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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:43 pm
by Ascius
martin wrote:Developing Illarion is such a game for me. And I think I am rather close to giving it up and start playing something else because I see no way to reach the target I thought to be reachable in the beginning. In german, I'd say "der Zug ist vermutlich abgefahren" ("the train probably already departed"). What would be the benefit of spending hours in developing anything for Illarion? You "hardcoreRPers" tell me that you don't need new players, you just need "deeper RP". Well, I can't program deeper RP. I can't create "deeper RP graphics". I can't create a "deeper RP table" in the pSQL-Database. I can't write a "deeper RP script". Deeper RP is something that YOU can do, as players, it is completely independend of the level of underlying software-related things.

This is, up to most of you, the only thing to improve and there's nothing I could do to help you (besides making access to Illa more restrictive again). So all you say is: We don't need technical development. All we want is better RP, and there's no way in technically realize that, it's all up to us. Well, do so, Illarion is finished then (technically spoken).
I think no one really complained about the technical terms of the game.. I'm playing for several years now and it really improved a lot. Fighting system, skill system, graphics, work system, building system, new map, better KI's, weather, JAVA and so on.. technical staff did a great job and no one will deny that.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:49 pm
by Noon
Ahhh many long posts! Ill write a full length reply when i get back from work..

I agree with many of the points, but theres one point which i agree with strongly, mm where was it. aha here we go
A real hardcore RPer doesn't need Illarion. She or he just needs IRC, maybe some dice and some other hardcore RPers. Period. Illarion is a graphical MUD, some kind of, and there's more than just sitting around talking at the campfire. Illarion is a GAME.
The only point ill add at this moment in time is this, Martin you say Illarion is meant to be a game, which i agree fully with you upon. But a game is meant to have challanges, there are no challanges in Illarion apart from the ones created by the players in PvP conflicts. (( By PvP i dont mean ctrl click )) There are no stand alone challanges for people to get themselfs occupied into. The only challanges i can think off are confronting NPC creatures, but what are the rewards for this? to my knowledge the only award is the loot which they drop? A game is built upon the challanges within, and the need to improve one's self to be able to accomplish more. In Illarion there is no need to improve one's self as there is nothing to accomplish, that you can not accomplish after playing for one day, unless you mean killing an NPC.

I hope what i wrote makes sense, as it is a bit rushed.

Darren, PO Aristeaus etc

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:07 pm
by Markous
martin wrote:In german, I'd say "der Zug ist vermutlich abgefahren" ("the train probably already departed"). What would be the benefit of spending hours in developing anything for Illarion?
The best point I've read so far.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:28 pm
by Korm Kormsen
hardcore RP and hardcore RPers....

... do not exist.

playing D&D or DSA might be called hardcore RP.
but those, who want to be even "harder" normally are just shitheads.

i am writing in a "hardcore RP" via forum.
char A: i do my days work, now i sit at the fire and look at the setting sun...
char B: i talk to A and then i go in the woods to cut firewood till noon.

most hardcore RPers are people, who write long posts, without understanding, what the other participants have written.

i as well tried, together with an experienced programmer, to make a browser based RPgame, where some things, had to be made by click buttons. (to evade supermen, who tended to do a year's work in half an hour)
the result was, one part of the players got back to write in "long posting short reading" RP forums, the other half went to UO or other graphical games.

illarion has enough graphic and game mecanisms, that one simply can not expect the players, not to use it.
the point, even, if nobody admits it, should be, to also RP.

about goals in the game: i dont understand the point mentioned. in this game are as many goals, as my phantasy permits me to find.

but sure, a lot of people like to be led by the hand. they want the guided tour.
"here, ladies and gentlemen, to the left you see the castle, destroyed by the evil dragon.
please ready your weapons, round the bend we reach the evil dragon itself. - please, hurry up, killing it, afterwards we will free the captured virgin princess...."

imho, the staff should put some monsters in some cellar, or a pack of wolves near a bridge now and then, to surprise us. but unanounced!
or make some rabbits eat the harvest, or whatever!

and the staff should either completly ignore or better castigate bitching and flaming on the boards!

illarion would be a wonderfull game, if we only had the tecnical and the guildboard. and no other boards at all!


Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:38 pm
by Siltaris
First for all: Thanks for all the responses up to now. And I hope there are even more people who will express their opinion.
Furthermore I hope that some of the issues mentioned here will be discussed by the staff and maybe will influence future work or will help to initiate some new efforts like:
- doing polls or a kind of regular evaluation
- think about Illarion’s vision
- set up a team responsible for promotion

Then I want to pick out one issue to talk about a bit more in detail. I don’t have so much time right now nor within the next days but I hope the posting will be understandable and highlights my point of view concerning future development of Illarion.

Martin showed us what the developers did since this crew started to work for Illarion. The result has been massive improvements from the technical point of view.
In my opinion, now we have reached a technical standard in Illarion which is really good, partly impressive. Basically, everything in Illarion is there what is needed for making good roleplay possible. So the framework already exists. In my opinion, now this framework has to be optimized.

To make it clear with some examples:
Maybe you can compare Illarion to a common video/PC game in terms of its phases of development: The graphic engine and sound engine and the whole gameplay exists; they all are good and you are able to play the game. But to improve the game now, there is not so much need to make a better sound engine or so make better graphics. Rather, in this stage of development you make bugfixing; you increase the parts which exist and which work, but you try to improve their quality. In other words: You make them final. Only after having done that the developers will put efforts in creating a new graphic engine or so.
Another example: Think of Counterstrike… or StarCraft. These games are quite old ones and their graphics are nothing but old. But have a look at what the developers of these games did after they released the games: Most efforts were put in balancing the game. Balance the weapons, balance the maps, balance the units,…

In my opinion, with Illarion it is the same now. From a technical point of view the framework exists and works. You may be able to say that the game is finished if you only consider the quantitiy of features Illarion offers to its players. But in my opinion, now there is the need for improving quality of the features. It is about balancing. It is about making the server stable. It is about offering an appropriate access/introduction to Illarion for new players. It is about fixing bugs in scripts and codes so that there will be one day you can say: Scrip xy is finished now and it works fine. Then, but only then, you should think about developing another new feature for Illarion. Otherwise, there will plenty of ‘building sites’ and you do not know where to start working on.

Coming back to Martin’s posting again:
He asked: “What would be the benefit of spending hours in developing anything for Illarion?”

My answer would be:
To increase the quality of what is already there and make it really well working. Create a certain standard. Well, indeed, this ‘bugfixing’ surely is bad and an annoying work. But in my opinion it is really necessary; …and much more necessary than changing character model’s colour of the hair…
Another part of the answer would be that you maybe have strong interest in making a game which really works and which maybe can be titles as being final one day.
From a technical point of view, if you only consider the number of features already implemented in Illarion, one may could have the impression that the game IS final already.
If you consider the quality and the potential which is in these features, I would say that it is not finished yet, from a technical point of view.

Well, that is why I see the train Illarion still standing at the station, waiting for equipping its interior rooms with leather seats and parquetry and fixing broken windows. The passengers already are inside and more will come if it will become a first class train. Promotion for that special first class train will make more people to come; on the condition that the locomotive has enough power to pull all the wagons full of passengers.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:10 pm
by Cuthalion
I think getting more players, and more good roleplayerd could be combined. It is just a matter of who we tell about the game.
I think all countries have rpg organisations, wich have forums. At these forums mainly the good old dice and sheet rpg's are discussed, but allso computer rpgs. If everybody could do a quick search for the organisation in their country, and leave a message at their board, explaining and recomending the game, I would greatly apreciate it. I am sure we will at least get some more players this way. These forums are usualy where people search somone to play rpg games with. Many do not find anyone... This was why I searched this game in the first place, and I was very pleased with what I found.

Thanks to the staff!:D

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:28 pm
by Arameh
I agree with Siltaris for about everything, but I will comment on only a few things.

Bug fixing and balancing

For my part, I greatly prefer a game with lower technical possibilitys and which is bug free and balanced, then a game with outstanding technicals but full of bugs and completely unbalanced. I have 'no' idea about if bug fixing is more boring than adding new things, though for my part I am more satisfied when old features gets fixed then when new features that are bugged gets added, but maybe its just me. Basically every systems requires balancing, fighting, magic, crafting (in work though I believe) etc.

New players

For some reasons, I feel like we lack players more than when I joined, I feel like its way more empty than one year ago. Why? Why should I feel like its more empty? We have way more players than before, no? Simply because I consider we have less good persons that does good roleplay. I didnt say roleplayers, because lot of 'older' ones's RP decreased as well because of several reasons, and are less motivated make efforts in RPing. I understand them, really, I myself has been this way for quite a while, until I would only RP with certain persons, until I tell myself "A roleplaying game is about interacting with anyone..not just a few, it needs an ambiance", and THAT is why I stopped playing illa. I dont mind more players, as long as most of them can roleplay and that the server handles it.


We ALL notice the level of flaming in the forum has raised slightly since the account system was removed, probably because of the quick raise of players. The bigger the amount of players in a game, the lower is the respect and care about other players, that is simply a fact. Why would you care about some runescape idiot when you know that there are thousands of players, and that you probably never see him again? Same thing goes for Illarion, players on forum will care less and less about each others as more players will join, and there is no way to change that. I'd just prefer Illarion like it was before, less players, more respect, better RP, players caring about each others and such, but I doubt its possible with the dev's view of the thing.

Uhm..thats about it

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:36 pm
by Mr. Cromwell
The players involved with flaming are by default older players. Hence I am unwilling to see correlation between this and amount of players..

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:38 pm
by Fooser
Mr. Cromwell wrote:The players involved with flaming are by default older players. Hence I am unwilling to see correlation between this and amount of players..
New people aren't around long enough to dislike others :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:39 pm
by Arameh
They werent that flamey before the player increase, sure they are the ones that does now, but there is a cause to this, as I stated in my post and you didnt read/understand, the more the players and the less they care about each others in overall, I would call dumb anyone not agreeing with this fact.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:48 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
Though Dan has a point with the 'more players, les care/respect' part, if the general attitude of most changes, it'd be a lot better in my eyes.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:02 pm
by Estralis Seborian
Just because everyone answers... Some brief words from me.

- Are you satisfied with the overall atmosphere in Illarion?

Partly, yes. For me, the atmosphere could be more "dense" - chars are spread all over the huge map or concentrated on one spot, nothing in between. The number of players is too low for this huge map and still, 90% of the space between the settlements is useless and inhabitated. But when I am at a hot spot, I like the atmosphere.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way to your roleplay?

Mostly. Some n00bs don't, but the majority does.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way during quests?

No. But this will never change. Just have fun ;-) (Explaination: There seem to be two groups: quest-ignorerers and uber-heroes with no brain.)

- Do you feel annoyed by too many new and inexperienced players?

No. Definatly no. The more the merrier. I was a n00b myself and asked stupid questions.

- Are you satisfied with the current number of active characters?

No. 50+ is needed for this type of game and most important, its map size.

- Do you want some kind of account system being reactivated?

No no never ever again if you ask me.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions on a political level?

Yeah, do it.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions affecting everyone’s chars’ roleplay? (e.g. wars, political conflicts, forbidden/designated territories, harsh rulers,…)

Definatly, as it needs a background story. Not historical reports of events thousand years ago, thousand miles away, but a clear, staff induced series of events that lead to a bigger goal. Refer to games like AO that features such stuff.

- Do you want to know more details about how the fighting system works?

I know how it works. There is no benefit in this knowledge, though. CTRL+click until the monster is dead, you know?

- Do you want more details about each single weapon and armor, so you exactly know which weapon/armor is best against particular armor/weapon?

I already know this. And this knowledge does not help nor change my RP.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:37 am
by Ashayen
I decided to write some lines too...

- Are you satisfied with the overall atmosphere in Illarion?
Well yes, mostly. That's why i play this game since 4 years now ;)

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way to your roleplay?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But mostly yes.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way during quests?
No, not all. There will be still some heros around but well, that is something that doesn't annoy me that much.

- Do you feel annoyed by too many new and inexperienced players?
Sometimes, mostly when i enjoy a good RP. But we were all new and had some stupid questions but meanwhile they don't ask anymore, no they attack and thats it why i was everytime for a newbie-isle.

- Are you satisfied with the current number of active characters?

- Do you want some kind of account system being reactivated?
Oh Yes!!

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions on a political level?
And another yes. I really miss the political side.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions affecting everyone’s chars’ roleplay? (e.g. wars, political conflicts, forbidden/designated territories, harsh rulers,…)
Yes, but i fear that's hard to realize...

- Do you want to know more details about how the fighting system works?
I think the fighting system works fine ... well, no.

- Do you want more details about each single weapon and armor, so you exactly know which weapon/armor is best against particular armor/weapon?
No, not really.

PO Ash/Chiara

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:13 am
by Aristeaus
I decided to write some lines too...

- Are you satisfied with the overall atmosphere in Illarion?
In game yes

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way to your roleplay?
I do indeed

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way during quests?
No, 90% of the time a quest usually means summon the powergamers, and when they dont get a quick reward they leave. There should be more long running quests, not the simple 1 day ones which dont result in much apart from a bunny getting rescued.

- Do you feel annoyed by too many new and inexperienced players?
Yes and No, a new player who trys to learn is my love child, a person who doesnt bother and runs around shouting idiocies need to go to a special hell reserved for child molesters and people who speak in cinemas.

- Are you satisfied with the current number of active characters?
No, the maps to large for the player base

- Do you want some kind of account system being reactivated?

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions on a political level?
Yes, there are no politics IG to my knowledge at the moment

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions affecting everyone’s chars’ roleplay? (e.g. wars, political conflicts, forbidden/designated territories, harsh rulers,…)
That all comes with the politics

- Do you want to know more details about how the fighting system works?

A general idea as to the weapon and armour attributes would be nice, it would be apparant to the person using or wearing them, but to us who see some pixels theres not much you can learn.

- Do you want more details about each single weapon and armor, so you exactly know which weapon/armor is best against particular armor/weapon?

A general idea as to the weapon and armour attributes would be nice, it would be apparant to the person using or wearing them, but to us who see some pixels theres not much you can learn.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:13 pm
by Isilwen
My turn ;)

- Are you satisfied with the overall atmosphere in Illarion?
Hmm....sure, kinda. There are things I miss from earlier times, but there are things that happen now that I enjoy as well. I miss all the government involvement that was ingame about a year ago, mostly. I also loved quest things like the Executioner, Dravish, and the lich wars, which got everyone involved in some way, and changed the overall feel to the RP no matter what was going on or who you were talking to.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way to your roleplay?
Yes and no. When I go in as my current quest character, I get some
awesome responses. When I am in with Isilwen and find people who know my character, I get some awesome responses. When I go in as characters that few people know and sit around doing #me's, I get almost no response at all. I don't do anything differently between characters, the only difference is that some are more well known than others, and that is frustrating at times.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way during quests?
As said, I get some good responses to my quests. Although at times characters will act a little- well- stupid, for lack of better word. I've done a quest that included a dragon, an angry dragon! and there were three characters that simply approached it and roleplayed climbing onto the dragon's back and commanding it to fly.

- Do you feel annoyed by too many new and inexperienced players?
Not really. The newbies that run around attacking people and shouting about how this game sucks have always been and will always be there. The only thing you can do is try to help them understand the game and concept of RP. If it works, it works, and we have a great new character. If it doesn't work, the noob is being fed to the hungry GMs ;) It's a win-win.

- Are you satisfied with the current number of active characters?
Their lack of response to unknown characters is annoying, but I think that might be due to the harsh feelings towards newbies lately, so if the character is unknown then it might be a newbie out to ruin their roleplay. I think we have plenty of active characters currently. While it would be great to someday see the number of ingame players nearing 100, you only need two people ingame to have some really great RP.

- Do you want some kind of account system being reactivated?
Yes, please.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions on a political level?
Vanima's politics are awesome, people should take notes :P But yes I would like to see more player action on a political level.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions affecting everyone’s chars’ roleplay? (e.g. wars, political conflicts, forbidden/designated territories, harsh rulers,…)
As I said above, I miss the times when these things were included ingame. I think a combination of GM and player action to make these things happen would be great, as long as it isn't overdone.

- Do you want to know more details about how the fighting system works?
Maybe a few hints about the basic outline of the fighting concept, but the rest can be found out by going ingame and finding out for yourself ;)

- Do you want more details about each single weapon and armor, so you exactly know which weapon/armor is best against particular armor/weapon?
No. This should be found out by experience ingame.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:55 pm
by Gryphius
At first: Sil, thanks for that awesome piece of work you brought on you - it reads 'very' much like a scholar work, you know: Problem-orientated and comprehensive (that's why it took me several days to read it entirely :wink:). Two thumbs up!

And your evalutaion inquiries deserve a comment:
Are you satisfied with the overall atmosphere in Illarion?
Depends on several conditions: I have to admit that i'm more the kind of player that isolates oneself, along with the chars of his preference, thus my vision is rather limited. But that is not without a reason, since in view to Troll's Bane, so to say the 'core' of the whole game where most RP-interactions happen, i have to deny your inquiry: There's a great deal of things happening there, dragging the overall athmosphere into ridiculousness at times (frequent undead attacks, screams coming from everywhere, traders that ask for leathers in the most unfitting places and situations, and far too many random attackers).Overall, it is just too exhausting: In Troll's Bane, you get forced into OOC-discussions way too often, and that's why i moved Gry over to Varshikar. A fault i've been making ever since i have entered is, that i rarely support the institutional system - something i should make better soon, since that it is what gives the setting something like 'scale'.

But all those flaws i could easily live with, if there wasn't that overall aggressive tone on the boards, that more than once brought me to the edge of dropping the towel: Ranting about each other in public, mostly in harshest tones, simply because peanuts, is only to be called immature... And in most cases, not even 'slightest' attempt between the participants had been undertaken to settle the conflict via MSN or PM...simply irresponsible, since it poisons the overall climate. Those who have nothing better to do than throwing around with personal insults, mostly on folks they have never met, have my honest sympathies. I think the moderators should pursue a harder line against public insults.
Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way to your roleplay?
I think the point of that question is, whether the other chars react 'appropiately' on my RP, or not, and in most cases, i'd not hesitate to affirm, that they do...although my RP tends to be extremely downheartening at times, but that's another topic.
Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way during quests?
I feel a slight tendency towards the will of being the overall hero, but mostly, the chars act accordingly to their concepts, as far as i am concerned. However, also here, my view is somewhat limited, since i rarely come to participate in quests.
Do you feel annoyed by too many new and inexperienced players?
Definite "aye". I can't blame a newbie for not yet being familiar with the IG-mechanics, but that doesen't alter the fact that it tends to be frustrating to tell every five minutes the basic rules to new players, simply because he was too lazy to take a brief look at the hints: I'm not a walking manual. But, surprisingly enough, they are mostly familiar with the CTRL-Click-Command... I don't want to sound unfair: I've also met some newbies who 'really' paid attention, willing to learn, but in sum, they had the lower hand, i fear.
Back the days when i started, it was Deydalos who helped me to develop my RP - i fear i don't have his patience. :?
Are you satisfied with the current number of active characters?
I'm more the theatrical type of RPer, thus i get along well with relatively few players. On the other hand, Nitram had a point there: With more players, the institutional system might work out better. Hrm, i'm a bit torn in that one.
Do you want some kind of account system being reactivated?
The recent situation is a more than obvious clue that something like an evaluation is needed, but one not looking too queer to scare off new players. Personally, i also had to go through the account system back then, and i have to admit i 'liked' it: It gave me the feeling like "Jesus, looks like they are 'really' certain about this.", hence it more attracted me than it scared me off. Of course i know that this effect was more of an exception, but it offers a clue how the account system should look like: It should make hunger for more, whilst making the new player familiar with the philosophy behind this game. The tutorial-island is indeed something that should be realized, it would stab right into that vein.
Do you think Illarion needs more actions on a political level?
Definite "aye". That's something that leads away from that "everone for oneself"-feel, and adds some more scale into the scenario. I myself will soon include a political dimension within my gameplay.

@Alytys: Who says that fairy-tales and politics don't mix? :wink:
Do you think Illarion needs more actions affecting everyone’s chars’ roleplay? (e.g. wars, political conflicts, forbidden/designated territories, harsh rulers,…)
It's not like we have a shortage of such: Not too long ago, three or four dark rulers intended to overthrow the whole island at the same time - times of relative peace should not be forgotten, since this is still an RP, not a warfare-simulator.
Do you want to know more details about how the fighting system works?
No, since fighting is no basic part of my RP.
Do you want more details about each single weapon and armor, so you exactly know which weapon/armor is best against particular armor/weapon?
I see no point in this. If everyone gets access to such information, practically 'anyone', even a druid, would be familiar with the secrets of swordsmanship. That question should be resolved, like any other about IG-mechanics, with the according mantra: »Find out IG.«

Alright, 'nuff so far. Thanks again to Sil, the voice of reason, for the fantastic work. And all Devs around get a gentle pat on the shoulder for their efforts. Whatever your think: Your work is most appreciated.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:27 pm
by Llama
It gave me the feeling like "Jesus, looks like they are 'really' certain about this.", hence it more attracted me than it scared me off. Of course i know that this effect was more of an exception, but it offers a clue how the account system should look like:
Thats what i felt as well

Any group which carefully chooses its members, is oen which sticks to its rules.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:01 am
by Miru
I am not, nor likely will ever be in the class of role players I see in game, and forum, And it is possible the level of R/P has gone down some, I do not know, but I still give a formal bow to most all of you. Even you DARN villians..(smiles)

I dont think the level of R/P is the thing to worry and fret over, in no given order the things that will hurt the games future:

more freezes
another crash
the dreaded roll backs
and on and on and on until it drives many away

fix those and you will keep more players that are worth keeping I am sure


Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:13 pm
by Lahela
Hm I know this threat is almost dead and I do not know if anyone still cares about it. I just now found some time to read it and I feel like replying to it.

- Are you satisfied with the overall atmosphere in Illarion?
Absolutely not. Normally I hate the rephrase "Früher war alles besser." (In the past everything was better.) but I guess that is just how it is. I do not speak about the technical side. I talk about the atmosphere. The OOC atmosphere to be exact. Most will think "Yaeh, she probably means the community" but I really have to ask you: What community?
Illarion was a community in the past but is not anymore. It is only a gathering of some playergroups but want to be let alone and do not want to play with anyone who's not in there nice, little, special world.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way to your roleplay?
When they are alone, yes. If they are within their little group of friends, no.

- Do you have the feeling that the other characters react in a good way during quests?
I stopped taking part in quest a long time ago. I'm not a fan of quests.

- Do you feel annoyed by too many new and inexperienced players?
No, more by the "older" players.

- Are you satisfied with the current number of active characters?
The numbers improved alot lately. And I find characters ingame almost everytime I play. So I guess it is alright.

- Do you want some kind of account system being reactivated?
Not the old one. But somekind of accountsystem OR a tutorial island.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions on a political level?
I'm at the point where I think the government should be gm driven. At least in Trolls Bane.

- Do you think Illarion needs more actions affecting everyone’s chars’ roleplay? (e.g. wars, political conflicts, forbidden/designated territories, harsh rulers,…)
No, that would draw even more heros ingame. Most will start playing a uber figher to pwn everyone. Boooring.

- Do you want to know more details about how the fighting system works?
I have no clue how it woks now. I lost track alomost 3 years ago, so I can't say I care much. And I do not want to know what monster I have to kill how often in what period of time to get the maximum of skill points. That is just something that is ot interesting me.

- Do you want more details about each single weapon and armor, so you exactly know which weapon/armor is best against particular armor/weapon? See the point above.

Conclusion on my side: The Staff made some mistakes in the past. Nobody is perfect. But the biggest problem Illarion has is the players.
It is going to be hard to change the players, so it will either get worse and Illarion will become a game of maybe 10-20 Players with 2/3/4 characters each and new players with characters that pop up and get deleted right after being played only once. (I started to play such characters. It is the best way to have some fun once in a while without getting frustrated.)

Or the players think about it and it maybe the atmosphere will become better again.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:02 pm
by Nitram
Lahela wrote:Illarion was a community in the past but is not anymore. It is only a gathering of some playergroups but want to be let alone and do not want to play with anyone who's not in there nice, little, special world.
Thats a pretty true statement. The thing i hate most, because i can't do anything against. It appears that the players want to play only with their friends and only if they are forced they play with others. I really don't know why or what to do against. I don't even how to make the players changings themselfs.
It was allways the way that some were not able to get along with certin other players. But in the last time to seems, that became rather worse. Some can't get along with that big group and others with a other group. All in all the community is splitted in many many small parts. We could split the map in many small islands, for every group one. And noone would care. They maybe even would say, that the roleplay is increasing again. But is this a solution...
Lahela wrote:I'm at the point where I think the government should be gm driven. At least in Trolls Bane.
Some staff members had this idea a while ago allready. I was no friend of it but slowly i think that is become needed. There are no characters ingame to lead a town. Because the ones who are able to get their characters into that position are not able to lead that town, because they don't have the talent. And those who are able to lead the town don't get the characters in that position because they need really strong characters do defend themselfs. There are too many players who think they need to get everything a other player has, because the character is stronger then the one of the other player. Before taking over a town and kicking out the old leader, the player who does this should really think about the question, if he is able to lead that town or not. The few in the past and the current one are not able in my opinion.
Lahela wrote:No, that would draw even more heros ingame. Most will start playing a uber figher to pwn everyone. Boooring.
If there are no overall political actions, its supports the forming of those small groups. Maybe the disappearing of all the framework roleplay is the reason for the many small groups we got on the past.


Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:22 pm
by Fooser
Harsh rules, although an interesting concept, is a thing of the past (if it was ever a thing at all). Options kill harsh rulers. If one popped up and decided to set up shop in Trollsbane, what would most people say? Probably "cya" and go somewhere else, where this wasn't really possible in the past. As for GM driven governments, in this case Trollsbane, I think that would kill whatever small amount of care is left from the players end. People in general don't like pushed things, organizations/governments especially. I never thought Trollsbane would be in such condition as it is now, and to lift it up would take effort and creativity from many directions.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:48 pm
by Korm Kormsen
i think, there is another point, to be taken serious.
there are the orcs, one gnomish merchant, half a handfull of lizzards and some of the dwarves, who are really played as chars of a specific race.

but where is a difference between elves and humans?
i could find none. the elves, i played with, are played like normal humans. (exception avalyon, but neither he is played as an elf)

what for do we have races, if we dont play them as different?

is tol vanima a ghost town? or why are all the elves played in a dwarven tavern in a human town?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:49 pm
by Siltaris
Illarion was a community in the past but is not anymore. It is only a gathering of some playergroups but want to be let alone and do not want to play with anyone who's not in there nice, little, special world.
I'm afraid I have joined this game after the 'community-feeling' of Illarion. But anyway, in times of my first beginning in March 2006 there was a very active Grey Rose, a very active Orc-Guild, and Kallhorn with Stephen and his ambitions for power. But i think i have never experienced that special time you are talking about.

However, I think that it is normal to a certain degree that players cannot roleplay with all each other. On the one hand it is quite difficult to get know to all players. Then, it is very difficult to find the time to keep on RP with the people you know. And third, you do not want to roleplay with everyone. So i think it is quite common if there is that kind of segregation in RP, especially when there is such a large community like we have now. The times when everyone knew each other and everyone interacted with each other seems to have passed when there were more than a very core of players. And as long as Illarion gets more and more players, the less interaction will be there between the all roleplayers and between these roleplay-groups - first just because of matters of time. And second, because they are satisfied with the people they know; they have gained what they expected from that game; they have their fun.

Anyway, if we accept that segregation is normal, there still is the question to which extend this segregation is good or bad. It is defintly bad, if there is a complete lack of some player's will not to interact with someone they do not know.
It is bad, if they ignore other chars and do not react to any #mes or comments of other chars.

It is bad, too, if 'roleplay-groups' have no interactions to anyone else's group at all. So, there should be a kind of foreign policy. There should be something which makes each 'group' unique. Well, maybe it would be the best case, if these roleplay-groups have their own guild/race/knighthood/citizenship what makes them different from others.
And as long people expressively are different, they have a RP-reason why they avoid other groups. At the same time, there is an opportunity for political arguments between these groups.... Well, to bring my confusing thoughts to a concrete proposal:

Maybe, only maybe, there should be some kind of regulation, which forces every single character to be a member of one of these 'groups' (or call them unions or guilds). Otherwise the char will be seen as outsider, as homeless person and thus free to be killed by anyone or at least should have drastic disadvantages.
Following this idea a bit further, there should be regulation within each 'group', which forces them to be active for that group in any way. They have to follow the guild's law and they have to show respect to their leadership. If they do not follow rules or fail the group's demands they get kicked out of that guild (in the end) and thus must be afraid of the future of their char.
And a last point, which comes to my mind when I think about that issue: The membership to 'groups' must be visual. You should be able to see, where a char belongs to... well, if everyone makes good RP there maybe is nor need for that. Just an idea.

I never thought Trollsbane would be in such condition as it is now, and to lift it up would take effort and creativity from many directions.
Indeed, to get out of the current misery there is not ONE solution. Instead a lot of efforts have to be done at the same time, all following the same aim, the same objective or if you want to call it that way: the same vision. That is why I strongly recommend to set up a vision for the development of Illarion, too. Incremental actions will lead to an unsatisfactory situation in the very end of the day...

i could find none. the elves, i played with, are played like normal humans.
Yes, i have the same impression. I only remember Djironima as being played as a very good elf... all other elves I have met in recent time truely are humans just with the visible pixel-figure of an elf.
Maybe elves (and Lizzards as well) should be classified as special characters you have to apply for to play them?
Or every new player simply has to start with a human character, and after 1 weeks the player is allowed to make new chars of other races?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:04 pm
by Nitram
Its done pretty easily to make all races but humans as special race that require a applying to play it.

But i fear that would lead us to an island filled with humans and nothing else. Look at gnomes, fairies and gnolls? How many do we have? 3 or 4?

I would also like to see the race-rp more splitted. I see every days dwarfs and elfes hanging around with each other and enjoying each others company. I want to say... WTF?! Dwarfs and Elfes? They shouldn't like each other by default.

The dwarfs have, as the only race, a pretty splitted roleplay since they have their own town.
What about halfings, elfes, gnomes, goblins, fairies, orcs and lizards?

The halflings gave up their own town and made it a multicultural meating place. There you find elfes, dwarfs, humans, undeads, etc.

The elfes have a town with nothing but elfes on. But is there anyone?! No. Empty space all over. I really wonder why.

Gnomes don't have a town... okay. But there are only a few...
Same with goblins and fairies.

Orcs... are there still some?

Lizards... the few around are in Trollsbane. Weren't they going to build anything somewhere?

I fear the Race roleplay is nearly gone at the current point but the sss of the lizards and the worse spelling of the orcs.


Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:09 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
One comment on the group thing Siltaris,
Those groups, in my eyes atleast are ooc groups of friends, wich totaly ignore others for no ic reason, they seem to ignore chars they don't know, and what ever.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:41 pm
by pharse
well the point is that elves and humans are quite similar. They have more in common than any other races in Illarion.
I also met many elves who had a more or less rough speaking style. Of course it´s hard - for me too - to behave like an elf when roleplaying in english, but I mean if its the mother tongue...

My char is a bit over 180years old, so just majority. But he has to seem wiser than any other human. The "superiority" is the special thing about the elves.
That´s quite difficult but there are many elves who don´t seem to roleplay this in any kind of way.

There was also the discussion about human-elf relationships. Everyone wants to be a "special" elf. But this problem can´t be solved by making elves to a special race.

Perhaps there should be contact persons for every race, experienced players. They could teach the current PO´s willing to learn, and the PO´s of new chars has to talk to these persons. So every new char would be well prepared.

I don´t know if it´s realisable, but it would be definitely the best way.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:42 pm
by Nitram
We could take away the possibility to speak common from the elfes *g*

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:50 pm
by pharse
just mix up all languages and we have a second babylon. Then the gods return and correct everything. Would be a nice quest btw ;0

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:04 pm
by Isilwen
One problem I think with roleplaying like an elf, is that other characters do not treat elves like elves. Same with other non-human races, in fact. I have always thought of elves as being a noble and respected race, that some might regard in awe. All races should get a sort of reaction from others which just isn't present in the roleplay atmosphere, and I think it could improve easily if people started showing these reactions.

I'm not saying that is the only problem of course, but that is one side of it that may be overlooked ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:10 pm
by Nitram
I think this is a problem caused by the fact that elfes are too common between the humans. If they would seperate themselfs a little from the town this would change slowly i think
