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Re: The kingdom of Greenbriar

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:10 pm
by Copper Dragon
A cloaked and veiled female, possibly elven, locatess the list after hearing word of it. After taking quill and ink in hand she gently blackens the name of shandra on the list. A smaller note is also placed below the list.

I believe there has been a mistake with naming shandra as a citizen. I am listed as a citizen of trolls bane and I have made no such request to be made a citizen of greenbriar. Citizenship with trolls bane is for family reasons no other requests have been made. If I am in error, please send a dove to me and I will consider the matter.

shandra the tailor

Re: The kingdom of Greenbriar

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:24 pm
by Katharina Brightrim
A woman with a baby on her arm go to the board ans shakes her head.

I'm no citizien of this "kingdom"! Go away and bug somebody else!


Re: The kingdom of Greenbriar

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:14 pm
by MyNameHere
Their grisly deed done, the man calling himself king covers his face with a hood, utters a few words to the man he knows as Ekard, their ways now parting, and strides into the tavern of Greenbriar, posting another note.

Malluar Denstri has been convicted and sentenced for treason. The criminals Alexander Rifton and Lenloyd are wanted for murder of Pernickety Blue, minister of whores, who bravely gave his life trying to capture Malluar. Aforementioned individuals were assisting Malluar in his escape, but were no match for our guards. They fled like the cowards they are. Any true citizen of our kingdom is to kill them on sight and return their heads to us.

~His majesty king Beaumenton the first.

Our sincere condolences go to the minister's family, rest assured, his bravery saved the king's life, his majesty is well. Any members of the family are to contact the council for his personal effects

Should one take a walk close to the prison in Greenbriar these days, one may notice a few spatters of blood leading into the forest. Should one follow the blood trails, one would eventually find a body dressed in a wizards garment, wearing a pointy hat, both distinctively red. If one has known Malluar, it is clear that the body is him. Upon further inspection of the corpse, it seems that its neck is broken.