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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:34 am
by Zeshyrr
It saddens me to see a lizard behave in such a deceitful manner.

I will not take the bait you offer and argue with you. Peace and harmony are precious.

Master Zesh

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:44 am
by Taliss Kazzxs
You lie .. It was just moments ago you claimed you would drive us from our homes, now you return to you claims of peace and honest solutions? I have no reason to lie about this matter, Lesska was present at all of your words and you will face trial.


Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:21 am
by Grim_banned
Brothers in green skin, the orcs will gladly help you in any eventual war that was declared upon you, following the sacred bond of allies.

I shall hunt this rogue lizard myself.

For honor!
dictated by,
~ Warlord Rogruk

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:04 pm
by Llama
I thank you Warlord Rogruk for your offer, however we shall deal with this internally and try to solve it with the least amount of bloodshed.

Arbitar Lesska should speak to the witnesses and then pass judgement.

Until then please do not continue this argument or seek repercussion or revenge upon each other.

I would rather not have any more lizard blood spilt.

Economic Counciller of Zzyathis

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:43 am
by Rugh'toh
Bruddahs and sistahs in skin!

During da Day ob da Hammer Lizards and Orcs hab fought side on side to gain a glory victory!
Da green power hab smashed da army ob stumpies!

Today we invite all bruddahs in skin to come to da Orc lands to celebrate da glory victory and to strengthen da alliance we hab since more den a year!

Come to da Varshikar teleporter at ((8 pm GMT+2 / 7 pm UK time)) and meet da Orcs there, ib yoo wunt!

Chief Rugh'toh

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:52 pm
by Zzyathis
Attention -

The Lizard Zeshyrr (also known as "Zesh") has been accused of performing the following crimes

- Blasphemy
- Heresy
- Threatening a Counciller with Violence
- Slandering Zzyathis and its government
- Attempting to control members of the Templar for his own agenda
- Attempting to provoke a civil war with the intention of replacing the government
- Slandering Allies of Zzyathis
- Attempting to cause outsiders to take up arms againsts members of Zzyathis

In addition he is accused of

- Resisting Arrest
- Escaping from Custody
- Refusing to take part in his own Trial.

Moroever he has attacked multiple innocents which are not in any way tied to Zzyathis.

You are warned that he is highly dangerous if provoked. If he is arrested, he is to be detained until the trial is to take place.

Economic Counciller of Zzyathis

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:37 pm
by Zzyathis
* hung on a copper plate attached to the messga board, written in large lettering in Common and lizard*

Fish celebration will be held shortly. All Lizardfolk are encouraged to attend, and brign a landling friend to attend if you wish.

Events will include.

Lizard claw fishing contest
Lizard and mammal Pole fishing contest
Lizard salmon eatign contest
Mammal eating contest of food to be determined later, probably baked fish.

All guests must be registered before hand.

(( Gather at Zzyathis gatehouse at 6pm server time on sunday may 3))

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:41 pm
by Zzyathis
Brothers and Sisters

The first lizard fish celebration was a successful event. While no landlings turned up for the fishing contests, the amount of lizards present for the claw fishing contest greatly compensated for it.

The winners are -

Rod Fishing - Judge Szrenszor

1st: Lesska
2nd: Snushi
3rd: Issaria

Claw Fishing - Judge Lesska

1st: Szrenszor
2nd: Taliss
3rd: Snushi

Eating Contest

Uncontested Winner: Zekai

We hope to hold another festival of the sort soon enough.

Be well Brothers and Sisters, and may Mother watch over you

Economic Counciller of Zzyathis

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:39 am
by Zzyathis
Brothers and Sisters

I have finally talked to the builder - and he has drawn up the plans for the dock which will connect Zzyathis to Tol Vanima. A list of resources required has been given to us.

250 Silvers - Collected
2000 Naldor Logs - Collected
1000 Apple Tree Boards - Collected
750 Pins and Cotters
100 Hammers
100 Saws

While we have already collected the majority of them, we still need to produce enough pins, cotters and tools.

I therefore request that, should you have any free time, you help obtain BRANCHES so that sister Lesska can produce the handles we'll need for the tools.

May Mother watch over you all

Economic Counciller of Zzyathis

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:16 pm
by Ssar'ney
~Two new clayplates can be found at the entrance to the holy land where everyone would be able to read them,
if that person would understand the writings in the tounge of the lizards it is.

The first one seems to be a prayer, written carefully with nice and correct letters of a priest,
while the second is an almost chaotic mixture of sighns and letters used by hunters as well some few nearly only used by priests.~

Honored be the Goddess, for the water!
Praised be Zelpheyar to share her greatest
gift with the mortals so that they can live.
Honored be the Goddess, for the fish!
Praised be Zelpheyar to let spread her fruit
over the oceans so that none shall ever starve.
Honored be the Goddess, for the strength!
Praised be Zelpheyar to grant claws, sharp teeth
and strong bodies to her children, so that they shall
not fear the beings of the dark.
Honored be the Goddess, for the wisedom!
Praised be Zelpheyar to give wisedom to the
mortals so that they shall not use force in times
there is no need.
Honored be the Goddess, for the faith!
Praised be Zelpheyar to give sense to the life
of her children.

Noone shall ever own the heart, soul
or body of a Child of Zelpheyar but the Goddess herself.

Honored be the Goddess!

The sisters and brothers at arms will gather at the
24th of the days of chaos when the sun is at the highest point

for a pilgrimageto the holy tree, planted by the Goddess herself.
The place of the gathering will be at the stables near the stonepath
to the sand-settlement of the humans.
All those faithful and able to fight are expected to come.

~Ssar'ney, hunter carrying the task of the hightemplar


Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:26 pm
by Zzyathis
Brothers and Sisters,

I am pleased to inform everyone, that the dock connecting Zzyathis to Vanima has been completed.

I thank all who have helped collected the resources. With this new construction, we can easily travel from Zzyathis to Vanima, and to the rest of the population of Gobaith.

Praises to Mother.

Economic Counciller of Zzyathis

A Debt to Repay

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:32 pm
by Pterry
A note is pinned to the door of the Zzyathis gatehouse:

Where have my dear, dear friends, the Lizards of Zzyathis, gone? I haven't had a nostril-full of fish breath in altogether too long. Come back to me, my scaly brothers and sisters. (And, yes, Lesska: it's you I miss most of all.)

Tol Vanima owes Zzyathis a debt. Our new dock has been ably constructed, and now there are fine, stout ferryboats to carry merry Elves and jolly Lizardfolk back and forth. I have in my possession some 260 cherry branches, to complement the 180 such branches I have already handed over to a certain persnickety, quadrupedal Lizardwoman who seems to have disappeared off the face of Illarion. There is still the matter of Vanima's share of the silver that Zzyathis spent on the dock, but.... Well, first things first. Unlike branches, silver doesn't grow on trees.

Please contact me. And, more importantly, please come and visit us landlings sometime soon. We miss you.


Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:26 pm
by Ssar'ney
~Recently a new clayplate written upon in the language of the lizards can be found at the entrance to the gatehouse.~/

~Seit kurzem hängt eine neue Tonplatte am Eingang zum Torhaus zu Zyathis. Die Nachicht darauf ist in der Sprache der Echsen verfasst~

Honor to the Goddess!

Greeted be the faithful sisters and brothers,

for talking urgent events over, training fighting, meeting friends
or just for telling stories all Children of the Allmother remaining
on the island will gather in front of the gatehouse to the temple
of Zelpheyar at the highest sun of the first day of Ronas.

May faith stay strong,

Ssar'ney, hunter carrying the task of the hightemplar.
Ehre der Göttin!

Gegrüßt seien die gläubigen Brüder und Schwestern,

um kürzliche Entwicklungen zu besprechen, Kämpfen zu üben,
Freunde zu treffen, oder um einfach nur Geschichten zu erzählen
werden alle Kinder der Allmutter die auf dieser Insel verblieben
sind sich zur höchsten Sonne des Ronasbeginns am Eingang zum
Torhaus vom Zyathis sammeln.

Möge der Glaube stark bleiben,

Ssar'ney, Jäger mit Pflicht des Hohentemplers.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:25 pm
by Ssar'ney
~A new clay-plate, not much different in language, shape and style of writing can be found just beside the last one~

~Eine neute Tonplatte, welche sich in Sprache, Schriftstil und Form nicht wirklich von der vorherigen unterscheidet findet sich nun neben der Letzten~

Honor to the Goddess!

Her children are scattered, differ in thought, faith and understanding
of their duty. Ssar'ney alone did encounter four heretics in the last
hands of sun-cycles. To equalize the opinions of the faithful children
of the Goddess, he calls out for his brothers and sisters to attend the
next meeting.
The things that should be talked about are:

- the need of regular meetings to pray, talk, train or for pilgrimages
- the opinion towards witchery among the children of the Goddess
- the need of a cleansing-hunt to restore the purity of faith of the race
- the question of leadership during the absence of a priest
- the need of restructuring the old laws

He does expect any faithful lizard that does not want the temple of
the Goddess to break apart to be at the gatehouse to the holy lands
of Zyathis at the higest sun of the 11th day of Elos.
Those who are unable to gather at this time because of their duty,
should leave a note.

For purity of faith,
Ssar'ney, hunter with duty of hightemplar.
Ehre der Göttin!

Ihre Kinder sind verstreut, sind ungleich in Gedanken, Glaube und im
Verständiss ihrer Pflicht. Ssar'ney alleine sind in den letzen Händen
voll Sonnenzyklen mehr als vier Ketzer begegnet. Um desswegen
die Meinungen der gläubigen Kinder der Göttin wieder zu einen,
ruft er nach ihnen, dass sie sich zum kommenden Treffen sammeln.
Die Dinge über die gesprochen werden sollten sind:

- die Nötigkeit regelmäßiger Treffen um zu Beten, Reden, Üben
oder um sich zu Pilgerreisen zusammenzuschließen.

- der Standpunk bezüglich Hexerei in den eigenen Reihen

- die Nötigkeit eine Reinigungsjagd durzuführen um den
unverschmutzen Glauben der Rasse wiederherzustellen

- das Problem der Führerlosigkeit während kein Priester
auf der Insel weilt

- die Nötigkeit die alten Gesetze zu restrukturieren

Er erwartet, dass sich alle gläubigen Echsen, die nicht wollen,
dass die Gemeinschaft von Zyathis auseinanderbricht, sich
zur höchsten Sonne am elften des Elos vor dem Torhaus
zu den Heiligen Landen einfinden.
Diejenigen die ihre Pflicht davon abhält teilzunehmen
mögen eine kurze Nachicht hinterlassen.

Für die Reinheit des Gaubens,
Ssar'ney, Jäger mit Pflicht des Hohentemplers.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:21 pm
by Ssar'ney
The meeting will take place at the announced time,
but one three-day before.
At this time more should be able to be there.

He does excuse for the change,
Ssar'ney, hunter with duty of hightemplar.
Das Treffen wird zur genannten Zeit stattfinden,
lediglich einen Dreitag vorher.
Dann sollte es mehr Brüdern und Schwestern
möglich sein zu kommen.

Er entschuldigt für die Änderung,
Ssar'ney, Jäger mit Pflicht des Hohentemplers.

You call any free-willed Lizard Folk A Heretic?!

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:43 pm
by donaideenn
My name is Zzyarthues! I am a lizardman who follows not the goddess but all of the gods and goddess's! Yes it is possible to due so! Yet when a lizard does what he will and has free will lizards such as Ssar'ney High templar call us heretics?! Well we have something to tell you Ssar'ney Brother Slayer! You are a cold hearted lizard hunter! you hunt you own for what they believe in! You are a disgrace and any true goddess follower would not kill there brothers and sisters for being different.

Death to the Heretic Hunters, brother slayers and High Templars!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:48 am
by Aldan Vian
I have tried to Explain this to Brother Ssar'ney, he is corupted and gave up his mind for the godess. You should either hide, or find yourself a personal army.


Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:24 am
by Llama
What kind of child of Zelphia, does not give her the honour she deserves? You were born of the water-goddess, fashioned by her loving hand, and nurtured by her waters. What sort of child returns that love and care by putting her on the same line as the other lesser gods?

Perhaps your mind has been clouded by the landlings, or perhaps you are utterly confused - you should speak to a priest and perhaps he shall guide you to the right way.

I hope that Zelphia's will shall enlighten you to turn towards the right path again.


There is a scratch added later

Perhaps we should meet and speak - while I am no priest, I can try my best and showing you what is right.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:51 am
by David Turner
A note has been left with clear, neat handwriting and with a writing that shows a good deal of experience with the art of oratory. The note has been written both in a formal form of the Lizard language as well as being carefully copied in the new common language. The only difference between the two copies, noticeable only to lizards with enough skill to translate, is that Zelphia's name is written out in the much longer pronounced form on the Lizard version and is always followed by the parenthetical phrase, "(or 'Tanora', to some) ", on the copy written in the common language.

To the leaders of Zzyathis and whomever else it may concern.

I write both to ask for to be recognized as a member of this place, if that is a necessary formality, and to speak on the absence of a priest in this holy land. The current state of worship cannot be unified, or even approached for the goal of change, when no suitable candidate to lead can be found. Even if one were to lead badly he could be approached with grievances and finally dismissed as one who does not rightly speak the Goddess's words. This would at least clear the name of Zelphia and allow us to show that she does not approve of that wrong behavior or belief. In the current state, however, there seem to be so many opinions that none can be assured and unified action is impossible. This is chaos, the very thing that Zelphia stands against, not her wisdom that brings peace and goodness. Furthermore it is not right for the mind of Zelphia to be replaced by her hands, lest her worship become work, nor should it be replaced by her muscles, lest her worship become destructive. There is a time to use the hands to create the good and a time to use the muscles to destroy the evil, but always the mind must mediate between the two and the circumstance that is in effect.

While recognizing a problem is important, nothing is done to fix it unless someone steps up to do the work and accept the criticism that is necessary to make things right. For this reason I offer myself as a candidate for priest. I have the necessary training, as I was picked for priesthood from before birth and trained diligently till the destruction of my home island, and my later experience has only strengthened my faith in the Goddess and in the knowledge that her Wisdom is secure. Whatever is necessary for this transition, I volunteer; but only so that the Zelphia may be served and because honest adherence to her will leaves me no other choice but to follow her wisdom in this matter. I will take the position only till someone better or more capable can be found.

I ask that those who are in the position to make the necessary decisions and also those who are interested in this matter would send me a dove outlining whatever concerns or further direction you might have. I hope that this matter can be resolved quickly so that what needs to be done will no longer be delayed.

Zxay'yseyzr Yerr'keyr'En (Jack)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:21 am
by David Turner
A note has been placed above the previous one bearing the same careful handwriting and has been similarly copied in both the common language and the language of the Lizards. Unlike the other one the writing is much less detailed, though is still written as though it came from one with certain expertise in writing.

To those who worship the Goddess with all reverence, and to those who are concerned with how her worship is regarded.

On the 15th of Ellos I wrote a note regarding the lack of a priest in the holy place of Zzyathis and I asked that if persons had difficulty with my fulfillment of that role or any questions at all than they should send me a dove or contact me otherwise. It is now the 15th of Tanos and I have received no deccenting remarks toward my fulfillment of this position. In fact, I have received very little word that most persons have even noticed the state of affairs with the Goddess worship whatsoever. This is somewhat disheartening, but not completely unexpected, considering that the Goddess has been without a priest for so long. With the coming of the end of the month of floods, named for the Goddess herself, it would be unfitting for the celebrations to be without a leader and, since there seems to be no objections to it, I will immediately take on the responsibilities associated with leading the priesthood of this place. If you come to need religious assistance or guidance concerning any questions, problems, or religious difficulty; than please feel free to contact me in my official capacity. This can be done personally, by dove, or by placing a note upon the wall of the Zzyathis gatehouse. I do ask only that notes on the gatehouse be reserved for issues of importance to the whole of the Goddess worship on Gobaith and that you pardon me if I must postpone a personal discussion at some time in order to fulfill certain other expectations on my time.

For the glory of the Goddess and the spread of her wisdom both below and above the waters.
Zxay'yseyzr Yerr'keyr'En (Jack)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:58 pm
by Aldan Vian
There are not many people left to make that decision,or so it seems. The mothers children have fallen apart, and unless something happens soon not much can be done about it. Our leaders are seldom around. Also the death of Taliss has left us without a leader for the templar. I would gladly serve in this possition, unworthy as I may be.

It is time for a new generation to take responsibility!

Returning after his time away,

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:05 pm
by Maeglin Telemmaite
I,Ssaron Klawtail, Wish to become a priest of this Holy land.I have the skills and know all about the proper procecures and tasks of a priest. Please inform me of thy choice by contacting me directly or sending me a dove please and thanksss. Praise be to the goddess.
~Ssaron Klawtail

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:07 pm
by Zzyathis
(( Written in the usual clawed scratchings that make up the common lizard alphabet, placed upon a large stone tablet, chiseled from a block of slid granite and hung next to the gatehouse for all to read. There is no mammal language translation anywhere))

Zzyathis is undergoing a period of restructuring and reorganization. All Of mothers children that wish to be apart of the future of Zzyathis should contact Lesska ((forum account Olive)). A meeting to determine the future of Zzyathis will be scheduled in the very near future, look here often for announced time.

Mother's Blessing upon you.

Glory to the Goddess

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:46 pm
by Ssar'ney
~In the usual style of Ssar'neys writing a new clay-plate can be found at the entrance to the temple of Tanora, written in the language of the lizards, just as usual.~

Honor to the Goddess!

Sirius, Shoan, Altair, Falyara, Tarek and two he
did not find out the names of did two
kidnappings of other landlings in the last time.
Regarding the concern of brother Yerr'keyr'En
to the rumors of cultists practicing a corrupted
way of the honorable faith of the lesser
goddess of death and rumors among the
landlings about such a group, he supposes caution.
If a brother or sister does learn details about that
cult, please do inform the others about it.

For purity of faith,
hunter with duty of hightemplar.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:13 pm
by David Turner
A note is written in skilled handwriting and has been attached directly to the above clay-plate. The writing is first copied in the common language but then an addition has been added, written first in the language of the lizards and afterward in the more common tongue.
Ssar'ney wrote:~In the usual style of Ssar'neys writing a new clay-plate can be found at the entrance to the temple of Tanora, written in the language of the lizards, just as usual.~

Honor to the Goddess!

Sirius, Shoan, Altair, Falyara, Tarek and two he
did not find out the names of did two
kidnappings of other landlings in the last time.
Regarding the concern of brother Yerr'keyr'En
to the rumors of cultists practicing a corrupted
way of the honorable faith of the lesser
goddess of death and rumors among the
landlings about such a group, he supposes caution.
If a brother or sister does learn details about that
cult, please do inform the others about it.

For purity of faith,
hunter with duty of hightemplar.
To the followers of the Goddess:

It has come to my attention that a new cult has been forming that some claim espouses to follow the honorable Cherga, the landling's goddess of death, but which practices rituals and follows ideals that are wholly against the teachings of that lessor deity. Not too long ago a report was made in Tol Vanima about this group, calling themselves "Child of Blood". This report can be thought truthful due not only to it's source but to the fact that the members who replied disagreed only on the degree of their crimes. In addition the High-Templar, who's clay-plate I translated, has done a through investigation and uncovered the truth in a number of the claims made against this group. It is therefore our duty to oppose this group, in whatever way may be possible, but to remember our allies when doing so and to be wise to our limitations. Those who can fight should fight, but when overwhelmed there is only wisdom in seeking assistance. Those who can offer their assistance through skill and ability, or withhold it, should never forget that they uphold or tear down righteousness with every job that enables another to further their goals. I would also remind all that our ultimate goal is not the elimination of these people, but that they would turn toward wisdom. Afterall, does not the Goddess's water flow through their bodies as well? Even so, our duty to protect those who are innocent will sometimes require that the misguided ones be resisted till their own death, if that be what they choose for themselves.

The names of the members, as I have gathered are as follows:
Sirius, Altair, Shoan, Tarek, Terolas, Emilia, and Falyara who also has been reported to go by the names Mandara and Salora. Terolas appears to be their leader and priest, without his direction the others may be much more likely to disperse peaceably.

With honor to the Goddess.
Zxay'yseyzr Yerr'keyr'En, known also as "Jack"

(In smaller writing, fairly easy to miss if one were reading quickly, a note is written near the bottom left corner of the page in the lizard script.)
I apologize to the High-Templar for the lateness of my translation and reply. My custom is to retreat once a dwarven week for meditation and prayer and I was delayed in my ability to return until recently. Please forgive my slight, for I would rather make myself a liar than to give the Goddess less than my full duty.