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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:48 am
by Ganon Harper
Deuce has been looking for me in town telling people he has a message for me. I'm sure that is not what he is wanting to give me, he is trying to hunt us down.


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:38 am
by Ghost_Archon
I wish to commend Page Jorokar and fellow Squire Gildon for working together with myself to remove a demon skeleton from the southern bridge leading to Troll's Bane. Most credit goes to them as I was fairly injured at the time.

Well done gentlemen! Once again you make Gobiath a safer place to live, one step at a time.

-Amroth Surion-

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:34 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Due to the recent and unfortunate events, members of the order are no longer allowed to be protectors of Trolls Bane. I fear that this is for your own good. Do not continue your work. Hopefully our friends will be returned to us as promised.

-- Dan

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:26 pm
by Miru
Sadly once again I must withdraw my request to join the Knights of Gobiath. As an Alderman I saw little if any conflict with being a Pages Apprentice....but as Acting Mayor of Greenbriar there can not be any possible is with the very deepest regrects that this path i must travell

Miru Yukimitsu
Acting Mayor of GreenBriar

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:28 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Apple Wood 54/1890
Conifer 40/280
Naldor 0/1000
Bricks 750/3010
Nails 0/1830
Sand 0/600
Buckets of Water 0/60
Saws 0/27
Hammers 2/131
Silver 0/188
Wool 0/450
Blue Cloth 1/25
Thread 0/125

I need everyone helping on this when they get a chance. Donations from other groups are accepted. Hopefully Trolls Bane will provide some of the materials as the shelter will be located in their town.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:25 am
by Wyrda
T&M Trading can provide all of these materials if you would like to make on order.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:34 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Allow me to emphases donations to the public. We can not afford to buy all of these. So once again, donations are welcomed from anyone wishing to help build a shelter in Trolls Bane.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:28 pm
by Michael Isman
May I ask, a shelter for what?

Michael Isman

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:58 pm
by Scott Macleod
Weelcome Knights,

It has been suggested by my Jarls, that Die Nordmark be requirin more trained fighters an' such fer her defenses, and has suggested that I learn abouts the ways of tha blade.

It be my understandin' that the Knights protect all in Gobiath, even Die Nordmark? Perhaps you'll be wantin' recruits?

If this be so, I was wonderin, if ye be acceptin' petitions ta join your bonnie group of brave knights. I require trainin' to defend my wee home.

Thank Ye,
Scott Macleod

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:44 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
The shelter will be built in Trolls Bane and will include bedding, a fireplace, and food. This shelter, which we need to find a better name for first off, is for those without a place to sleep or live, and those who have trouble finding food. We hope that this will cut down on the theft problem in Trolls Bane from people stealing just to stay alive.

Sir Macleod,

As far as we know the Nordmark wishes to stay out of political relations. However if it is okay with the Jarls, we will be willing to take citizens of the Nordmark as page apparentices. Do note that you are not required to train in your weapon until you are a squire. If you just wish for someone to come up and train people in the way of the weapon, that can be arranged too.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:25 am
by Scott Macleod
Dear Knights,

I did not know that the Bonnie Knights of Gobiath serve Politics?

I presumed that ye served the innocent, the weak, the outcast and misfortunate?

True, The Mark does not wish to be involved in Politics, and I do not presume to speak for my Jarls, but I would like to train in the ways of the sword to defend my home, no politics. That is all.

If I presumed allegiance to my Home would be higher than to the knights, my pardons. I know not the way ye Order works.

If the Knights serve all of Gobiath, I will be willing to represent the Knights here in the lonely North in return for this training, but only if my allegiance to my Jarls come first.

Is this acceptable to ye? Aye or Nay?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:56 am
by Dantagon Marescot
No politics sir, but I wish to leave it up to the Nordmark themselves if they wish for one of their members to become a page apprentice. We wish for good relations with the Nordmark, but do not wish to interfear with them and instead respect them.

I am hoping one day that we can have knights from multiple towns come together. And yes, if some war may break out they would be forced to serve their homeland, and others may possibly join us. We would be a group of knights together, maybe even from other knighthoods.

If you truelly wish to join our order, meet with one of us in person. I will probably be around the town of Trolls Bane or the tavern. Come speak to me so we can get all of this sorted out. I am asuming this is the same man asking from the nordmark from earlier?

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:33 am
by Scott Macleod
Aye, It is.


I will see you as soon as I can.

~Scott Macleod

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:07 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Apple Wood 54/1890
Conifer 240/280
Naldor 0/1000
Bricks 750/3010
Nails 0/1830
Sand 600/600 *filled*
Buckets of Water 0/60
Saws 0/27
Hammers 2/131
Silver 26/188
Wool 0/450
Blue Cloth 1/25
Thread 0/125

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:10 am
by Dantagon Marescot
A thank you to all whom have helped over the past few weeks in the gathering of materials. We are growing closer to our goal. Keep up the good work, we will have all the materials before the end of the year.

Apple Wood 171/1890
Conifer 280/280 *filled*
Naldor 0/1000
Bricks 750/3010
Nails 0/1830
Sand 600/600 *filled*
Buckets of Water 0/60
Saws 0/27
Hammers 2/131
Silver 26/188
Wool 450/450 *filled*
Blue Cloth 25/25 *filled*
Thread 125/125 *filled*

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:07 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Apple Wood 371/1890
Conifer 280/280 *filled*
Naldor 255/1000
Bricks 750/3010
Nails 0/1830
Sand 600/600 *filled*
Buckets of Water 0/60
Saws 0/27
Hammers 6/131
Silver 26/188
Wool 450/450 *filled*
Blue Cloth 25/25 *filled*
Thread 125/125 *filled*

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:03 am
by Dantagon Marescot
We are growing closer. Thanks to all the donations from members and non-members.

Apple Wood 371/1890
Conifer 280/280 *filled*
Naldor 404/1000
Bricks 750/3010
Nails 0/1830
Sand 600/600 *filled*
Buckets of Water 60/60 *filled*
Saws 0/27
Hammers 22/131
Silver 26/188
Wool 450/450 *filled*
Blue Cloth 25/25 *filled*
Thread 125/125 *filled*

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:04 am
by The Knights of Gobaith
A joyous occasion has been brought upon us. The Knights of Gobaith will soon be celebrating the knighting of Amroth Surion. Attendance by all knighthood members is required unless a dove is sent prior. Please wear your best dress as this is a formal event.

Dispite this being required for all knighthood members, we would like to invite all good peoples of Gobaith to attend. There will be a small feast afterwards in Amroth Surion's honour.

To those who wish to attend, we will be meeting by the tavern in Trolls Bane before heading down to Kallahorn for the ceremony on ((Sunday @ 7pm/19.00 GMT, 3pm EST)).

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:20 am
by Dantagon Marescot
A reminder to everyone that the ceremony will take place on (( Sunday at 7pm GMT, 3pm EST)). We will be meeting first at the tavern in Trolls Bane and then walking down to Kallahorn for the ceremony. Please try to be at the tavern an hour ((20 minutes)) before the meeting time.

Apple Wood 723/1890
Conifer 280/280 *filled*
Naldor 599/1000
Bricks 750/3010
Nails 0/1830
Sand 600/600 *filled*
Buckets of Water 60/60 *filled*
Saws 0/27
Hammers 22/131
Silver 188/188 *filled*
Wool 450/450 *filled*
Blue Cloth 25/25 *filled*
Thread 125/125 *filled*

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:01 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
The meeting starts in three hours ((one hour)). Please meet by the tavern one hour ((twenty minutes)) prior to start time.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:01 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
There has been a slight change due to some unfortianate events. The knighting will take place at the alter in the library of Trolls Bane. The feast will most likely take place in the tavern.

-- Dan

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:03 pm
by The Knights of Gobaith
The knighthood would like to welcome Felishia Kippe to our ranks. May she soon swear the oath of the order and serve as a page

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:38 am
by Gildon de Vymont
I would like to truely welcome the new member to our Knighthood, and hope that she will stay to the oath the fullest. If you have any questions or comments to ask or say, then I am fully open for a discussion of some sort. Welcome to the Knighthood.

Zhambra's Blessings,

-Gildon de Vymont
Squire of Kallahorn

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 3:35 am
by The Knights of Gobaith
Ayla To'lorn has been raised to squire upon this day, the 24th of Malas in the year 21.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:01 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
To Arms!

A new threat to the isle has appeared. A lich who wishes to take the life of a boy for a mere sword! If he does not get this item, he swears to lay waste to the entire isle! Strap on your armors and ready your weapons! We shall fight to defend the isle and we shall thrive!

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:18 am
by Dantagon Marescot
All members are urged to stay as close to the Gray Rose and Trolls Bane as possible. Keep your weapons close and your eyes open for trouble. You may be needed at any point.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:45 pm
by Dash
Are the knights still hiring non-fighters? I am a talented bard and could sing for you, to moralize.

~Fast Eddy

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 8:10 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
We haven't hired anyone yet. I am giving people a chance to respond though there have not been many. Do to recent events on Gobaith the hiring is somewhat second to everything else but the people who put in their word will still be consitered. I'll add you to that list which I will place on the wall under the request in a few days.

-- Sir Dantagon Marescot
-- Knight of Gobaith
-- Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 9:56 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Just an observation, but,

Perhaps there aren't many because you offer no benefits to joining.

I assume Knights join because they help others, protect Gobiath and perform noble deeds. They get titles, Pay from Trollsbane as "Protectors" and Glory. What does a non-knight recieve? "Protection" is all I read.

In return they must serve the knights. "All services free to Knights" you said.

I doubt you'll attact anyone competent. There is more to be had as a Master Craftsman outside of the Knighthood.

Perhaps advertise other benefits, after all, Knights need a lot of hard to make armor, weapons, food and other supplies.


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 3:53 am
by Dantagon Marescot
If you don't like it, don't join. And I said we help to get the tools and supplies among other things. And I don't think any of us have recived pay as protectors of Trolls Bane thus far. Maybe you should see what happens before you say anything against it. They can take part in building the shelter in Trolls Bane and providing for them. If they decide that they want to become a knight and have served long enough they may immediately move to page instead of being placed as page apprentice. This is an idea in the making and worth a try.

-- Dan