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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:47 am
by Yridia Anar
She was back. She inhaled deeply the spicy air as she landed in the woods of Runewick.
There was nothing to see or smell of the still poisoned water.
As always, she still wondered about the vision she had at that time - would there really be a mountain arising from the ocean and sending a tidal wave?

The precious copy of the scroll she had been looking for, lay well tucked away in her bag.
She smiled and went to the shrine of Ushara to pray and thank her goddess.
After this she would send a message - to the person who was surely waiting for it.
Despite the many wondrous things and interactions she had encountered and seen on this journey, she was looking forward to her old duties.
She hoped Cay and Azuros were well and there had been no new disasters in the time she had been absent.
Her hand clasped the new jade necklace with the carved night butterfly - a last remnant of her old home, her birthplace.
She smiled somewhat dreamily, but her steps were steady and firm as she walked across the forest floor toward Runewick.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:16 pm
by Yridia Anar
After the meeting in Runewick, she walked thoughtfully and slowly back to the Inn.
Her head was buzzing with alchemical formulas, problems and the ritual she was about to perform.

"Ushara for the mountain, Tanora for the water -mmmh, and Eldan for our insight and wisdom ?" she muttered to herself.
"At least 2 pure elements for each god -and I need to take a closer look at this water sample Deanna gave me".

Cleaning this little stinking pool and using it as an antidote at the same time seemed to her an operation that would be difficult to manage.
Especially the masses of herbs for it - Ushara would certainly be unhappy about that. But only she saw it that way - as the high priestess of her goddess.

Borgate hummed quietly and mumbled something about *..more problems mmmh?
and offered her a bottle of water which she accepted with a smile.

*I thank you old friend*

Then she took out her writing utensil and hastily wrote a message.
After a sip of the deliciously cold, clear water, she went out with the folded message and called softly for Faen the Snow Owl.

After a short time, she came, flying elegantly, her wings carrying her through the air, and she sat down on Yridia's arm.

*Well, my beauty, you look satisfied, I think your hunt was successful. This message is very important - take it to Ar-Sikar. Can you do it?"

Yridia whispered in a warm voice to the owl, who confirmed with a small nod and a muted sound.
After a few crumbs of cake, which she loved so much, she went on her way, while Yridia watched her for a long time until the white dot disappeared at the Horizon.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:09 pm
by Yridia Anar
Every time she returned to the Inn she became sad. The danger was probably too high to stay.
She and Cay had gone to Runewick - and the feeling of danger had proved them both right.

Mas was over - the hospital was empty again, she thanked Ushara for that.
Jakbo Maren had been the last patient and she had not treated him because of Mas.
His knee seemed to be recovering now, but she was still worried. It was no longer the cheerful Jakob she had treated there.
But she didn't want to ask him what had happened. He should concentrate on his healing.
Lost in her thoughts, she grabbed the supplies and went back to Runewick via the teleporter.

Her first investigations in the libraries of Runewick were not successful yet.
Still, if these creatures were so old and had a master, there had to be a clue somewhere.
The demon dog, the black flour and the dwarf who tampered with corpses to possibly soak his hat in blood...
something like that could not go out without written clues.
She still had a few cupboards full to search and the libraries in Galmair and Cadomyr were also still there.
With Amelia she had discussed some possibilities.
Cay was a little late and she didn't have all the information yet.

What worried her more, however, was Oxiana's poisoning. A deliberate attempt on his life. Who and how....
Amelia and she were definitely going to get to the bottom of it.

With a sigh, she began making potions. Cadomyr was under siege and the dangers were endless. She had to do what she could - as always.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:46 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia stood in front of the shelves in Runewick's library.
One book after another she examined thoroughly, one or the other ended up in her hands.
After hours, a very old, barely legible book fell into her hands
*My First Lore of the Gods* by Nilia Ephraimsdauther.

But it wasn't the book, it was this little old piece of paper that fell out....
Yridia gasped when the name Ol'Scucca was seen.

this is it... a first hint...even if we do not know who this researcher was...


very carefully she took the old note and stored it in a book of her own to keep it safe

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:32 am
by Yridia Anar
After the meeting with Cay and Azuros, she actually intended to get to sleep right away.
But something else intervened - something large sublime rushed towards her on broad wings.

A rather sizeable eagle did land near Yridia and for her it was apparently unmistakable that it was Aranir, the eagle of Arsan.
Once again he carried a leather scroll with parchments.

*Greetings Yridia,

as you can imagine, I have of course followed your request...
and searched around in the library.
Not that I am already finished with it as you can imagine.
But I found some references to that being called Ol'Scucca.
There are quite a few reports of encounters with this creature.
But not all of them are really reliable sources. Some of them sounded more like the story of a drunk or someone looking for attention.
The transcripts are attached, of course, and I will also continue to search, because there were no references to his master in these reports.

Please take care of yourself Yridia and be careful in your own investigations. As you know, these are more than just tales.

Oh Ny'kes is worried. He is quite tireless in his search and sometimes, like now,
he falls asleep from exhaustion, and I take him to his bed. That's why there are no lines from him right now.
But he would write the same.

May the Five watch over you and give you the strength to avert any disaster.


With a furrowed brow, she put the letter aside, fed the eagle, and sent it back with a short, heartfelt thank-you note -
back to the source that would hopefully tell her a little more about the beast.

*Dear Arsan, dear Ny'kes,

I am so grateful for your help and will read the parchments immediately.
I hope they will help us to solve the problem or come close to a solution.
But I understand from your words that it will not be so easy.

I think of you both and I really hope that I can visit you again soon.

Ushara bless you both

Curious, she opened one parchment after another and carefully read through them.
One such tale spoke of an old man crossing the moors in bad weather.
He hears a distant howl as he wraps his cloak tightly around himself. In no time at all glaring
red eyes appear in the dense fog. Before he can turn to flee though the beast is upon him,
stepping into his path. The beast stares at him with blazing eyes and the blood-curdling howl has the man cowering and tightly closing his eyes.
As the mist swirls around him, the inevitable does not strike and eventually the man dares to open his eyes.
The beast is gone and with immense relief the man hurries home.
Rushing to tell his wife of his terror, he finds he is too late as she sits by the fire ---
staring lifelessly at the dancing flames. One more mournful howl resonates in
the distance.
Yridia murmurs So, closing his eyes did safe this man, but the beast took another life, one close to the man ...
Then she reads over the other parchments with a worried gaze what might come
Another tale speaks of villagers who leave their children untended,
assured that a shaggy black beast the size of a horse guards over them.
Any wolf straying close to the village is slain and when one undesirable stranger ventured through -
limbs were torn from him and some were sure he had tried to tempt the children away with sweet treats.
The Beast protective ??? - It gets even more strange now
Some speak of such a creature guarding the dead.
Witnesses from one village record a disemboweled grave robber.
Another source tells of a graveyard haunted by a ghost dog,
once killed trying to save a girl set upon by a gang of youths;
it is said the beast guards where she lays, even in death.
Yet others speak of mourners themselves collapsing dead in a graveyard
as a huge black wolf ran trough a congregation, leaving scorch marks on the ground.
Yridia shook her head, these details were informative and confusing at the same time.
Contradictory, to say the least -

And really - as it seemed - not a word from a master.
Sleep was now out of the question.
She had to talk to Inara about it soon - and to her druids.

She grabbed her sickle and went into the forest to gather herbs and ponder over the mystery.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:44 pm
by Yridia Anar
Brewing potions - a more or less mechanical matter that she could master in her sleep.
Unfortunately, the herbs ran out more and more often and she had to walk long distances to replenish everything.
To make matters worse, she usually didn't charge for the potions...
The last meeting with her friends and druids gave a clear direction, they had to earn at least a little gold.
Inara had just sent her a message that she needed potions.
While she poured herb after herb into the cauldron and then filtered it again to eliminate the unwanted side effects,
her thoughts wandered back to the conversation in Galmair.

She could well understand Inara's impatience, almost anger. The pressure was great and the young elfess held her own well.
Yridia was almost 1000 years old - but she still knew what a hot and restless temper she had when she was young.
In Inara's case, however, she felt that only patience would help.
She did wait for another answer from her friend and librarian.

Patience = a word that had been with her for hundreds of years. A burden at first, but also a blessing.
It had given her a serenity that few possessed.

Nevertheless, her thoughts had recently often wandered to Tyan. What had become of him? Was he still alive?
He had disappeared so suddenly without words. She could not answer Cay's question if she thought he would come back - no - she did not want to.
Surely he had disappeared for more than 3 years now ... but there was still this tiny spark of hope.

Then her thoughts wandered to Clairette.
The loss of her voice was still very strange. And what had Bidukan to do with it?
A Bidukan who had recently been haunted by a strange voice.
Was he possessed ?

She hoped he would show up for a clarifying conversation at some point - as he had told her he would.
She had also noticed his gaze, how he still stared obsessively at Amelia.
If he was possessed, he was a danger for Amelia, for Azure - for everyone.
But these were human affairs, she couldn't manage all nor was she able to take care of everything.

She had anyway to talk to Amelia soon, maybe she could carefully talk about it with her -
also she wanted to ask if she was eventually ready to become a druid.

When the contents in the cauldron suddenly exploded, she was just able to jump back.
Her gaze was angered for a moment - incensed that she had not been focused enough and had wasted herbs.
Then she sighed softly and patiently began to reconstitute the brew ....

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 12:49 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia could not sleep. Cay was lying in bed next to her, occasionally murmuring in her sleep.
She smiled gently, then decided to do something about this inner turmoil.
Quietly she pulled the door shut and emerged into the cool night.
The sky was clear and Borgate had already called it a night - it was far past midnight.
She took torches, some provisions and an element from her chest and headed for the dangerous path to the sunken shrine of Ushara.

This place would give her the tranquility she needed.
Quickly, lightfooted and very quietly, she walked through the marshland.
But two skeletons noticed her nonetheless and followed with rattling breathing.
She quickened her pace and a gentle breeze into her back gave her a boost as well.
*Thank you Ushara, my goddess* she murmured softly and reached the entrance to the shrine before the skeletons could reach for her.

Once at the bottom, the incredible peace and beauty of the place embraced her. To stay here was so much rewarding.
She slowly strode to the shrine to lay the pure earth element as an offering before the shrine.
She dropped to her knees and began to pray.

*Ushara, my goddess.
Your dedicated servant is caught up in restlessness.
The earth - especially the one in Runewick- groans, the water weeps.... no one does anything about the poison that still lingers there.
The strong tensions between the realms threaten innocent people.
And still the demon is at work in Mount Letma.
Please give me the strength and calm to manage these conflicts, to remain just and neutral, without jeopardizing my task as your priestess.
Help me to protect the innocent, to heal the earth and the water.
Please give your blessing to the infidels and protect them as well.*

A warm light enveloped the element as well as the priestess kneeling before it.
Yridia smiled with gratitude, nodding her head delicately.

Then she laid down in front of the shrine in the soft moss and soon fell asleep.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:29 pm
by Yridia Anar
She was sitting on the quiet, beautiful shoreline behind the Inn, contemplating what had happened.

It was on the very brink that Runewick's nature would at last breathe a sigh of relief.
Preparations were in full swing and Yridia was very grateful for it.

Ushara had guided her once again, led her and given her the right clues. It was only this subtle feeling that she was right about something.

What had surprised her was, that the Ratpeople really seemed to be specialists in alchemy, a perfect laboratory, mysterious notes and colorful bottles.
Surely one could not go in there without resistance.
But Caswir, Inara, Kyre and of course Deanna had protected her.
Nargun played a little with them, dropping small pots on Kyre's and her head and laughing to himself.
But he did not hinder them further.

Yridia listened to the soft inner voice, a voice she absolutely trusted and which pointed the way to the solution.
The result was great and they left the laboratory of the Rats satisfied, though Caswir and Deanna were slightly hurt.

Inara once again helped absolutely unselfishly, Zelphyra would draw a map that showed the way of the currents, Caswir, Kyre and Cletus Moriarty stood at heel to help.

Should anyone observe the delicate elfess, one would see that her lips were moving, her hands folded in her lap.
Meditation and prayers of gratitude to Ushara most evident.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:13 pm
by Yridia Anar
The water in and around Runewick was clean again.
She was very impatient to meet her fellow Druids and talk to them about this success.

But first she had to send an urgent message to the library and her two friends. Deanna was right - this could not be delayed.
She was racking her brain about the stones.
During the vision she had experienced almost everything again. The stone not only showed her everything again,
it made her feel it - and that was very frightening. Gray, Valherian, the pain, so close to death.

It had to be investigated whether something like that had ever appeared somewhere before. And if so, how to deal with it.
Avaroth had simply disappeared, for whatever purpose.
On the one hand she was glad about it, because this elf would go over corpses for knowledge and power.
On the other hand, he had called himself a demon hunter and possessed a lot of knowledge.

She ordered the messenger and handed him the letter. He would leave the island today.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:24 am
by Yridia Anar
Yridia sat on her bed in silence.
So much had piled up on her today.

She sincerely hoped that Amelia was all right. She hoped that Inara's falcon Alis would reach the druids in Albar and Sammy's friends with the message.
Azuros had an idea that made them all feel less helpless. Sammy also helped greatly. It was so good to have Cay, Azuros and Sammy with her.

Inara made a rather stable impression, the journey had obviously been good for her.
She hoped to see the tattoo, which she had told about, soon.
And that her mother had sent out the best warriors to find Amelia also left a spark of hope in Yridia.

Then her thoughts wandered back to Clairette.
Why had it hit her so hard when Clairette said she wanted to go back to a war of conquest?
Back to a quagmire of intrigue and hatred ? Constant danger ?

It was painful to think of having no more conversations with Clairette, of losing her.
But why did it hurt ? That was a question not easily answered, this much was certain.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:40 am
by Yridia Anar
Dismayed, frustrated, angry ....
It had been a long time since Yridia had experienced such a state of mind.
Definitely, she could remember only three other times in her 985 years of life that she had felt like this.

Her eyes went to the written - *You sound like Linette!*
Who by Ushara was this Linette? She didn't know anyone by that name.
But what did she know about Clairette at all - hardly anything, much too little it appeared.
She had only wanted to help, to comfort, it was terrible for the young elfess to be without a voice.
But what exactly had happened - Yridia could not put it together.

And then the dagger - her stomach cramped - a poisoned weapon!
A weapon that could not be more evil and insidious. So many times she had watched helplessly as such poisons had extinguished lives.
Weapons that were only carried by people who were murderous and depraved.
Clairette had thrown it on the path, accepting that Yridia might hurt herself picking it up.....
Well, perhaps that was just thoughtlessness.

But the engraving hurt, its message.
*Trust is a dangerous game.*

Clairette did not trust her ! Even though they were close ?
Yridia stared at the weapon and it dawned on her that perhaps it was all an illusion.
Was Clairette really so vicious ? Or just too young ?

A tear ran down Yridia's cheek and with an impatient gesture it was wiped away.

She would retreat. To the place she loved and where she would never be in danger.
Where she was closest to her goddess.
She would like to destroy the dagger, throw it into the sea....
But then she decided to carefully wrap it up and put it in the farthest corner of her chest.

She packed some provisions and went on her way to maybe find her inner peace again.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:46 am
by Yridia Anar
She closed the door, and then leaned back against it and closed her eyes.
It had been beautiful hours, this intimacy was still there - although half a century had passed since they had broken up.
Guir always had a place in her heart and it seemed that deep inside they were both quite lonely.

But then she gnawed on her lower lip and sat down on one of the - fortunately - currently free beds of the hospital.

This evening had definitely made her realize something else, she had to talk to Clairette and soon.
She was already tense, because she didn't want to hurt her. She loved her like a little sister or daughter,
but certainly not in the way Clairette wished she would.

Well, there was only one thing to do - she took the key to the hospital, went outside.
The air was soft and warm at this time of year.
Her feet guided her to the underground Ushara Shrine.
Bryan had instructed the guards to keep an eye on her.

Meditation and distance - that was what she needed for a little while.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:51 am
by Yridia Anar
As she swept the hospital, many thoughts were swirling through her head.

It was painful for her to have hurt Clairette so much.
Her incredulous face as she stood there, offering both sword and harp for a second chance ... it was heartbreaking.
Clairette had done nothing wrong, however, Yridia couldn't live with a lie either - she just couldn't feel what Clairette desired of her.
She loved her like a daughter or a sister - but unfortunately it was nothing more.

She blamed herself, loneliness had played tricks on her.
Apart from patients, she hardly saw anyone, even Cay and Azuros were extremely rare visitors.
Sammy had also disappeared again - she eyed the basket with the clay and decided to just pack it away for now.

Guir - she had now seen him 3 times in a row and both had been wondering what would have happened if Raven Shadow hadn't destroyed their love.
Then he would not have a daughter and she would not have the memories of Thaelevan and Tyan.
Both she did not want to miss.
Would she really have become a high priestess then?
She was not sure.

Guir triggered something in her, intimacy for sure - but also uncertainty.
Time would show where it went.
Once again she would not let herself be fooled by her own loneliness and hurt someone else.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:43 am
by Yridia Anar
She woke up when he put his arm around her in his sleep, drawing her close to him as if he was afraid she would disappear into thin air.
It was like a miracle and she spoke a few words of thanks to Ushara in her head.

Half a century and it felt confusing new and yet so familiar.
Again, as long ago, she had sealed her love with her body. When he took her in his arms so easily in Cadomyr,
the boundaries of time became blurred, the soft blush rose in her cheeks and when she heard his heart beating fiercely,
she realized how much she had always loved him.

And now, after long hours of love and passion, she felt .... whole ?!
As if a part of her had been missing all these decades and this part had returned - back to her.

Sure, they would often be separated, but each knew where to find each other. Both knew it, both had grown up so much.
It was no longer this *FIRST love* romance - it was deep, serious and would hopefully outlast everything.

With a smile on her lips, she slipped back into sleep, after brushing a tender kiss on his cheek.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:54 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia was happy, happier than she had been in a long time.
Light-footedly she walked through the woods to collect herbs, the blossoms seemed to glow in her hands.
She never imagined that she had missed *love* so much without realizing it.

Then a thought clouded her joy - Clairette.
How she would have liked to give her this happiness, but the heart does not deceive. As sad as this was, it had been the right decision.
She hoped to see Clairette someday and that the elfess would not hate her for it.

Back at the Inn, she sorted the herbs into her chest, checked the supplies again and also what she wanted to offer on the market day.
Again, her thoughts wandered to Guir, as they had most of the time in the last weeks.
After the market, she would travel with him to Dragotal and finally get to know his homeland.
When they were engaged, there was no possibility to do so.
The family curse and Guir's shadow had prevented this and had also caused the shattering of this love half a century ago.
Or - better said - for a break, as it had turned out now. Although a very very long pause.

She had to laugh softly at the thought when she felt someone behind her and the kiss on her neck told her who had sneaked up on her.
"Are you laughing at my attempt to sneak up on you?"
he asked teasingly as he turned her around to face him.
"No, no I - nothing important my heart".
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her thoroughly, which she was all too happy to oblige.
"I come from Cadomyr. There was the knighting for Inara - and guess who else was there ?"
Yridia looked at him frowning "Clairette ? "
"Yeah her too, she's kind of injured on her arm by the way. But Amelia seems to be back"
"Really ? By Ushara that's wonderful. I can't wait to finally see her. We both have so much to tell each other. She has been away for so long. And Inara is now a knight - I'm happy for her. I'm sure she will live up to the noble goals without any problems."
Guir nodded and caressed her cheek
"Do you think I should check on Clairette? Or will that just rip a deeper wound?" she sighed softly
"Hard to say - I can't advise you on that"

Smiling, she nodded and took his hand.
"Let's go for a walk my heart".

Guir just smirked and murmured " This woman - I bet she has found a beautiful place again - and I know what I'll do then".

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:47 am
by Yridia Anar
Yridia arranged the bandages in the hospital lost in her thoughts.
The balancing act between two homes was not easy.
When she was in Illarion, she missed Guir sorely, as if she were only half.
When she was in Dragotal, it was her work, friends like Amelia, Cay and Azuros that she missed.
And yet she also felt deep gratitude that she had found Guir again and that their love was even stronger than before.
She knew Guir felt the same way.
She liked Dragotal very much and automatically her finger ran over the precious little brooch made of the dragon's scale.
Two homes, separated and far away from each other - she could consider herself really lucky, though.

She hoped to find enough time after the blessing of the fields to travel to Dragotal for a little while.
This seemed urgently needed, especially in Galmair.
If there really was an old crypt under the fields, it was no wonder that restless skeletons kept appearing - since they could not find any real peace.
Yridia wished there was also a priest of Cherga present, but she knew of none.

The bandages were now all neatly folded, it was time for her meditation.

Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:07 am
by Tyan Masines

It was Mas, and thus the dead came to play. The veil was pierced, but beyond the legions of dead, something else could be felt by those who would listen. To those who listened, the story of Tyan’s death, uneventful as his life had been within the scheme of greater things, was told.

From the depths of the cold sea, a prayer was spoken:
To Findari’s howling winds, to Malachìn’s crackling campfires, to Tanora’s crashing waves. When Oldra casts a smile on your face upon seeing her creations, enlightened by Brágon’s eternal fiery sphere in the sky; Adron has already quenched your thirst. Eldan by allowing you to put this to letter and pass it on. And when Malachín compels you to fight again, wielding the products of Irmorom and the righteous wrath of Zhambra, all the while adhering to the love and compassion which Sirani teaches, preaching to Elara that even Ronagan and Nargún might see the way. It is Mas, my friends and comrades. Fight, fight, for tonight only victory matters, and the firm statement in Moshran’s face shall stand: WE WILL NOT FALTER! And come morn, we shall all still be be human, or elf, or halfling, or gnome, or lizard, forced to commit atrocities, but not having become atrocities!

Many years past

“A duel rather mediocre”, he thought, on his way to Cadomyr’s harbor. Not knowing this was the day he would die. Three pirates – or rather smugglers – were standing in his way tonight. They were guarding a ship to Gynka.
“Leaving again?”, he heard one of the smugglers speak to him. Or was it a different voice, one hailing from the mountain where Cadomyr had its ore mines, but also its temple to Malachín, God of battle, but also, God of Honor. One could not avoid this mountain when walking towards Cadomyr’s harbor. It was always looming above; imminent, judging, enlightening.

He had come to Gobaith as a thief, a troubadour, a soldier of fortune. In retrospect, he had never shaken this role, and probably this had led to his demise. After having been cast to the mainland by the cataclysm – all but forgotten now, but never past – he was able to choose his own fate, as the gods bestowed this on all mortals: To choose, to pick, to be responsible for their own actions. Prayer was a mere form of reaffirmation; not to ask for permission, but to fill yourself with the righteous will to not merely /ask/, but to /do/.

And thus, the Crimson Order was born. Tyan remembered fondly Salathe, Kreax, K’shire. His teachers, his mentors. He remembered shoveling sand in front of Cadomyr’s yet unpenetrated walls, being offered a scaled hand: “Let’s train.” Delving into the deepest dungeons of Illarion had followed, finding, defeating, but never understanding the dangers of this world. But seriously: Tyan, a ‘knight’, a ‘Lord’ even, come on. Then again, why had they picked him, why had they offered this to him?

He digressed, and remembered what was truly important: He remembered Eve, Anna, Yridia. So many lives loved, so many loves lost to life. As he was pouring his parting glass, he wondered if he had ever hurt one of them too much. He had. And in turn, he had been hurt. To find the balance here, it was not up to the gods, it was up to each and every one of us. And perhaps this was the real peril of life; of the world even.

The blade struck him in between his helmet and neck-plate. A freak strike by a frightened kid who had been trained well by his peers. While falling to the ground, blood gushing out of his neck, Tyan saw the opportunity to slash one of the assailant’s heels. But he did not. None of his friends were here. Killing this kid would not change his own fate. He did not want to die. He wanted to see Myra again, his friends in Gynka. He wanted Kraex or S’irrt to rush in for the save, like they had many times before, but nobody came. Because he had told nobody where he was going.

They picked off his helmet, his jewelry, his sword. “Let’s make him fish food”, one of them proclaimed as they brought his lifeless body to the ship. Somewhere off Cadomyr’s shores, his naked body was thrown overboard. Once born an orphan in Gynka’s slums, risen to the ranks of Duke in a foreign kingdom, fallen again to - well, to Tyan - he ended like he was born: naked, cold, alone. His memories were all that kept him company now as his life was finally leaving his body. He felt warm. What a journey.

He smiled.

Let’s do this again, some time.