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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:32 pm
by Lillian
Weilanderus wrote:soch nu mal wieda Agnir..
da ihr euch jerade sehr weit vom Thema wechbewecht habt ..
noch nen kleenen Komentar dazu un dann bidde wieda zur umfrache...

Silberbrand is könichreich naja bald königinreich, aber...
zwerche sin einfach jestrickt..

Sollte nem Zwerch die Könichin nich passen hat er 2 möglichkeiten

er/sie kannbeim jericht beschwerde einlechn (fällt momentan leida aus da richta tot is)
er/sie kann den könich die könichin einfach ignorieren...
er/sie jeht aus silberbrand wech...

und dazu is zu sachn das wir am Silberbrand Stadtbrett dat janze schon jenüchend diskutiert habn, will sachn wenn könich Manron sacht er dankt ab war Generalin /Vizekönigin friedwulfa schon seit langem als Nachfolgerin auserkoren.
und Nachfolcher sin imma in da Probezeit.

Desweideren is zu sachen dat jeht nur Silberbrand wat an und deren bewohner, erst danach werdn neue verträche jemacht un alte für jültich erklärt.
un nu bidde wieder alle Auchen uff die Umfrache was ihr von Silberbrand haltet....
Könnt natürlich och an Friedel kritik übn, abba mitredn da müsst a scho Bürcher werdn..

Gez. Agnir
Könntest du, wenn wir hier schon klar OOC schreiben, bitte auch mal Deutsch schreiben? Das ist echt anstregend das so zu lesen. Danke.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:40 pm
by Friedwulfa
@ Youchimitchu: Thats completly wrong. we did everything to intagrate New language dwarves and want to do more. But without help we are powerless. Sure, some dont want/need them because they cant speak english, but thats the same with the english speeking players.
They have their own home, and dont use it. They have the possibilty to join silverbrand, and dont use it. They have the possibility, with nothing more than activity, rule silverbrand (not the town, the Kingdom!) and dont use it... sorry, but that sounds for me that we are just your buffer for your unhappiness....

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:18 pm
by Thanseus Valerian
Ich bin ja selbst nicht grade der aktivste ( :P )
aber finde es gut das Silberbrand sich jetzt durch Friedels Aktionen mehr am Rest der Welt beteiligt.
Wenn das zu passenden Zeiten geschieht werd ich sicher auch mal öfter on kommen :)

Was mir nicht gefällt sind die ganzen Umbauten(Auch wenns gut gemeint ist)
und das wir uns nicht mehr einsperren dürfern(Das würd sich aber wohl aus mir unbekannten Gründen nicht ändern)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:38 pm
by Miklorius
Ich bin zwar kein Zwergenspieler, aber wollte mitteilen, was mich in der jüngeren Vergangenheit an SB gestört hat. Grundsätzlich leidet SB ja unter den ähnlichen Problemen wir andere Siedlungen, aber wie Pellandria schon schrieb:

Der "Eiertanz" nach Siltaris' Tod hat das Bild der stolzen, mutigen Zwerge ziemlich nachhaltig zerstört: Mit Krieg o.ä. drohen, sich dann feige zurückziehen - aus IG-Logik war's blöd, egal was für (falsche?) OOC-Gründe zu solchem Verhalten führte.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:34 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Friedwulfa wrote:@ Youchimitchu: Thats completly wrong. we did everything to intagrate New language dwarves and want to do more. But without help we are powerless. Sure, some dont want/need them because they cant speak english, but thats the same with the english speeking players.
They have their own home, and dont use it. They have the possibilty to join silverbrand, and dont use it. They have the possibility, with nothing more than activity, rule silverbrand (not the town, the Kingdom!) and dont use it... sorry, but that sounds for me that we are just your buffer for your unhappiness....
I am still active with Chester, but because of Timezone differences, and I have been really busy these last few weeks, I haven't been on as much as I should. Also, I hate the 'Private' Silverbrand site. It's too inconvenient to log onto Illa, check forums, and then goto that site as well. I don't have a lot of time...I either play IG, or spend all my time on forums. I can't do both.

Chester still works and lives at Goldburg. Yori was in the mines, and Doric is seen around Bane. The other english dwarves are waiting.

Yes, with activity, the possibility is still there to 'rule', but it really depends on the will of the 'Majority' of dwarves, and English Dwarves are in the minority. There are some who do not want us in SB, but thats OK. I am hoping that over time, they will change their minds and trust (Chester is trying to do that).

What silverbrand needs is more activities that allows both German and English Players to participate, as well as activities for just one language or the other. Also more 'public' affairs for men, elves and halflings too. Some players think Silverbrand is isolated and doesn't welcome new people. If PO's can attend a public activity with their main characters, maybe they'll make dwarves to play in SB too?

The fact that Friedwulfa is asking the players, tells me that she cares and wants to make SB strong again. Anyone reading this, should consider playing a dwarf if only to see what happens under 'Queen' Friedwulfa. I think it'll be fun.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:45 pm
by Julius
Why isn't their two kings of Silverbrand? One English speaking king and one German speaking King? If timezones are a problem, this would definitely create a way to cause more activity in Silverbrand. This wouldn't create two Kingdoms either, because the two Kings would closely match each other's agenda in terms of what they want to see done.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:12 pm
by Friedwulfa
2 kings? how stupid is that? We have a monarchy! Chester, as clanlord, is almost free in acting with his english players.. the next steps will come if we/I see that they are active enough to earn this steps. And, to all the english speaking players, dont roll off the hole work to PO chester!!!!!

@ Silas; Wir haben nicht einen Superschmied. Nicht mehr zumindest, die letzten (einzigen) waren Guran und Thorwald!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:22 am
by Sundo Raca
If i had the time i would love to bring back my dwarf character, but i wouldnt bother if theres only about two english speaking dwarves regularly ig.

I really think Goldburg should just be made seperate again. They were far better than silverbrand ever seemed anyway.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:47 pm
by Jupiter
Sundo Raca wrote:They were far better than silverbrand ever seemed anyway.

And this statment is the perfect example for "How to start a flamewar."

And thanks for that perfect argument.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:56 pm
by Friedwulfa
Ich hatte nicht vor auf den Kommentar auch nur mit einem Wort einzugehen, aber danke Jupiter.. ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:05 pm
by Faladron
If i had the time i would love to bring back my dwarf character, but i wouldnt bother if theres only about two english speaking dwarves regularly ig.

I really think Goldburg should just be made seperate again. They were far better than silverbrand ever seemed anyway.
If I had the time, I would love to bring back my <character of race or allignment of choice here>, but I wouldn't bother if there's only about two english speaking <character o r o a o c h> regularly ig.

I really think <roleplayed story arc in-game> should just be <un-made> again. They were <comparison to older times> better than <status quo currently / an object of comparison> ever seemed anyway.

As long as people relie on others so they have to give them incentives to play their characters, no settlement or community will remain active for long.

You're playing this game on your own together with others, make your characters interresting and entertaining on your own and don't wait for others to provide activity / a storyline you can agree with, and then topics like this wouldn't be necessary.


Den Kern nochmal auf Deutsch:

Wenn nicht jeder denken würde andere (nur weil sie eben König Kanzler Hofnarr Bürgermeister Jarl was weiß ich was spielen) wären durch ihre Position dafür verantwortlich für den eigenen Spaß zu sorgen, und jeder seine Charaktere so anlegt dass sie kein Spielball von äußeren Einflüssen werden (Char Xy ist inaktiv, ich hab auch keine Lust mehr. Story Abc passt mir nicht, ich spiel nicht mehr), sondern von sich aus schon Spaß machen gespielt zu werden, dann bräuchten sich Leute wie Friedl und Boin nicht den Arsch aufreißen und Beiträge wie diesen hier verfassen.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:38 pm
by Julius
I second what Faladron just said. If you don't like the way things are going ig, a choice of a leader, or a MAJOR power shift ig, do something ig about it. No reason to cry and complain on the boards over something that can be resolved ig with adequate rp and a little hard work.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:53 pm
by Sundo Raca
Jupiter wrote:
Sundo Raca wrote:They were far better than silverbrand ever seemed anyway.

And this statment is the perfect example for "How to start a flamewar."

And thanks for that perfect argument.
Sorry, i cant rp in german so thats my experience. I said seemed, so obviously i may be wrong.

I would actually do what julius and faladron are suggesting, but i dont have time. Maybe in a month or so.

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:25 am
by Juniper Onyx
Hey, if someone wants to resurrect Goldburg, go ahead. Chester has RP'd union with SB. He RP'd supporting the King, no dissent.

In essence, I RP'd him into a corner. I can't do much more with him besides be active with Silverbrand (which I need time to do) to maintain RP.

It's poor RP to reverse his 'direction' without some major event or reason. So, sorry, but Chester's out of the discussion to resurrect Goldburg. It was an experiment which had mixed results, high turnover of active players, and staff resistance to '2' Kingdoms of Dwarves. I advise give Friedwulfa a chance. There's always other races, plotlines being developed if you don't feel like playing a dwarf.

Personally, I admire Edward Cromwell's recent reform. I wish I thought of it if you think about it. He has opened up the 'ruling' class to more players, created a stable, self-sustaining government, and made Trollsbane more like a Medieval 'Fiefdom'. I think it is a positive for the game in general. If other towns could do something similar-but race-specific, we may see more activity. Players want to achieve something with their characters, and if not buildings, how about titles and land? I like the idea - Thanks PO Edward!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:44 pm
by Friedwulfa
So, after many changings in Silverbrand, i see as the biggest ((only?)) Problem now the inactivity of Goldburg. Are there still english speaking players which are interested in having an dwarf including a community background. Tell me what you think about Goldburg! What can I make to bring it back into the game? ((Separation is no option! Its free enough in its possibilties!)) I think its sad, that the work that sticks in its walls was useless... The dream always was to have to communities ((english/german)) that works together. And we had them.. but why today?

((please try to use an "easy" language.. to much foreign words will do that i understand nothin ;) thx))

Thanx for all the answers....

btw: Silverbrand still has no Viceking, Tialdin said he has to be from the new language

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:29 pm
by Nalzaxx
For me Silverbrand represents the German Elitist community of roleplayers who stay hidden away behind their language barrier and only play amongst themselves.

I would never even consider making a dwarf character. Not only would I be unable to cope with the language, but as I'm not one of the group I don't even feel I would be 'allowed' to play a dwarf.

Its the throwback to the original exclusively german beginnings of the game, one that has its own GM's and dev's to look after it and one that is kept hidden and away from the rest of the playerbase. The 'merger' I think shows this elitist type of playing where Goldburg didn't conform, or wasn't under this group's control, and so they forced a merger with it in order to gain this control.

To be honest, it doesn't bother me that much as it never really has an effect on me. This is just the way it comes across.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:46 pm
by Retlak
I personally always considered Silverbrand to be "the guild of getting whatever you want from the staff."


Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:47 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
Retlak wrote:I personally always considered Silverbrand to be "the guild of getting whatever you want from the staff, if you're german"


Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:05 pm
by Shara Gumblin
Ich kenne nun Silberbrand seid 1 1/2 Jahre und ich muss sagen das ich mit meinem Char Shara immer gern da war, vor allem als noch halt mehr oben immer an zutreffen waren, wie Guran, Manron, Friedel, Thorwald usw.. aber die Zeiten ändern sich auch :-)

Im allgemeinen finde ich Silberbrand eine gute gelungene Gemeinschaft die, ich sage mal, den Geist der Zwerge recht offen auslebt. Sie sind zurück gezogen, leben in ihrem Berg. Damit schotten sie sich zwar etwas ab, das ist richtig, jedoch bleiben sie ihrer Linie weitesgehends treu.

Die Beziehungen die man mit Silberbrand aufbauen kann, halten auch lange und werden von "Generation an Generation" weiter geben, man gerät nicht umbedingt schnell in vergessenheit. Vor allem gut festzustellen bei alten Spielern die schon länger dort sind. Es herrscht immer ein gutes verhältnis.

Mit neuen Chars hab ich festgestellt das sie da auch etwas anderes agieren bezüglich auf die Rasse oder dem Anliegen. Die Zwerge verhalten sich recht typisch und reden auch frei heraus was los ist.

Was man vielleicht als Negativ auslegen kann/könnte ist das extesive Powergaming was Mienen- Schmiede und Schreiner- Arbeiten angeht, aber ich denke da kann man ein wenig drüber hinweg sehen, weil sie nun mal genau darin ihre stärke haben.
Anderes muss ich sagen, haben sich glaube ich noch keine Spieler beschwert darüber weil sie ja das bekommen was sie möchten und auch noch in recht guter Qualität.

Silberbrand hat im Gröbsten eine Monopolstellung was Rüstungen und Waffen angeht so wie die Miene, aber es wird nicht so schamlos ausgenutzt wie vielleicht andere es tun würden, sie haben entsprechende Preise die sich vielleicht nicht jeder leisten kann, aber mit guten RP und auch freundschaftlichen verhalten gibt es auch andere möglichkeiten sich einig zu werden.

Die Führungen die ich bis jetzt mit bekommen habe ist auch recht offen was Handel, Diplomatie angeht aber auch ein freundliches gespräch ist möglich.

Silberbrand ist für mich, in sich Stimmig

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:09 pm
by Sepperle Gemmenaug
Shara Gumblin wrote:[...]Silberbrand ist für mich, in sich Stimmig
Quoted von Kurt Krömer!!! :P

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:14 pm
by Friedwulfa
Looks a bit like its easier to cry about something then doin active something for the changings....

Chester did many for the englishspeaking, but now he is sadfully inactive. He was on the way to become the next Viceking and i always said, if the englishspeaking community is more active then we, it would be quite unfair if they dont get the chance to rule SB.

But without players, i see there no chance, do you?

i think there will be a chat about this theme in the next days...

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:01 pm
by Friedwulfa
Retlak wrote:I personally always considered Silverbrand to be "the guild of getting whatever you want from the staff."

Please tell me exactly what, i think i missed something in the past....

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:48 am
by Salathe
Nalzaxx wrote:For me Silverbrand represents the German Elitist community of roleplayers who stay hidden away behind their language barrier and only play amongst themselves.

I would never even consider making a dwarf character. Not only would I be unable to cope with the language, but as I'm not one of the group I don't even feel I would be 'allowed' to play a dwarf.

Its the throwback to the original exclusively german beginnings of the game, one that has its own GM's and dev's to look after it and one that is kept hidden and away from the rest of the playerbase. The 'merger' I think shows this elitist type of playing where Goldburg didn't conform, or wasn't under this group's control, and so they forced a merger with it in order to gain this control.

To be honest, it doesn't bother me that much as it never really has an effect on me. This is just the way it comes across.
agreed, this i thought was clear enough when silverbrand *magically* changed locations. Also, when tialdin chose not to have silverbrand do anything during the lich wars. Though i know some dwarves such as friedwulfa helped out. Tialdin chose not to, and when he was specifically asked for help he said no. Now im not saying every dwarf is like this, but this is a huge example of silverbrand culture and hwo it only cares of silverbrand and its members.

personally, i always that was sort of in character of dwarves. Much like tolkien's dwarves, they only cared about themselves, and they were all cheating, greedy, manipulative assholes to any other race. Though i think some of the dwarf players hit this on the dot for the wrong reasons.

i wouldnt go as so far to say i would never make a dwarf, but i agree in that i wouldnt have my dwarf join silverbrand.

and i agree with matt when he says
Retlak wrote:I personally always considered Silverbrand to be "the guild of getting whatever you want from the staff."

and dont act like you dont know what he's saying fried =P. Maybe you never asked for special treatment from staff, but i remember you being at the "Santa" quest so long ago. I hope you can recall as i do, WHO got WHAT for doing NOTHING. From this quest, every member of silverbrand/german dwarf/members of grey rose got an uber item, you specifically got a merinium ingot. So dont act ignorant to the belief that silverbrand is favored in *some* staff member's eyes (whether or not that is the case now). its shenanigans like i saw in quests like that, that made it really feel like *most* german players are elitist, keep to themselves, and are favored by a *few* of the staff members

beside these 2 points (which i dont think are nearly as true as they used to be anymore). When you have a secluded, out of the way location, that has high restrictions on membership... then its only a matter of time until you reach a dry spell. In time, im sure that SB will again become active

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:59 am
by Fooser
Sounds like the Grey Rose to me

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:12 am
by Caecilianus Cathari
Silverbrand still exists?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:47 am
by Retlak
Friedwulfa wrote:
Retlak wrote:I personally always considered Silverbrand to be "the guild of getting whatever you want from the staff."

Please tell me exactly what, i think i missed something in the past....

I'm not sure, maybe something to do with many many instant lock changes when other guilds couldn't change theirs, constant changing of the entire silverbrand map compared to every other location. I'm sure there were many issues concerning pushed chars and such aswell. Oh how about that time the GM's fucked up Will and Dom for simply giving silverbrand trouble.

There is no point trying to explain anything either, because for some strange reason almost everyone has the same perception.
avalyon wrote:"the guild of getting whatever you want from the staff, if you're german"

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:10 am
by Salathe
just to add a few... since friedwulfa requested...

oh yea i forgot about that nonsense on how if you kill will or dom they get perma killed.... how many times have you heard a GM say "Perma kill with NEVER be forced on a player".

Then there was the time when after the char/skill wipe, that ONLY silverbrand had capabilities of smelting and smithing. Where the tools could only be bought from a NPC that only speaks dwarven, whom also was locked away in silverbrand. It was quite suspicious i thought... that when i got these tools i was hunted and killed by SB. But it seemed a few grey rose members had these and SB didnt seem to care at all. What was the RP reason for the dwarves ghosting me over this? "Smelting and smithing is sacred to dwarves.... no other race should have this privilege." I thought this was quite odd... as about 2 weeks ago from this time ingame no dwarf ever gave a SHIT about any other player smithing.

Then there is all the godly intervention that the dwarves seem to get even when they are doing as terrible shit as murdering people for smithing. Turning their backs on the island, and people that have very recently put their lives on the line to save silverbrand. Having the king come to town and insult citizens randomly, acting completely arrogant and picking fights with weak as entertainment (witnessed both ghorn and tialdin on several occasions completely instigates fights). Irmorom must be blind =P.

SB also had exclusive rights to certain ores for a while after the wipe. I got attacked for mining these as well. Another situation i thought that was odd after SO MANY ore deposits simply vanished into only silverbrand territory.

Again with the santa quest which was the most blatant SB/german favoritism i've ever seen. Every english player i saw got 20-30 coins, cakes, boots, clothes, some low quality metal equipment. Heres what i remember a few dwarves getting... merinium, magic dwarven axe, magic fire axe, those amazingly uber dark axes which were mysteriously taken from my depot, a bunch of coppers, high quality armors that i couldnt even make at the time and i think thats it...

Now you coudl say this is coincidence... but i've NEVER seen ANY settlement get as much random good stuff as SB.

I've only ever had 2, maybe 3 pet peeves with this game. And SB is one of them.

Re: Silberbrand Umfrage!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:23 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
Friedwulfa wrote:Hallo liebe Mitspieler und GMs!

Da wir derzeit ein wenig arg Ruhe haben in Silberbrand wollten wir mal rumfragen, wie seht ihr Silberbrand? Was verkörpert es für euch? Was stört euch daran? Was findet ihr gut? Was würdet ihr ändern? Und warum nicht doch alles sprengen? ;)

Danke für zahlreiche Antworten!

Dear Players and GMs!

Because of we have much "silince" in silverbrand now, we want to ask you something. How do you see silverband? What embodys it for you? what do you dislike? what would you change? And why dont blasting it of? ;)

Thanks for the many answers!
Perceptions of one that has never played a dwarf and has no idea of what Silverbrand looks like except the couple of times my chars were there on a trade agreement:

1. When new to the game my perception was the dwarves locked up their area basically to decide who did and who didn't get to mine there... though have seen some interesting RP of those that "snuck" in anyway :wink:

2. I didn't know much about dwarves nor RP with many until Goldberg. The ig RP and the forum RP made being a dwarf sound almost interesting.

3. IMO it "appeared" to be working good for both Goldberg and Silverbrand but was decided for some reason to stop. *shrugs* When stopped, a lot of PO's quit playing dwarves that had before...and I no longer or very rarely see a dwarf.

4. I am not sure any amount of talk in this thread will solve a problem that was solved once, sorry. I think people simply lost interest.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:06 am
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
@ Salathe:

Don't forget the time when Stephen Rothman attacked Silverbrand with a few men and a GM logged on his GM char golem and owned them all in a few hits.
*rolls eyes* :roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:30 pm
by Djironnyma
Avalyon el'Hattarr wrote:@ Salathe:

Don't forget the time when Stephen Rothman attacked Silverbrand with a few men and a GM logged on his GM char golem and owned them all in a few hits.
*rolls eyes* :roll: :roll: :roll:

Uh indeed Avalyon, do what you ever do, complain about things you doesn't even know all about....

For these "GM char" the priest of Silverbrand made a very risky ritual, he sacrifice one of his arms permanent and even doesn't know if it will work or not.

I would be really surprised if you, or better your char, would be only give his small left finger to try a ritual to protect Hellbrair.

But well we also can forget all the GM quests and roleplaying and make Illarion to a full PG-contest the one with the highest skills and best uber-items will earn everything- no care about the endless hours which others spend to build city's like SB - if they don't love to PG-fighthing skills they are losers which deserve to get beaten - well that would make you happy, indeed "*rolls eyes* :roll: :roll: :roll:"