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Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:51 pm
by Aldan Vian
I don't know about the rest of you but I think it sounds fun.


Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:46 pm
by Gregor Antus
I would approve of war games.


Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:58 pm
by HeXiS
Please do welcome Bandorakai Armakon to the guild as a new recruit. i am hoping he will prosper quickly as he seems to be well on the way to fine swordsmanship.

also i'd like to say i too am in favore of a good war game.. all interested please send a dove and i will atttempt to arrange my bussy doings to a slow and we can make arrangemants.. also special training mission is being planned verry soon for the mebers who know they are well ready with a sword, arrows, or mace..


Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:15 am
by Phib
i announce my resignation due to personal differences with a new recruit.


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:29 pm
by Joxia Doral
Chris Rigden has been reinstated as an officer and will working to reorganze the group along with Darius. I need all active members to get in touch via the board or a dove.

Thank you,
Commander of the Grovestriders
~-~Archduchess Joxia Doral~-~

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:31 am
by lyken
*A Hawk flies into the cave and leaves a note at the door of the guild and it reads* " Greetings fello Grovestriders it is i Draken i am on my way back to the island as you are reading this letter. So see you all very shortly

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:26 pm
by HeXiS
attention all Grovestriders we have our first large bounty in a long time. The total pay of this bounty head is 1 gold. please send a dove to Darius for the conditions of capture also acquire rope or se Me personally to pick up your rope.

~Darius Kain,
Captain, Commander.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:03 am
by HeXiS
It seems the bounty head has fled trolls bane seeking asylum in silver brand as far as we know he has not yet entered into silver brand.. please keep an eye out for him on the roads near silver brand.. remember this is for a gold coin. to be paid once he has been captured and tried..

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:25 am
by HeXiS
all materials for the building have been delivered to the guild headquarters..

hopefully verry soon my eyes will see a more propperous and thriving guild due to every one's hard work..

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:27 pm
by Joxia Doral
I ask all active members to please leave a note here on the board to let us know who we have with us still.

Thank you

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:50 pm
by Aldan Vian
I don't know if I'm still counted as a member....but if I am I'm still here...and if I'm not..I want to be a member again.


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:50 pm
by CJK
I'm still sticking around, you can't get rid of me this easily.

Officer Jon cain

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:27 am
by lyken
i am sill here

Captain Draken Delgado

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:32 am
by Killelot
So do i Write it here.... or Here... or maybe here... or possibility Hear. Whoops. Har De Har Here. How about i just fill this whole sheet with Heres... Nah... to much writing... i think this is enough.

Edward Tudor
Edward Killian

I'm Here, and No one can find me!!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:36 pm
by HeXiS
Effective immediately! this guild shall be officially Neutral.. we will recruit any one who wishes to join* regardless of their affiliations.. we would prefer loyalists but such things are rare.. also if you are on an assignment with some one to whom you have an aversion you WILL get along until you have finished the required job AND You have parted ways..

We still will not get involved in petty town to town skirmishes. That would cause more problems for us than it would solve..

As for how payments are handled this may already be in effect but i want it made clear..

-payments are to be made to a Commander or Captain.

-Payments will also now be Per Man Per Day. no more splitting the bill and not know who worked the most for what.. the more work you putt in the more you will get paid.

-contracts will go on no longer than one dwarven week at a time. if you want to request longer contracts you will send a dove to a commander or ask the captain or an officer to for a renewal. we reserve the right to turn down any contract renewals in the interest of better pay from another contracted source.

-guard contracts will only aid in town invasions.** and person guards.

*Recruits are still subject to testing until they reach soldier status.

**if a town attacks something we do not go after them. the only exception ifs if a bounty is posted on the head of the offender.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:17 pm
by HeXiS
I Dairus Kain will be leaving for the main land verry soon. i will not stay awa too long .. at the most hopefully i'll be back in 2-3 dwarven weeks ( im moving back home tail between legs)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:50 pm
by HeXiS
*a parchment is nailed onto one of the cherry trees planted out side of the entrance*

Attention the gods have smiled on us .. either a magic has been cast or the builder was in a good mood.. or some one spoke with him on our behalf.. but either way the cave is tidy again and the gates are repaired..

in other news i'm told we may get a new we may get a job from Trolls Bane.. however
there are still the lack of pins and cotters needed to makes some construction to the inner dwellings to make it more suitable for frequent use.. if you have any skills to be used for this end be it smithing pins or carving the cotters please do colaborate and aid me in this..

also remember to ask people if they would like help with their daily tasks for small fees.. or for goods.. any pay is pay and will keep the guild and general moral up and alive..

please post any jobs to the board and visit the head quarters more often..

Commander Darius Kain

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:05 am
by HeXiS
*A note is posted on the cherry trees near the cave entrance*

Greetings Fellow Grovestriders,

I, Dariuis Kain, have updated the list of our current members.. it was suggested that we might wish to recruit more.. however i feel that our first priority is to find jobs for our current population.. then if we need the man power we shall recruit.. as always any help is well received..

pleasae do remeber that checking this board is the best way to stay informed of what goes on in the guild.. as you may have noticed things are a bit slow as we are still in the pre building phase. There is good news however. it seems we are nearing the completion of the needed materials.

Commander Darius Kain

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:04 am
by zda
The lady named fleta has joined the grovestriders shes a alchemist

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:28 am
by Netsirk
*Fleta walks up to the board with a saddened look*
I have found the man guilty of cutting down the union trees along with all the others trees that are missing.
His name is Jack. I dont know much about him but I do see him everyday. I would kick his butt one good time but Im afraid Im not that strong. I can lead you to him though. Thats is if we want to do anything about it.
* shrugs and walks away tucking her quil and ink in her bag*

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:54 am
by Seori
As your new chaplain, I invite every Grovestrider to approach me for spiritual counseling and guidance about any issues of the heart that you may be facing as mercenaries. I am ready to deal with anything from depression and anxiety to identity crises by providing loving acceptance and treating each individual with dignity and value. The divine word will be the foundation to all counsel given with emphasis on eternal truths that enable every person to live full, abundant lives. Every individual has equal worth and divine value.

Grace and mercy,

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:39 am
by zda
I have a job for the grovestriders, i am wanting 625 coal for 25 silvers you can find me in trolls bane or you caan send a dove once you have all of the coal and i will meet you

~Grovestrider Zach Dawson~

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:09 am
by Phib
Walks up and sees the notice... ponders for a second shifting the weight of his daughter into his opposite arms. He takes put a piece of coal from his bag and writes with the sharp point.

I may still be related to this group but if you need coal in that quanity I can provide it for you... *starts to write some words but scribbles them out*
send me a dove and I will provide you with your needs.

Phibol D'Woise

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:45 am
by CJK
I Jonathan Cain will pay 50 silvers to any Grovestrider who manages to bring the criminals Drathe Bue and Kaelyn to the guard to recieve justice for their crimes.

Send me a letter for any questions

Officer Jonathan Cain

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:12 am
by Aldan Vian
Perhaps you would not mind giving a description of the two? Or if not, at least miss Kaelyn.



Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:58 am
by HeXiS
i know both persons i can not say i am surprised by their actions i can say i am very disappointed in the two. as a Grovestrider and as a trolls bane guard lieutenant i will do my best to bring both persons to trolls bane's justice.

~Commander Darius Kain~

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:11 pm
by Drathe
Dearest landsmen and fellow Grovestriders,

It’s is a sad when two men of the same cloak cannot settle a small tavern dispute themselves. Despite the lavish story concocted by dear Jonathan, it was nothing more than a scuffle over a broken bottle of good wine and his wayward hands over a lady un-wanting. Seems your honour and bravery must be sagging to your loins by the weight of all those fancy titles you carry sir. No man should be so gratuitously pompous.

I do also frown upon such a bounty, for others to settle your scores ~and~ to use what all on the isle frown upon... poisoned blades seems a little wet.

So it is with great disappointment I Drathe Blue, Marshal of Riverside appointed under the power vested in the Great lady and Commander Joxia Doral do banish you from the land of Riverside. We simply cannot have people like you sullying the good and honest fighting name of the Grovestriders.

I also offer a bounty secured by the Riverside treasury of 70 silvers should he be seen in Riverside and for... well, giving the lier a bloody good beating. You ever wanted to get something back on an officer, now is your chance!

~Drathe Blue, Marshal of Riverside~

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:09 pm
by HeXiS
as for what i have read there was no mention of poisoned blades.. not here in any case.. and the bounty was to bring you to trolls bane to face his accusations in a formal manner.. do you say you are incapable of becoming overly intoxicated.. there is a reason i normally never drink..i can not control my actions most of the time when I drink I simply cant hold my wine.

so bounties aside i would still like it very much if the two of you came to meet me. Also I'm told Mr. Felix had to step in at some point.. knowing him well enough as i think i do i can say this wouldn't happen if this were just a mere misunderstanding. i will still present the matter to Edric and aeris.. and the two of you can meet in civility.. be it a bounty or not...

also even if he is banned by your authority we can not accept bounties on our own heads. this would only cause more problems than it solves.. i do not recall saying we would accept a bounty for bringing Drathe to bane either. Tak may do as he wishes however if he has accepted the job the job is simply to bring Drathe to town for some sort of judging.. at least as i have read it..

i do hope we can all resolve this together..

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:56 pm
by CJK
A letter is found inside the Grovestrider Headquarters, no sign of the poster can be found.

Darius, it is true that Mr. Felix drew poisoned daggers, or at least one of them. It was wha was needed, for drathe was threatening his life and limb.

As for the accusation about me and Kaelyn, that is so utterly ridiculous I wont even bother wasting good ink on it. Drathe himself, sure of his own victory, told Felix that i was innocent.

The matter of the bounty, well if accepted, then that IS what the Grovestriders exist for, is it not? It is only natural for me to request their assistance.

The broken bottle, he smashed it on a chair and tried to blind me with it. If he hadn't been so obvious about his intentions then he would have succeeded.

For your bounty on my person, speak with Edric. From my understanding of what he has told me, you have no authority at all.


Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:25 am
by Joxia Doral
I have long left the running of the Grovestriders and Riverside to Darius, both Drathe and Jon have rank here.I support Darius 100% in his decision that we cannot place bounties on our own. At this point the problem has been resolved ans Drathe and Jon have both agreed to let the matter drop.

~*~Lady joxia Doral~*~