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Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:28 pm
by Djironnyma

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 8:59 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
Liebe Varshikari!

Sämtliche Mitglieder der Universität Varshikar, die dort lernen oder lehren, kurz, die Varshikari waren, sind dies nun nicht mehr.
Somit verfallen auch all ihre Rechte auf eine freie Nutzung unserer Werkstätten, der Mine oder anderer Nutzungsgebäude.

Elara und Sirani mit euch!

Guir Rabenflügel
~Anführer Varshikars~

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 10:15 pm
by Gregor Dynati
Allowance to use the glasoven for making bricks
was handed out to Ilkim Oezlem until he delivered the license fee
in goods to Varshikar for the mine and finesmithing.

Gregor Dynati
Deputy town leader


Erlaubnis zur Nutzung des Glasofens zum Ziegelbrennen erteilt an
Ilkem Oezlem, bis er die Lizenzgebühren für die Nutzung der Mine
und das Feinschmieden in Ware für Varshikar hinterlegt hat.

Gregor Dynati
Stellvertreter des Anführers

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:43 am
by Athian
The undead plaguing Trollsbane Have found there way through the desert to Varshikar. Though it was attempted to lead them away a fool elf named Velendil managed to make the situation worse. Be careful, and wary of the library and Any other place within Varshikar. These undead seem to have a way of sneaking into places you least expect them


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:15 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
Der Ork Coci ist von nun an verbannt aus Varshikar!


Guir Rabenflügel
~Anführer von Varshikar~


From now on the orc Coci is baned from Varshikar!

Guir Rabenflügel
~Leader of Varshikar~

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:22 pm
by Bellringer
Tellinks the clan what forsks? Why yousks banninks him?!

Clan Shaman Grakir

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:44 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
He broke our laws, attacked people in our town and a few other things. That should be enough.

Guir Rabenflügel
~Leader of Varshikar~

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:48 pm
by Roland Tafar
Besides...he declared himself not to be a member of any clan.
So we don't have to give account to you. But I give you one hint: He also attacked a member of your clan without reason.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:12 pm
by Bellringer
Good, then keepinks him banned, desert-barbarinks.

Clan Shaman Grakir

Die Inquisitoren/ The Inquisitors

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:21 pm
by Lacy Dracu
Werte Varshikari und Freunde Varshikars,

ich möchte euch alle vor 2 Männern warnen, welche sich die
Inquisitoren nennen.

Erkennbar sind sie daran, dass sie immer Mund und Nase hinter
Stoff verborgen halten, und lange Roben tragen. Sie tauchen
immer zu zweit auf und bezeichnen sich gegenseitig nur als Brüder.

Es gab schon mehrere Berichte darüber, dass sie Bewohner der
Insel angegriffen haben.
Zu ihren Beweggründen kann ich nur soviel sagen, dass sie wohl
Wesen beobachten/jagen, die ohne Glauben sind oder von denen
sie eben denken, dass sie es wären.

Sie sind davon überzeugt nach dem Willen der Götter zu handeln
und in deren Namen zu sprechen.
Wo ich persönlich sagen muss, dass die Götter solche Handlanger
nicht nötig haben, wer weiß dass besser als wir Varshikari. Zudem
glaube ich kaum dass die Götter den Glauben mit Waffengewalt
durchsetzen würden, zumindest nicht alle.

Ich denke einfach, solche Leute braucht Varshikar nicht und ich
würde jene bei auftauchen in unserer Heimat direkt wieder aus
der Stadt werfen lassen.

Ich plädiere auch für eine Dauerhafte Verbannung vom
Varshikarischen Grund und Boden, doch dies sollten wir zunächst
erst noch besprechen und gegebenenfalls abstimmen.

~Lacy Dracu~
Captain of Militia of Varshikar


Dear Varshikari and friends of Varshikar,

I want to warn all of you of 2 men who call themselves the

You may recognize them on their habbit of wearing long robes and
keeping their lower face behind cloth all the time. They always
appear as a duo and call each other brother.

There are many reports about them attacking several residents all
over Gobaith.
About their reasons, all I can say is this: they seem to
observe/hunt people who don’t believe in the Gods or at least
seem to do so in their opinion.

They are convinced to act in the will of the Gods and speak in their
In my personal opinion, the Gods don’t need such henchmen to
enforce their will and spread their words. Who may know this
better then us Varshikari ourselves. Besides that I don’t believe
most of the Gods would enforce faith by weapon force.

I don’t think Varshikar needs such people and in my opinion they
could be thrown out of town on sight.

More then that I would also ask to ban them permanently from the
land of Varshikar but this matter should be discussed first.

~Lacy Dracu~
Captain of Militia of Varshikar

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:32 pm
by Djironnyma
Die Träger des Feuers unterstützen diesen Plan und würden, wenn von Varshikar gewünscht, bei der Umsetzung behilflich sein.



The Bearers of Fire support this plan and if Varshikar wish we will help by realisation.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:33 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
Pellandria ist von nun an nicht mehr verbannt und darf sich nun wieder frei auf unserem Land bewegen.


Guir Rabenflügel
~Anführer von Varshikar~

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:56 pm
by Harald Hradradr
Hiermit gebe ich, Harok Silversmith, bekannt, dass ich meinen Wohnraum zurück in die Obhut Varshikars gebe. Dies geschieht aus freiem Willen und keine Gegenleistung soll erbracht werden. Einzig wünsche ich, dass der Raum der früherin Besitzerin, Mareda, zurückgegeben wird.
Meine Schlüssel übergab ich bereits an Frau Katarine von Maibach.

Harok Silversmith

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:54 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
Volk von Gobiath!

Am 1. Siros um 12 Uhr ((17. Juli 20 Uhr MEZ)) wird unser neuer Siranitempel von einer Siranipriesterin eingeweiht!

Alle sind zu diesem Fest eingeladen!
(Ausnahmen: Die, die von unserem Land verbannt sind)


Guir Rabenflügel
~Anführer Varshikars~


People of Gobiath!

At 1st Siros on the 12th hour ((17th July, 20 o'clock MET)) our new Temple of Sirani will be initiated by a priestress of Sirani.

Everyone is welcome to join this festival!
(Exceptions: The persons, which are banned from our land)

Guir Rabenflügel
~Leader of Varshikar~

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:07 pm
by Amadi Yusuf Randal
What happened to the house near the castle? It disappeared?
~Y. visitor of Varshiar

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:04 pm
by Suriam
Seid Gegrüßt

Ich hätte interesse an einer Schürflizenz für ein Zwergenjahr.


Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:56 pm
by Orc Nation
Hail Oomies ob Varshikar,

Meh ask dat joo send aid and help to Trollsbane in her hour ob need.

Invaders from Salkamar want to take over, and weh can nub let dis happen!

Archduke Kazzxx is rightful leader, and Trollsbane is part ob Gobaith.
Weh are all part ob Gobaith.

Now.....pretty talk over.....

Get joor arses in dere or weh will hab reason to rape, plunder, and pillage joor lands!
Joo fight for Trollsbane, or weh will fight joo!

Now, easy choice, yubba?

Respond as soon as possible.

~Krull Karfang, Chief of the Orc Nation

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:36 am
by Athian
If the people of Varshikar choose to assist those in Trollsbane then it will be there choice alone. Do not ever seek to coerce our people through threat of violence, you will never get what you want with such crude tactic's.

IF EVER you threaten my homeland know that I shall send your soul and all those of your kin to meet the goddess and beg penance for your stupidity.

Our people are not enemies, but hostility will be returned in kind should you ever decide to make good on any of your threats, I promise you this.

As to Varshikars choice in assisting Trollsbane. I'm certain a consensus will be reached soon enough. Be patient, you have no other option

Athian Corulas

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:55 am
by Karfang

Meh see joo got spirit and fire! Hur hur, Meh likes it! Joo speak my language.

Glad to see Varshikar still active and able to defend self. Makes more challenge for meh to win over.

Meh happy and certain joo will make right decision and help Trollsbane. Dis beh gud sign!

~Krull Karfang, Chief

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:32 am
by Ortrud
Verehrte Bürger von Varshikar, geschätzter Guir Rabenflügel,

ich wollte anfragen ob meine Schürf und Schmiedelizenz noch Gültigkeit hat und wem ich die anfallenden
Steuern entrichten kann, da ich plane in der nächsten Zeit in Varshikar wieder zu arbeiten.

Danke für Eure Nachricht

Ortrud Saskia

(das Pergament am Stadtbrett ist mit kunstvollen schwarzen Rosen verziert)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:30 pm
by Lacy Dracu
Wehrte Varshikari,

da im Moment weder Guir noch sein Stellvertreter anwesend zu sein scheinen, würde ich vorrübergehend,
mit eurem Einverständnis, die Führung von Varshikar übernehmen. Sobald einer von beiden wieder in
Varshikar ist, werde ich selbstverständlich diese wieder übergeben.

Aufgrund der aktuellen Geschehnisse halte ich eine baldigst mögliche Versammlung für unabdingbar.
Weitere Informationen, finden die Varshikari am Stadtbrett im Archiv.

Lacy Dracu
Captain of the Militia and Honored Protector of Varshikar

Dear Varshikari

As its seems like neither Guir nor his deputy are available at the moment, I would temporarily assume
the dutys of the leader of Varshikar, subject to your approval. As soon as one of them showa up in
Varshikar again I will step down from this position again of course.

According to the current happenings I see a meeting as absolutely necessary. More informations
can be found at the Varshikarian townboard at the archive.

Lacy Dracu
Captain of the Militia and Honored Protector of Varshikar

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:32 pm
by Ortrud
Verehrte Bürger von Varshikar,

da ich auf meine Anfrage keine Antwort erhalten habe, erlaube ich mir die Minen und Werkstätten von Varshikar zu benutzen.
Einen geldlichen Betrag werde ich in meinem Depot hinterlegen und einem ausgewiesenem Beamten der Stadt auf Verlangen

Ortrud Saskia

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:50 pm
by Athian
Citizens of Varshikar:

Varshikar will not be taking part in the battle for Trollsbane this coming evening. As such I would like to remind all citizens to stay clear of the battle to avoid inflicting or receiving any unneeded injuries.

Any who seek refuge from this battle are welcome to come to Varshikar until it is over.

As the prince is residing in the castle of the the rebel Djironnyma. I would like to remind all that regardless of the outcome of this battle, Varshikar is not to become the personal warzone of its neighbors. Any whom bring the violence of this battle into Varshikar will find themselves expunged from our lands, or worse.

It is my hope that this battle might still end with as little loss of life as possible

Athian Corulas

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:47 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
Citizens of Varshikar and of Gobiath!

Varshikar was a land of peace and harmony since it was created. It is a neutral land and will not fight in a war. When you are innocent and not interested in fighting in a war you shall come to Varshikar until the war is over.

When a citizen of Varshikar want to fight for Trolls Bane, he or she is free to go, but Varshikar as a town will not go to war.

Everyone who attacks Varshikar for not fighting for Trolls Bane have to take the consequences. We will not fight an enemie that is not ours, but we will fight those who attacks our peacefull and neutral Varshikar.

Elara and Sirani with you all!

Guir Rabenflügel
~Leader of Varshikar~

((If there are any mistakes I apologize for this))

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:17 pm
by Athian
People of Varshikar

I do not which among you may have been at the battle of bane, but for all those interested in details of the battle i can depict what i was with my own eyes.

The people of Trollsbane, the Orc nation and a few of there other allies fought very bravely against the Salk army. The battles lasted many hours, many fell on both sides of this war. The town itself received quite a beating from the Salkamarian siege weapons and now is in quite a shambles. But still Trollsbane and its allies held their lines. It is a courageous battle they fight and I empathize with the dilemma they face. But the odds are truly not in their favor

This first attack has battered the township itself and weakened its defense. And though the Salks have retreated this will not be the last battle in this war. Varshikar keeps its neutrality but this does not mean we do not see what occurs.

To any who need comfort or a place to get away from this war, Varshikar shall offer it. If Trollsbane should fall and any find themselves too heavy hearted to remain in bane under the Salkamarian prince then they may choose to join the desert folk. Lasting to Varshikarians, be kind to your neghbors who are afflicted by war, offer up warm meals and warm clothes if they are in need. Provide an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. We may not raise many blades in this war but we cannot merely look away and do Trollsbane the dishonor of ignoring this struggle.

Athian Corulas

p.s. (( a translation would be appreciated ^^ ))

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:40 pm
by Roland Tafar
Thank you much for your report, Athian.
I agree to your oppinion, Varshikar shall keep its neutrality in war but offer help for all people who need it.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:21 pm
by Guir Rabenflügel
Liebe Varshikari!

Bitte seht auf unser Brett!

Guir Rabenflügel
~Anführer Varshikars~


Dearest Varshikari!

Please look at our board!

Guir Rabenflügel
~Leader of Varshikar~

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:02 pm
by Djironnyma
Frieden, Wissen und allgemeines Wohl sind tief in unserem Kodex verankert. Dies, die Fackeln in der Dunkelheit, sind die Werte für welche die Träger des Feuers stehen und die wir bemüht sind um zu setzen. Um so mehr irritieren uns die Feindseligkeiten, welche uns unsere varshikarischen Freunde seit neustem entgegen bringen. Wir empfinden die offene Diskussion darüber, uns aus unserem Zuhause, das wir mit unserem Schweiße und Fleiß aus Schutt und Asche aufbauten, zu vertreiben als starke und unbegründete Provokation.

Wir empfinden es als verwunderlich woher sich plötzlich solche Feindseligkeit entwickelt hat und laden jeden varshikarischen Bürger ein mit uns darüber zu sprechen um Missverständnisse und unbegründete Sorgen bereinigen zu können. Uns liegt viel an einer friedlichen Nachbarschaft mit Varshikar, von der beide Seiten profitieren.

Ferner ist es uns ein Anliegen, unabhängig von der aktuellen Situation, deutlich zu machen, dass wir jeglichen Versuchen, gleich von wem ausgehend, uns aus unserem Heim zu vertreiben, mit aller nötigen Härte entgegnen.

~Djironnyma, für die Träger des Feuers
Peace, knowledge and the common welfare is deep anchored in our codex. This, the torches in the darkness, are the values we, the Bearers of the Fire, stand for and are trying to transpose. The more it confuses us to see such hostility towards us from our varshikarian friends. We see the open discussion to expel us from our home, which we rebuild out of ashes with our own sweat and blood as a causeless provocation.

We ask ourselves where this sudden hostility comes from and invite every citizen of Varshikar to speak to us to clear out those misunderstandings and causeless worries. A peaceful neighbourship with Varshikar is important to us, which is a benefit for both sides.

Furthermore, independent from this recent situation, it is important for us to stress the fact that we will counter every attempt, from whom ever, to expel us from our home with the needed force.

~Djironnyma, for the Bearers of the Fire

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:00 pm
by Athian

It should be simple enough to understand. The people of Varshikar never allowed the reconstruction of the castle Northrot so that it could become your personal home for you or your guild. What you built was supposed to be an academy for all Varshikari to learn within. If it is not used in that manner then regardless of what was allowed to be built upon it by the government of the time the castle will return to Varshikarian hands. IT was never a 'home' Djironnyma as much as you and the other teachers were allowed to dwell within. It was a building meant to serve a purpose, and it no longer serves that purpose. How dare you gouge out the center of your 'friends' city and then try to make nice with them.

What was being discussed was options about how to restore our land to the proper hands. You did not build a new building, you merely reconstructed an old one. As such that old building was still Varshikars property. I'm sure your work is appreciated but it was only allowed in the thought that it would benefit the community as a whole, not simply those whom you choose. Furthermore you overstepped your boundaries when you invited The Prince Lonewood to stay within the castle. You never once even considered that it might endanger the peoplewho live around it. Never once did you discuss this with the peoples who's properties you and the prince used, in fact you gave the Varshikari no warning at all. That is another grievous sign of disrespect to the Varshikari.

The only person at the meetings speaking hostility was myself, but there were other options mentioned as well. Please see to it your spies get there information correct. I will state plainly for you Dji, The Varshikari people do not really like you, they don't want to be your friend, they don't want you on the land. But they made no mention of striking out at you, not yet anyway. There will be discussions about you and your guild in the future be sure. Do anything even remotely hostile to my people and i will kill you Dji and everyone who has ever sworn allegiance to you. It is no idle threat, it is no joke.

No matter what the Varshikari decide to do about you, so long as you follow any rules of the land, now and in the future then you need not worry about any hostile actions being taken against you.

In the past you may have gotten everything you wanted without any impediment, But these times are going to change. I suggest you sit quietly and await the time when Varshikar chooses to address you.

Athian Corulas

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:01 pm
by Djironnyma
Ancient wrote:Athian i m sorry but you are wrong. Mister Messerzunge give me once the ownership of the castle in first direction to avoid that dark forces get the castle. That goal we will never give up, thats also a reason why we will never leave the homestead, accept it or not, neither you nor some other bored adventurer can change it. I doubt that you even know a single line of the contract i and Mister Messerzunge sign once.

You have also absolutely no idea how big the homestead is, if you think we just reconstruct the bunch of stones i get once from Varshikar. Not even whole Varshikar would cost so much, like we had invest into the homestead. And once more, the homestead was never a public building, neither as we was a part of Varshikar nor after our independence. Follow the contract with Mister Messerzunge the castle was since years under my personal ownership.

Furthermore Varshikar and other Settlements accept our independence since long, you are a bit to late to protest.

Who our order invite to the homestead or not is our business. If Varshikar have problems with our guests, speak with them, not with us. But anyway, please name just one single varshikarian citizen which get into a real danger situation in the reason of the Salkamarians, if you can i will excuse and compensating by him personally.

Aside of that, your simple worldly powers - warlok - wouldn't be enough to kill me, maybe, if you work hard, you could destroy my current body, but not more - and to destroy my body wouldn't kill me. So don't threat with things you cant realise.

I suggest you go back to a academy or university and finish your study, you just show how less you know, about politic, closed contracts and magic.
