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Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:43 pm
by Deuce
I'de like to see an evil guild have a rivalry with an evil guild for all control of awesome evilness!!!11! :o :o :o

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:28 pm
by Taiah
Deuce wrote:I'de like to see an evil guild have a rivalry with an evil guild for all control of awesome evilness!!!11! :o :o :o
That would solve the problem of some not wanting to be involved.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:34 pm
by Pellandria
Am I the only one who knows that this is going to fail, because the player always does the same thing, seriously..he starts something lets it go for a while, then seems to loose interest in it and finally the whole thing stops, evil chars need a history no "lol I pwnzor you nows"suddendly evil chars appearing on the island are lame..and boring and even the temple is next to useless, sorry guys, but all you do is the same "we have the skills lets but them to use" there is no real evil community who actually acts evil, someone who is evil normally does not make a cozy little community where everyone respects everyone and just is ~evil~ as soon as it goes to town and to smash some heads in.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:01 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Pellandria wrote:Am I the only one who knows that this is going to fail, because the player always does the same thing, seriously..he starts something lets it go for a while, then seems to loose interest in it and finally the whole thing stops,
The whole thing stops because of lack of player interest, not my own. You can't keep a Guild going with one player. Maybe you can but i tried, GM's say 'No'. :cry:
Pellandria wrote:evil chars need a history no "lol I pwnzor you nows"suddendly evil chars appearing on the island are lame..and boring
GM's do it all the time. I don't hear you bitching about that. :roll:
Pallandria wrote:and even the temple is next to useless, sorry guys, but all you do is the same "we have the skills lets but them to use" there is no real evil community who actually acts evil, someone who is evil normally does not make a cozy little community where everyone respects everyone and just is ~evil~ as soon as it goes to town and to smash some heads in.
Drug Cartels, Mafias, Crime syndicates, Black Panthers, Street Gangs.....I could go on and on with groups who are 'evil'. Honestly, why wouldn't they join forces for mutual protection and strength? 8)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:04 pm
by Nalzaxx
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" ~ Baudelaire

I think some people fundamentally misunderstand both the nature of the Temple, and the nature of what we are doing ingame at the moment.

Under my rule the Temple was out in all force, raiding town and destroying things because the needs of the Temple were different. Nalzaxx needed essence and belief and power and for that he needed to ransack the town, harvest people's life energy and generally be a typical bastard. After his departure Avalyon took the throne and decided to take the Temple in a different direction. One that is much more hidden and behind the scenes. I think this is one of the primary reasons that the Temple has endured where so many others have failed.

When the title passes to another character I am sure the behaviour of the Temple will change once more.

Far from it however is your position to dictate how we run the organisation. We are not here to entertain or be some 'evil' guild that fulfills a requirement for the goody characters to have something to battle. We are an organisation for its members and we exist as an entity entirely for that purpose. If you don't like the way we behave at the moment tough, but you cannot complain that we are playing the Temple wrong. The Temple was never meant to be a specifically evil guild for doing evil things. It was meant to be a brotherhood that had no qualms about performing evil deeds to get its way. However being openly evil tends to lead to hordes of do gooders to come knocking on your door and so we stick to what works and what ensures maximum profit.

All I can say is that I have plans to take certain parts of the Temple out of the shadows and back into the limelight. And I can assure you that when it does so it will be ample reason for trembling and war.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:40 pm
by AlexRose
Pellandria wrote:Am I the only one who knows that this is going to fail, because the player always does the same thing, seriously..he starts something lets it go for a while, then seems to loose interest in it and finally the whole thing stops, evil chars need a history no "lol I pwnzor you nows"suddendly evil chars appearing on the island are lame..and boring and even the temple is next to useless, sorry guys, but all you do is the same "we have the skills lets but them to use" there is no real evil community who actually acts evil, someone who is evil normally does not make a cozy little community where everyone respects everyone and just is ~evil~ as soon as it goes to town and to smash some heads in.
Yes, because evil people can't make friends. They hate everyone and they can't find things amusing or have a laugh with friends; they know only sacrificing small children to the great god Imhotep and drinking the blood of pregnant women.

Evil people are like good people in the way they are to each other. The difference is, they're porbably more strongly united than the good people because they're used to being disliked by the majority and therefore choose their friends wisely and are very loyal to each other. The difference between evil and good people is that an evil person will do things good people would look down on to get what they want, and are simply persuing what they need, provided the chance or severity of risk is low enough for it to be worthwhile.

e.g. You may torrent a game. This is stealing from people who've put hard work and effort in for no effort of your own. This is inherently evil, but I'm pretty sure this wouldn't make you socially inept and to have a vile hatred of everyone around you. If you're thinking "torrenting a game isn't evil" then obviously you do indeed fit under this category.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:44 pm
by Lord Arcia
I've gotta refer to my favorite D&D reference book ever. The Evil Handbook.

Most evil characters i've seen IG seem to be Chaotic Evil. How about Neutral Evil? How about Lawful Evil, what I see as the worst damn evil out there. :P

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:46 pm
by Mesha
Lawful Evil is the most wonderful direction you could go with a character. The moral dilemma's are endless! Also, some people will still react sociable to your character, even though they know you are inherently evil, and do not adhere to their morals, because they NEED you! :twisted:

I LOVE evil, especially in unexpected forms.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:54 pm
by AlexRose
I love Lawful Evil too.

Best kind.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:56 pm
by Mr. Cromwell
*cough cough*


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:27 pm
by Llama
Lord Arcia wrote:I've gotta refer to my favorite D&D reference book ever. The Evil Handbook.
Fear my brain tumour which has an intelligence score!

(. . . no seriously, what were they on?)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:51 pm
by Pellandria
@Jupiter: I said it again and again and again, the last true evil person I saw in illarion was Darlok and his "henchmen", the stuff that Gm's pull for the sake of quests is avoided as best as I can, because I simply dislike quests, but thats another thing, sadly my char seems to get pulled into uests often enough anyway.Good that you counted all the gangs, because they have one thing in common, gangs normally form around a strong and respected person, but a leader normally will be changed as soon as a new stronger one arises in the group, I never have seen any evil people struggle against each other, they are all fine and dandy together.

@Alex:Wrong, evil people are not some kind of good people just doing something a little different, an evil person as such has a far different point of few than any "good" person, e.g. there is someone with a broken leg on the streets, silvercoins are there for you to take a good person would help this injured fellow, a bad person would just get what he has and move on.

The Morals and ways of live of a good and a evil person cannot be simliar, because a good peron acts out of different motivation than an evil person and that is why there are so many "Oh I slash everyone who is good, but I will act like a good guy around my bad dudes" an evil person would never trust any other evil person, the only thing that keeps an evil organisation together is terror, betray and force, if evil person a leads a guild and evil person b is in it, but stronger, smarter and overall better in everything evil person will simply kill evil person a and lead the guild for the sake of more power and more money.
This is exactly what I always say, the ohh soo evil persons on Illa are jsut "evil" to the point where it goes against some good guy, but stops at his "friends" which is stupid or bad rp, simple as that, someone always does something because of his morals and view of live, you don't mug someone on the streets for the fun of it and then the next second you save some stranger from getting mugged.

If you play a dishonest lieing bastard of a char he better be dishonest and lieng to everyone and not jsut to the "good" guys but to the bad aswell, simply to secure his stand in the organisation.

Further more you can't compare an "evil" thing like torrenting a game with crimes in middleages. jsut let us compare those things.

Someone who torrents a game might hurt the income of a company, based on how old the game itself is, someone who torrents 3 or 4 old games actually helps the company, because thats more or less free advertising right there.

Now some thief mugs a person to get his coins, its evil right away, because he will hurt his vctim and takes its money, thus he might
end a whole life, because that person might have needed the coins for living, now did you heard that a company is gone bancrupt because of torrented games, I somehow doubt that, as the games marcet is booming.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:55 pm
by Bellringer
Trust Pellandria to get worked up over a recruitment thread...seriously, let people be evil how they like. End this silly debate; at the end of the day, people rarely fit into 'good' or 'evil'.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:59 pm
by Lord Arcia
Chaotic Evil:
With Chaotic evil, the unifying factor is "fear of the big guy" (just as with chaotic good, the unifying social factor is "desire to look out for the little guy"). Chaotic evil has a reputation as the "eeeevilist evil" because of the big ass kickin red dragons and demons" were chaotic evil. Maybe he's chaotic evil because he's powerful, not powerful because he's chaotic evil. Who can argue with a 20d8 breath attack?" Chaotic evil is lazy. It gets things done in easy ways, "Go in...kill everything that resists, take what they have and leave."
A society based on violence and poor impulse control has limits to itws size. No matter how powerful a leader is, he can only rule as many followers as he can bully or intimidate. They're big, tough and mean. Unpredictable.

Lawful Evil:
The problems that chaotic evil characters find are easily accomplished by lawful evil. Chaotic evil is the motorcycle gang that kicks down your door, steals your stuff, burns down your house and deep fries your puppy dog --then leaves. Lawful evil is a faceless bureaucracy that seizes your house through eminent domain laws, confiscates your property with a court-ordered foreclosure, puts your dog to sleep because he wasn't registered, and then offers to rent your old house back to you at a reasonable rate. Lawful evil is organized. Violence is most often the last resort when dealing with outsiders. Blackmail, bribery, threats and devious backroom political maneuvers are their real weapons. Lawful evil would rather sneak into your room, cast a sleep spell on you to make sure you're asleep then put a pillow over your face. Much cleaner.
Lawful evil governments are much harder to destroy than chaotic-evil. Chaotic just kill the boss. More often than not this is difficult, but simple. Lawful evil is tricky. Kill a soldier and another graduates from the military academy to take the fallen soldier's place. Hack off a few branches, but the tree is still there.

Neutral Evil:
Neutral evil respects laws...but find ways around them. The ideal situation for a neutral evil person is one in which he can convince the opponent to abide by the rules--all the while breaking them himself. Hypocrites, two faced dealers who destroy their own rules when the rules get in the way. Where you can trust chaotic evil to smite good and rampage, and lawful evil to become tyrants, you can't trust neutral evil to do anything. They even break their own rules. They have no problem with impulse control, as chaotic evil characters do. Unlike lawful evil, they have no desire to organize a government. They only do what they want. Think of what a dog would do if he ever caught the car he is chasing. Trying to conquer a neutral society makes no sense as they will just agree with you and assassinate all the new important folks. Generals, nobles, kings, bishops will be fair play.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:01 pm
by Llama
I just hope mister Juniper, that if this goes along, then the 'evil' guild isn't cliched evil.

No "I made someone cry! AHAHAHA I feel so good" rubbish please.

But some guild which thinks that say, dwarves are an abomination and should be removed, would cause quite a few interesting RPs.

Seriously, evil and good aren't very well defined.

if you're an elf and you end up being whipped and branded because you stepped into the nordmark is that evil?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:53 am
by Juniper Onyx
Thank you all for the input and good ideas, especially Arcia's great definition of alignments, thanks. It will be difficult, but I'll try to heed them really. Evil is easy to play, just hard to survive.

I have the players, and we'll meet soon to conspire upon ideas. Then some posts in RPG, and a Guild will be formed soon.

We can close this topic now. Thank you.