to a noble having land if they can't build on it? They could have established the "guild" and built on the same land before Trolls Bane was expanded and divided into districts. Anyone can build on land away from Trolls Bane as a guild. This sort of negates any progress of Lord and Burroughs ALSO negating that the town of Trolls Bane ever expanded. The only advantage now to Burroughs is others can't build a guild on that land... but can build outside of it.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:14 pm
by Lennier
A guild can not build outside of town without to have active support of a town. Thats the advantage of the districts...

They are supported by Trolls Bane and have own influence in Trolls Bane...

And much better: The highest noble man as governor of Trolls Bane (currently Cromwell) can remove and place new nobles when the old ones become inactive.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:27 pm
by Weilanderus
Wie steht es eigentlich mit dem recht Gebäude anzugreifen , für eine andere Stadt ? Halt das was möglich ist zu zerstören.Gilt dann wieder die Feuerversicherung?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:33 pm
by Juliana D'cheyne
Lennier wrote:A guild can not build outside of town without to have active support of a town. Thats the advantage of the districts...

No, but can build elsewhere, such as the Eldan monastery etc. and active support technically simply mean permission.

They are supported by Trolls Bane and have own influence in Trolls Bane...

which REALLY doesn't mean much except possibly more of a voice in affairs but I can't see where burroughs, Lord etc. would benefit any char much... oh, I imagine it would be nice to stand on "your" land... but that is about it.

And much better: The highest noble man as governor of Trolls Bane (currently Cromwell) can remove and place new nobles when the old ones become inactive.

houses have that restriction already... an inactive char's house is sold by the city after a certain time
Sorry, I can't see anything different then name only use for RP purposes now in TB, burroughs,Lord and Lady or Baroness etc. ...

((just voicing one opinion and won't post anymore not wanting to mess up the thread...feel free to delete if desire))

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:51 pm
by Lennier
Juliana D'cheyne wrote: Sorry, I can't see anything different then name only use for RP purposes now in TB, burroughs,Lord and Lady or Baroness etc. ...

That is the aim. Nothing more or less. Personally i watch the development in Trolls Bane with much interest. That is a kind like i want to see it everywhere. Guilds should be part of a town.
((just voicing one opinion and won't post anymore not wanting to mess up the thread...feel free to delete if desire))[/size]
The topic here is to discuss. So feel free to post your opinion.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:34 pm
by Olive
i think there is something patently unfair in the concept that in order for a group of friends to build their own little project they need the permission of another group of players who have MUCH vested interest in them NOT being allowed to build.

or is Nepotism the favored political strategy now

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:54 pm
by Lennier
This rule is active since around 2 years. But i need to agree, that the control of this was not the best in the past. Personally i see the ingame happen in Trolls Bane as the best example for that, like i wanted it should be...

Yes. Single groups - we have too much of them, should not be able to build without permission of other parts of the community. We see, in past that inactivity leads to much places where nothing happens, dead places.

My politic in all times was: Keep what he have, find new functions before it need to be destroyed, instead to create much more unused things.

New settlements need to be limited very strictly. Because we have too much of them, without that they are used well.

The current politic is: Concentration on hotspots.

New settlements only with very good reasons and with the support of the ingame population/their rulers.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:19 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
The castle owned by the knights of Gobaith is not part of Bane. It was built before the borders were expanded. We have been trying to work on a treaty to state that but due to lack of time and what not it has not been made. I am unsure of what needs to be clear. Do we need support of a town to build outside their borders? If so, we'll go talk to SB and see what happens. XD

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:52 pm
by Mesha
Dantagon Marescot wrote:The castle owned by the knights of Gobaith is not part of Bane. It was built before the borders were expanded. We have been trying to work on a treaty to state that but due to lack of time and what not it has not been made. I am unsure of what needs to be clear. Do we need support of a town to build outside their borders? If so, we'll go talk to SB and see what happens. XD
I think that is a different situation all together. You made an agreement with another town leader, namely Fooser (which, in a sense, could conclude as permission). So I think the building will stay. So this situation has nothing to do with OOCly having permission, because the building is already there. Your situation is ingame, where you are facing war, or perhaps annexation.

But, if you do wanna expand your castle even further, THEN you should talk to Lennier to see how the rules are interpreted. Perhaps I'm rambling here, still not exactly the most awake and healthy out there.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:40 pm
by Drathe
With regard to the requirements of materials and tools to build anything, as well as the additional cost, could there not be an alternative singular larger cost as well. This cost would reflect the work, materials and tools all in.

e.g. Furniture - Small tables - 2 silver coins, 1 hammer, 1 saw, 25 boards of cherry, 10 pins OR 4 silver

I’ll be honest, I’m lazy. I have no want or will to spend months either collect all that stuff or trying to find other players willing to gather it or sell it. I don’t want the frustration and the boredom of it. I know it is supposed to add to the economy of the game but does it? The amount of buildings created in game over the years being so few. I say without any evidence that they were mostly group buildings with the players making everything themselves?

Would it not be a good thing to allow players (with GM moderation) easier access to build? The money spent could end up in the town/ boroughs treasury, there for being put back into the economy through wagers for more guards, clerks or other jobs. The other thing I always find a little odd is people referring to Trollsbane as a city... with 3 houses in it? It doesn’t even qualify a town yet is it populated by a good lot of people these days. Where do they all live, or put their heads down at night. It would be nice in my opinion to see more houses and buildings around town and starting up in the boroughs.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:46 pm
by Saril
Nein, die Bauregeln sind gut. Sie sind auf ein funktionierendes Wirtschaftssystem ausgelegt. Das das jetzt shcwächelt ist nicht die Schuld der Bauregeln. Würden sie nach deinem Vorschlag geändert werden wäre es der Todesstoß für den Rest des Wirtschaftssytems.

Außerdem, es ist vollkommen möglich alle Werkzeuge und das Baumaterial zu bekommen. Jüngste und bestes Beispiel ist da Varshikar. Sie haben das Material für zwei Bauprojekte in nur 2 Wochen zusammen gehabt. Das es noch nicht liegt daran, dass Lennier momentan keine Zeit hat.

Also, es ist eindeutig und ohne Streiterein möglich Werkzeuge, Material und Geld zu sammeln. Das mit den heutigen Bauregeln und Wirtschaftssystem.

Wenn eine Stadt nicht wächst liegt es als nur an der Gemeinschaft der Stadt.


No, the farmer's leeches are good. They are laid out on a functioning economic system. Now shcwächelt is not the guilt of the farmer's leeches. If they were changed by your suggestion it would be the death blow for the rest of the economic system. In addition, it is to be got completely possibly all tools and the building material.

Latest and the best example are there Varshikar. They have had the material for two construction projects in only 2 weeks together. It is due to the fact not yet that Lennier has at the moment no time.

So, it is unequivocal and without collecting quarrels-purely possibly tools, material and money. With the today's farmer's leeches and economic system.

If a city does not grow it lies as only with the community of the city.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:56 pm
by Bjarkar Kjartan
Saril wrote:Sie haben das Material für zwei Bauprojekte in nur 2 Wochen zusammen gehabt.

Willst du jetzt damit Kund tun, das in Varshikar die grösste PG/Crafter-Gang der ganzen Insel legal Rohstoffe zu tausenden in wenigen Tagen produziert und nicht dafür bestraft wird? Da muss doch was quer laufen. :?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:06 pm
by Saril
Ich will damit sagen das es möglich ist ^^ wenn man genau ließt sind noch nicht alle Sachen zusammen (hintere Seiten) aber es haben sich innerhalb der Zeit Chars gefunden die es machen. Damit ist die Sache erledigt.

Zwei Bürger und die Zwerge haben Steine gehauen
Drei Chars haben Holz geschlagen
Zwei Chars arbeiten einem Schmied zu (Griffe machen)
Der Schmied arbeitet immer noch an den Hämmern

Das ist Stadtrp in reinstform. So sollte es ablaufen und da es so ablaufen kann *deutet auf Varshikar* ist es nicht notwendig die Bauregeln zu vereinfachen. Das man Werkzeuge gegen Geld eintauscht unsinm! Man kann alle nötigen Materialien bei Chars oder NPC (dort fast alle Materialien) kaufen.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:18 pm
by Zeshyrr
I think we can all agree that the map lacks buildings. On the other hand, buildings are good for the game.

One way is to lower building requirements and make building more accessible to players.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:39 pm
by Saril
Was nützt es Gebäude stehen zu haben die leer sind. Wenn eine Stadt wirklich soviele Bürger hat, die Wohnungen brauchen, soll sie beim Häuserbauen helfen. Wie gesagt es ist vollkommen möglich alles zu sammeln.

Also will man hier etwa sagen es magelt an Gebäuden weil sie zu teuer sind oder erher das es zu aufwändig ist mit anderen Handel zu treiben und es viel besser ist PG in einer Höle zu machen und sich das Silber zu holen?

Mal im ernst, die Bauregeln ist das einzige System im Spiel was einen Char dazu zwingt mit anderen RP zu machen um schnell und günstig an etwas zu kommen. Halt ein Haus. Ist das interagieren mit anderen Chars so schwer? Es reicht dafür sogar eine PM aus.


What it uses building are to have they are empty. If a city really has so many citizens who need flats, she should help in the house construction. As said it everything is to be collected completely possibly.

So one possibly wants to say here it magelt in buildings because they are too expensive or erher too luxuriously is to be done with other trade and it is to be done much better PG in a Höle and to get the silver?

Time in him seriously, the farmer's leeches is the only system in the play what a Char in addition demands with other RP to do to come fast and favourably in something. Just a house. Is this interoperate with other Chars so hard? It is sufficient for it even a PM.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:41 pm
by Nitram
In my opinion we do not have to less buildings. We have a good number as long as all are used. Its useless build houses and houses for characters that become inactive after a short time.

Currently its the same with many guilds. They found to build up something cool and as soon they are done they get inactive.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:45 pm
by Saril
Genau Nitram, das meine ich.

Ich sollte mir angewöhnen klarer zu sprechen und nicht durch die Blume -.- besonders bei englischen Sachen

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:56 pm
by Olaf Tingvatn
what would it cost to build a small tent like house with a flap thingy for a door for my Lizard? since my lizard Snushi is a citizen of Trollsbane it would be ofcoursedly be built in Trollsbane...near water of course...or does that coding thingy even excist? for a small tent thingy that can just hold on person/lizard? with maybe a sleeping place on the ground and with a fireplace?as in those that is in and around trollsbane..?if you know what i mean?:P