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Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:26 am
by Feraiden
Feraiden groans as he moves his back upward, sitting up. That damn lizard, he would kill him for this. He gets up slowly, bones cracking, muscles aching, he flinches a little at the pain of this initial rising. He starts to jog quickly, realizing Delunos and Fooser, and possible more, are still near. The hammer, pouch, and sword all weigh him down as he tries to run faster and faster, his feet nearly slip on the mud numerous times.

The ground shakes beneath him, knocking him to the ground. A horrific sound bellows through the air, swooping down into his ears. The mist begins to get thicker and thicker. Suddenly, the priest forgets about all the weight he is carrying and begins to run at full speed again, getting up swiftly. He begins to see figures up ahead, though they don't appear to be of a boney nature. He spots Belm through the fog.

"Oh, Feraiden...what was that--" The priest grabs onto the fisherman's sleeve as he runs by, dragging him along. Behind them a low growl sounds through the swamp, entire tree's snap in half behind them.


"Go, faster!"

"I can't!"

The group dashes out of the swamp, into open grassland, the ocean can barely be seen in the far distance. They continue running regardless, priests, fishermen, paladins, everyone. The adrenaline begins to wear off as they all slow down, gasping for air, but still knowing something is after them. They all turn around in unison, looking back at the swamp. A think wall of mist makes it to the edge of the swamp, but seems to stop.

A lizard's eyes widen as he says, "They can't move beyond the swamp?" Small chatter errupts from the group after this realization. Feraiden barely seems to be paying attention, he turns his gaze to the small pouch Fooser gave him. He slowly unties a small string knot at the top, he gently opens it, revealing a large stone.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:44 am
by Fooser
"We won't be finding him anytime soon." Delunos spits out, after his explosive showing at the altar. "But don't worry, there are ways to change that. So I won't be needin' to kill anyone besides him, aye." He hops down from the top of the altar, grabbing onto the stone tightly. "But of course, I wish to change before I do anything else." He holds the stone tighter and tighter, closing his eyes. Fooser frowns a little.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He says quickly. Delunos lifts his eyes again tiredly.

"And why not?"

"Because..." Fooser pauses. "Because, there are still dangers out there. You don't want to be caught in a situation where a weapon could kill you, right?" He walks over, putting an arm around Delunos' shoulder.

"...I guess your right." He says, in a dissapointed tone.

"Though, I must admit, you look pretty good the new way, but still..." Delunos slaps the lizards hand away, ignoring his lame compliments.

"We'll find him. He thinks he can run, but he can't. It'll just take us a little while to do it. We are going to take a trip."

"A trip?" Fooser repeats.

"Aye. To the shrine."

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:05 am
by Fooser
The entire mob of undead slowly row through a very shallow and mucky river in the middle of the swamp. They had all returned after looking for the paladins, with little success. Despite what Fooser knew about the stone, he had never heard of any "shrine". Perhaps they have found something new while spending all their days in the swamp.

A half dozen small boats slowly move through the thick water, two skeletons on each boat row steadily. Delunos looks from side to side, watching carefully. Fooser sits closely behind him, trembling slightly for a reason he can't quite point to. Delunos holds the stone out in the palm of his hand, keeping it held up, but not looking at it.

"What's this shrine you're talking about?" Fooser asks finally. Delunos answers without turning around, or even moving his gaze away.

"I'm surprised you don't know Fooser, you spent so long looking into the damn thing."

"Mh, fine then..."

The mist hovers over the water, but visibility along the small river remains good enough for their purposes. They manuever the small boats around a slight turn, as they complete the direction change, a large stone wall stares back at them from just ahead. Vines, bones, and other dead things line the stone wall, hanging from every inch of it. Fooser raises a brow at this.

"The shrine. The place where the stone was made, and where all the factual lore of it is kept." Delunos says, gazing upon it, as if it holds some type of beauty. "You all will stay here, tie up the boats though, the water can carry them out quite fast."

"Aye, sir." A skeleton says. Delunos hops out of the boat, it rocks back and forth violently at this applied force.

Delunos tilts his hat upward this time, looking up along the large stone wall. It creates a small cliff within the marshland, which seems out of place. The partially healed human runs his fleshy hand along the wall, it hits against vines, and just barely misses small thorns. He pulls a large strand of loose vines apart, revealing a small opening in the stone wall. He looks back at the group at the boats, and then walks inside.

Water drips from the cave ceiling, trickling along the ground. It's a very small cut with the stone cliff, room for about one or two people, and a pedestal with a very old book. Delunos gently moves the fragile book from its place, and opens it, dirt and dust coming off. He slowly reads through the book, left by some unholy thing before them, sometime many years ago. He quietly repeats what he reads as he goes through. A small section about the artifacts destruction catches his glare.

"Once all the most recent finders..." He tries to read through the torn and dirty pages. "Come to death without death..." He keeps looking through, squinting his eyes. "Then the destruction will be allowed." The sentence trickles off quieter and quieter. Delunos turns around, peering through the vines back to the boats, specifically at the lizard.

"He don't even want to be a lizard. Nor undead. Just an elf. Don't need to be worryin' about that." He quickly shakes his head, turning the pages.

"Now for this problem..." His eyes widen again, as he closes in on a new passage.

"A holy item...."
"When the moon shines brightest..."
"The mist will charge without bound."

A vision of the priests staff that he slapped away from Feraiden blazes into his mind. A wide and evil grin comes across his face.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:44 am
by Feraiden
"So now what?" A voice rings out.

A lizard comes forward, the captain of the small group. "There's an abandoned town just a little ways south, we should go there, and then figure out what we are going to do."

"Fine..." Feraiden says, keeping his thoughts mostly focused towards the content of the pouch he was given. What was he supposed to do with this? He knew what it could do, but he couldn't even use it. Well, he could, but..

The door closes quietly behind the priest as he enters a small wooden home, one that has long been emptied. A few old chairs, and what is left of a bed are all that remain. He takes a peek out the window. The night was perfectly clear, small crsip clouds float by, but they don't even hinder the moonlight from beaming down.

He walks over to the only table in the room, and opens the pouch again, sliding the stone out onto the wooden surface. He puts a finger cautiously onto it, pulling back quickly...nothing. He moves his head closer to the table surface, peering at it from various angles. The undead could not move out of the swamp, so he has time. But he also begins to get the feeling that time is running out.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:39 am
by Fooser

Tents and small camp fires dotted the marsh. It went on in all directions, as far as the eye could see, nothing but trees, mud, puddles, tall grass, and who knew what else. The tents seemed to be well maintained. A mix of men moved about, some walking around the edge, others sitting at the fires. Most of them were humans, but a few lizards were mixed within.

They all talked amongst themselves quietly, as if not trying to draw too much attention to the area. Farther off, there is a smaller campfire, three figures were around it. A lizard, a human with a large hat, and another human wearing light metal armor, but no helmet. Fooser sat, looking into the flames, in thought. Delunos tossed small pieces of wood and leaf into the fire, also watching it, before turning to the last human.

"So, you got a lady back home, aye?" He looked up.

"Yes sir. I've been...I've been plannin' on givin her a ring when I get back, sir." He said, almost shyly. "I have one of 'em right here. I wear it to remind me of what I survive for." He held out a finger, revealing a decorated ring, it shined brightly.

"Mh...Love, an interesting thing." He tilted his hat back down to the fire.

"I guess that's one thing we can all pull out of this shitty mess. We can understand what's important, and what is just wrong. Love is one of those things that is important."

"A contrast." The lizard began to talk suddenly. "That's what love really is. The ultimate contrast to what isn't good. Think about it, when you find love, then lose it, you dwell on the bad."

Delunos groaned again slightly. "Spirits are high at the other fires, and you're all depressin' me with this talk. Tomorrow, we push back the undead, they won't even know what hit them." He swooped down to grab a bottle of ale. The others quickly follow his example. He held it up high over the water, looking to the other human first.

"To love.."
"To the stone.."
"To moving on.."


"What are you going to do when you get back, sir?" The human from the night before said, following closely behind Delunos as they go through the swamp alone.

"I plan on goin' back, and celebrating for a month, maybe two. Once I am done diggin myself out of a pile of empty bottles, I'll go to the chancellor, and get an award, no doubt. My father got one, he gave it to me." Delunos held out a pendant. It was made of bronze and gold, it was shaped like the Lizardom symbol, plus two lizard tails going in each direction, along with a figure of a human holding a thin sword.

"Wow...Impressive." The human blinked quickly, admiring it.

"Aye, he worked years for this, bless him." He stepped over a puddle, continuing on. "Hopefully I can collect one mysel---" Before he was able to finish his sentence, a skeleton leaped out from behind a tree, tackling Delunos onto the ground. They began a brutal struggle, rolling about through the mud and water. The other human gasped, surprised by this miniature ambush.

"Aaaagh!" Delunos tried shoving the skeletons skull backwards, but it kept pushing ahead, throwing its boney hands around his neck, pressing down harder and harder. He reached down towards his pocket, grabbing the stone out from it, throwing it weakly in the direction of the other human. He grabbed it quickly, holding it up to the skeleton.

"Hey!" The skeleton stopped for a brief moment, looking up at the sound. The stone began to glow a deep gray color. The skeleton seemed to tilt his head at this, then its boned began to wither away. It looked down, and began to panic, seeing the bones turn into nothing but dust. Right before the withering was complete, a small burst came out, throwing all the ashes into the air. Delunos covered his eyes with his sleeve, coughing a little.

The humans mouth dropped immediately, looking down at the stone, now back to its normal appearance. "By the DOES work..."

Delunos sat back up, wiping ash and bone shards off his hat and sleeve. "Aye, of course it does. Haven't ya heard the stories?"

"They won't have a chance against this.."


"Men!" Delunos shouted, back at the small camp. Humans and lizards gathered, cheering loudly, throwing their weapons up in the air, excited about the days plans. "Today, we will rid this swamp of every undead, up to the horizon in every direction!" Another loud uproar came. "But patience. We don't want to mess anything up. This will go into the books as the best event in the history of the above-lands. Don't screw anything up. Meaning, we go to scout first, then we strike, aye?"

"Aye!" They all shouted back.

"I will head out myself. Along with others, if you spot something, come back immediately, don't start anything without everyone with you." Delunos hopped down from the rock he was standing upon, grabbing the stone and his sword, walking confidentally into the swamp, alone.

"You've infested these lands for far too long, cursed ones." The human said, going through the swamp with much enthusiasm. The sun had to get through haze, then tree's to make it to the swamp ground, but the light was enough to see everything clearly. Delunos stopped, holding his head up, hearing a new set of footsteps ahead of him. He quickly jogged up to a tree whose trunk had split in two directions. He peeked through the opening in the middle, watching a lone skeleton hobble about the swamp weakly. "Aye.." He said quietly, with a grin.

He stepped out from behind the tree, immediately getting the skeletons attention. It just stood there for a long while, they looked at eachother. Then Delunos quickly pulled forth the stone. It went through the same routine, glowing brightly. This time the small burst came a bit quicker, the skeleton hadn't even shriveled to nothing yet. Delunos smiled, walking forward a bit. As he got closer, he began to squint his eyes and tilt his head. He moved even closer yet, taking nearly a face to face gaze at what was left of the skeleton.

Delunos moved his hand down to the skeletons, pulling its weightless arm up from the ground. He looked closely at the boney finger, seeing that there was a ring on one of the fingers. The same ring as the other night. His mouth dropped and he quickly pushed the boney arm back to the ground, and ran back the way he came.

"Sir!" A voice shouted as Delunos re-emerged from the swamp, back into the opening.

"What is it?"

"We have one missing, sir...the one you were sitting with last night." Delunos began to feel his heart beat faster and stronger. It pounded in his chest. Sweat began to form on his plams and forehead. What had happened to him? Then an idea hit him like a punch in the face. He had used the stone. "I--I'm sure he'll show up, fear not, fellows." He scrambled back into his tent, dropping the stone onto the floor.

He had used it too.

Fooser approached the tent, peeking inside. "Delunos..?"

"Aye, what is it?" He said, impatiently.

"Something the matter?"

"No..No. Fooser...I--Uh. I need you to go and finish the look out for me, alright? I'm not feeling to well."

"Sure thing, friend. Don't get sick on me now, though." The lizard smiled back, slowly closing the opening to the tent.

Delunos' gaze kept going from the top of the tent, back to the stone, and then back up again. Was he next? Why was this happening? Maybe it was all a mistake. He might have gotten kidnapped by the undead on his early morning patrol...or not.

He sat on the ground, where he usually slept, looking up at nothing, in thought. He didn't even know how long he laid there, it had to have been a long while. But before he knew it, a yell came from outside. Loud footsteps sounded in the distance. "Undead coming!" It took a few seconds for this to register. Delunos jumped up, grabbing the stone. It was the only way to kill them. He flipped open the tent, stepping out.

"Where?" He asked.

"Coming quickly towards the camp, they saw me, sir."

"Don't worry."

Fooser hadn't gotten back for the fight. It was long and frantic. The undead were scattered all over the perimeter of the camp, some even came in directly to attack. The stone was used so many times that day. None were spared from it's effects. They had all used it to repel the attack.


Fooser had gone to sleep in his tent early. He walked about nearly all day. He was both sad and happy he missed the fighting. He slept well, surprisingly, considering the circumstances. The next day, clouds moved in, but luckily no rain, yet. It seemed dark outside when he woke up, never a thing to put him in a good mood. He yawned, stretching lazily. He kneeled, and opened the small covering of the tent to look out.

He flapped it back shut the exact same moment he opened it. Outside, were dozens and dozens of undead. All wearing uniforms and armor he recognized. He struggled to put all his things into a small bag, grabbing his weapon, attaching it to his side. He carried the bag on his arm, opening the covering again. He carefully moved about to avoid being noticed. Delunos' tent was his next destination. He slipped from behind one, to behind a tree, back behind another tent, making his way there. He peeked inside, always checking behind himself, to make sure nothing was coming. He slipped inside, sighing in relief to see Delunos wasn't there. The stone was quite visible though. He grabbed it, putting it into his bag, though his possessions overflowed and some dropped onto the ground. He ran back out of the tent, running as fast and quietly as he could into the swamp, trying not to get noticed.

Delunos came back a short while later, walking right towards his tent, not talking to any of the minions around him. He stepped inside, his boney fingers and toes nearly ripped the tent as he moved inside of it. His eyeless gaze went to the ground where the stone was. Nothing remains there but empty space. He moved closer, examining the spot. He slowly moved his fleshless hand to the ground, picking up a small sibanac leaf from the ground. He lifts it up to face level, looking at it. He grinded his teeth, crumpling the leaf tighly in his grasp, letting the pieces slowly fall back to the floor.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:42 am
by Feraiden
The sun comes in through a small window timidly. Feraiden rolls out of a rustic looking bed. It appears to be uncomfortbale, but probably seems like a palace compared to sleeping on the ground. Outside of the small house, he can hear the sounds of people moving about quickly, shouting orders and carrying items. He stretches his arms slowly, looking down at the pouch on the table. A shiver goes up through his spine, and he looks away, towards the door.

The door opens easily, creaking the entire way. He peeks out onto the wide dirt streets of the small town. Paladins, both human and lizard scurry about collecting all of their things. Feraiden steps out curiously, looking for their captain. He spots him yelling various things at the men going by.

"What's going on?" The human merely points in the opposite direction. Feraiden turns around slowly, like someone who is still waking up. His eyes widen as he spots a large wall of mist and fog coming, all the way across the horizon, and coming quickly. "Wha..."

"They can move out now." The captain says coldly.


"That no longer matters, now does it? What matters is what we do about it. There's a small abandoned fort that was used to protect this town, it's got a moat around it, and defenses, we should go there at least."

Feraiden nods slightly. "Aye, would be best."

The priest runs back into the small home, grabbing the pouch, and running back out quickly, his feet shuffle along the dirt as he, and all the rest leave the town to nothing, as it was before.

Silence comes back to the gloomy town. Houses and taverns remain empty, though in decent condition. The fog and mist comes closer and closer, until it is on the very edge of the town. It creeps along the road like a theif in the night, inch by inch through the town and all the surrounding landscape. As the mist passes by a house, it's good upkeep turns into a broken shack. Normal windows acquire holes and cracks. Sturdy stone and wooden walls gain large holes and weak spots. Debree lines the previously clean street as the fog moves through, without a single use of force.

It continues on towards the fort.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:10 am
by Feraiden
"There's no weapons here." The captain says bluntly, looking at the priest. "We can't stay, it's useless."

"So we keep running? Have them follow us to the ends of the land?"

The captain sighs, looking at the largely emptied fort they stand in. The fog can be seen quickly approaching, though still a decent distance away. The fort is made of mostly wood, with some stone wall parts as well. A moat goes around the perimeter, with a small wooden bridge leading to the main gate.

"No, we can't keep running, but what will we do here?" He asks, desperately.

"I'll think of something." The priest says, bowing his head a little.

"Oh, that's reassuring." The captain begins to walk away, before being stopped by more of Feraiden's words.

"We have to hold them here." The captain turns around slowly, obviously not liking this idea. "We need to fight them, we need to buy time."

"With what? The weapons were taken when the last people left. We lost most of ours in the marsh..."

"What kind of defense does this fort have?"

The captain groans a little. "A couple of very small siege weapons on the wall. A gate, with one of those things that can pour oil down, except there's nothing in it." He raises a brow.

"Use them. Put whatever you can in them. Something that will delay the undead." Feraiden says, also desperately.

After a few moments of blinking and peering around, the captain sighs. "You heard the man, do what you can." The soldiers and paladins run around in all directions, gathering things, moving up along the wall.

They move up onto the wall, over the gate, shoveling dirt and mud into the large bowl above the gate, because they have nothing else. Feraiden runs up behind them, he looks out onto the fog that is very close now. He watches it closely, narrowing his eyes.

"It stopped moving..."

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:23 am
by Fooser
The wind grows stronger and stronger as the day moves along. Delunos stands amongst the fog, looking up at the small fort in front of him, and all of his minions. The wind makes his hat flap around violently, though he doesn't seem to concerned that it will blow off.

The skeletons begin to move forward quickly, but Delunos quickly tells them to hold.

"No...I want this priest...alive." He says, still looking up at the fort, wondering what they could be doing inside. "Move in, but be careful. If anything happens to him..."

The skeletons resume moving forward, crossing the bridge over the moat, making their way to the gate. Fooser steps up next to Delunos watching.


Delunos turns, and pushes the lizard back a little. "Stay out of our way, and don't do anything foolish, aye?"

"Of course.."

Delunos moves up closer behind the other undead, standing on top of the bridge, Fooser at his side.

"Kill all the others!"

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:57 am
by Feraiden
The undead ram against the gate violently, smashing their axes against the door, some get stuck, the rest get pulled out so that they can continue to hack. Feraiden peers over the side of the wall.

"Here they come!"

"Tilt it...come on!" Two humans begin to dump the large bowl above the gate. A large pile of dirt comes flying down onto the undead. The force even knocks a few down, causing the rest to stop and panic.

"Break it down!" A voice shouts from within the fog. The skeletons spin around and continue to hack away at the wooden gate. "Fire!" Another line of skeletons shoot poorly made arrows up at the wall of the small fort. Feraiden jumps back as the barrage goes right by him.

"Launch the rest!" Another large clump of dirt gets sprayed out from above the wall, covering all the skeletons, confusing them some more. Delunos looks up, angered by this nonsense. He brushes dirt and dust off of his hat, continuing to shout on all the undead minions. Various items get thrown over the wall at the undead. A bucket comes over, landing on a skeletons head. It fumbles around for a few moments before realizing to take it off. The skeletons stop, looking at the bucket, then their gaze turns straight up to the sky, in wonder.

"We can't hold them like this!" The captain says inside the fort, dumping an empty barrel over the side of the wall.

"What can we do then?"

The captain drops a pile of random items he was about to throw over the edge, and walks over to the priest, grabbing a strong hold of him. "The undead always come until they get what they want...They want you priest. I think we should be throwin' you over." The captain looks back, completely furious and desperate.

"No." Feraiden says quickly, looking back at all the others with a nervous look. "Give me a moment. I'll divert them away...Please, trust me. I just have rope?"

The captain looks back, and raises an eye brow. He turns his head, keeping his eyes on the priest. "We have any rope?"

"Aye, sir."

"Bring it forth." He snatches it from a paladin's hand, giving it to the priest. Looking on as if he should be hurrying up.

"Be good, gentlemen." He grabs the rope, climbing even higher up onto the wall. He places the pouch securely into his pocket. He looks out, scanning the area in the front of the fort. He spots a large pole only a few feet out from the wall, and grins. He makes a knot in the rope, throwing it out at the pole. He misses a few times, but then gets it to hold. He tugs on the rope and the pole firmly, to make sure it is secure. He shuffles his feet on the wall nervously, while all the others watch.

After hesitating a few moments longer, he swings down from the top of the wall. He flies over all the undead at the gate, and lets go of the rope at the lowest point in its swing. He lands hard against the wooden bridge, a few feet behind Fooser and Delunos. They both swing around in the same manner, looking to see what the noise was from.

"Huh.." The dark haired human blinks a few times before registering what has happened. Feraiden gets up quickly, wincing at the pain from the fall. Delunos moves his hand to draw his sword, but not before Fooser pushes him with great force off the bridge, into the water of the moat. Fooser takes off after the priest, not looking back.

Delunos swings his arms about, struggling a bit in the water. He eventually climbs out of the moat, water dripping from his robe and his hat. He places it back on his head, making a squish noise. He slowly looks down to the stone that is currently in his hand. He brings it up to eye level, studying it closely. After a while, he turns, and launches it as hard as he can in the air, and begins to run full speed away from the fort.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:44 am
by Fooser
Just like that, both Fooser and Feraiden run back into the swamp, the last place they want to be. They begin to lose eachother inside of the thicker fog and trees. Feraiden pulls the stone out of his pocket, holding it tightly, knowing there are things out there trying to get him at all costs. He begins to shiver as he runs through the marsh, stepping in puddles, dodging thorny plants.

Fooser runs quickly, trying to see what is only a few feet in front of him. "Feraiden?" He ducks a branch quickly as he runs through. He begins to slow down, catching his breath, looking around helplessly. What could he do now? Both his friend, and the stone, were out of his sight.

"Ugh.." He spits out, hopelessly. Unidentifiable creatures continue to chirp and groan in the distance, he looks around, not even sure which direction to go now. He didn't know what to do.

Fooser leans forward, his hands against his knee, breathing heavily, hunched forward. His head tilts up as he hears footsteps coming in his direction from...somewhere. Feraiden is out there. Even knowing that, he knows in his stomach what it is. He draws his sword weakly, not even caring anymore. All this time...this place, just trying to get back to Sylveria and everyone else. The way he was before the temple.

The hat wearing figure finally emerges from the fog, his sword already drawn. He stands at the opposite side of the small opening in the swamp. Without saying anything he starts to charge forward, their swords clash, they swing them about frantically in a desperate struggle. Delunos swings, then kicks Fooser, pushing him back against a tree. He swings again, but Fooser ducks and the undeads sword strikes the tree instead. "Err.."

Fooser begins to run through the swamp again, carrying the increasingly heavy sword in his hand. Hard steps follow right behind him. He turns around quickly, blocking another swing, while making one of his own, slashing Delunos across the back. He flinches, but is unharmed by the physical attack.

The lizard stumbles along, losing energy and will to keep fighting off the maniac following him. He pushes his sword forward to block, using minimal effort. The blows keep coming, over and over. Fooser turns to jog away again, going faster and faster. After a while of running, he turns around again quickly, pushing Delunos to the side a little so that he runs into a tree. The human hits the tree, then spins around, continuing the chase.

Fooser turns one last time, taking steps backward, blocking sword attacks over and over. Eventually Delunos thrusts forward. The sword goes right through Fooser's midsection. He let's out a breathless gasp. Delunos grins, with an insane look in his eyes. He waits for the lizard to fall over. Each passing moment his grin begins to fade, and he tilts his head a little. Fooser looks down at the sword that has gone through him. He lifts up his thick shirt to reveal bones and rotted flesh, where Azuros' healing didn't quite make it before he was interrupted. Delunos' mouth drops as he looks down. He then smiles a little and looks back up into the lizards eyes. "Had a run in with dark followers, have we?" Fooser moves his hand back, and backslaps the human with his claws, sharp cut marks go across the humans face. He growls as Fooser pushes him away, the sword comes free quickly, and he runs again.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:08 am
by Fooser
A contrast...that's what love really is. The ultimate contrast...

Pendar, his head was down, he didn't know what to do...He did almost everything he could...and Caitlin, after that--...

The bottle of poison next to him..

The cries of the dead coming from Trollsbane. A daily reminder of their victory, and our imminent defeat. There was no hope left.

"Sylveria...uhm...I uh..." The lizard was the most awkward person in moments like that.

"Uhm...How are you?"

The elfess smiled back, the usual reply for good. He liked that. The times when she could get the point across in a single instant. She couldn't speak, but she was even faster than words in those situation. But he always felt horrible when he just couldn't understand.


The elfess would look back with patience, as always. How did she do that?

"Done anything interesting?"

She would usually shake her head. She always thought she didn't do anything worth mentioning, though Fooser would give up everything he had just to hear about her days and her thoughts more completely.

After studdering over it for days, he finally came out with it. Something he would never regret.

"I...uh...I love you."

She didn't say anything at first, she was speechless...well, she always was. But now she was...motionless?

He knew it well, failure, rejection, then to smoking more leaves. Why not, right?

"If you say no, I understand."

But something happened. He spoke...too soon? She quickly embraced him, kissing him lightly over and over. The greatest moment of his life? They stood there in an embrace, with dark clouds looming over Trollsbane on the horizon. The ultimate contrast.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:35 am
by Fooser
The two figures clashed and tangled through the fog, swinging their swords, sometimes blindly, while they looked down, trying no to trip on rocks and ditches. They slow down to a stop, side stepping in a circle, pointing their swords at eachother.

"What now, Fooser? Two partially healed, both wantin' the same thing, and only one can get it."

"You're no longer the man I knew, hush!" The lizard swings horizontally, the human jumps back, laughing lightly. "Just give me the stone like you said...and I'll let ya BOTH live, aye?"

"No, it's too late for that. This has to stop. The old Delunos would agree."

"Pfft." Delunos swings low, trying to aim at Fooser's legs, but he jumps up and backwards before the sword makes it to him. He turns nad starts to run again. He spots another clearing in the swamp. He moves swiftly through the damp environment. The ruins of an old lizard temple become clearer as he gets closer. He runs towards it, hopping up onto a stone step, Delunos right behind him. He swings down at the human who tries to climb the stairs as well. The temple is nearly destroyed except a single wall. Stairs lead up to a walkway along the wall. In the center is a small stone pedistal. The stone is nearly a perfect shade of white, despite the dirty environment in which is lays.

Delunos continues to swing hard and fast. The lizard has no time or energy to do anything except block. They move along the top of the wall, swinging back and forth. Fooser looks out of the corner of his eye and smiles. He turns abruptly from the sword fight, Delunos stops for a moment as well.

Delunos' eyes get a look of pure fear as he leaps down from the wall. He kneels to absorb some of the fall. He jumps back up, swinging his sword high into the air, but he freezes there, looking straight ahead. All he see's is a hammer held up high, and it comes down onto the stone on the pedistal, shattering pieces off, cracking it into many parts. The human looks at the priest, almost in shock. He lets out an ever-so-slight nervous laugh. He quickly turns his head, looking back at the lizard, who in turn, looks down. All of the finders of the stone are in undead form.

"...Sorry." The lizard says softly to the human. Delunos drops his sword, as he slowly turns his head back to Feraiden. He blinks a few times before falling to his boney knees. He takes one last frantic look at the area around him before falling flat onto the ground. A pendant with the Lizardom symbol tumbles out of his hand, onto the stone floor.

Fooser bows his head a little. Feraiden looks up questioningly at the lizard.

"But're just like him?"

"I know, but I didn't use the damn thing. I...I think I'll be alright."

"I sense things have gotten better. Let's hope the old lady back at the village does too.."

"Aye." Fooser stumbles along the wall, walking back down the stairs. He puts his arms around Feraiden, to help him walk.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:56 am
by Fooser
"I did my part, time for you to finish yours." The lizard sits back, putting his feet up onto a wooden table. He leans back in a relaxing position, watching the old lady in the hut.

"Indeed...I will need to get some things." The old lady turns around and walks into her back room. Sounds of shuffling and moving can be heard.

"It's my fault." The lizard says. Feraiden tilts his head a little, as if asking. "They were good people, their deaths are my responsibility."

" one knew what was going to happen, it isn't your fault." The priest sighs a little. The old lady comes back out holding bottles, a net, and various other items.

"Alright then, lizard. See that barrel over there?" She points to a barrel, it is in very good condition considering everything around it...isn't.


"I'll need you to put this net over yourself. Then stick your arm through to hold onto this bottle."

"Alright...wait, what?" He raises an eyebrow. "What's the net and everything for?"

"Lizard, do you want help or not?" She nearly shouts, impatiently.

"Fine fine!" He throws his arms up in the air and awkwardly throws the net over himself. He reaches through to grab a bottle filled with blue liquid.

"Alright, then. Step inside the barrel, and squat down."

"Oh, this is ridiculous!"

The old ladies eyes widen with a threatening gaze. The lizard quickly backs down, moving towards the barrel quickly, lifting his feet up and stepping inside. He squats down, and the old lady comes over and closes the top, latching it. "Alright!" She shouts, a group of the humans from the village step inside, grabbing the barrel. Fooser hits against the side yelling.

"What are you doing?" Feraiden says, finally standing up.

"Don't worry, your friend is healed. We are just having some fun with him..."

Feraiden looks at the old lady, and then back to the door where they all exited from, he shrugs.

The villagers all hold onto the barrel, keeping the heavy weight lifted up into the air. They move quickly out of the marsh, the lizard tries to squirm out of the barrel, with no luck. The villagers get a running start, going across the dock and throwing the barrel into the water. It begins to float out to sea.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:12 am
by Fooser
The crew of the fishing boat scurry around, putting up the sails of the ship. The day is beautiful. The only clouds in the sky are thin white clouds, passing quickly by. The wind blows in just the right direction, they use as much of the wind as they can. The waves rock the boat around gently.

"Sails! Put up everything we got!" The captain shouts. The crew members climb up, others stay low working on the ship. The waves continue to hit strongly against the large ship.

The captain moves the wheel about in various direction, looking out to the horizon. "Amazing, isn't it..." He says softly to himself, getting interrupted just a moment later.


He jumps down from the top area quickly, due to the tone of the call. "What is it?"

"Cargo floatin' on the water sir!" He points to the side, a barrel bobs up and down with the water.

"Is that ours? Did another ship go down? Are we near a port?" The questions fly out of his mouth as he looks at it in wonder. "Rope it in ya useless hags!"

The crew members throw out a large net, to sweep up the barrel in the water. They rope it up and begin to pull it on board. It comes up over the side, rolling along the deck, until the crew finally stop it from rolling about. They all stand around it, looking in wonder.

"Doesn't look like ours." A crewmember says, blinking quickly.


The silence last for a few seconds longer before a sword slices through the wood of the barrel, they all jump back in shock. The figure inside wiggles the sword around, cracking the wood to weaken it. The sword slides back inside, then a fist comes out, finishing the large hole. Fooser squirms out onto the deck, still inside of the net. He wiggles around, then starts to stand up. He hops up and down, knawing and twisting his arms until it slides off.

He brushes himself off before slowly looking up. His eyes move back and forth, realizing there are about thirty pairs looking back at him. He turns around, jumping onto the side quickly, looking down at all the crew members.

"Don't mind me, gentlemen...carry on." He turns again and jumps head first into the water.

The entire crew quickly runs over to the side, looking out at the splash caused by the impact. They stand there silently for a while, before the silence is finally broken.

"So that's where lizards come from."

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:01 am
by Sylveria
. . .

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:26 am
by Sylveria
. . .

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:07 am
by Sylveria
. . .

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:43 am
by Sylveria
--//even as she springs awake and hastily rubs away the raindrop on her cheek. The elfess sat up and looked around. There were noises surrounding her, but it was only the tapping voices of water droplets, sounding as each one hit a leaf on a branch, a branch on a tree. Sylveria had a feeling as if she could almost hear the imp of a distant dream world snickering at her from behind one of the nearby trees, and then vanishing into an unseen hole. Feeling uneasy in the calm of a forest was a very foreign and uncomfortable feeling for the young elfess, and she glanced around her bedding of moss as if to check that her few belongings had not been taken.

Sylveria sits against the trunk of the tree above her and tucks her knees to her chin. She hugs them with an anxious frown and bows her forehead to her knees. Some food lies parceled in her bag, but it has remained mostly untouched for days. The elfess sits, unsettled, but hardly moving for a long while. Another morning rain dawns over another restless night.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:54 am
by Sylveria
In the last few weeks, Sylveria had taken to wandering the island. Originally she would often be found on the library balcony, her quieter and favorite roost in the busy Trollsbane. But besides the company of the books she loved, there was truly only one other reason why she ever frequented the town, and that reason was now somewhere on the island, most likely in dark and frightful places that she could never even imagine visiting, and most certainly somewhere that she did not know.

She had wandered the streets a bit restlessly for a while, one side of town to the other, avoiding the fearful force as much as possible, but soon it felt oppressing and nearly claustrophobic to remain any longer. The citizens themselves were few in the unworried number, and it would only be dangerous to remain any longer.

Sylveria gathered her things one day and left the library that had even lost much of its comfort in the troubled town. She headed through the south gate and wandered mostly without aim once outside the bleak stone walls, sometimes threading along the travel-worn roads, and sometimes veering off with hardly a notice.

After all, it was difficult to find any answers to questions. The few in town that she had politely tried to ask either knew hardly as much as herself, or only stared at her worried gestures, shook their heads slowly, and turned away from the voiceless elf. There was nothing to be found on where Fooser could be at the moment, or even what he could be.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:12 am
by Fooser

The lizard swam all the way up to the sand on the beach, rather than standing up in the shallow water. He motions his arms to swim while on top of the sand, and then lays there tiredly, like a beached whale. He groans loudly, cracking his bones and trying to get out cramps. "Uuuummmmhhhh."

"Yeah, there we go....oooooh." He sighs a little, finally standing up. He looks around...yup, the right place alright. He spots the southern forest up ahead, beyond the beach and a stretch of grass. It almost feels weird not having undead on his trail for once.

He stumbles along, dragging his feet along in the sand, making a long line trailing behind him. The waves crash gently against the shore. He enters the edge of the forest, looking around in all directions, the sound of birds is quite apparent. His stomach growls loudly, he clutches it, realizing he hasn't eaten much in days. "Gotta be something around here..."

Water drips off his wet clothes as he continues to hobble deeper into the forest. He tilts his head as a strange sound reaches his ears. He stands silent for a few moments in wonder at this. He creeps forward, the sound gets louder and louder. He takes a peek through a few trees to see a goblin sitting motionlessly on a broken tree trunk that is shaped almost like a chair. It snores loudly, even going beyond the sound of birds and other creatures. It snores and weezes consistently as it sleeps.

Rather than looking into this further, Fooser spots a couple apples and a half filled bottle near the goblins feet, and starts to creep towards it.

His foot snaps a branch on the ground, and he winces quickly, but looks and sees the goblin didn't even notice. He takes a few more cautious steps forward until he is right in front of the goblin. He leans forward, sniffing the creature, putting his snout right up to his face, this doesn't seem to wake the goblin either. Fooser starts to turn towards the food, before spinning back, "Graaagh!" He says sharply, throwing his claws up in the air and wiggling them. The goblin still snores, Fooser shrugs and grabs the apples and the bottle, and goes back into the forest.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:13 am
by Fooser
"Who would've guesses?! Goblins with Ale, absolutely fascinating...Wonder where he got it from...probably snuck into a damn dwarves bag---" The lizard comes out into the open, tripping over a large vine, falling right onto the ground, he moans a little more. He slowly gets up, cracking his back. He looks at the elf, and immediately drops the ale onto the ground, it splashes against the dirt and rocks.

"Sylveria.." He runs at her quickly, giving her a full embrace, tighter than any one he ever gave her before. The lady he wanted to spend forever with. But forever was a different thing for both of them. He reached in to kiss her, but came to the cold realiztion that he couldn't kiss her easily with a snout in the way. He frowned for just a slight second, before smiling again at her.

"I'm...I'm ok, Syl. I'm glad you are too.." He squeezes her again. He notices his tail, more than usual. The new realization comes over him, she hasn't seen him since he was an elf. He is a lizard again. Just an animal in her eyes probably. Not to mention a killer, a theif, a bad man. None could really be considered lies. How? How could such a beautiful, innocent, wonderful lady ever give such feeling for him? What did he ever do to deserve this? And what bad had she done to deserve this?

I can make you an elf...But there's no reason you'd be wantin' that now would ya?

"Syl, we need to talk..." The frown begins to reappear as it had before. "Sylveria, you are wonderful. That's why we can't love eachother anymore. You deserve more than this, more than something with a tail, and a snout, and claws. Someone you can kiss whenever you want, go in whatever direction you want to with. That isn't me. Being an elf...was a glimpse into perfection, but it was a lie." It all flows out smoother than any hard conversation they have had in the past.

"These have been the most wonderful times I've ever had, you saved my life, Sylveria...but...I.." He starts to take slow steps backwards. "I--can't---I..." He turns around, nearly kicking what's left of the ale bottle, moving back into the forest, his torn robe flaps behind him.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:02 am
by Sylveria
Sylveria stands motionless, feeling as if the breath had been granted to her lifeless body, only to be seized and torn away again. It happened in an instant. If it had not been for the leap in her heart and the small drops of water left from hugging the damp Fooser, she would have believed it to be a hallucination. But as the dripping ale bottle rolls to a stop, the swish of a lizard's tail end disappears from her sight through the trees, and presumably for good. After nearly hours, Sylveria finally turns and walks into the dimmer depths of the forest, tears tumbling from her verdant eyes. Fooser's last words throb through her heart as loudly as echoes in an empty cavern, and slowly they vanish with her into the deep woods.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:08 am
by Fooser
The dream was over.

Fooser made another trip up the stairs of the library. This one is different from all the others though. It was empty and alone. Does he regret? Of course. Was that the right thing to do? Maybe.

He opens the wooden door lightly, looking out onto the balcony they sat on so many times. He looks out over the roof of the shop onto the horizon, as the sun sets.

"That's a sunset I've been waiting to see for a while.." He says, almost inspirationally.

He sits down, his eyes glued to the sunset. He movesh is hand along the grains of the wooden table, where Sylveria rested her head, where they held hands, where they put their bags. He hums a small song.

~Why must I hold on..

He puts his feet up onto the table, lighting a pipe. A small puff goes out into the air as the sun blasts right into his eyes.

~To a feeling that is gone.