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Post by Salhari »

Before you gain any more enemies, send me a dove as soon as possible.

Salhari Whitewalker
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Post by Callith »


On behalf of the town guard of Trollsbane I warn you, if you attack a citizen of Trollsbane anywhere on the island, you will no longer be welcome in the town.

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Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »


Meh not aware yoo patrol whole island?

Dat not in yoo laws.

Don't threaten wid stoopid lies. Meh alreddy promise nub attack in town ob Trollsbane, and meh keep promise, so long as Trollsbane Neutral.

Anybuddy supportin silberbrand beh enemy. Simple.

Weh Fight wid silberbrand, not yoo or Trollsbane.

Keep to own affairs and keep out ob ours.
~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

You is very bad keeping friends.

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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Dank yoo Zub.

Meh tries best.

Meh speaks simply and plain so dat dey understand.

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Post by Callith »

I will say this once more, if you attack a citizen of Trollsbane, who has not yet attacked you, I will ban you from the town.

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Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Ib I attack friend ob Silberbrand in Tavern (which also beh Silberbrand), yoo hab no authoritee dere and will drag Trollsbane and many innocent lives into War too.

As Captain ob Guard, yoo represent Guvnor ob Trollsbane. Yoo should talk to her first befor makin threats yoo can't ... or shouldn't keep.

Meh no listen to yoo. Meh made promise to Trollsbane, and meh keeps it. Tavern is Silberbrand and as da Dwarves say many times, "yoo hab no authority dere". Anybuddy dere after warnin to get out, will be considered allies ob Silberbrand. Meh gib dem chance, wad else yoo want? Meh can't gib Dwarves more advantage dan dat.

Put dat dought in pipe and smoke it. Mehbe yoo need calm down and listen to Guvnor. Yoo just Guard. Doo yoo job...In Trollsbane.

~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Callith »

I've given you my warning. Take heed.

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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Meh gib warnin too. So weh understand each odder.

Yoo been warned and meh hopes Guvnor either side wid yoo and make war, or wisely punish for yoo threats and bringin danger to all in Trollsbane and stay neutral.

~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Salhari »

Callith and Kurga,
This 'feud' between the guards and orcs is at an uneasy place right now. Kurga, as your negotiator, i humbly request you allow me to do my job, and speak to the guards. Guards of trollsbane, Kurga has promised no actions upon your people or town, is that not enough? The dwarves of silverbrand, i have heard it with my own ears, strongly stress that trollsbane has no power within the tavern, which is why Kurga attacks within it's walls. If she does not hold her word, then your actions are your own. If she does, then you should remain neutral as to keep innocent blood from being spilled. I would like to stress the point that i am remaining neutral in this conflict, and i am merely doing what I must to prevent the loss of innocent lives.

Blessings upon you,
Salhari Whitewalker
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

Perhaps you should actually 'read' what is written here, druid. Kurga has threatened any who stay in tavern, including citizens of Trollsbane. Not once did she change this statement.
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Troll's Bane
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane,

First for all Troll's Bane regrets your decision to bring war to Gobiath in these times were people suffer under various bandit gangs threatening, kidnapping and harming friends, Citizens and even Guards of Troll's Bane.

However, Troll's Bane appreciates your proclamation by being neutral to Troll's Bane as long as Troll's Bane does not intervene into this war. Be aware that Troll's Bane does not want any war and prefers peaceful solutions.

At the same time your behaviour does not really seem to go in line with your official intention of acting neutral to Troll's Bane, since you insist on the special status of the Tavern of Troll's Bane of being the embassy of Silverbrand. Indeed, you are right by saying so and be sure that Troll's Bane always have respected Silverbrand's claims on the status of the Tavern and will do so in future as well.

However, now in times of war there is a special situation:
The Tavern still is located within the town walls of Troll's Bane. If you, Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane, claim the right for you to fight your war within the Tavern, you claim for the right to bring war behind the town walls of Troll's Bane, into the middle of the town.
This is a dangerous situation. Troll's Bane is not willing to allow this avoidable threat for its citizens and visitors of Troll's Bane, since they are the common customers of the tavern.

Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane, if you really want to stay neutral to Troll's Bane and expect that Troll's Bane does the same, you should refrain from your claim to fight the war in the Tavern of Troll's Bane, behind the town walls of Troll's Bane.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Salhari Whitewalker,

I appreciate your efforts and will to negotiate in this situation.
However, I am afraid you act outside your references, since Troll's Bane did not ask you to negotiate nor does Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane seem to have done so, according to Troll's Bane information.

If you have the right to speak for Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane, Troll's Bane will think about giving you the chance to negotiate officially between Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane and Troll's Bane.

If you do not have any permission, Troll's Bane will continue to act self-determining as it always has done and will not be influenced by any other party in its decisions.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Athian »

Despite the Tavern being within Trollsbane land, in times of war when one prefers to remain neutral it is often wise to temporarily shut down any locations acting as embassy to any warring factions. For the time being Trollsbane should stripe the title of embassy to the Tavern, this way you avoid incidentally 'harboring' any members of the warring factions. The excuse that Silverbrand Embassy is within the lands of Trollsbane simply will not allow you neutrality so long as the dwarves are able to use it as safe Haven or a location from which to plan or launch an attack against the orcs.

To be truly neutral this is one step that must be taken.

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Post by Salhari »

Governor Siltaris,
Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane has given me all rights to negotiate with this town and all others, besides the dwarves. I am here to help stop needless bloodshed, and thus we need to speak. Send me a dove, as i do not want to liter these walls with the content of the negotiations. Thank you

Blessings of the gods upon all of Trollsbane,
Salhari Whitewalker
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Post by Siltaris »


Troll's Bane appreciates the sharing of your experiences and knowledge and your advice.

However, Troll's Bane considers the maintenance of the Status Quo as an act in terms of keeping neutraility.
The Status Quo is that people of all races are free to move within the town walls and to continue living their normal lives as long as they follow the town law. The current situation does not require the shut down of any embassy.
A war within the town walls is not in line with the Status Quo and not in line with the Town Law - consequently Troll's Bane made clear that there must not be any war within Troll's Bane's Town Walls.

As long as this demand is accepted and followed, Troll's Bane will stay neutral and will not intervene.
If there should be any situation, which does not go in line with this demand, either Troll's Bane will shut down the embassy or Troll's Bane will start to intervene.

Troll's Bane truely hopes that both parties will act wise and thus keep the war out of Troll's Bane.

Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Deer Guvnor,

I appreciate yur concern for your peeps in Trollsbane, and meh not wish harm to any ob dem. Meh eben will warn peeps in Tavern before attack. Who else hab honor to do dis? Nub dwarves who attack widout mercy. Nub people like Deuce or odders. Just meh.

Howeber, da major instagators ob insult, violation and attack upon Orc-kind keep residence in Tavern, which dey insist is "Embassy ob Silberbrand" and dey dink is 'untouchable' by yoo guards. It beh nothun more dan Base to attack Orcs frum and bully unwanted and weaker peoples. It is no embassey in the truest sense, meh see no 'ambassador' or trade frum silberbrand dere, but it beh a 'front' and safe harbor fur war-criminals. And dey relish in it and laugh at yoor laws.

I fight dis war for all Orcs and anyone wronged by dese 'uppity' dwarves who do not respekt anyone, especially yoo Guvnor, and meh dinks dis is wrong.

Meh request, dat yoo ask Dwarves to close Tavern, not use it as Embassey. Ib yoo Harbor dem safe behind walls ob Trollsbane, yoo not neutral. 'Status Quo' is changed because dey call Tavern 'Silberbrand' and now dey at war. Dey want yoo protect dem cause dey scared. Please do not take sides ob either ob us.

((del ooc, use PMs))

At least ask dem. See what disrespektful response yoo get. Yoo see meh right. Tavern must eider close, or Trollsbane must make it "Trollsbane's". Yoo can't hab 'Status Quo" and keep harboring enemy. Dat not wise and problems will arise.

As long as Tavern open, and belong to Silberbrand, It is place for War.

Meh hopes yoo hab success avoiding dis.

Dank yoo.
~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Ku 'Agor »


I find it an obligation to apologize for tonight's events. None of it should of occurred outside the grounds of the Tavern.

This building is a key point of interest, and we see it as a hideout. A place where the enemy can gather, plot, and drink all under the protection of your men and woman of the armored forces.

I agree with Kurga's expressions, it should either be surrendered to the Blood Skull's forces, remain a hot spot for mayhem, or be taken under your full responsibility.

This war should not bring stress upon you, so a quick decision and very much anticipated.


Zub unties an elf, "Danke fer big words" and lets him free.
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Deer Guvnor,

After careful dinking ob words, meh come up wid compromise solution. Meh ask Salhari to talk more bout it and help wid laws.

Meh request "Embassy" be built in Trollsbane for Bloodskull Clan, just as big as Silberbrand's wid all same rights and priviledges wid Trollsbane. Weh will provide materials and such for building it. Weh hab dem alreddy.

We Orcs beh different and love caves. We propose underground space. We ask for Ladder-entrances near or inside south-west gate, south-east gate and North-gate. Weh will build network ob tunnels to Embassy for Bloodskull Clan. No tunnel will come out under current buildings but under roads now. Anybuddy is allowed in tunnels and meh hopes Guard will patrol dere too. One room will beh owned by Bloodskull Clan as 'Embassy". It will beh place Orcs bring products to sell, and a 'real' ambassador will beh appointed to speak for Clan to Trollsbane in future.

((del ooc))

Do dis official, and meh promise Tavern beh safe. War will nub darken Trollsbane walls. Dis will level field and maintain "status Quo" ob Trollsbane. Both parties in War will hab 'embassy' in Trollsbane and beh equal. Trollsbane be truly Neutral place.

Please dink bout idea. Dank yoo.

~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Deer guvnor,

Your precious neutrality has been broken, nub by Orcs, but by dwarves.

Meh warned yoo bout dere dispespekt fur yoor laws. Andril, anudder stumpie and an elf looking like ((9484....)) attacked the Elder ob our clan inside town walls on Trollsbane land! He nub attack dem in town, dey did. Den dey try lie bout it at cross, but Elder ob Clan wouldn't disobey meh orders nub attack in trollsbane. He is Orc of trust.

((the first dwarf broke Rule #9 by attacking Gabon again so immediately after being clouded outside Trollsbane walls))

When meh arrive, dey wanted to take him prisoner, but gud peeps ob trollsbane stop dem. When meh arrive, de Stumpies left. Obvious dere intentions.

Meh demand dese criminals beh banned frum trollsbane so weh may keep trollsbane neutral.

~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Gabon Corad »

Two dwarves and one elfie attackes Gabon in town walls!

i wos walkin to workshop when dwarfie challaged meh outside town so course i accepted and course again i beated him. Elfie come runnin frum no whur and steals da prizes i jus won frum beatin da stump so i chace him. we get ter cross aund i yell ter elfie dat he no longer beh safe any whur but Bain couse he make act ob agression twards orc and helped dwarfies. Noder dwarfie come walkin round and dem talks fer wile den da new dwarfie say Ready! and dem all tree charges meh. i attacked dem back beating one back but den oder two over run meh. Den dem comes and say i am prisoner ob stumptown aund i got go wif em WHEN I WOS IN TROLLSBANE WALLS. oomaness shows up aund tells em dem got nubba right ter take meh and dem tries ter fights it. Dem kept sayin i attacked dem, many bainies know Gabon and dem know meh not ter beh dumb aund attack tree on one aund dem will tries argue dis but dem lien. der trien get Bain on der side ter fight off orcs when all der reallies doing is tricken yoo. Dem attacked meh in yer walls! i respect yer neutrality jus like oder orcs will. da dwarfies wos Andril aund Tungdil. da elfie looked liken ((9480*****)) aund i didnt get his name.

Bane sud watch out fer des stump dem tricky and dem know dem cunnot wis wif out yer help so dem tries make orcs look liken bad ones.

Gabon Corad
Red SKull of the Bloodskulls
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Post by Troll's Bane »

Bloodskull Clan and Silverbrand,
Citizens and folks of Gobiath,

In these times of war between the Orcs of the Bloodskull Clan and the dwarves of Silberbrand, Troll's Bane always has stated that it will stay neutral.

Regarding the latest incidents which happened in Troll's Bane and which endangered lives of Citizens and people within the Town Walls, Troll's Bane hereby declares that the Town is closed for every party participating this war.
From this day on until the day where a treaty of peace is signed by all involved parties, Troll's Bane must not be entered by any member of the Bloodskull Clan nor any citizen of Silverbrand nor any other party which may intervene into this war.
Thus, the Town is forbidden territory for members of the Bloodskull Clan and Citizens of Silberbrand people. Everyone who enters the town anyway gets punished violently, possibly without warning. The rule is clear: No party involved in this war is allowed to enter the town - follow this rule and nothing will happen to you.

Furthermore Troll's Bane annuls the status of the Tavern as being Silverbrand's embassy for the time the war lasts. Troll's Bane and the Town Guard will care for peace in the Tavern as they are doing in the whole town and territory of Troll's Bane. The Town Guard of Troll's Bane has full power to act in the Tavern as long as the war lasts.

With these actions Troll's Bane underlines its neutral status during this war.

Governor of Troll's Bane


rough translation:

Bloodskull Clan und Silberbrand,
Bürger und Bewohner Gobiaths,

Troll's Bane wird von dieser Stunde an seine Stadtmauern für die an dem Krieg beteiligten Parteien schließen. Damit wird es keiner Partei mehr erlaubt sein, die Stadt zu betreten. Jeder Verstoß kann mit sofortiger Gewalteinwirkung durch der Stadtwache bestraft werden, welche dazu dienlich ist das Subjekt aus der Stadt zu entfernen. Jeder, der die Waffe gegen die Stadtwache erhebt, macht sich strafbar.

Desweiteren wird Troll's Bane für die Dauer des Krieges den Status der Taverne als Botschaft Silberbrands aufheben und unter den Schutz Troll's Banes stellen. Die Taverne bleibt Eigentum Silberbrands. Der Status als Botschaft Silberbrands tritt nach Beendigung des Krieges durch beiderseitiger Unterzeichung eines Friedensvertrages in Kraft.

Statthalterin Trol's Banes
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

I disagree with you here, Siltaris. In my opinion, we should join in this war, on the side of Silverbrand. For the orcs are the aggressors, and by Trollsbane law they are 'heretics'.
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Deer Guvnor,

Dank yoo for yoor wise decision. Yoo hab respekt ob Bloodskull clan and no Orc under meh command shall enter Trollsbane during dis War.

Weh respekt yoor decision and will do our utmostest to conclude our hostilities wid Silberbrand quickly.

Wid utmost respekt,
~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Callith »


Your orc Zub continues to flout his ban, deal with him, or there will be consequences.

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Post by Ku 'Agor »


You smell like Strawberry Cake.

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Post by Lonor_ »

The orc who looks like ((*****13445)) attacked me today within the Town Walls of Trollsbane.
Do the orcs now even attack the citizens of Trollsbane?

Citizen of Trollsbane
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

Do I have to comment this action of the orcs or will Troll´s Bane react now?

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Post by Athian »

Orc will attack Trollsbane citizens as much as Humans, Lizards, half crazed elves or anyone else. Though i can understand that your attempting to imply that it was a member of the Skulls, i doubt you know that for sure, I was attacked by a lizard a few days ago, yet i don't blame there entire people or their kingdom. Whom do you blame when attacked by a human? Trollsbane? any town that has humans? No you call the man a bandit, a person with no association. Yet everyone seems so willing to jump to conclusions when it comes to the war and the orc's. it's rather curious

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Kurga Wolfbane
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Post by Kurga Wolfbane »

Deer Guvnor,

De Orc dat attacked wus nub a Bloodskull.

Meh tries to recruit and command any Orcs meh meets, but sum Orcs, specially recent frum mainland, jus bad.

Meh will try to help howeber can, eben defend innocent peeps gainst bad Orcs, but nub kill dem. Dey must hab time to learn ways, but meh promise no bloodskull make dese attacks, or dey nub beh bloodskulls anymores. Worse, dey break Bloodoath Oath, which is sworn before 5 Gods, nub jus Moshran, but Malachin, Bragon, Oldra as well - respected Gods ob many peeps. Meh take Oath very serious. Once take Oath before 5 Gods and breaks it, dey lower dan Stumpy poop, and will beh summarily executed, by meh.

Meh hopes yoo hab no more problems wid Orcs, but ib yoo need help, jus call.

~Warrior Queen Kurga Wolfbane
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