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Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:49 am
by Dantagon Marescot
First off I didn't mention names for a reason to not put any one on the spot. If you see a reason to complain about a certian person, take it to a GM. Secondly, it was rather hard for people to constantly type "tries to hold him" every two seconds as they are trying to chase him. Plus have you ever thought that maybe one of the people are in fact stronger than Deuce and have a good grip? Strength has nothing to do with skill. It deals with stats for the most part.

@Falco No, I've only run into your characters a few times. So I really don't know your rp and how often you have done things. It is the people who have been doing this for months with no avial that are bothering me.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:00 am
by falco1029
Skaalib Drurr wrote:
falco1029 wrote:l myself preFer to thieve when theres 10-|5 people ohline (which is good rp as one doesnt sneaK aroqnd if theres tons of people nearby) and when Richard and I bandix it up we prefer njght and |5-20 people
I think the whole point is to disregard how many people are online, as that is mixing ooc.
(Im using the ds web browser with handwriting recognition and dont alwuys see if it messes up)

well l qsually just rp aT both night ig und irl which tends to Meet with what I prfer. But when theres dozens oF people on the sTreets at night a thieF would stay out of
sight anyway...

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:32 am
by Fooser
NirAntae wrote:But what I am suggesting would not require 'grabbing' the person or anything.

The NPC would be at the jail. You would tell him the person was banned. the 'doorguards' then would not let the person enter the gates (can exit all he wants).
I know, talking more about what Aegohl said :wink:
Mr. Cromwell wrote:
Cliu Beothach wrote:
Fooser wrote:The timed command was pretty stupid, it made RP optional, they would be 6-7 squares away, say "#me grabs the man" and boink, there you were in jail
I remember the days when fooser was all locked in jail forever and then we had to go and keep his sanity by teleporting hot elves into the jail.
I remember those too. Goddamn arsonist! Arr! :P
Shh, establishment shill!

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:24 pm
by Retlak
Bandits: do whatever, but make sure it is done when many players are on, and make sure you let yourselves get jailed when the time is right. And think logical, take the back alley routes of the town, imagine that there is actually guards there like there would in rp and be secretive.

Non-Bandits: Play better when getting robbed, do not suddenly scream when you have a blade pointing to your neck, do not log out when you get hit for this and you do not like it.

And all of you: Stop using msn and things to call for backup ooc. You won't beleive how often this happens to bandits. One minutes someone is getting robbed outside a non populated place, then suddenly out of coincidence 1 minute later all the strong warriors show up.

I only say these from past experiences.
Sorry if this has nothing to do with the topic, i skipped some posts.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:39 pm
by Korm Kormsen
do not suddenly scream when you have a blade pointing to your neck
sure. and bandits, don't emote, to put a blade to someones neck, if the "victim" me-ed, to have a weapon in his/her hand.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:27 pm
by Retlak
Obviously if the victim has a weapon in the hand he can fight back and have the confidence to do all these Screams and things. I'm not being funny here, people need to start thinking about how the situation would feel in real life.

If someone puts a knife to your throat and says "Don't scream or you are dead!" You would not smiling scream.

And i am not backing up bandits mainly or victims mainly.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:18 pm
by falco1029
Good things I've seen bandits do:

-have another person distract and then sneak up from behind and put a dagger to their throat
-make sure the person is focused elsewhere
-drag someone to a more secluded area so if they scream it wont likely be heard.

Bad things ive seen bandits do
-put a knife on someone neck from the front without giving a reaction time to see it coming and dodge
-mug somebody in the middle of the streets when its just barely nighttime

Good things ive seen thieves (myself included ;)) do
-Get another thief to distract while pickpocketing
-slip up slightly if taking a large object
-distract someone by making noise ont eh toher side of the room
-get the victim to look at one arm while the other reaches into their bag

Bad things I've seen thieves (myself, once or twice, earlier in my thieving days, included :P) do
-Try robbing someone while at their side by a depot without any distraction
-log if found out (I did this once but that was because someone did horrible rp, and attacked me with no #me after i rpd sneaking up and trying to take something)

Good things victims have done
-Rp'd being scared if there's a knife to their throat
-treat possible death as serious and not just as slight equipment loss, so they dont try running if there's a knife to their throat
-Rp as they should when theyre being distracted, for instance, going over to investigate a nosie on the other side fot he room, or looking intently on a large gash on my thief's arm
-Noticed something, but not know right away who did it, if their bag is tugged on

Bad things victims have done
-equipped weapons and attacked when a knife is to their throat and heart, and another bandit has a rapier to their heart as well, and a blade ready to strike
-notice a thief when its dark, they rp'd sneaking up quietly, the victim is distracted, and it's nighttime (I hate when this happens, even if you had 18 perception, you wouldnt notice a trained thief under these conditions)
-Just happen to want to light up the fireplace when a thief rp's hiding in the shadows in a building

So yeah, Obviously I've dealt with a lot of things. Hope this helps people :)

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:50 pm
by Deuce
Retlak wrote: And all of you: Stop using msn and things to call for backup ooc. You won't beleive how often this happens to bandits. One minutes someone is getting robbed outside a non populated place, then suddenly out of coincidence 1 minute later all the strong warriors show up
I absolutley agree, this always happens ands its not right..though it has become ever predictable and expected, this is a most used method by some of the guards, but not all of them, credit given where it's due and all that.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:37 pm
by Bellringer
I am of the opinion that if the town gaurd was selected from those that wished to join only if they were sensible, that the "jail-teleport" thing would be of great help.

It is generally new players that go on sudden killing rampages, and they refuse to stop or role-play, these people could easily be dealt with my a quick trip down teleport lane to the jail.

If the town gaurd was responsible it would save alot of trouble.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:03 am
by Lrmy
bellringer wrote:I am of the opinion that if the town gaurd was selected from those that wished to join only if they were sensible, that the "jail-teleport" thing would be of great help.

It is generally new players that go on sudden killing rampages, and they refuse to stop or role-play, these people could easily be dealt with my a quick trip down teleport lane to the jail.

If the town gaurd was responsible it would save alot of trouble.
No offense of course but.. The Rp of many people who claim to be "guards" or "protectors" or whatever is not sufficient for this.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:43 am
by Aegohl
Deuce wrote:
I will now agree to play fair,as i have seen the error of my ways :twisted: ... and if the same situation is to happen i will have more consideration, but isnt it possible, just possible that someone can escape from someone's hold??--taking into consideration that Deuce is stronger than most who where chasing him.

I agree that something should be put in place to make it easier to catch characters like Deuce in future, and I for one will try not to become such a 'hinderance' in future :lol: .
I play Illarion once in a blue moon and I even caught this bit of ridiculous rp, so it has to be a bit common. Yes. It's possible that someone can slip out of the hands of another person..

It's less probable that he be able to slip out of the hands of two people...

And then when there is six (some people counted me as a seventh, but I wasn't actually chasing Deuce. My character was curious.) that's not very likely at all.

Lately I've been reading the short stories of Robert E. Howard I love Conan the Cimmerian in specific. One thing I love about Conan is that he can beat up any amount of people as long as he has his back against the wall. There are characters in the Conan stories that are described as being bigger than Conan, but there are none who are described as being stronger than Conan. See, that's fun to read, because any reader who's reading the story is on the side of Conan. While you're on the side of your "Deuce" not everyone looking at a screen and watching is, though. So we have to play fair.

The main reason to play fair, though, is just as selfish as the reason to not play fair. It's because bad rp causes bad rp. Now I don't want to insult anyone here with this, but while you were chasing Deuce for an hour in heavy armor did it ever come to your consideration that running in heavy armor is tiresome and you might want to stop and take a breather? Of course you didn't, because you were so annoyed by these constant bandit attacks where the bandit takes advantage of their better ping to outrun you every time. *I* didn't even think about it until very late in the run and I was playing an old lady (well, i figure that a old lizard lady like mine would be more healthy and agile than a human granny, but still).

Later that same night while I was away from my computer taking a whizz some dude attacked me. He didn't rp until after I returned and started typing. I don't know who it was, and I'm not accusing Deuce of it, but that's just how things go. When newbies enter the game and see bad rp, they'll start rping badly as well. Bad rp spawns more bad rp and so on.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:02 am
by NirAntae

This is why I have praised the player of Wind so much for his wonderful RP when Achae was rescued. He understood the difference between an honorable player and an honorable character. He allowed himself to be beaten. He stuck around when he had been beaten. And unfortunately, given the characters who were there and the way the situation turned out, he let his character be killed (which honestly I hated doing, because he played such a GOOD bad guy... >.>).

I think, if both sides of the 'bandit problem' would pay just a little more attention to how their characters would *really* act/react in a situation, put in a little effort to make it just a bit more realistic... the problem would soon solve itself, much as Aegohl said.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:49 pm
by Aristeaus
As always, both sides are as bad as each other, and it all comes down to the factors of the players.

And IMO there are two types of bandits.

Bandit A ) I play a bandit to create roleplay situations and have some fun.

Bandit B ) Gimme free crap y0. I PK j00 hard.

Bandit A, is of course the bandit which we wish to encounter in the game, but Bandit A suffers greatly from the hero complex, which forces a diminished number of Bandit A's and the raising of Bandit B's. I personally have played a number of Bandits and can say with honesty, only 1 in 20 encounters a Bandit has ends with good roleplay. 95% of the time it ends up with said victim attacking the bandit with no roleplay, and if this doesnt work, said victim running away even with a number of #me's played out to hold him into position. Which of course ends with the birth of Bandit B, who after a long period of time grows sick and tired of thier roleplay being ignored, and set out to make a name for them selves in the only way possible. Mass PK.

Rawr etc. Its the truth, and the Hero's need understand this before turning around and offering abuse to Bandit players.

As im sure my friend Aegohl would say
There be bad eggs on both side of the fence YO!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:39 pm
by falco1029
I'm bandit A! Well, Thief A. I guess there cant be a thief B, now can there be? at least, not unless a thieving system is implemented, in which case we'll have 50,000 noobs running around and stealing without any rp.

I think the best way to solve issues for both sides, like for instance thieves hating when people dont rp their stealing, and good guys hating bandits attacking with minimal rp, would be to have gm's policing areas with more than 1 person. That'd mean we'd need them no round the clock, invisible, of course, but it's the only way. And then when they se somebody rping badly they give them a single warning and then ban them for a day or so, and if it continues, permanantly.

The other solution, of course, is for people to roleplay correctly. But we can't honestly expect everyone to do that, now can we?