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Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:22 pm
by Achae Eanstray
A small note is pinned at the bottom of the Druid board written in precise handwriting:

To the Druid students I have seen, our first lesson can be arranged for three dwarfen days ((Tuesday)) if that is a good time.
(( anywhere from 10A-1P CST, or 6P-11P CST is fine with me.. let me know a couple of best times and will try to arrange a set one for all))

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:34 pm
by Elsi
That sounds good to me.


((about 7:30 or 8 CST would work well for me))

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:40 pm
by abcfantasy
My greetings to you, Druids of the Forest,

I, as Grandmaster of the Knighthood of Gobaith, would wish to meet and
speak with the leader of the Druids or a druid with authority. It would be
appreciated if a dove would be sent to me to plan for a time and place to

Thank you for the patience.
The Gods' blessings to you all.

~ Sir Jorokar Sladrir

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:11 pm
by Yridia Anar
All Druids please watch the intern board ... a decision is to made.

Alle Druiden bitte das interen Board besuchen, wir haben eine Entscheidung zu treffen.

Ushara mit Euch Brüder und Schwestern

Yridia Anar

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:58 am
by Chryton
To the members of this house:
My wanderings have brought me by this house for which I had held much curiosity, I was disappointed to find it and the nearby monastery both empty.
It is my sincere wish to achieve a higher understanding of the perpetual cycles of nature, in particular those of life, and this wish is one of the main motivations of my explorations and study of the lands of Golbaith.
Many would label me a ranger for the time I spend away from the towns, for the advice on traveling and the lands and it's inhabitants that I give when I can, and for the way I forage from the land what is needed.
Others would consider me a farmer, for I have grown many a crop to study how they grow, and to sustain myself and others. I suppose they may also give me this label for the trees I plant. As the old are felled, so are they replaced with new growth.
I am not sure if I am fully in line with the Druid's creed, the points of peacefulness and neutrality could use some clarification in my mind, but even should I find I do not share in the Druid vision of those values, yours is the circle I would still turn to in my study of nature, and for training to aid those in need of treatment when far from civilization.
I am requesting to meet with a member for some clarification of the Codex I have read. If I am in agreement with it's precepts, then I will petition to join the circle. If not, then I hope I may receive some amount of aid in my studies, and maybe some small amount of skills to help others and myself with survival in the wilds.
I can often be found in the northern forests, or in the Grey Refuge or Trolls Bane, should I require the use of a workshop or storage, or should I be trading. It is very likely that one would run into me there, and I could verily make a meeting at either town, but I am not adverse to traveling to meet with a member of the circle, outside of the Tol. Please leave a posting as to whom I may send a dove to, and I shall get in touch when I find it.

Chryton Nightely

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:29 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Chryton Nightely,

As mentioned, you are welcome to send a dove to me and we will discuss the codex. I will try to answer your questions.

Achae Eanstray
Druid of the Forest

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:59 pm
by Yridia Anar
All Druids please reading the board again and give your vote.

Alle Druiden bitte das Board lesen und die Stimme abgeben.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:04 pm
by Jupiter
*an die Tür des Druidenhauses ist eine kleine Notiz geheftet*

Mit diesem Schreiben gebe ich bekannt, dass ich die Druiden des Waldes verlassen werde. Diese Entscheidung hat nichts mit dem Zirkel zu tun.
Jedoch ist in meinem Leben zu viel passiert, als dass ich mich auf den Zirkel konzentrieren könne.
Und auch wenn ich ihn nun verlasse, so werde ich jedoch weiterhin ein Freund des Zirkels bleiben. Sollte der Zirkel oder einer seiner Mitglieder Hilfe brauche, so bin ich immer bereit diese zu leisten.

Merung Harbes


*a littel note is pinned on the door of the druidhouse*

I declare with this letter that I left the druids of the forest. This decision has nothing to do with the circle.
But it happend to much in my life and because of this I am not longer abel to concentrate on the circle. But even when I left the circle ,I will still be a friend of it. When the circle or one of its members needs help, I am willing to accomplish it.

Merung Harbes

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:31 pm
by Achae Eanstray
There is another note also attached to the Druid door, this note is written in precise handwriting, some words possibly erased and more added.

Druids of the Forest,
I find there is a conflict between my vision and others in my duties as a Druid. Not accomplishing anything but secondary goals, I will leave the circle but wish all well and will always have wonderful memories of all Druids.

Achae Eanstray

A note penned on rough parchment:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:05 pm
by Chryton
I see among the messages that Achae Eanstray has resigned from the circle. For reasons I can only assume related to this event, she has informed me that I should discuss my questions about the codex with one of the remaining members of the circle. I am asking that a member willing to answer my questions contact me. I will remain in Trolls Bane for awhile in hopes of receiving word in person or by post. I thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Chryton Nightely

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:06 pm
by Yridia Anar
I read this posts with sadness.

I wish you both much luck. I can understand Merung, but never I'll understand you Achae.
I'm deep dissappointed.

I hope Ushara will guarding your way nonetheless

Yridia Anar
Leader by the Druids of the Forest
Medico / Druid

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:15 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Achae who always loves to go to the Druid house stopped by again for a last look before going to the forest and seeing Yridia's note she sighs, with a look of sadness on her face as she writes quickly underneath.

My dear friend,

I did not want to disappoint you, and will always be ready and willing to help the Druids in any way. I am doing a disservice to the Druids at present and never want that. I will be happy to meet you any time to talk more.



Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:43 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Looks over the notes, letting a freckled hand touch each piece of parchment, as her grey eyes begin to fill with sadness. With a soft sigh she pins a small note under the others.

I know you will change your mind Achae, but I'll look after your students until you return.


She then pens a short note and sends it with a dove to Chryton.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:10 pm
by Yridia Anar
OOC and IG .. please note the follow :

Due to the fact of the missunderstood was a Druid is, also about the retreat and inactivity of other players I'll quitt.

This Circle seems dead, the only real Druid is Amras and it hurts me deeply to see my work gone,
I always have seen the druid like the moonsilver page and tried to play in this way .. and not like the staff said as *Potionmakers* or *Healers* as some players meaning.

And yes I'm still upset about this things. :?

All the things which are stored in the chest I'll give to Amras. Please contact me soon for a brief meeting to do this.

All is said and all is done for me. Azuros can be the leader or whatever.

Take care and bye bye.

PO Yridia

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:22 am
by Chryton
It seems that my timing may be a bit ill advised, with the Circle apparently suffering losses. . . but I have read and discussed the codex, and some principles which concerned me, and have decided to apply to the circle as a student. Until the time of my acceptance, I will continue my cataloging and exploration Possibly near the house as my travels press closer to the Briar. If this application need be formal, I apologize but have not found anything in the many posts here and would need to be pointed in the right direction. Feel free to send any questions you may have.

Chryton Nightely

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:01 am
by Yridia Anar
Feel free to use the beautiful house of of druids Chryton .

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:46 am
by Arahael Athelas
Seid gegrüsst,

gerne würde ich den Druiden des Waldes beitreten. Pflanzen sind meine Leidenschaft, und so hoffe ich meine bescheidenen Kenntnisse mit Eurer Hilfe zum Wohle der Bevölkerung von Gobiath einsetzen zu können.

Hochachtungsvoll, Arahael Athelas

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:35 am
by Drakon
Nun...dann sollten wir uns vielleicht mal treffen, Arahael Athelas, um zusammen etwas zu reden und einige Sachen zu besprechen, nicht? Nun dann, wenn ihr wirklich interessiert seid, erwarte ich eure Taube.

Amras Seregon
Mitglied der Druiden des Waldes

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:56 pm
by Fianna Heneghan
Pins a note on the private boards in the Druid House.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:42 am
by Silent
Discovering a group of houses after a day's journey, a rather tall dwarf ((oh, my, no pun intended... not at all)) strolls toward it. He walks through the open door of one of the houses and looks around himself. He mumbles under his breath:

'This must be it... Rather a lot of stones and rather far away from the heart of forest. Practical, makes sense, but... '

The dwarf smiles then with some bitterness:

'Oh, well. This is not a fairy tale, isnt't it?'

He proceeds to second floor then where he finds empty beds.

'Now... I'll just rest and hope there will be bears the next day.'

The dwarf then makes himself comfortable. When approached in the morning he rubs his eyes and chuckles:

' 'Ello. My name is Khagmur Thistlethorn. I am looking for a mentor.'

He reaches into the backpack he has left by the bed and takes an apple out of it that he offers then grinning to the probably quite surprised person who happened to stumble upon him:

'I've brought gifts of nature.'

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:34 pm
by Jupiter
Merung visits his old home, the druidhouse again. Even if he isn't a member of the circle anymore, but a friend, he feels somehow connected to this place.

Merung looks surprised at the dwarf with a littel smile on his lips.

He speaks as the takes the appel: "I have some time to talk to you if you wish it."

((continuation IG))

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:32 pm
by Fianna Heneghan
~a note left inside the Druid house~

I've been sheltering a child here at the Druid house that I hope to adopt. She is the daughter of Julius Rothman. I thought you should all be aware in case he causes any trouble.


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 7:56 pm
by Arvon_
Ich grüße euch Druiden des Waldes, ich, Arvon möchte euch gerne wieder beitreten, denn nach meiner langen Reise habe ich mich entschlossen zu euch zurück zu kehren um die Gunst der Druiden neu zu erlernen, die ich leider durch meine lange Reise verlernt habe. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mich wieder aufnehmen würdet damit ich meinen Beitrag wie damals leisten kann.

Gezeichnet: ~Arvon~

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:58 pm
by Aurora
werter Arvon,

seid so freundlich und lasst mir eine Taube zukommen, um Ort und Zeit eines Treffens zu vereinbaren.
Herzlichen Dank.

Ich möchte hiermit noch einmal auf das Informationsbrett der Druiden des Waldes hinweisen, mit der Bitte, dass Diejenigen, die interessiert sind, unseren Lehren zu folgen, zuvor den Kodex studieren. Vielen Dank.

I herewith would like to draw your attention to the board of the Druids of the Forest, asking everyone who is interested in following our path to read our codex. Thank you very much.

May Ushara be with you.

~ Aurora Mahirimah ~
Druid and medico


Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:25 pm
by Arvon_
Ich grüße euch,

ich habe bereits ein Treffen mit einen Druiden des Waldes gehabt und habe auch schon einen Lehrer. Wir werden uns sicher nocheinmal sehen ich würde mich sehr freuen.


Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:39 am
by Aurora
werter Avron

das freut mich zu erfahren und ich bin gespannt von Euch zu hören.

~ Aurora Mahirimah ~

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:07 pm
by Pranck
Grüße !
Ich hätte interesse an den Druiden des Waldes, wir sollten uns einmal in Ruhe Unterhlaten.
Nennet mir die gewünschte Zeit.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:24 pm
by Aurora
seid gegrüsst Baldur,

teilt mir bitte per Taube mit, wann Euch ein Treffen recht wäre.
Als Treffpunkt halte ich das Haus der Druiden für angemessen.

Ushara mit Euch.

~ Aurora Mahirimah ~

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:04 pm
by Azuros
Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to know if we could possibly hold our meeting a few hours before the set time. I would be most likely to attend should the meeting be held earlier.

Azuros Tjime

(( I have somewhere to be at 10pm GMT+2 (4pm my time), I was wondering if maybe 2 hours earlier would be fine.))

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:09 pm
by Aurora
be greeted Azuros,

for me an earlier meeting wouldn't be a problem.

~ Aurora Mahirimah ~