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Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:09 am
by Athian
Well then Gorge come get me and bring your axe. i'll be happy to shove your little threats down your throat and send your burned carcass back to your cave for you. But i know you won't, you'll blame it on the fact that i know magic and cry about it being unfair. if you can't stand on your own feet then don't speak for all your people. As i said we've got no designs on your land merely to finish construction on the first. but anytime you feel that you've got what it takes to come and silence me please do. it's not a threat it's a promise. you attack myself or anyone with me, and it's not going to matter how many of your 'brothers' i have to go through, i will come for you. laugh if you want. but if you think your strong and so important within your own circle go on and start up my own personal orc roast. i'll be waiting

Athian Corulas

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:01 am
by Lysu Davanum
Athian Corulas wrote:Lysu:

If your still planning on being active within the reconstruction of Vashikar i suggest you get your pointy earred Arse back ine the light so what we can get some work done.

Athian, if you ever dare to speak to me like this again, be assured, I will do anything to stop you from gaining even an inch of power.

~Lysu Davanum~
Priest of Brágon

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:56 am
by Quinasa
This is pointless bickering. We are working on rebuilding a land of peace and all you can do is argue and insult eachother. All of you grow up, nothing here is about a single one person but about everyone as a whole. How can the people count on any of you to help them when you're too busy fighting with eachother? I don't mean to offend anyone here, but please stay on track and do not spoil this important information with selfish bickering that can all be taken care of by dove or in person. Thank you.

-s- Quinasa

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:51 am
by Alexandra

I offer my sincerest apologises on behalf of Athian, and his brash manners, but then it is difficult to write words suitable to Elven eyes and time consuming, and Athian is easily frustrated. I hope you can over look this one of lapse in manners .


I totally agree, I'm not here to fight I have one job to do, and it is being hindered by this needless fighting.


What part of we are not trying to steal your land is not getting through to your brain through your thick green skull? We have no intencion of remaining there for a long period of time, just untill Arist returns, and if that is not soon, we will hand over power to a suitable Concubis candidate.
Veralion still has a say in what goes on, but if he left, I doubt he would consult the concubis as to who was going to take his place in charge, and months of war? If I remember correctly, three bloodskulls were involved in the battles of Notherot, it was mostly town guard, who then handed power over to you, then you agreed to share power with the Concubis, after you realised you were too stupid to rebuild the land yourselves.

Alexandra Corulas,
Ambassador of Varshikar

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:02 pm
by Athian
I may have spoken a bit to vulgarly Lysu for that i'll apologize. though i see not why i should waste such effort on someone who basically abandoned there position because they didn't approve a single ambassador, if your going to do a job then you do the job, not cry over tiny points of policy you'd probably hardly ever have to deal with. what respect do i owe such a person. none, it's that simple. As to doing anything in your power to see that i gain none. frankly i'm shaking Lysu with uncontrolable fear. sadly it's near impossible to write sarcasm but i'm sure you get my point.
I am trying to make this clear as Alexandra kindly stated. I'm not one for this kind of long term job, i want to finish the work and leave. You want to be king then do it i don't care i have no large scale designs on the land what power do i have to gain from a kingdom? I don't like others fighting my battle in the first place, real power comes in freedom not in politic's so if you want to out me so very badly stop rubbing your ego and come help out, the sooner you do the sooner i'm gone. and that is what you want isn't it. think about that alittle while oh reputant one. My wife is kind enuogh to be polite but i however am not a king and i will continue to speak very bluntly. it seems to be the only way to get the points across.

Very simply so no one misses a beat:

I intend to stay on in the very least until all materials and currancy have been gathered.

I will defend the workers or those who choose to help this fact with my own life need be. that is from anyone regardless of there politic position or what not.

When Arist returns i'll gladly leave things back in his hands or if in fact i can contact him by dove we will find another more suitable for temporary kingship then I.

My brother did not put my in charge for my manners and tact. In all frankness i'm no king, i'm a very mean guard dog and i'll do what is needed to be sure that work continues as quickly as possible and is not disturbed. Leave the politic's up to my lady for the time being. i'd much rather be out working and gathering for the cause like a real person then sitting on a high chair spouting orders. but until that time comes i guess i'll be doing both. as i said it's up to people like you Lysu who can be of 'negotiable' amounts of value to see that i disappear.

Athian Corulas

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:06 pm
by Lysu Davanum
I'm sorry dear Athian, but I just find dwarf Dolgan a brat. And since Fooser seems to have things in hand, let him handle it, not an elf with pointy eared arse, mind you.
Anyhow, thank you for your apology. It fell in good earth. Blessed be your tries up north, but I feel I'll be of little use.

~Lysu Davanum~
Priest of Brágon

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:05 pm
by GorgeBloodstench
Alex yoo stoopid idiot. Yoo so dum! Yoo dink me nub understand what yoos trying to dos?

And yoo athian, yoo be as fat as yoos piggy 'fee-antce' and yoo so dum too.

Yoo both nub get it! Skulls nub want yoos taking our lands.

We go to war if we gots to. We love war anyway.

Yoo both be stoopid and not knowing anything. We take back the land that is ours if yoo nub give it to us. We us force if gots to.

Mark me words: Yoo will regret threatening skulls!!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:33 pm
by Alexandra
Gorge you threatned us first. Don't be so bloody stupid, you can't rebuild the area with out outside help, and no one will give that to you if you don't cooperate with the people you chose to willingly share the land with.


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:37 pm
by GorgeBloodstench
yoo dummer dan me thought!

Yoo as stoopid as da ogres! Trollls be more smarter dan yoos!

We don't want to rebuild da city! Yoos idiot!

We want it left like dat. We guard da tomb ourselves.

Bah, stoopid ogres. I mean humans.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:28 am
by Fooser
The situation with the origional leaders changed many months ago, it amazes me how it can take that long for someone to notice this, and then say they are better equipped to do things. The bloodskulls still have their cave, they are still the tomb guards. What exactly is the problem here?


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:55 am
by GorgeBloodstench
Athian is da problem
Everybody hates him. Nub orcs like him. Fact, nub many peoples like him.

Especially wif him in 'control' he dinks with da land. He never even became king, and Vera, the last remaining leader, nub want him by side. If athian nub leave, he cause war.

War wif everybody too. Nub jus' da stoopid 'varshikar' but wif da town too.

Nub want dat on conscience, now do ya Athian?

Gorge begins writing very big now:

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:04 am
by Fooser
It appears you did a good enough job of that yourselves, even without a declared war. Walking in, killing whoever you wish, I'm sure everyone down south is aware of your routines by now. I suggest anyone in the south consider the rantings of an obviously desperate group who will lash out at everyone.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:47 pm
by Lysu Davanum
Athian is fully qualified to lead the land till his brother shows up. He does not want to be the total ruler, not now, not in the future.
I plead to the skulls to leave Varshikar alone. I do not think they realise what an ally it can be, and how much prosperity it can bring. I mean, orcs, you must feel better with a full belly, and much more food and goodies in sight, then constantly hunt and hunt, for a little bird leg maybe. Just an insight.

~Lysu Davanum~
Priest of Brágon

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:50 pm
by Athian
Thank you Lysu it appreicate your words and the fact that you grasp what i have repeated over and over. Gorge until you lead the Skulls i won't even consider listening to you. be it your the only one making such a fuss. if the others have something they want to say then have them say it, don't speak for them. further more your hiding behind these boards to lay insults. stop being such a coward, you want to take me down then come do it, but your embarassing your Clan with your idiocy.
you may be right you may be wrong. This project may very well not reach fruition however until Arist returns or until he contacts me himself and we have a chance to dicuss matters everything will continue operating and progressing. So stop all your ranting, the only one who seems to want to fight is you. but as i said the work will continue peacefully unless someone gives reason for it to be otherwise. now please stop ruining our parchements with your writings if you have anything else to say send it by dove and i'll be sure to listen.

Athian Corulas

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:35 pm
by GorgeBloodstench
Me nub half da idiot yoo is Athian. Yoo dink me just making dis up? It nub like Chief nub want me to tell yoo dis. In fact, if he had it his way, he'd nub be allowed to write on da paper no more cuz he'd say so much stuffs bout yoos.

Anyways we nub want varshikar to exist.

So yoo can go aways. It nub yoos place to say yoo wantin' stay, cuz it nub yoos land. it ours. we own it still.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:31 am
by GorgeBloodstench
Athian was slain by da skulls.

Yoo paid price! Har har!

Now leaves da land before everyone yoo know, Athian, dies.

Grutok and Grum, much Danks!

we going have feast of ham for dem!


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:21 am
by Athian
Quite correct. I shouldn't have bothered trying to talk before fighting. only wish i'd gotten those to frist. pretty sneaky and underhanded, my aplause. sometimes i forget the Skulls lost there honor a long time ago. Are you sure Veralion still leads you all? i don't think i've seen him resort to such things before. either way good victory. congratulations. your a credit to your race. i'll be sure to take you more seriously next time. Don't be a stranger now. hope to see you very soon.

Athian Corulas

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:17 am
by Grutok Corad
Quit your wineing bout' beeing underhanded, it be yer fault yub walked ons Skull land wif nub renforcements and wub yub expect dat it be one orc and yub wen wub is on our land yous be very stupid ifen yub tinken dat. Now yub knows wub happens when yub truspasses and dis not jus to yub but to all wub tinks day can do it and ifen day nub believen mes den trys it.

signed in Athains blood off my axe

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:25 am
by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
Gorge and others,

I understand that the skulls owned this land for a very long time, look how it turned out, but they no longer own it by themselves. If you continue to ambush people like athian I think a few of us will have to fix this annoying problem. I ask you to quit pestering us and try to either help or get the hell out of our way. Maybe, this will turn out to be helpfull to your kind. Maybe, it won't. But I think I speak for at least a better portion of us that we -are- here and -we- won't be the ones leaving.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:32 am
by Grutok Corad
HARHARHAR!!! In case yub didnt knows da skulls have been arround longer dan dis so called community and if it wasnt for da skulls yub woudl not of hads dis land. Let me refrest yubs memory yub is building on ours land and wes wants yubs to stop me nub cares hows many tinks its for da better yubs are oomies not skulls and wes be tellin yub to get da hell off our land or yub will be forced to.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:05 pm
by GorgeBloodstench
Gorge walks by the board, recognizing the orcish writing, but since he cannot write, he is not able to reply.

Instead he puts a muddy hoove print over Rand's post in anger...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:38 am
by Varshikar
Small changes in the resource count.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:17 am
by GorgeBloodstench

We said dat da skulls have say in what goin' on, but yoo nub tell us anytin', and we nub get to make any decisions.

It look like yoos doing it all without us.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:34 am
by Alexandra
Oh I'm sorry Gorge, you must have forgotten. I'll remind you then.
You both be dumies! You dink dat we goin' to let yoo steal ours lands that we got from months of war? We Won' let you take our lands!

We agree to da four leaders long times ago. Now it be 2 leaders. We nub agreed do dat!

We skulls takes it all back now!

Yoo can leave right now and go make yoos own towns somewhere else.

Dis be our land. Nub yours.

Yoo nub can have it. All skulls will eat yoo ups if yoo try take it from us!

Yoo both nub get it! Skulls nub want yoos taking our lands.

We go to war if we gots to. We love war anyway.

Yoo both be stoopid and not knowing anything. We take back the land that is ours if yoo nub give it to us. We us force if gots to.

We don't want to rebuild da city! Yoos idiot!

We want it left like dat. We guard da tomb ourselves.


Anyways we nub want varshikar to exist.
You declared war on us, YOU wanted to split with us. Of course we are not going to let you decide things anymore. Also with Athian's permission, I would like a state of War offically declared against the Bloodskulls, and for all Bloodskulls to be banned from entering land north of the stone boundries of Varshikar. Furthermore, any Bloodskull found in that area is to be sentanced to death, WITHOUT warning, and no trial.

Alexandra Corulas, Ambassador of Varshikar.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:40 am
by Brendan Mason
By excluding the Bloodskulls from the north, you sentance the people of Troll's Bane to a bloody death! Let them have their wretched squallor hole..fill it in with boulders if need be, but don't unleash them on us, the unsuspecting citizens of Troll's Bane, Greenbriar and Silverbrand.

A concerned citizen.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:42 am
by Fooser
Alexandra, everyone, I believe we got past this a day or two ago. Please everyone calm down, progress is being made, don't mess it up with outdated arguments and skirmishes. We have agreed to live peacefully with the skulls now, and to answer the origional question: There isn't really much to decide upon right now Gorge, just repairs to the outside buildings.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:46 am
by Alexandra
Quite frankly I refuse to trust them, my request stands.

As for Trollsbane, your guards are ment to be there to protect you, make them do thier job for a change.

Alexandra Corulas, Ambassador of Varshikar.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:50 am
by Fooser
Enough of this. Repairs could be starting very soon depending, and many of us have been waiting for this for a long time, if you want to fight with everyone, try it elsewhere.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:53 am
by GorgeBloodstench
Gorge nub liken what he seein'.

Look like yoos tryin' turn on us!

Me even donated to it. Me thought that we agreed dat skulls have say in what goin' on, but yoo nub let us do anything.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:02 am
by Fooser
Gorge, the outside buildings will hopefully be repaired soon. There isn't much to discuss, unless you object to it?
