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Re: Roleplay Do's and Don't(s)

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:07 pm
by Jupiter
Hew Keenaxe wrote:So i have concluded that Strictly RP is out, and game engine is in.
This is probably one of the big misunderstandings of Illarion. It is not rp or engine. Illarion is neither pen&paper nor hack 'n slash. The falling back when your opppnent has nearly killed you, is one of the best methods to bring rp and engine together. However, there are situations where clouding is acceptable. And engine based fighting is nearly always legitimate (it is so obvious when it is not legitimate, really, so no need to mention them). When someone is threating one of my characters, I draw my weapons and the other one says oocly: "only rp fight", there is no reason to blame me if I don't care for this ooc remark and attack the one who threatend my character. If you just want to rp your fights, it's okay. But don't complain if others want to use the engine. We don't have a fighting system for nothing.

Re: Roleplay Do's and Don't(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:15 am
by Thargon
If Someone tells you a name in game that they wished to be called or have a Rp reason to be called that, Don't go and check the online player list and type their full name unless you learn it from someone else or the person themselves. Its very annoying to tell the other person, No that it is not my name when the player list say's so. Especially if that char suffers from memory loss or doesn't actually know his full name.

Re: Roleplay Do's and Don't(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:02 pm
by Fianna Heneghan
Adding onto what Thargon is saying, it's bad manners in general to tell another player how to play their character. Some of my least favorite times in game have involved that sort of behavior. And you really do have to believe that people know their own name. It's kinda silly to question that. :?

Re: Roleplay Do's and Don't(s)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:17 pm
by Estralis Seborian
I don't want to write a lengthy essay here, but there is one "do" I'd like to share with you:

Roleplaying is understood as the comprehensive and profound impersonation of a made up character. This shows best by reactions to stimuli, provided by the external situation. Everything else is theatre play. This means if you want to improve the overall roleplaying experience for you and everyone else, provide stimuli.

This means that you should initiate events, changes and encounters instead of avoiding them. If you don't know what to do - do something, act instead of delaying and contribute to an everchanging situation. Our game world is small and we have few active players, so you cannot, must not wait until something happens. Your actions write the pages of Illarion's history books, there is no one else but you in this world. No one's roleplaying will be affected by you and another player hiding in the woods, talking about inane things that never happened ingame (so called "background"...) and once you are gone, nothing will be left of you and your deeds.

Make up things, lie, be present ingame, encounter, no, confront other players and their characters and, most importantly, do it all for the lulz and not for your personal amusement and confirmation. If you just sit and wait for the world to turn, you'll most probably bore your character to death.

Re: Roleplay Do's and Don't(s)

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:58 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Two issues explained as far as what NOT to do when roleplaying:

Remember only YOU can say what will ultimately happen to your char, only YOU and/or a GM can say if your char is perma'd. No one else can. If you feel backed into a corner as far as the roleplay, ask for advise. However no matter how the corner is.. that doesn't mean you have to do something with your char you don't agree with. There are usually creative ways around anything. On the flip side... I know some prefer to have a lot of surprises in game and some prefer to be asked with major events. We are playing WITH others not against so if you are planning something major for another char you may wish to ask oocly as a courtesy.

Re: Roleplay Do's and Don't(s)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:18 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Not necessarily do's and don't's but tips on general roleplay consistency. In other words why it is such a pleasure to meet some chars that remain "themselves" and don't seem to change at the whim of their player. Here is a good article that might be helpful: ... cy-in.html


Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:30 pm
by S'rrt
Recently my character got "knocked over" by a far more powerful character. Instead of immediately making an exit via a portal book, or acting as if it was nothing, or running or attacking the person again, my character used all of his remaining strength to sit up and speak. For IRL days now after that, he's been recovering from the injuries not only from the fight but from what happened after: burning and leeching by a slime. He hasn't been able to carry armor, run or walk without a walking stick.

The reason I've recounted what's happened to him is because I feel that people simply do not RP being injured after being knocked down or EVEN ghosted, or they downplay it to a ridiculous degree. "Oh, it's just some cuts", "Oh, it's just some bruises". Sometimes, even if they are seriously hurt, they get healed up in less than a day.

Do be realistic about injuries, especially if your character has been sent to the cross. I understand that some people want to join a fight against some big evil baddie as soon as they recover a little bit but it's simply not good RP. You can still be a part of the RP somehow, you don't need to force yourself to take up arms ASAP.

Don't be afraid of other players/characters thinking that your character is somehow weak for experiencing normal effects of physical trauma, especially things like broken bones, concussions, heavy bleeding and so on.

I really wish being realistic about IC injury was a rule along the game's RP rules... and an offense if not followed properly. I understand that many characters are tough macho men and women but even in real life tough dudes and gals can't just shake off serious threats to their health. Maybe through adrenaline, maybe. However if that's the excuse that most of the players have, then there sure is a lot of adrenalin in everyone's body and it sure does seem to be released very easily.