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Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:28 am
by Dantagon Marescot
I have a few updates to make to the list. First off I should point out who our recent pages are. One being Bandor, who I wish to speak with within the coming days. The other is Bregor Ayun who will hopefully attend the next meeting so all can meet him.

Second I have remaining supplies from the building of the castle which I shall tally for the castle. The supplies are:
Bricks 200+
Boards of Cherry 75+
Boards of Conifer 100+
Boards of Naldor 26
Boards of Apple 12
Wool 40+
Blue Cloth 20+
Silversteel 1
Visor helmet 1
Steel Gloves 1
Steel Boots 1
White Cloth 1
Thread 12
Pins 4
Buckets 20
Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:58 pm
by Hawkmoon
The 71 shovels and the 122 remaining buckets is something I will have fixed until next meeting

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 4:30 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Many thanks Fred, your help is most definately apperciated. Artimer has agreed to donate 60 buckets to our cause along with various other items. I hope I can give tasks soon as soon as everyone makes note of what they ALREADY own and are willing to give.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:11 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
I will be unable to make the upcoming meeting. If you have any supplies you wish to give me, please send me a dove and we will decide a time to meet. I appologise for the inconvenience.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:19 am
by Dantagon Marescot
A list hangs from the front doors of the castle.
Silver 1672
Boards of Apple 138
Boards of Naldor 54
Naldor logs 240
Iron ingots 60
Stone Blocks 7084
Coarse Sand 2930 - Gregor is providing
Hammer 799
Saw 16
Chisel 1
Shovel 70
Pick-axe 24
Wooden Shovel 1
Tong 1
glassblowing pipe 1
Plane 1
Carving tool 1
Kiln dumper 1
Pins 161
Pins and Cutters 70
White Cloth 9
Long handles 3
Straw 100
Steel boots 1
Two-handed swords 1

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:20 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
A list hangs from the front doors of the castle.
Silver 1672
Iron ingots 60 -- Gregory is providing
Stone Blocks 6560
Hammer 799
Saw 16
Chisel 1
Pick-axe 24
Wooden Shovel 1
Tong 1
Plane 1
Carving tool 1
Kiln dumper 1
Pins 161 -- Gregory is providing
Pins and Cutters 70
White Cloth 9
Long handles 3
Straw 100
Steel greaves 1
Two-handed swords 1
All members of the knighthood are asked to gather 500 stone for the advancement of the castle.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:56 pm
by Bregor Ayun
Bregor pins a note to the door

Greetings Sirs. Does the meeting happen to be cancelled? its just me and two others who gathered here.

Page Bregor Ayun

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:35 am
by Dantagon Marescot
I apologize for missing the meeting. I did not have a chance to inform all of you, hopefully this will not happen next dwarven week. On the bright side, it is good to see that you have returned Bregor, you have been missed.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:26 am
by CJK
As some of you may have heard, I have returned.

After nearly six dwarven months abroad i have finally managed to arrive at Gobaith again.

Squire Jonathan Cain.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:12 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
I welcomed all those who have returned back into the knighthood. It is good it see all of you alive and well.

I would also like to note that we have been invited to partisipate in the competion of Irmorom and fight for the titles in carpentry, smithing, mining, and so on. I do believe the competion is already in progress so make haste.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:41 pm
by CJK
We only meet once every dwarven week, correct?


Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:08 am
by Bellringer
This is an Episcopal Bull issued against the Knighthood of Gobaith by Archbishop Anthony Carthusiana. The High Inquisitors and myself have found them to be an organisation consumed with sin, and a disgrace to their Lord Malachin. Their Leader is an self-advancing politician, who seeks to use the force he has gathered for personal gain and to overthrow established governments. The Knighthood themselves do not battle loyally and with honour, but instead prey on the weak. The Knights drink, and engage in all sorts of debauchery; indeed, their castle could be the very epicentre of sin on this isle! They have exchanged the metaphysical glories of their Lord for the material, setting their 'Knights' to building and gathering, rather than learning true devotion to the Lord of the Hunt. As such, I pass this interdict against them. It is henceforth an immoral and illicit action to join or belong to this Knighthood or any Knighthood begun unto 'Sir' Dantagon Marescott. Anyone enlisting within this Knighthood, or remaining within in it shall be considered in an irreparably grave state of sin, and as such shall be punished in the eyes of the Gods.

Consider this your chance of reprieve...Repent! Confess your sins to the Inquisitors, and they shall spare you your well-deserved fates!

In Eldan's Name,

Expleti Anthony Carthusiana, Archbishop of Troll's Bane

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:20 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Sir Archbishop Expleti Anthony Cathusiana,

We currently do not have an deticated alter. It is not deticated to Lord Malachin, therefore we can not disgrace him. However if you wish to hold a ceremony to deticate it in his name, feel welcomed.

As for your other accusations I seem to be at a loss. If there are specific members who have comited crimes against you or your goverment, I would apprechiate if you would tell me instead of derate my name. I am no god and can not watch my members all day long.

If you and the High Inquisitors have a problem with the knighthood, I would apprechiate if you would meet with me instead of raising false accusations to make yourselves feel good. If you have a problem with the fact that we haven't done much to help the isle as of late, then perhaps you should give us a task. I have found that any time we attempt to help someone it is rubbed in our faces and just like now, we are put out like a cow to slaughter.

I kindly ask that you reconsiter your impromptu and uncalled for slander.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior of Bragon
Loyal Citizen of Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:36 am
by Bellringer
Sir Dantagon,

What I have written has been written, and this bull shall not be withdrawn. By denying what I have written, in alliance to the Church of the Eleven and the Inquisitors they send, you deny the authority of the Gods and their earthen vessels. We speak the truth of the Gods, to deny it is to compound your sin, as you speak always and everywhere before your judges.
I shall reply no further, but the Inquisitors are ready to hear a confession from you should you will it. If you confess to your sins in all truth and ernesty, then they may be persuaded, by dint of that honest virtue, to be merciful upon you for your many and wicked vices. Should you deny them further, you invite the wrath of the Gods upon you.

In Eldan's Name,

A. Carthusiana, Archbishop of Troll's Bane

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:37 am
by Dantagon Marescot
It would help if someone who tell me who the inquisitors are and actually meet with me instead of create accusations.


Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:23 am
by The Knights of Gobaith
A list hangs from the front doors of the castle.
Silver 1672
Iron ingots 60 -- Gregory is providing
Stone Blocks 5560
Hammer 799
Saw 16
Chisel 1
Pick-axe 24
Wooden Shovel 1
Tong 1
Plane 1
Carving tool 1
Kiln dumper 1
Pins 161 -- Gregory is providing
Pins and Cutters 70
White Cloth 9
Long handles 3
Straw 100
Steel greaves 1
Two-handed swords 1
I would like to thanks all those who have contributed to the castle expansion who are not apart of the knighthood. We owe you much. For those who doubt what we do, I would like for them to know that this expansion shall provide a jail so that we can help track down criminals and jail them. Such a sinful exploit indeed. Along with the expansion we are putting in ovens so that food can be produced within the keep the next time a demon decides to lay siege to Trolls Bane and all the inhabitants have no where to go we have a place to cook the stock piled flour I was given a long time ago and can't seem to get rid of. I do believe the metaphysical can not fill a poor man's stomach.

As for Bandora. I am ashamed at the actions I have learned he has committed in Trolls Bane. He is hence forth being expelled from the knighthood. I refuse to keep a member of the temple in the knighthood. May he be tried in Trolls Bane as he should for he has disgraced his own name.

Finally I would like to admit to something about this Episcopal Bull. I would like to admit that it is exactly that. Bull shit, if I may be so blunt, slander put out by a false clergy under a false government who gained its power by suppressing their citizens. And if the citizens of Trolls Bane choose to leave it, then we shall listen to the voice of the people and do nothing to overthrow a government who decides to suppress the people's voice. If the people so choose to be preyed upon by their government and their church, then so we choose to let it be. For in my eyes, the true sin on this isle is to not be able to see past their own noses.

Moving on, I have to say I do enjoy writing this over a glass or two of wine. In fact, I hope you enjoy reading this over a good beer with friends. Some of the best conversations I have ever had were in the tavern at Trolls Bane over a good beer. Such debauchery indeed. So much sin do we commit here at Stoneridge. Why, I think no one else could top our sinfulness except, by the gods, a group once known as the blackstone cult. These days we refer to them as the temple, followers of Moshran the blood god. Now wait, why would inquisitors go after simple knights who are here for the people and not investigate the cult. From my understanding, members of the cult a hunted, persecuted, killed, on the mainland, and yet these inquisitors are willing to turn a blind eye. Why, little do they know that there are many temple members running around right under their noses.

If these people were truly high inquisitors, then they would seek to remove those who worship the blood god and not the knights who defend people from them. And if I have been told correctly, then these two high inquisitors are the same bandits who have been attacking citizens of Bane for no reason other than to accuse them of being false gods! I suggest that all knighthood members, citizens of the isle, and anyone with half a brain, avoid and ignore their jibberish. They may be powerful in battle, but they are no paladins in my eyes.

So high inquisitors I do challenge you! I challenge what you stand for and I challenge what you do. You have offended me and my honor and you have offended the isle with your blasphemy. If you are truly paladins who honor the gods, then you will do what is right and remove the temple and the followers of Moshran. If you so choose to continue to call my knighthood sinful and to slay me and my members in the streets like you would a pig, then you have no honor and you are no paladin of Malachin for you have lied and Malachin will judge you for it upon your death. May the wrath of your own god be upon you!

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior/Paladin of Bragon

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:47 pm
by Eyepatch
Your order, Dantagon Marescot, is weak. Too often I have seen members of this Order throw aside justice, honor, and courage, for self gain. Members of this knighthood do not receive vigorous treatment in the teaching of such ideals every knight should carry. What is a knighthood if their first and foremost message is not their ideals and beliefs? This Order spends more time focusing on having its members gather resources, and train their strength of body instead of training their strength of mind. Your order has too many members who would rather seek fights instead of justice, I have seen this many times with my own eyes. You do not take care in the choosing of your members, nor do you take care in their molding of knighthood. You claim you cant keep watch over all your members, that is mockery of a knighthood. No such order should ever take in warriors they cannot observe the actions and progress of, it is simple foolishness. Such is the actions of an order that wishes power in numbers, which would indeed be a mockery of a Knighthood.

A warrior of Bragon? Never have I seen a warrior of Bragon without his strength of heart. Complaining and whining of his under appreciation from the rest of the isle when he does not receive praise and glory for attempting to do justice. You do not have the courage of a Warrior of Bragon. Do not hide behind the idea of your under appreciation for being an excuse to not act.

Lecturing anyone on inaction of the temple group, is seemingly not your place. You have treaties and alliances with Trollsbane, when there are clear members of the temple group in powerful positions. We have no blind eyes, nor biased eyes at that.

Our goal is not to destroy your knighthood. Our goal is to ensure the followers of their Gods do not falter. We are here to remind those people of their faults and their original paths. You chose a very righteous path as to watch over the whole of Gobaith, every inhabitant of every settlement. If you take this chance to re-instill Bragons courage into your heart, there shall be no harm. So go, act against this Temple group you clearly despise so. Reform you're knighthood, testing the courage of heart and strength of courage in each member. It matters not to us, we only wish to see true followers of the Gods, actions speak the loudest. If not, and you continue your mockery of a Knighthood the way it is then you will receive a very short visit from us.

Be glad this time, those who have faltered have been notified. There shall be no more discussion of this matter from us, so expect no responses to what you may continue to write. If you wish to take action, we will be watching.

~A Saurian~

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:58 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
If we are to attack the temple then we would have to overthrow an established goverment. I do believe that is on the list of things we have been accused of planning.

Note that I am but one man who seems to have to run an entire knighthood. Remember that. If you wish to help me and teach what few members I have it would be apprechiated. If you wish to give me a hand and help do what others will not, then I will accept it. If you instead wish to tell me how to run the knighthood and offer no help, then I ask you to stay out of our buisness for it is none of yours.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:19 pm
by CJK
What Sir Marescot says rings true. If you believe we are but hereticts with no more than self glorification in mind, than why do you decide to leave it to us to discover the truths of how to reform? It is as if you told a man with a broken leg to walk it off. You say we do nothing but sit around and drink. I say that that is foolish, for you are making a biased cliam that all of one knighthood does the same thing. I for one never drink. You say we engage in debauchery, but have no proof to back this for you can't name what it is. You say we only collect materiels, when we truly do so so that we may better the isle by arresting wanted criminals.

I hearby swear to stand by the side of Sir Dantagon Marescot in this matter. And I say the rest of the knighthood should open their eyes and join us.

Squire Jonathan Cain,
Officer of the Riverside Grovestriders,
Paladin of Bragon,
Guard of Troll's Bane,
Personal Assistant to Archduchess Joxia Doral,
Man-at-Arms of Riverside.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:19 am
by Dantagon Marescot
I hereby invite the inqusitors to the next knighthood meeting ((this Wendsday at 4 est, 10 in Germany)). Their weapons are to remain sheathed the entire time and they are not to act as if they own the place. They are guests and are expected to act like them. We are willing to discuss their claims being as the claims were made without actually getting to know the knighthood. May they put their exociliptal bull shit where their mouth is.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:25 pm
by Bellringer
Sir Dantagon,

While we are glad to have been invited as guests, it puts upon you the pressure to act as a host. As a host you are expected to act politely to your guests, on the assumption that they shall act in a similar manner to your own. As such, I must ask that you remove references like 'act as if they own the place' and 'exociliptal bull s**t' from the message, lest they become offended and as such view you as an aggressive party, rather than a host. I may be attending.

In Eldan's Name,

Expleti A. Carthusiana, Archbishop of Troll's Bane

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:58 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Keep your nose out of others buisness, Archbishop. You have offended enough people. You are no respectible priest and will not be welcomed.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:24 pm
by Hawkmoon
I say you take those words back Sir Marescot and let them all come in peace and speak for themself. We are not to create hostility but to prevent hostility.

Consider your last parchment and think of the words we have spread to Trolls Bane and Silverbrand while they were at war. Talk - don't fight. You are goiing the same way as they did - and you take the knighthood with you.

Let them come in peace and discuss with us - nothing can be worse just by talking after all.

I have talked to them myself the other day. I may not agree in all they said but it clear some things up and I believe a meeting would be good for all parties.

Frederick Hawkmoon

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:38 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Very well, the priest shall be allowed to attend. But know that I do not apprechiate how he has mudded our name. The inqusitors have every right to be miss informed about our deeds because they are not from the isle. The archbishop on the other hand, well, I do not apprechiate his slanderous words towards our knighthood. He shall be welcomed as a guest, but is expected to keep such claims quiet.

I also will make this clear now. Neither side is to draw their weapons except in self defence or training. Anyone in the knighthood who draws their weapons against the inquisitors shall be punished. If the inquisitors draw their weapons against us, then their claims will immediately be dismissed and will be viewed as enemies of the knighthood. I hope that I only have to say this once.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:12 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Once again the inqusitors and their archbishop have proved to be tratiorous. In their ideal method of talking to me lead to an old friends betrayal, stabbing me and leaving me for dead, claiming my only salvation would be prayer and to have the gods smile upon me. Such luck, the gods do smile upon me, for within moments people came to my aid and to clean my wound. They have picked the wrong faithful follower to mess with.

They spoke of courage, teaching, a knighthood that doesn't care what people think of it. Well then, they shall get their wish. I will teach each and every member what I can about the gods, the history of Gobaith, chivary, and how to fight, so long as they are willing to be students and come and learn. I will take what these misguided inqusitors think of us and crush it, proving to them and all the isle where we stand when the weak and defenceless are preyed upon by brutes like them. And by Bragon, I will show them courage. The same courage that Bragon gives me to see that they will attone for their sins and misdeeds to the people of Gobaith. The fire of Bragon burns greatly in my heart, unlike the ice cold emptiness of yours.

You shall stop your misguided ways, inqusitors. Halt now before the weight of the isle comes crashing down on you. Pure intentions you may intend, but false are the ways you put them into motion.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:10 am
by Deuce
A red cloaked cyan knight rides by, shooting a flaming arrow into the board with parchment attached.


I have been watching the situation closely. And you have my sword.

For I am
~Voice of reason
~Bringer of justice
~Fighter of evil
~Voice of the people.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:53 am
by 1d20
Blake also makes his way to the outpost and pins a parchment under the last one.

I never thought I'd say that, but you have my support too, Dantagon.

signed Blake Thorn
Teacher of the Magic Academy

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:02 pm
by Bellringer
Deuce wrote:You have my sword.
And my axe!


you have us to friend...

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:13 pm
by The Harbringer Family
a young agile man wearing a grey coat-of arms with a downward pointing dagger on the back is seen writing neatly on a parchment posting it on the others

I William Harbringer and my brother will help a truly kind man of rightiousness in need Sir Dantagon you the the blessing of the Harbringer on your side...

~signed: William Harbringer

~signed:Garthan Harbringer

Re: you have us to friend...

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:06 am
by Deuce
The Harbringer Family wrote:a young agile man wearing a grey coat-of arms with a downward pointing dagger on the back is seen writing neatly on a parchment posting it on the others

I William Harbringer and my brother will help a truly kind man of rightiousness in need Sir Dantagon you the the blessing of the Harbringer on your side...

~signed: William Harbringer

~signed:Garthan Harbringer
Can I be in your family please?
