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On the presumably Galmarian Insult

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:51 pm
by Q-wert
This day, in stead of supplies to reinforce the walls, the following letter of presumably Galmarian origin was given to the House.
I do wonder if there is a reason the donations from Galmairian citizens were not listed as received? Am I to believe that the resources donated to help Cadomyr have been stolen? Or do those appointed by your queen seek to insult the helpful and generous nature of Galmair.

Interestingly enough there have been neither attempts of contact on the matter of repairs, which the Royal Councillor can testify, nor has any citizen of Galmair handed the tiniest bit of material for the endeavour of restoring the fortress to the House of the Sea Serpent.
Should the anonymous writer of the presumably Galmarian letter ever find his spine or a hint of honour and step forth, he can consider himself challenged to a duel by the Templewarrior.

By the strength of the Ushak-Skath and the purity of His Mother,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the grand Lettarius. Who will advise the Templewarrior not to bother with such trivial, and badly written, insults in the future.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:28 pm
by Mephistopheles
I tire of your pompous words of faith and blatant disregard of the relief effort the Galmairian people put into your city. We offered to house refugees, provided fighters, and apparently some have given resources that you refuse to even acknowledge.

I will meet your challenge, and I will show you just how primitive your customs and royal foolery really is. We do not fear your dying city, or your laws. We came to you in time of plight, we gave you resources that we needed in our own defense against the aberrant beast Akaltut.

You shall fight on my terms, or not at all.

Ulquiorra Dreadhart

On the Challenge of Dreadheart

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:22 pm
by Q-wert
The Templewarrior will of course accept the met challenge in case the Galmarian Dreadheart manges to provide terms in accordance to the very customs he claims to be of primitive nature and wishes to deface, the customs of Cadomyr.

The aid in armed forces during the days of blood and the following attacks of the demon Alkatut, as well as the final Expedition to end the vile beast did not go unnoticed. It might be of note that the enraged Dreadheart failed to impress in any of these battles, while other Galmarians such as da Silva, Arcia, Banduk or Francois did prove unwavering faith and formidable discipline on Cadomyrian soil. Even the provocative offer of housing to those choosing not to dutifully hold the fortress or die trying for the Chosen of the Goddess was being looked upon with warmth.

Those following the written words of this board or are close to the House of the Sea Serpent know of the intent to hold a ceremony to honour all those who provided exceptional help during the previous dire times.

Still, not a single brick from Galmair had reached the Third House by the time either of the two Galmarian papers were placed here. Instead the House as well as the whole Realm of the Chosen One had been gravely insulted, accused of ignorance and putting supposedly donated material in their own pocket. The Cadomyrian Councillor (who has the unenviable duty to do the second count of all donated material) is witness to the first, although massive, Galmarian donation reaching the Third House by the hand of Jerem Elessar after Dreadheart put his insulting challenge to paper.

For the honour of Rosaline Edwards, Queen of Cadomyr, Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Anthar Vilicon
    • Royal Chancellor

    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:00 am
by Mephistopheles
I'll not play further word games.

You placed a challenge against the words of whomever had directed them, I stand forward, to test my wits against your barbaric ways.

Call this a vendetta between us Baron. You don't know me now but you will. We can discuss terms in person or by dove.

Ulquiorra Dreadhart, formerly known as "Bob"

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:31 pm
by Q-wert
Das Dritte Haus Cadomrys heißt den jungen Novizen Siaixs willkommen. Der Ruf ''Tod den Feinden der Göttin!" war eine seine ersten Äußerungen als Mitglied des Hauses der Seeschlange.
The Third House of Cadomyr welcomes the young Novice Siaixs. The shout "Death to the enemies of the Goddess!" was among his first statements as member of the House of the Sea Serpent.

The knight of the Realm Sefja was given the title of hunter, following the path of the warrior, for her loyal service, steadfast faith and frequently proven bravery in battle.
Reichsritter Sefja wurde für ihren treuen Dienst, standhaften Glaube und oftfach bewiesene Tapferkeit im Kampfe der Rang eines 'Jägers auf dem Pfad des Kriegers' verliehen.

Der selbsterklärte Feind des Hauses Dreadhheart schafftes es seit über einer Woche nicht seine Bedingungen für das von ihm angenommene cadomyrische Duell mit dem Tempelkrieger zu stellen. Das Haus wird ihm einen Monat seit der Aussprache seiner Annahme lassen bevor es dem königliche Kanzler zukommt gerechte Bedingungen, einen Ort wie die Zeit des Duells festzulegen.
The self-proclaimed enemy of the House Dreaheart failed to deliver the terms for his accepted duel with the Templewarrior for more than a week. The House will wait one month until after his acceptance before it will be to the royal Chancellor to determine just terms, place and time of the duel.

Honour to the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Ehre dem Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

By Lettarius. Who'd love to play further word games.

Death of the Seventh Guardian of the Flame Sea Gates

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:43 pm
by Q-wert
Der verschlagene Feuerdämon, welcher sich selbst der siebte Wächter der Flammenmeertore nannte und in vergangener Zeit alle drei Städte heimsuchte, wurde am Abend des vorgestrigen Tages vom Tempelkrieger auf dem Grund des gefallenen Tempels der Göttin erschlagen. Die gefangenen Seelen der Kreatur sind nun frei und haben ihren Weg in die Reiche ihrer Gottheiten fortgesetzt.
The devius fire demon, calling himself the seventh guardian of the flame sea gates and who was haunting all three settlements in the past, was slain by the Templewarrior on the ground of the fallen temple of the Goddess. All souls trapped by the creature are now free and on their way to the realms of their Gods.

Knight of the Order Kraex'ju was present during the fight and assisted the wounded Templewarrior on his way back to the fortress of Cadomyr. Remains of the the demon were removed from the fallen temple and are now safekept along the other artefacts of the House.
Ordensritter Kraex'ju war während des Kampfes anwesend und unterstützte den verwundeten Tempelkrieger tatkräftig auf dem Weg zurück zur Festung Cadomyrs. Der fefallene Tempel wurde von jeglichen Überresten des Dämonen gesäubert, welche nun neben den anderen Artefakten des Hauses sicher verwahrt werden.

Gepriesen sei die Mutter und ihr Erstgeborener, der Ushak-Skath,
Praised be the Mother and Her Firstborn, the Ushak-Skath,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who is upmost content with very honourable, but secure, role in the Houses battle against the tainted.

Bündnis - Alliance

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:29 pm
by Q-wert

Hier mit erklären sich das Haus der Seeschlange aus Cadomyr und die Träger des Feuers aus Runewick dazu bereit sich in folgenden Fällen gegenseitig zu unterstützen:
  • 1. Die Verbreitung des Glaubens zu fördern
    2. Feinden des Glaubens entgegenzutreten
    3. Den Bau von sakralen Gebäuden zu initieren und fertigstellen
    4. Schutz von sakralen Gebäuden und heiligen Orten
    5. Im unprovozierten Verteidigungsfall dem Bündnispartner gegen weltliche Mächte beizustehen.
    6. Im Kriegsfall gegen Frevler und die Horden des Ungenannten beizustehen

Die Mitglieder der Bündnispartner schwören sich im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarungen zu unterstützen, den Mitglieder des Bündispartners mit Respekt und Ehre zu begegnen, in Freundschaft gemeinsam im Glauben zu Leben und mit guten Beispiel Anderen voran gehen.


~tintenblauer Abdruck einer klauenbewehrten Echsenhand~
Tempelkrieger Ssar`ney

~schwungvolle Unterschrift von Djironnyma~
Spiritus Rektor Djironnyma

The House of the Sea Serpent of Cadomyr and the Bearers of Fire of Runewick agree to aid one another in following cases:
  • 1. To help to spread the belief in the Gods
    2. To fight enemies of the belief in the Gods
    3. To initiate and end the building of sacral structures
    4. To protect sacral and sacred buildings and places
    5. To help the partner to defend against a worldly enemy who attacks unprovoked
    6. To help the partner to fight against heretics and the horde of the Unnamed One

The members of the allied parties vow to support, to respect and honor each other. Further they vow to life together in belief into the Gods and to be a good example for all people around.


~A ink blue mark of a lizardmen claw~
Tempelwarrior Ssar´ney

~A zestful signature of Djironnyma~
Spiritus Rector Djironnyma

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:27 pm
by Q-wert
Der Initiative des Hauses Steinschuppe folgend überantwortete das Haus der Seeschlange 500 Münzen aus Gold sowie zahlreiche Güter von Wert der Königlichen Schatzkammer. Zusammen stellen die Aufwendungen der Häuser nun auch weiterhin die Position Cadomyrs als Siedlung mit der höchsten Ausgabe an magischen Edelsteinen sicher. Das Haus der Seeschlange ruft alle Untertanen der Erwählten auf dem Beispiel der Häuser zu folgen und den Vorsprung des Reiches weiter auszubauen.

Following upon the initiative of House Stonescale the House of the Sea Serpent did hand 500 coins of gold to the Royal treasury along with numerous valuable goods. Together the effort of the Houses ensure Cadomyr to continuously be the Realm with the highest yield of magical gems. The House of the Sea Serpent calls upon all servants of the Chosen One to follow the Houses example to advance the lead of the Realm.

On another note: To increase trade with the other settlements the Third House will host a Cadomyrian market day at the highest sun of the third of Eldas.

Ebenso: Um den Handel mit den anderen Siedlungen anzuregen wird das Dritte Haus einen Cadomyrischen Markttag zur höchsten Sonne des dritten Eldas ausrichten.

Für das Reich und die Erwählte der Göttin,
For the Realm and the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who again can but shake his head at such enourmous expenses not paid for writing.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:21 pm
by Q-wert
Arms Practices
The House of the Sea Serpent will hold arms practices at the highest sun of the following days of the seventh cycle:

Attendance is mandatory for every servant of the Chosen One residing in one of the three Realms at the moment of practice.
Friends and Allies to the Third House of Cadomyr will, as always, be welcomed most warmly.

Shrine of Zelphia
Finished plans for a shrine of Zelphia are currently under review by the Royal Councillor to ensure the structural stability of the palace.
Once these minor details are out of the way and costs are calculated, building will begin right away.

Debt of Dreadheart
The Third House wishes to remind that Galmarian slaver Ulquiorra Dreadhart and his second Joomajin failed to deliver the debt for losing the latest duel for several months now. Interestingly enough the debt, the weapon wielded at the moment of defeat, was one of the terms insisted on by Dreadheart.

Case of Drathe Blue
The House of the Sea Serpent took over the matter of of Drathe Blues pending trial for attempted murder of the former Diplomat to Galmair and setting the royal tavern on fire. Once Blue returns to the lands of the three realms the Third House will bring him before the Chosen One, with or without foreign assistance.
As it stands the Galmarian officials deny to hand over Blue for the trial and refuse to see the right of the High Houses to speak in the name of the Chosen One.

In response to the demand of written word by the Chosen One Herself future diplomatic actions of Galmair towards the Realm of the Chosen One done by councillor Fault during his current term require individual approval of Valerio Guilianni himself until the right of the High Houses to speak in the name of the Chosen One is acknowledged by Fault.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By Lettarius. Who found the the Templewarriors anger on the matter of the trial most intriguing.

Short Announcement

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:13 pm
by Q-wert
Standing by Runewicks Side
The people of Runewick are going though trying times. The populace of Cadomyr is hereby ordered to assist the Realm of Knowledge and Wisdom efforts in every way possible until the rebuilding of the settlement of Runewick is complete. As parts of mentioned efforts there will be an expedition to the lost tower. Every servant of the Chosen One capeable of holding a spear and available at that day is to join the Runewickian assault to prove faith, honour and disipline to be more than commonplace among the Cadomyrian forces.

Rescheduled Arms Practice

The arms practice of the 12th of Chos has been rescheduled to one threeday prior.

High Councils
The House of the Sea Serpent will host the next two High Councils on the following dates:

Praised be the Firstborn and long live the Chosen of His Mother,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who did experiment with less flowerey and more simple, precise writing so that the common rabble understands more easily..

Material for the Temple of Tanora

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:36 pm
by Q-wert
The Royal Counsellor has finally calculated the costs to build the temple of Tanora. The House of the Sea Serpent will coordinate gathering, building and blessing of the temple. Servants of the Chosen One are to assist the endeavour in any way possible.
Der Königliche Kanzler hat nach langem Warten des Hauses endgültig die berechneten Baukosten für den Tempel Tanoras bekanntgegeben. Das Haus der Seeschlange wird das Sammeln der Materialien, den Bau, wie das Segnen des Tempels koordinieren. Diener der Erwählten haben das Unternehmen mit allen Mitteln zu unterstützen.

Das Dritte Haus nimmt natürlich auch ausländische Spenden von Freunden und Verbündeten an. Das Material ist an ein Mitglied des Hauses der Seeschlange zu händigen. Da zuvor für die Reparatur der Mauer von gewissen Individuen erhebliche Mengen an Material in Aussicht gestellt wurden, welche das Haus nie erreichten, sind Materialspenden ohne große Ankündigung direkt an das Haus zu liefern.
The Third House of course does accept foreign donations from friends and allies to the Realm of the Chosen One. Material is to be handed to any member of the House of the Sea Serpent. As most previously promised material for the repairs of the wall never reached the House it requests help for the temple to be delivered without announcement.

The following table of material required will be held up to date:
Die folgende Materialliste wird stets auf dem aktuellen Stand gehalten:

Material List - Materialliste wrote:
  • 2000 Sacks of Fine Sand - Säcke Feinen Sandes (2000 Ssar'ney - House of the Sea Serpent)
  • 200 Coins of Gold - Goldmünzen (200 Ssar'ney - House of the Sea Serpent)
  • 1000 Cut Stones - Steinquader (1000 Ssar'ney - House of the Sea Serpent)
  • 500 Pickaxes - Spitzhacken (500 Goldauge - House of the Sea Serpent)
  • 100 Hammers - Hämmer (100 Goldauge - House of the Sea Serpent)
  • 100 Chisels - Meißel (100 Goldauge - House of the Sea Serpent)
  • 500 Boards - Bretter (500 Grimler - Träger des Feuers)
  • 100 Mugs - Krüge (100 Rakaya - Träger des Feuers)
  • 100 Bottles of Beer - Flaschen Bier (100 Grimler - Träger des Feuers)
  • 500 Units of Food - Nahrungseinheiten (Rakaya - Träger des Feuers, Ssar'ney - House of the Sea Serpent)

Ehre dem Ushak-Skath, Seiner Mutter und der Erwählten,
Honour to the Ushak-Skath, His Mother and the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
By Lettarius. Who of course did resist the temptation to add a bottle of finest wine or two to the list.

Tempel, Dämon & Waffenübung - Temple, Demon & Arms Practice

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:34 pm
by Q-wert
The material for building the Temple of Tanora are gathered and given to the Royal Counsillor. The Realms vassals from Hammerfell soon will be seen working on carving the water cave out of the mountain next to the Royal Palace.
Das Material für den Bau des Tanoratempels sind gesammelt und dem Königlichen Kanzler übergeben. Die Reichsvasallen aus Hammerfell werden bald dabei beobachtet werden können, wie sie die Tempelkaverne aus dem Fels neben dem Königlichen Palast schlagen.

Berichte jüngster Untaten eines Flammendämons, welcher gewisse Ähnlichkeiten zu dem erschlagenen Siebten Wächter der Flammemmeere aufwies, erreichten das Dritte Haus. Alle für die Vernichtung des Dämons nötigen Ressourcen des Hauses werden der Angelegenheit zugewiesen. Sämtliche Sichtungen ungewöhnlicher Flammenerscheinungen oder koordinierte Aktivitäten von Untoten auf Reichsgrund sind dem Dritten Haus zuzutragen.

Recent despicable deeds of a flame demon, bearing some similarities to the slain Seventh Guardian of the Flame Sea Gates, have been brought to the attention of the Third House. All resources available to the House necessary for its destruction will be assigned to the matter. Any sightings of strange fire phenomena or coordinated undead activity on the Realms soil are to be reported to the Third House.

Also, the House of the Sea Serpent will hold arms practices and perperations under the usual conditions at the following dates:

Ebenso hält das Haus der Seeschlange Waffenübungen und Vorbereitungen unter den üblichen Bedingungen zu folgenden Zeiten:

Ehre dem Ushak-Skath, Seiner Mutter und der Erwählten,
Honour to the Ushak-Skath, His Mother and the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
Lettarius. Welcher den wenigen intellektuell Fähigen unter seinen Lesern bittet sich hier eine Lettariussche Abschweifung (das Stilmittel, natürlich) vorzustellen, welche aus Rücksicht auf die simpleren Gemüter dieser Welt ausgelassen wurde.

Ball and Festival of Lights - Ball und Lichterfest

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:56 pm
by Q-wert
Mas: Verteidigung - Defence
Vor dieses Papier die Festlichkeiten behandelt, ein paar Worte zu den nahenden Nächten des Blutes: Befehle sind die selben wie zu der Belagerung letzten Jahres.
Before coming to matters of festivities, some few words on the upcoming nights of blood: Orders the same as for the siege of last year.

During the nights of blood the House of the Sea Serpent will hand out healing waters to the defenders of the Realm. The House also orders any servant of the Chosen One present at the relevant time to attend the preparations against the forces of the Fallen God.

Während der Nächte des Blutes wird das Haus der Seeschlange heilende Wasser unter den Verteidigern des Reiches verteilen. Auch ordnet das Haus einjeden Diener der Erwählten, welcher zur gegebenen Zeit im Reiche verweilt, an den Vorbereitungen gegen die Scharen des gefallenen Gottes teilzunehmen.

Elos: Lichterfest - Festival of Light
Das Reich Cadomyrs wird das Lichterfest des kommenden Jahres mit einem Ball, den traditionellen Wasserlichtern zu Ehren der Toten, und dem Verbrennen einer Puppe stellvertretend für den Einfluss des Gefallenen Gottes, ausrichten. Die Festlichkeiten werden das Schließen eines Vertrags der Reiche Runewick und Cadomyr beinhalten und zur höchsten Sonne nach Ende der Nächte des Blutes beginnen.
The Realm of Cadomyr hosts the celebration of next years Festival of Lights with a ball, traditional lights sent down the waters to the sea to honour the dead and the burning of a puppet representing the Falen Gods influence in this world. The festivities will also include the signing of a contract between the Realms of Cadomyr and Runewick and begin at the highest sun after the passing of the nights of blood.

Everyone is welcome to attend, attire is to be chosen fit for a ball graced by the presence of Her Majesty.
Einjeder ist willkommen teilzunehmen, Gewandung ist entsprechend einem von Ihrer Majestät beigewohntem Ball zu wählen.

Ehre dem Ushak-Skath, Seiner Mutter und der Erwählten,
Honour to the Ushak-Skath, His Mother and the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
Lettarius. Welcher sich während der Pöbel feiert gemütlich mit einer Flasche Elfenweins zurückziehen wird.

Temples - Tempel

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:22 am
by Q-wert
Ushos: Razing the Temple of Blood - Schleifen des Bluttempels
Finally given the long requested blessing of the Chosen One, the Third House sets out to raze the temple of the fallen God in the desert of the Realm and slay anyone and anything daring to defend it. The troops will assemble in front of the gates at the late morning of the 13th of Ushos 8 and march out soon after.
Nun endlich mit lang erbetenen Segen der Erwählten zieht das Dritte Haus aus um den Tempel des gefallen Gottes in der Wüste des Reiches zu schleifen und alles und jeden die es wagen ihn zu verteidigen zu erschlagen. Die Truppen sammeln sich am späten Morgen des 13ten Ushos 8 und marschieren bald darauf aus.

On the fallen Temple of Water - Über den Wassertempel
Das Haus der Seeschlange hält weiterhin den ehemaligen Großmeister und Gräfin Annabeth für den Fall des Tanoratempels verantwortlich, da sie die Kommandantur hielt als der Tempel in die schändenden Hände der Truppen des gefallenen Gottes fiel. Selbst noch Jahre danach gab sie Ordern aus, nach welchen die heiligen Orte des Reiches während der Nächte des Blutes schutzlos gelassen werden sollten, da man diese, so ihre Behauptung, wieder neu erbauen könne. Das Dritte Haus wartet immer noch auf jegliche Intiative von ihr oder einem ihrer gegenwärtigen oder ehemaligen Untergebenen den gefallenen Tempel zurückzugewinnen oder an anderer Stelle neu zu erbauen.
The House of the Sea Serpent does still hold the former grandmaster and countess Annabeth responsible for the fall of the Temple of Tanora, as it was under her command that the temple fell into the defiling hands of the fallen Gods forces. Even years later she gave orders to leave the holy sites of the Realm defenceless during the nights of blood as they, so she claimed, could be rebuilt. The Third House is still waiting for any initiative from her or any of her former or current subordinates to reclaim the temple fallen or to build it anew at another place.

For Mother Zelphia, Her Firstborn and Her Chosen One,
Für Mutter Zelphia, Ihren Erstgeborenen und Ihre Erwählte,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Caligraphed by Lettarius. Who was not quite suprised to find the Templewarrior still raging over the fall of the temple.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:50 pm
by Q-wert
As some new speaking simple minds seem to fail understanding on why what the man named Guy Mitchell wrote and told is heresy, I have the pleasure to be appointed explaining it. To those too dumb to figure it out for themselves.

In recent history after the Return of the Old Gods there have been several reported interventions of the grand Goddess of Tanora. Three of them are well documented:

  • Tanoras wish for new temples.
    After the fall of the old temple of Tanora She appeared and spoke to several of Her children in all of Her glory. Two of those granted this blessing were the one named Zzrracck as well as the future Baron Ssar'ney. To them she spoke Her will: She requests the faithful ones to find new holy places for Her temples and build them with Her blessing. Two groups of faithful people followed the will of the Goddess and built a temple, which then were blessed by the Goddess just recently: The House of the Sea Serpent and the Bearers of Fire.

    Repelling the undead black dragon Zaras
    When all strength of arms failed and the undead dragon Zaras was about to to break through the walls of Cadomyr and no sword, no spear, no arrow could harm him, it was a prayer to the grand Goddess of Tanora spoken by the Templewarrior that made him turn in the middle of his unstoppable advance and flee as if the Firstborn himself was about to crush him with his mighty jaws.
    A rather similar incident happened during the same month of blood at Runewick, when the priest of the Bearers of Fire threw a prayer and a bottle of blessed wine at the creature.

    Cleansing of the black Mark
    The attacks of this time of blood left some honourable defenders with marks of the undead dragon. These marks were black, festering wounds, the most faithful of the wounded fell into strong fever. These wounds would not heal and smoulder upon coming close to sites holy.
    Eventually a mass in honour of the grand Goddess Tanora and the young Adron was held. A mass granted with a blessing of Tanora. Fishes massive in size jumped out of the waters of the temple, fishes which healed the marked ones as the attending worshippers feasted on this gift of the Grand Mother.
    It were two groups of faithful people that held this mass: The House of the Sea Serpent and the Bearers of Fire.

And now, the man named Guy Mitchell commands the nobility of Cadomyr (to which he has no right) to break up the alliance of the only two groups faithfully fulfilling the will of the Goddess. He commands to break the contracts sealed by the Chosen One. He commands to spit on the names of those doing Her will.
Instead of an alliance to those faithful, he says, one should turn to a man not caring for the Goddess, one who openly lies about Her will. This, so the man named Guy Mitchell claims, should appease Tanora and soothe her for not crushing Cadomyr and the whole world under her waves.

Upon confrontation to these heretic claims and commands the man named Guy Mitchell showed his true self, raging how the grand Mother Tanora was the bride of the fallen God, a Goddess of blood. Novice Sirrett, the Galmarian Jacob as well as Countess Annabeth were witness to this saddening display of horrendous defamation.

The lies of the man named Guy Mitchell spoke and wrote about the will of the grand Goddess Tanora, the one who chose Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Queen of Cadomyr, to fulfil Her will, as well as the unfounded accusations make him a heretic, one opposing the will of the Goddess and the Chosen One. One to be treated with caution and unwavering faith, one who´s poisonous lies should be considered the heresy they are.

In hope that those of feeble mind now do comprehend the Templewarriors decision,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent

Short Notice - Kurze Benachrichtigung

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:56 pm
by Q-wert
Das Haus der Seeschlange ist stolz Priesterin Zelphyra aus Ozeanperle in seinen Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen.
The House of the Sea Serpent is proud to welcome Priestess Zelphyra from Oceanpearl to its ranks.

The House did successfully lead the attack against the temple of the fallen God, crushing its defenders and shrine, leaving the ruins to be washed to sand by the Old Gods. Prior to this feat the Priestess held a mass to the Goddess to bless the attacking forces. During the preparations for the mass Zelphia blessed the House with a holy battlestaff for the Houses successful dedication of fulfilling Mothers will.

Das Haus führte den Angriff gegen den Tempel des gefallenen Gottes, die Verteidiger wie auch den Schrein vernichtend. Die Ruinen wurden den Alten Göttern überlassen auf dass sie mit der Zeit zu Sand gewaschen werden. Zuvor hielt die Priesterin eine Messe zu Ehren der Göttin um die Angreifer zu segnen. Während der Vorbereitungen der Messe wurde das Haus mit einem heiligen Kampfstab Zelphias für seine erfolgreiche Hingabe zum Erfüllen Ihres Willens gesegnet.

Desweiteren wünscht das Haus auf den baldigen Hohen Rat hinzuweisen, für welchen das Haus der Seeschlange die Ehre hat der Gastgeber zu sein.

Furthermore the House wishes to remind of the soon upcoming High Council, which the House of the Sea Serpent has the honour to be the host of.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent

Mass at the temple of Tanora at Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:06 pm
by Zelphyra
Zelphyra, die Priesterin der Tanora/Zelphia zu Cadomyr wird eine Messe am 19. Ronas 46 12:00 am Schrein der Tanora in Cadomyr halten. Inhaltlich wird das Leben des Erstgeborenen der Großen Mutter, Ushak-Skath, behandelt.
Die Messe wird auf der alten Sprache gehalten. Neusprachler werden gebeten, einen Übersetzer mitzubringen.


Zelphyra, the priestess of Tanora/Zelphia will hold a mass on 19. Ronas 46 12:00 at the shrine of Tanora in Cadomyr. The mass will be about the life of the Firstborn, Ushak-Skath,
The mass will be held in the old language. New Speakers are pleased to bring a translator with them.
~Elkaran ~ Scribe of the temple of Cadomyr

Bounty - Kopfgeld

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:36 pm
by Q-wert
During a visit to the settlement of Galmair Tanora-Priestess Zelphyra had been attacked by the elf named Caswir. This elf is hereby named enemy of the Third House (and therefore may be slain freely on neutral or Cadomyrian ground unless the Chosen one or another House wish to stand in for his actions). Anyone handing the head of this elf to the House of the Sea Serpent will be awarded with a case of one thousand finest diamonds.
Während eines Besuchs der Siedlung Galmairs wurde die Tanorapriesterin Zelphyra von dem Elf namens Caswir angegriffen. Jener Elf ist hiermit zum Feind des Dritten Hauses erklärt (und zählt damit nach Cadomyrischem Recht auf neutralem und Reichsgrund als vogelfrei, es sei denn die Erwählte oder ein anders Haus steht für seine Taten ein). Ein jeder, welcher dem Haus der Seeschlange den Kopf dieses Elfen bringt wird mit einer Schatulle von eintausend edelsten Diamanten entlohnt.

Im Namen des Tempelkriegers,

In the name of the Templewarrior,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:21 pm
by Q-wert
The House of the Sea Serpent congratulates the Galmarian Leadership to the swift, harsh and admittedly unexpected sentencing of the bravo who attacked the Cadomyrian Priestess Zelphyra in the presence of witnesses. A sentence made without trial, one might add for those Galmarians never tiring of demanding such. This might indeed be the first step of the Don proving himself to be the friend and ally he claims to be after his previous display of ignorance and insult.

As the bravo is already being punished by Galmair, the House lifts the bounty on his head. Should the bravo decide to accept the offer made by the House of the Desert Fox, the House of the Sea Serpent will gladly press charges for attacking the priestess in court. Should he then prove to not have committed the attack (contrary to his public confession and word of the witnesses), the House will not call him enemy any more and compensate generously for his troubles.
Until then he shall remain an enemy to the House of the Sea Serpent, as no attacks on its members shall be tolerated. Especially attacks on priests who had been blessed by a miracle of Tanora just one dwarven week prior.

For Mother Zelphia, Her Firstborn and those dutiful to Her Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Caligraphed by Lettarius. Who does dread of the pile of papers still to write thanks to uneducated buffons.

Upcoming Activities of the House

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:10 pm
by Q-wert
High Council
The House is proud to have the honour of hosting yet another High Council at the 22th of Malas for the Noble Houses to listen to concerns and petitions of the Realms citizens.

Arms Practices
Training at arms as usual will be held at midday of the 16th of Eldas and midday of the 13th of Irmas. Attendance is mandatory for every Cadomyrian not part of a House, citicens of the Realm of Runewick are welcome to join in. Practice weapons as well as food are provided by the House of the Sea Serpent.

Expedition: Attack on the Blood Cult
The House of the Sea Serpent will lead an expedition to round up and execute a cult of the Fallen God. The attack will include a good portion of making way through hostile terretory, carrying firewood and oil as well as decending into caves deep. As those demanding respect of that despicable deity apparently are keeping keen eye on the Cadomyrian activities, battle plan an target location will be made known to the commanders only.
The expedition will gather at the late morning of the 22th of Eldas , in front of the Cadomyrian gates.

Small Tourney of Archers
The House of the Sea Serpent will hold the second tourney of archers at the hightest sun of the 16th of Malas. The procedure will be similar, but not equal to the last tourney oft he same manner held by the House.
The shooting match will, just as last time, take place in the practice hall. There will be three rounds. Each attendee may repeat their shot once each round, although the second shot overrules the first. Every attendee may bring their own bow and munition to the competition. The attendee with the most rounds won wins the shooting match. In case of a tie, a fourth round between the best archers will determine the victor.
Members of the House of the Sea Serpent are excluded from this tournament as they will act as judges. In difference to the previous small tourney, there is no need to enlist for participation.

((Rolling will be, as last time, done on . The rolls will be 3d100 and need to be lower or equal the characters (skill+bow level+%gem level on bow) to suceed. Highest suceeding roll wins the round. In case you want to roll yourself or watch, register (doesn't cost a thing and there won't be any spam) and poke me in the irc before we start. I'll be around 30 minutes prior.))

For Mother Zelphia, Her Firstborn and Her Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Written by Lettarius. Who's letters show greatness, even if written in uttermost haste such as these.

Masss in honor of Tanora

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:54 pm
by Zelphyra
Zelphyra, die Priesterin der großen Mutter wird eine Messe am 13. Malas 46 12:00 am Schrein der Tanora in Cadomyr halten.
Inhaltlich wird das Leben des Ushak-Skath (Teil 2) behandelt.
Die Messe wird in der neuen Sprache gehalten. Altsprachler, die die neue Sprache nicht oder nur schlecht verstehen, werden gebeten, einen Übersetzer mitzubringen.


Zelphyra, the priestess of the Great Mother will hold another mass at 13. Malas 46 12:00 at the shrine of Tanora in Cadomyr. The mass will be about the Life of Ushak-Skath (part 2). The mass will be hold on the new language. Oldpeakers, that don't speak the new lnguage are pleased to bring a translater

~Elkaran, Scribe of the temple

Sammelbekanntmachung - Collective Announcement

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:59 pm
by Q-wert
Tempelschule - Temple School

Das Haus der Seeschlange formt hiermt die Tempelschule Cadomyrs. Die Tempelschule wird das folgende Jahr unter der Schirmherrschaft des Hauses bleiben. Zweck der Tempelschule ist des die ehrbaren Götter zu ehren, Ihren Willen zu verbreiten und Jung wie Alt im Glaube und dem Weg der Götter zu unterrichten. Sollte sich die Tempelschule wohl etablieren, wird nach dem kommenden Jahr die Schirmherrschaft der Erwählten selbst angeboten.
Die Ehre und Pflicht der Hohenpriesterin der Tempelschule wird Piesterin Zelphira aus Ozeanperle übergeben. Sie vermag damit die Tempelschule mitsamt ihrer Lehren so gestalten wie es die Mutter von ihr wünscht.

The House of the Sea Serpent does hereby form the Cadomyrian Temple School. The Temple School will remain under the Houses patronage for the whole upcoming year. The purpose of the Temple School is to honour the respectable Gods, spreading Their will and to educate young and old in faith and the way of the Gods. If the Temple School establishes itself well, the patronage will be offered to the Chosen One Herself at the end of the upcoming year.
The honour and duty of High Priestess for the Temple School is given to Priestess Zelphira from Ocenpearl who may structure the Temple School and its teaching as the Mother wishes of her.

Aufnahme von Rekruten – Accepting new Recruits

Das Dritte Haus, ältestes der Häuser des cadomyrischen Hofes und eine der erfolgreichsten und dienstbeflissensten Organisationen in der Jagt von Dämonen und der Verfolgung der Anhänger des gefallenen Gottes, nimmt nun wieder Rekruten auf.
Anwerter mit starkem Glauben in ihre gewählte Schutzgottheit die sich als des Hauses würdig erweisen möchten haben sich während einer der vom Hause ausgerichteten Veranstaltungen an den Tempelkrieger zu wenden.

The Third House, oldest of the Houses of Cadomyrian Court and among the most successful and zealous organisations in regards of hunting demons and persecution of the fallen Gods worshippers, is looking for new recruits.
Applicants with strong faith in their chosen patron deity wishing to prove themselves worthy are to approach the Templewarrior at one of the Houses events.

Ergebnis des Kleinen Turniers - Result of the Second Small Tourney

Das Haus der Seeschlange beglückwünscht den Freund und Verbündeten Riniao Teries zu seinem zweiten Sieg des kleinen Turniers der Schützen mit zwei aus drei gewonnen Runden. Damit ist sein Status als bester Bogenschütze ganz Illarions unangefochten. Der zweite Platz ging an die formidable Gräfin Annabeth mit einer gewonnen Runde.

The House of the Sea Serpent congratulates its friend and ally Riniao Teries to his second victory the small tourneys of archers with two rounds won, successfully defending his status as best bowman in all of Illarion. Second place went to the formidable Countess Annabeth with one round won.
Das Haus der Seeschlange wird in der kommenden Zeit einige Veranstaltungen und Maßnahmen abhalten:
The House of the Sea Serpent will host a number of events in the near future:

Waffenübungen - Arms Practices

Um für die Nächte des Blutes und weitere anstehenden Konflikte vorzubereiten hält das Dritte Haus Waffen- oder (bei vielen Teilnehmern) Wehrübungen zur höchsten Sonne des ersten und zweiundzwanzigsten Adras ab. Wie üblich ist die Teilnahme für Reichsbürger ohne Hauszugehörigkeit verpflichtend. Bürger Runewicks sind herzlichst eingeladen. Mitglieder des Hauses der Seeschlange werden zu dieser Gelegenheit mit neuer Ausrüstung ausgestattet.

In preparation of the nights of blood and conflicts to come the Third House holds practices in arms or military exercises (depending on the number of attendees) at the hightest sun of the first and 22nd of Adras. As usual, attendance is mandatory of Cadomyrian citizens without allegiance to a House. Runewickians are more than welcome to join in. Members of the House of the Sea Serpent will recieve new equipment on the occasion.

Zusammenkunft des Hauses - Gathering of the House

Alle aktiven Mitglieder des Hauses der Seeschlange werden sich zur höchsten Sonne des 13. Chos vor dem Palast versammeln. Neue Mitglieder werden willkommen geheißen, Pflichten für die anstehenden Ereignisse zugewiesen, Ausrüstung untersucht und ausgegeben. Abhängig von den Bedürfnissen werden entweder die alten Mitglieder die Neuen an der Waffe unterweisen, ihnen bei derzeitigen Aufgaben für das Reich behilflich sein oder aber es sammeln sich alle für eine große Schatzjagd.

All active members of the House of the Sea Serpent will gather at the highest sun of the 13th of Chos in front of the palace. New members will be welcomed, duties for the upcoming events assigned, equipment examined and handed out. Depending on need older members will either train newcomers, help them with their current tasks to the Realm or all will gather for a grand treasure hunt.

Ruf zu den Waffen - Call to Arms

Cadomyr bereitet sich für anstehenden Nächte des Blutes oder sogar Krieg vor. Einjeder Untertan der Erwählten fähig Bogen, Speer oder Banner zu halten hat sich am Morgen des sechzehnten Chos vor den Toren des Reiches zu versammeln um die Wälle für bevorstehende Angriffe vorzubereiten.
Später zur höchsten Sonne werden die versammelten Streitkräfte Cadomyrs samt Verbündeten nach Norden ziehen um die rebellischen Vasallen Hammerfells in ihre Schranken zu weisen und sie unter vorgehaltener Klinge den Loyalitätsschwur gegenüber der Erwählten erneuern lassen.

Cadomyr prepares itself for the upcoming nights of blood or even war. Each and every subject of the Chosen One able to hold bow, spear or banner is to gather at the gates at the morning of the 16th of Chos to fortify gates and walls for attacks to come.
Later at midday the gathered Cadomyrian armed forces and their allies march north to reign in the rebellous vassals of Hammerfell to renew their oath of loyalty to the Chosen One at blades point.

Hoher Rat - High Council

Das Haus der Seeschlange hält einen weiteren Hohen Rat am achten Zhas, bei welchem die Edlen Häuser den Anliegen und Gesuchen der Untertanen der Erwählten Gehör schenken werden.
The House of the Sea Serpent holds another High Council at the 8th of Zhas for the Noble Houses to listen to concerns and peditions brought forth by subjects of the Chosen One.

  • Honour to the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
    Ehre dem Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

    • ~Ssar'ney
      • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
        Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

By Lettarius. The dashing scribe with now blistered fingers. Who would not mind if one or two of the pretty ladies among his appreciating readership would visit him a with bottle of wine for sharing such a magnificent piece or art.

Anklage gegen Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:31 pm
by Q-wert
Der galmarianische Kanzler und selbsterkorene Feind des Hauses der Seeschlange Ulquiorra Dreadhart verweigerte an diesem Tage wiederholt den Gehorsam gegenüber dem cadomyrianischen Adel auf Reichsgrund, gab offen zu, gegen das Reich zu konspirieren, widersetzte sich der Gefangennahme, schlug einen Novizen des Reiches nieder und floh schwer verletzt nach einen kaum beeindruckenden Kampf gegen den Tempelkrieger.
Der galmarianische Kanzler Ulquiorra Dreadhart ist hiermit ein jeder dieser Punkte angeklagt. Seine Verhandlung wird voraussichtlich am fünften Tanos gehalten. Die Verhandlung folgt, wie üblich, dem Protokoll des Hohen Rates. Ein Nichterscheinen wird einem Schuldeingeständnis gleichgestellt.

Today the Galmarian Councillor and self declared enemy to the House of the Sea Serpent Ulquiorra Dreadhart repeatedly refused do comply with noble commands on Cadomyrian ground, openly admitted plotting against the Realm of the Chosen One, resisted arrest, struck down a Cadomyrian novice and fled heavily wounded after an underwhelming struggle against the Templewarrior.
The Galmarian Councillor Ulquiorra Dreadhart is hereby accused of any of these actions. His trial is expected to be held at the fifht of Tanos. The trial will, as usual, follow the protocol of the High Council. Not appearing to the trial will be considered admittance of guilt.

Der galmarianische Azure Lynch ist bis Ende des kommenden Jahres auf Grund von Anzweifeln des cadomyrischen Adelsrechts, Stören einer Untersuchung gegen einen Dämonen, falscher Anrede des Tempelkriegers als 'König' und dem Geständnis der Anhängerschaft des Blutgottes von Reichsgrund verbannt.

The Galmarian Azure Lynch is banned from the Realms grounds until the end of the upcoming year for questioning the Cadomyrian nobility, disrupting the investigations against a demon, falsely addressing the Templewarrior as 'King' and openly admitting worship to the God of Blood.

For Mother Zelphia, Her Firstborn and Her Chosen One,
Für Mutter Zelphia, Ihren Erstgeborenen und Ihre Erwählte,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Written by Lettarius. Who does wonder as for why one would be so stupid to go against the Templewarrior on ground of the Realm.


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:10 pm
by Herald of Cadomyr
Baron Ssar'ney zum Haus der Seeschlange ist hiermit die Pflicht und Ehre der cadomyrischen Reichsmarschallschaft bis zum Ende des achten Zyklus nach der Rückkehr der Alten Götter (das sechsundvierzigste Jahr nach dem Fall des Hexerkönigs) verliehen. Bis zum Ende des Zyklus und der kommenden Nächte des Blutes steht ausschließlich die Erwählte selbst über seiner absoluten Befehlsgewalt.

Baron Ssar'ney of the House of the Sea Serpent is hereby granted the duty and honour of the Marshal of the Realm of Cadomyr until the eighth cycle after the Return of the Old Gods (the 46th year after the fall of the Which King) has passed. Until the end of the cycle and the passing of the upcoming nights of blood his command is absolute and only outranked by the Chosen One herself.

  • In the name of Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Chosen of the Goddess and Queen of the Cadomyrian Realm,
    Im Namen Ihrer Majestät Rosaline Edwards, Erwählte der Göttin und Königin des Reiches Cadomyr,

    • ~Anthar Vilicon
      • Königlicher Kanzler
    • ~Ssar'ney
      • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
        Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange


Kriegsvorbereitung: Waffenübung

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:22 pm
by Q-wert
Cadomyr does hold an arms practice on short notice to sharpen weapons and focus combat ability at midday of the eight of Elos in preparation of a potential war. Allies and friends to the Realm will be welcomed most warmly. Any of those who threatened or attacked Cadomyrians in the past months will be not. For posing no easy target for an attack the arms practice will be held at the market place of the Realm.
Cadomyr hält eine kurzfristig anberaumte Waffenuebung zum Mittag des achten Elos um in Vorbereitung auf einen potentiellen Krieg Klingen zu schärfen und Kampffähigkeit zu fokussieren. Verbündte und Freunde des Reiches werden herzlich willkommen geheißen. Jene, die Bürger des Reiches bedroht oder gar tätlich angegriffen haben, werden es nicht. Um kein einfaches Ziel für einen Angriff zu bieten wird die Waffenübung auf dem Marktplatz des Reiches abgehalten.

Die Verhandlung um die illegalen Taten des gamarianischen Kanzlers und selbsterkorenem Feindes des Hauses der Seeschlange Ulquiorra Dreadhart wird für die Dauer des drohenden Konflikts ausgesetzt.
The trial of the illegal actions done by the Galmarian councillor and self declared enemy to the House of the Sea Serpent Ulquiorra Dreadhart is postponed until the the potential conflict is resolved.

In the name of Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Chosen of the Goddess and Queen of the Cadomyrian Realm,
Im Namen Ihrer Majestät Rosaline Edwards, Erwählte der Göttin und Königin des Reiches Cadomyr,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who is most curious as for how far Galmair will step over the line of respectful diplomacy this time.

Beförderung, Verrat und Anstellung eines Tempelhüters

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:17 pm
by Q-wert
The former Hunter Xanthe has been promoted in the field for slaying two of the key figures of the 'Free Men' during the initial field battle. By right of the blessings the Baron received for his duty as High-Templar of Zyathis, the former Hunter is now a Templeguardian of Zelphia.

Due to Dranis´ (also going by the name of 'Anra') betrayal by standing alongside the 'Free Men' under the disguise of an illusion potion or spell as well as his presence during the illegal second wave of the fight, he is no longer a Friend of the House of the Sea Serpent. No more does the Third House welcome his presence within the borders of the Realm.

The House of the Sea Serpent does hereby employ the Runewickian Titus Marceius as Keeper of the temple of Zhambra until the end of the current cycle. He does receive one coin of gold as well as free boarding and lodging for every dwarven month of service of keeping the temple clean and presentable as well defending the temple and aiding in the preparation and execution of any masses that might be held there.

May the Ushak-Skath watch over all those faithfully serving and protecting the Realm of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
Written by the dashingly good looking Lettarius. Who despite having singlehandedly written the most words a mortal ever brought to paper in the span of thirty days does calligraph on, for he is the greatest of all scribes the Gods ever bared witness of!

Falscher Prophet, Kampf gegen Zaras und Passierrecht

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:01 pm
by Q-wert
The House of the Sea Serpent will continue the fight against the invading forces of the Fallen God, no matter where the portals of the Golden Legion attempts to gain foothold with the use of portals. Members of the House are to group up for raids against the enemies camps and are advised to bring at least one archer with them. Donations to the House in the form of arrows are appreciated and will be put to good use.

A supposed false prophet of the Ushak-Skath, going by the name of Nokh'tar speads words not aligning with the teachings of the Zelphia and Her Firstborn or even the will of Her Chosen One. He is also rumoured to attack indiscriminately. The House offered a lengthy explanation as for why his actions and claims are heretic at the ever suspicious Galmarian boards.
The House of the Sea Serpent does offer ten coins of gold for bringing forth this heretic prophet to the Templewarrior or the High-Priestess.

Furthermore the House wishes to remind that individuals of any settlement are free to pass the gates for trade. Exceptions might be made for enemies to the Houses and the band labelling themselves 'Free Men of Galmair'. Exceptions will be made for any of those officially banned from the Realm.
The House of the Sea Serpent does grant passage of the Gates to counsillor Pryler and merchant Robberhauf el Luastelay, no matter the development of the relation between the Realm and the settlement of Galmair.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Refined and written down by the grand Lettarius. Who writes, and writes, and writes... and might be writing still at the end of times, so the Gods permit.

Vorbereitung für die Schlacht gegen Zaras

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:57 pm
by Q-wert
The House of the Sea Serpent calls all of Cadomyr and Runewick to an arms practice on the market place of the Realm at the highest sun of the 23th of Zhas to prepare for the dawning counterattack against the undead dragon who has been gathering forces for several weeks now. Galmarians may attend as well, for as long they are not associated with the criminal band calling themselves 'Free Men of Galmair'. The leadership of the two Realms will use the occasion to arrange some last tactical details for the battle.

Merchants of all settlements are invited to offer and sale items of use for the campaign. After the lengthy battle of attrition against the gathering hostile forces at the portals there is noteable demand of arrows.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


A small appetizer for those appreciating artful writing. Brought to paper by no one else but the grand scribe Lettarius.

Vision des Tempelkriegers

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:47 pm
by Q-wert
Today the Templewarrior had a vision a wolf with fur white as snow emerging from the pond of holy water at the Temple of Tanora. This wolf told of sudden changes that happened to the valleys surrounding the firey mountain near Runewick. The mountains fire burned the rivers water away, undead gather all around and a huge undead black dragon hunts everything living in the mountains vicinity. More importantly he told the Lady of the Lake to have left the nearby spring and smaller black dragons preparing a massive ritual of incarnation for their master.
The white wolf promised to track down the place of the ritual and howl a tune for everyone to hear once he finds the wretched place.

The Baron orders all available forces to Runewick, where those faithful will gather and wait for the howl. Scouts have already been sent on their way to investigate and report the situation at the fiery mountain and its vicinity.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the incredible Lettarius. Who would advise to believe in visions of that particular Lizard, if one values ones position in Cadomyr.

Einladung zur nächsten Messe der Zelpyhra

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:30 am
by Zelphyra
Der Tempel der Tanora in lädt am17. Ronas 47 um 12:00 Uhr zur nächsten Messe der Göttin des Wassers. Die Hohepriesterin Zelphyra wird in der Predigt den 4. und letzten Teil der Saga um das Leben des Ushak Skath behandeln.
Die Messe wird in der neuen Sprache gehalten. Diejenigen, die die neue Sprache nicht oder nur schlecht beherrschen werden gebeten einen Übersetzer mitzubringen.

Schreiber des Tempels der Tanora


The temple of Tanora in Cadomyr invites to the next mess of the goddess of water on17. Ronas 47 at 12:00 o'clock. The highpriestess Zelphyra will tell you about the 4th and last part of the Saga around the Life of Ushak Skath. The mess will be hold in the new language. Those who doesn't speak the new language or nderstand it badly are begged to bring a translator.

Scribe of the temple of Tanora