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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:27 pm
by Pellandria
Jupiter wrote: From what I know there is no writ or rule by the staff which says: "Mana - that is the answer! Whohoooo!"
You should visit moonsilver now and then, the only "legend" there is supporting the mages viewpoint.
Jupiter wrote: So you simply can not say that this is the ultimate truth, Pellandria.
Your char may think this, but YOU have no right to say if this right or wrong.
End. There is nothing to discuss about. Or are you assigned by the staff to be the chief of magic things?
I never said its the ultimativ truth, I just have wrotten it how I think it is, you have all right to say "yes thats how it is" or "no thats not", as we are talking about a proposal and from my viepoint I try to argue aganst or for it.
As long as I know the staff hasn't much people with mages char, so I fail to see the point why someone should not discuss a topic about magic, if this person has a mage char.

Would you rather see "crafter" or "figther" discuss or even create a druid system?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:36 pm
by Magdha Tiefenerz
"Ordinary" characters do not have mana. Pellandria, you can spin a whole theory about that as you want but it doesn't change a thing. And not having any mana doesn't hurt them. They are in a "constant mana drain" so to speak. But draining mana from a magic user does hurt them. Why? Because they become ordinary people and can't do magic without mana. That's all and that's what Pellandria is afraid of.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:38 pm
by Jupiter
But you know what a legend is, don't you?
A mean, Atlantis is a legend, too....

Why are you as the PO arguing about it? This is useless, isn't it?
If you want magic vacuums, then argue if they are a way to bring fun to the game, not if they are logical.
Because if they get IG, but do not fit to your theory, your theory is wrong.

And I don't understand the meaning of your last sentence.

Why? Because they become ordinary people and can't do magic without mana. That's all and that's what Pellandria is afraid of.
Oh, now I see! Thanks, Magdha.

PS. And I will stop posting here from now on.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:56 pm
by Pellandria
Magdha Tiefenerz wrote:"Ordinary" characters do not have mana. Pellandria, you can spin a whole theory about that as you want but it doesn't change a thing. And not having any mana doesn't hurt them. They are in a "constant mana drain" so to speak. But draining mana from a magic user does hurt them. Why? Because they become ordinary people and can't do magic without mana. That's all and that's what Pellandria is afraid of.
Why did I even care to writte a explanation, when you don't even read it, its short sigthed to say that a normal person has no man, because than this person is dead and I don't spin a whole theory around it, its written down since years, you just don't know it obviously.
Not having mana means not living its simple as that.

@ Jupiter:Great lets bring guns, atombombs and hydrogenbombs into the game, why?
Well they are alot of fun, lets put the logic where the sun doesn't shine, because honestly we all just hate to follow any logic here anyway.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:04 pm
by orgis
sorry dinnae mean tae be a pain or any that but ye's are aguring ere something that does nae even matter by the looks ay things...

pell ye be arguing a ig theory by the looks of things which is really pointless ooc lass :wink: by the sounds of things people dont argee with this theory thus there be nae point continuely trying tae say this is how it is and whatnot

ah hink sundos idea be great a mage not being able tae blast half way across the island is great hehe gies the rangers blade uses eg ah chance now tae git there own back on the mageys :)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:11 pm
by Faladron
You realy get the impression you believe this mana stuff yourself.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:15 pm
by Kranek
Faladron wrote:You realy get the impression you believe this mana stuff yourself.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:18 pm
by Rhianna Morgan
Pellandria wrote:its short sigthed to say that a normal person has no man, because than this person is dead
OOOOH NOOOOOOO we are all dead!
Faladron wrote:You realy get the impression you believe this mana stuff yourself.
/signed aswell

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:32 pm
by Pellandria
Heh I find it funny, first you start an argument, than you say I got no right to say anything, even if it was just to explain it and now that you got no arguments left you are going the "hahaha I was just kidding and was never interrested anyway" way..gotta love it, but would that not count as "spam" anyway..those post with nothing in it except signed...well whatever.

@Orgis: I don't know if english is your mothertongue, I would guess so, and if so please try to writte a more clear english, its hard to understand anything.
What I gathered from you is, that you think its an ig thing I argue while the other would be ooc, I would tend to disagree, because we are not talking about some changes of mosnters or weapons, but of an ig matter, if some mana vacuums really suddendly appear around every town how could someone use magic before there and how could someone feel good around these parts then.

Maybe I made it not clear: A general manavacuum would be nice, but then for everyone not just for one, make a potion that disturbs a mage for some times and breaks their concentration= great, if the same kind of thing goes towards figther aswell and as I mentioned before, even ordinary people should suffer, not that much as mages but a bit aswell.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:33 pm
by Pellandria
~ugh double post~

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:33 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
You could say Mana in Illa -> Energy in Real World. We all need it to move, speak, simply to have our bodies work. If we don't get food to regain the energy we used we die. Though, since none of us are mages, we cannot draw the energy we consumed out to move things with willpower or whatever.

A mana-vacuum would slowly drain every living creatures' power. They'd get tired, sleep off and finally die.

That's the whole point.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:37 pm
by Magdha Tiefenerz
Pellandria wrote: Why did I even care to writte a explanation, when you don't even read it
Pellandria, I'm quite certain that there is a place for magic theories and such but it is not in this thread.
Pellandria wrote: its short sigthed to say that a normal person has no man, because than this person is dead
Mana is represented by some special attribute with numbers which are displayed as mana bar. Ordinary don't have a mana bar or to be more precise it is empty. The mana bar being empty does not hurt them and they are quite alive. They just can't do magic. Nothing more nothing less. Mana drain won't do anything different to a mage.
IG the mage might notice the mana gone. Maybe he/she fells bad because he/she is used to feel the mana. But it does not threaten their health or lives.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:40 pm
by Pellandria
The mana bar is just "activated" after getting a rune, untill then you could have the best mage attributs, your mana bar still is empty, so would you say even the best played out mage ig, who might not have any rune at all, has no mana?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:41 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Magdha Tiefenerz wrote: Mana is represented by some special attribute with numbers which are displayed as mana bar. Ordinary don't have a mana bar or to be more precise it is empty. The mana bar being empty does not hurt them and they are quite alive. They just can't do no magic. Nothing more nothing less. Mana drain won't do anything different to a mage.
IG the mage might notice the mana gone. Maybe he/she fells bad because he/she is used to feel the mana. But it does not threaten their health or lives.
It is not. Essence is the ability to manipulate the Mana you safed in your body or gathered from your surroundings.

Think of the body as a container that is filled with "ordinary" manaenergy (foodbar). That's the mana everyone has, the lifeforce. The blue manabar shows the extraordinary energy one was able to draw together and hold until he wants to use it.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:44 pm
by Mesha
I would like to ask everyone to feel free to impose beliefs on one another IG.

I would also like to ask everyone to calm down and not get highly upset over an IG matter. Feel free to push your ideology ingame, because it is what a character believes it is. I personally think that it would be unwise to set a definite theory on anything OOCly, because it would remove ideologic differences between mages and ordinary people ingame. But that's just me.

Also, Pellandria, there are actually a fair share of people in the staff that play a mage.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:48 pm
by Sundo Raca
Taeryon Silverlight wrote:You could say Mana in Illa -> Energy in Real World. We all need it to move, speak, simply to have our bodies work. If we don't get food to regain the energy we used we die. Though, since none of us are mages, we cannot draw the energy we consumed out to move things with willpower or whatever.

A mana-vacuum would slowly drain every living creatures' power. They'd get tired, sleep off and finally die.

That's the whole point.
Yes, but as we've established there is no set idea of what mana is, its a fantasy game and mana can be whatever you like.

You could rp your mage as becoming weak and ill if you wanted, it would make for an interesting situation ig.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:51 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
There's a problem with that though. Why should one mage become unbelievable sick in a manavacuum while an other mage jumps around as healthy as always? Just because they believe in different things? That's absolutely unlogical. If Manavacuums are implemented, the Staff must set ooc-rules on the ig-effects.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:52 pm
by Magdha Tiefenerz
Taeryon Silverlight wrote: Think of the body as a container that is filled with "ordinary" manaenergy (foodbar). That's the mana everyone has, the lifeforce. The blue manabar shows the extraordinary energy one was able to draw together and hold until he wants to use it.
I'm pretty sure that the starter of this thread had the drain of the blue mana bar in mind. So how about that the mana drain zones just drain the "extraordinary" energy and leaves the ordinary energy intact if you want to stick with magic theory?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:54 pm
by Liscal
I rather like the theory that every living being has a certain mana level. Everyone and everything produces mana. But mages have such a low mana level (consume > produce) that they need to draw mana from their surroundings, so the mana flows to them, like the osmosis effect. In contrast to "ordinary" people, mages can control this "external" mana.

Consequently a mana vacuum (which draws mana too) would make "ordinary" people feel tired etc (but they still produce enough mana to survive), but it would be really bad for mages, they can probably not survive long in such a vacuum without help. So the foodbar should still go down in such a mana vacuum for mages, indicating that they suffer from it.

btw, this makes mages to parasites ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:56 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Magdha Tiefenerz wrote:
Taeryon Silverlight wrote: Think of the body as a container that is filled with "ordinary" manaenergy (foodbar). That's the mana everyone has, the lifeforce. The blue manabar shows the extraordinary energy one was able to draw together and hold until he wants to use it.
I'm pretty sure that the starter of this thread had the drain of the blue mana bar in mind. So how about that the mana drain zones just drain the "extraordinary" energy and leaves the ordinary energy intact if you want to stick with magic theory?
If we stick to the magic theory something like that wouldn't be possible. A vacuum that only drains the extraordinary energy couldn't exist because it's "modified". If vacuums are implemented they either have to drain both, mana- and foodbar or nothing. Of course you could say that the surroundings are just rare of mana, so that the outcome is a playe where the manabar doesn't refill anymore, which wouldn't effect the foodbar or any charakters. It would just make an ordinary person out of any mage that has used up all the mana he had safed before he went there.

Liscal wrote:I rather like the theory that every living being has a certain mana level. Everyone and everything produces mana. But mages have such a low mana level (consume > produce) that they need to draw mana from their surroundings, so the mana flows to them, like the osmosis effect. In contrast to "ordinary" people, mages can control this "external" mana.

Consequently a mana vacuum (which draws mana too) would make "ordinary" people feel tired etc (but they still produce enough mana to survive), but it would be really bad for mages, they can probably not survive long in such a vacuum without help. So the foodbar should still go down in such a mana vacuum for mages, indicating that they suffer from it.

btw, this makes mages to parasites ;)
From the theory, a mana-vacuums effects the entering person the harder, the more "magical talented" the being is. Therefor, what you said, is quite the magic theory about Manavacuums.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:59 pm
by Nalzaxx
This is all highly pointless.

Make a script that drains mana at a rate of x per y when a character enters location z.

Put script in certain places.

Mages better be careful if they go they.

End of.

The ins and outs of mana and the way blah blah blah is really unimportant here.

I like it, perhaps we could also add mana vortices as well where mana regeneration is increased?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:01 pm
by Sundo Raca
*puts on illa geek outfit*

Ok, so heres how i see mana.

Mana is 'spirit' energy, which can be unlocked from inside of you should you have sufficient mental/spiritual capacity to do so. It comes from people's spirit, and everyone has it its simply only some people are able to unlock it.

This spirit energy is totally different to physical energy, although it takes physical energy to mantain it, due to the mental strain. As a result, maybe 'mana drain' is the wrong word. The mana drain forces the spirit energy to be locked away once more, so the mages simply lose the ability to use the mana, and just turn into normal people (while under control of the drain).

Hope that leaves ya'll happy. <.<

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:05 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
LOL, i can't belive how much nonsense bable people can write on a friggin topic!

Who the hell would bother to read endless posts about a thing that you dont even care about, lol.

Good proposal though. props to Sundo

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:07 pm
by Liscal
@ Taeryon Silverlight:

My point was that the mana regeneration process (food -> mana) is still active, or it consumes even more foodpoints.

Generally the foodpoint reduction e.g. could be doubled.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:09 pm
by Magdha Tiefenerz
Just a thought:
Well, maybe the magic theory is not quite correct. Maybe there is something called mana which keeps everything alive. But maybe the mana that a mage uses to cast spells is different. Maybe it is somehow refined from the normal mana. Maybe... Well, you see, there is an explaination for everything. But this doesn't help us here.

The question is do we want zones that only weaken mages, that is just drains the mana they use for casting or not. There might be zones that drain life force which would hurt both mages and ordinary people but I think that this was not the idea of this thread.

I'm for zones (or spells or artifacts) which only drains casting "mana". Call it mana drain or anti-magic, it doesn't really matter.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:12 pm
by Bellringer
Zones which drain mana are a good proposal. Screw any mana-theories you might have, it's a cool idea.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:17 pm
by pharse

can there be a scheduled script that checks in certain time intervals if there is a character in a certain area on the map. If so, the script can manipulate the foodvalue and manapoints.

This is the easiest way to implement such a feature without fiddling in the regeneration script.


Personally I would like to see:

- mana vacuum that drains quickly manapoints and slowly some foodpoints.

- mana vortex that regenerates manapoints and a bit slower some foodpoints.

- fix vacuums and vortices

- random appearances of such vacuums and vortices.

/btw: the fact that for each mana regeneration step the foodvalue gets reduced, that shows me that there is certainly a connection between these things. What exactly, that's an IG matter and philosophers may dispute about it.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:22 pm
by Sundo Raca
Oh.. just had an idea.

What about places ig which drain the foodbar faster as well, such as mountains/the desert? Not really necessary, but could be interesting.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:22 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
pharse wrote:Technically.......

can there be a scheduled script that checks in certain time intervals if there is a character in a certain area on the map. If so, the script can manipulate the foodvalue and manapoints.

This is the easiest way to implement such a feature without fiddling in the regeneration script.


Personally I would like to see:

- mana vacuum that drains quickly manapoints and slowly some foodpoints.

- mana vortex that regenerates manapoints and a bit slower some foodpoints.

- fix vacuums and vortices

- random appearances of such vacuums and vortices.
Would it be possible to let a place of X*X Tiles turn into a manavacuum when there were casted too many or powerful spells?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:30 pm
by pharse
Taeryon Silverlight wrote:Would it be possible to let a place of X*X Tiles turn into a manavacuum when there were casted too many or powerful spells?
Hm. This would be surely more work...

But I don't know if that is intended anyway.