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Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:09 pm
by bdgdkay
This is the way I see it as the lieutenant of the guard. Everyone complains about how few guards there are and that the town cant be properly defended without more of us around. But, how are we supposed to do something about it if the people of Trollsbane will not apply for the guard. Its not like we can wave a magic wand and make it so that the guard is the strongest it's ever been. The fact is, is that we are only as strong as the citizens allow us to be. If you want there to be more guards, dont complain about us, but rather join us.
And as for the comments about 'Dozy guards' well, maybe if you were a guard, you would see that the job is very dificult, and when you work as hard as we do, you will find that you become tired...

Lieutenant of the guard
Squire of Gobaith
Soldier of the Grovestriders
Citizen who has gone beyond the call of duty and Joined the guard.

town guard

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:30 pm
by Joxia Doral
my last post applies toany guards wo are active and seen regularly doing their job. And yes it a shortage that seems to be the main prblem.we do need more and a way for proper jailing.


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:28 am
by Sssari
I am posting on behalf of the goblin Grubwik Gulgak, as he has told me,a plumb man with dark hair, an icy stare, and black robes, had tried to rob him while in the forest. He wished this was brought to the attention of the public.

Thank you,
Sssari Trisska.

Robbed and Assualted

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:53 am
by Yori Stonehurst
Last night, an unknown dwarf stole my mule. I chased him and tried to get it back but being unarmed and unarmored, I was beaten back at the south bridge. The thief kept returning to Trolls Bane, attacking Emily, Grubwik, and Olive. All four of us tried to pursue him but he would duck into the wells...then re-appear again to attack and run. Grubwik claims he may know the dwarfs name. Both Olive and I would recognize him on site. Unfortunely, most everyone was asleep during the attack, so the only witnesses are the ones listed above. (The thief is weak, but fast)

-Yori Stonehurst

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:04 am
by Amadi Yusuf Randal
9. Ushos in the 25. year

After the incident reported by Mister Randal, several crims took place at Eliza's.

There was a group of people who helped each other and thus should be punished equally for all crimes. The Group consisting of the lizard called "Behemoth" and the two humans Dominic Fisher and Christopher Ridgen. Then there was the elf Callith who didn't help in all crimes so I have marked the ones which he is accuse of. I accuse all the others of the following:

Disobedience (+Callith)

Threat and duress (+Callith)


Attempted Murder

As the attacked person Mister Randal is a citizen and was at that moment unarmed and furthermore I was threatened, the crimes should be treated as serious crimes.

All but Callith, as he is a citizen aswell, are guilty and cannot appeal against this. If Callith doesn't wish to appeal, he is guilty too.

I was able to question Behemoth about the incident which was reported earlier. He has given in the attack on Mister Randal and is therefore to be seen as guilty.

.- Timothy


Noch immer bedroht mich Behemoth mit deiner Anwesenheit in Trolls Bane. Wieso wird kein Urteil gefällt? Wieso macht keine Wache etwas?
Ich bin enttäuscht über das Verhalten Trolls Bane.


Still Behemoth threatens me with his appearence in T.B.
Why is there no judge held against him? Why doesnt the guard do anything?

~ A disappointed Yusuf Randal

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:23 am
by Hushed
Ye' must understand what we go through as guards. . Some want us more lenient, and lessen our grip. Other wish us to tighten our grip, increasing fines and jail time.

People tell us to combat crime, when crime runs rampant when we are not around. We aren't around because there are few of us. No one volunteers for a guard, and no one wishes to be trained as a militia. You ask us to do things we simply can't do.

A townsperson has the right to a fair trial, one which takes time to organize, and to be given. A judge has to be present, as well as the victim, witnesses, and the criminal. Its a lengthy process, especially when there is no communication between the Guards, and the Judge.

We will need to bring a great change upon how things are done in Troll's Bane before the town changes for the better.

Rinal Kilhig

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:21 pm
by Artan Innis
I have dropped all duties as a recruit and don't want to be listed on the main parchment - unless a specific person apologies and some things concerning comradeship will change.

I am willing to give evidence for Mister Randal's case, though nobody has asked so far.

.- Timothy

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:51 am
by Hushed
Today, 07 Bras on the year of the 25th, the Lizard Behemoth committed II.I Attempted Murder on the Human Female Leva.

In addition to this he also has crimes of Disobedience, Threats and Duress, Kidnapping, and Attempted Murder as reported by Timothy on 9 Ushos in the year 25.

I do not believe fining this man, and letting him live his life is suitable for his crimes. A simple sum of silver can't erase the memory of the hurt. I recommend for either the Governer, or the High Judge to label this man as an Outlaw in the Troll's Bane streets, or come up with a suitable punishment for him, as I do not have the power to do this myself. Also, he should be removed from the list of Allies, as a criminal is not suited as an ally.

Rinal Kilhig

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:34 pm
by Salathe
This woman Leva Beliu, tried to free a thief i was holding, so i struck her. Fianna can witness this. Because of her and Fianna's actions, the thief was freed, and will continue to rob people. I then offered a blade to Leva, for her to defend herself, she took the blade and never returned it. Quite a number of people witness this... Fianna, Artimer, Azuros, Dain. I later struck her after she refused to give me the sword.

They tell me i should let her get away with freeing the thief, and robbing me, because she does not think right. But that does not make her immune to her actions.

I dislike your human laws, though you may follow them and continue your charges, so know that Chester Copperpot struck her to the ground as well, when she had done nothing to him. He may be subject to II.I Attempted Murder, Olive shall witness this. Place Leva on two accounts of I.A thievery, one for aiding a thief, and one for stealing my sword. And a single charge on Fianna for aiding a thief. And of course the elf, with stealing the halflings goods. I know not this halflings name, but i believe Chester was witness to this act as well.

Mayhap this towns citizens should not yell and cry for more people to help stop the lawbreakers, when they wish for the thieves to be freed.
In addition to this he also has crimes of Disobedience, Threats and Duress, Kidnapping, and Attempted Murder as reported by Timothy on 9 Ushos in the year 25.
Rinal, do not bring those charges to notice, they have been decided upon and are irrelevant.


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:54 pm
by Harald Hradradr
Did i get that right? The Lizard first struck an unarmed woman? Then struck her again because she had a blade he gave to her, so he has an opportunity to just attack her again? The woman Leva Beliu is a well known cook and while known for getting angry every now and then she never attacked anyone.
Furthermore, Lizard, tell all of us about the incident with that thief? Or was that 'thief' just another victim of your bloodthirst, so the townspeople had to help him? Was it even clear for the townspeople that the man you held was a thief? Who is the victim of said thief?

To be honest, Lizard, be happy the guards get you before i do.

Harok Silversmith

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:05 pm
by Salathe
I never said she attacked me, though she threatened to numerous times. She was given a number of chances to return the sword, and chose not to.
Harald Hradradr wrote:To be honest, Lizard, be happy the guards get you before i do.

Harok Silversmith
Then we shall meet, and you shall have me


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:29 pm
by Harald Hradradr
Am waiting for you at Bane, Liazard.

Harok Silversmith

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:59 pm
by Salathe
On this day, i went to meet Harok in an honorable duel. He had Leva ambush me and two others, Amadi and woman i do not know, help stop me from escaping. They then robbed me inside the town walls.

I would hope the guards not refuse to have my belongings returned.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:32 am
by Fianna Heneghan
In response to the accusation that I assisted a thief, I would like to say for the public record that I witnessed the accused elf turn over his swords and daggers to the lizard called Behemoth who then struck the elf with the flat of his blade. I intervened only to prevent violence against an unarmed prisoner. If it is a crime to have done that, I will face the charges.

Fianna Heneghan
Druid of the Forest

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:28 am
by Harald Hradradr
First of, Lizard, i told Leva to step back. That only is one thing your thick skull does not get and never will understand for it may not be what can not be. She hit you twice with her spoon in the back. Hardly an attack you can not defend against.
Next thing, Katarine and Amadi never attacked you, not even once. But you saw that i will defeat you and thus you fled. To end that duel i had to chase you through the whole town while you constantly were screaming like a child.
The next thing you do not get is that i picked up your belongings and i gave them back to you. Ask all the bystanders. Your bag however i did not pick up, so i could not return it to you. Accept that or let it be. But i won't let you call me a robber for i am no scum like you. You are so full of what you call yourself 'honor' that you do not even see when you are just wrong. How many unarmed people will you further slay, Behemoth?
You came back then, beaten and defeated. But you did not come alone. You brought Seregon with you and you were waiting for your ambush at the lokal Tavern. The mage did fine with closing the entrance. And without any word or further explanation you tossed two Gynk fire at Leva and me, who were the only people left in the Tavern beside Borgate and the sleeping Towns Guard Altrix. Non the less using that might have caused a fire killing more people for your personal revenge and loss in 'honor'. With the mage keeping me stunned you teared through my bare hands for i had no weapon to defend myself. Is that what you call honor? Behemoth? A maniac is what you are. A maniac full of hatred and anger, a bloodthirsty beast not worth that someone should spit at you.
Oh and you took my belongings there and those of Leva. You honorable thing of a lizard. Nothing but a cheap robber and ambusher is what you are, lacking any sense of justice and honor.
You even had to be accompanied by said mage because you cowardly scum knew that i would beat the shit out of you just again. Your letter to me where you furthermore threaten me and threaten the lives of Amadi and Katarine who did absolutely nothing, just to remind your insane brain, will be forewarded to the judge when you are injailed for just another evil deed and assault at Trolls Bane.
How many unarmed people will you assault next Behemoth for your ill imagination of 'honor'?

Harok Silversmith

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:38 am
by Yori Stonehurst
Just ta note, that tall Elf stole a leather bag from Coslam. The Elf made a request ta purchase the bag. Coslam Bumblefoot Littlethorn made the bag and placed it on the ground in exchange for the agreed upon price of one silver. The Elf took the bag and threw a copper piece down. When asked politely ta put down a silver piece or 99 more copper, the Elf stated he didn't have the money and began to back away. Coslam and I gave short pursuit after demanding the leather bag back, then the bloody Elf drew his daggers. Coslam was poisoned and struck down by the daggers. Neither me, Coslam, or the soon approaching Chester Copperpot recognized the thief. The Elf was quite skilled with his weapons and poison, so I assume he's been on the island a while.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:47 am
by Juniper Onyx
Salathe wrote:.... so know that Chester Copperpot struck her to the ground as well, when she had done nothing to him. He may be subject to II.I Attempted Murder, Olive shall witness this. ......

For my part, I cannot go into details of this incident on a public board such as this, but will gladly discuss this with a Guard.

I can say, however, that had I not 'intervened', our beloved cook would surely have been 'slaughtered' by this "Behemoth". She was quite out of her mind, as all those who know and love her will attest. It was only by friendship for Leva, that no less than 7 of us intervened between her and Behemoth to stop him from killing her. It must also be noted that the Human "Dain Laiden" was also there 'antagonizing' the situation with insults, posturing and unsheathing of swords, and quite possibly have sided with Behemoth if a fight had broken out. He is not to be trusted either.

I fear Trollsbane is not safe for even cooks such as Leva if "Bullies" like these are allowed to roam free in it's streets.

~Chester Copperpot

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:54 am
by Salathe
You know not how i conduct duels... She would have recieved no more pain than you dealt to her. She challenged me to the duel, and i would have ended it before her life was taken.

She challenged me. You were there Chester, i stopped counting the ways she said she would kill me after 15. I was bullying no one.

And today, they ambush me and rob me, i had ambushed no one and robbed no one, who is the bully? Fortunate for Katarine and Amadi, that much more important duties than my purpose on this isle has arisen. And they shall not share the same fate as Leva and Harok.

To Harok, when i began to speak after she struck me, you continued to attack, you did not stop her at all. And it was a sword, not a spoon, a spoon would not have done anything to me, do not speak this lie ((spoons have no value as weapon.. you cant attack with them)). If you had truly wished honor in the duel, you would have lowered your blades as i did, and we would have fixed the situation and started the duel anew. Even when Amadi ran from me i gave him chance to stop and speak to me. I never said Amadi or Katarine attacked, do not place words on me. I only said they aided you, they blocked my path, forcing your dishonored ambush on me.

You aided someone who robbed me Harok, i return the favor. Seregon did nothing but block the doors he did not stun you, my blades stunned you, It is quite irritating when someone attacks you when you are planning to speak to them isnt it, i returned the favor in that sense as well. The only reason you defeated me is because when i decided to speak to you on leva ambushing me, you decided to continue attacking while my blades were lowered. A fool i was to think if i stopped attacking you and began to speak, that you would stop. You both had weapons in the tavern, and you both raised them, and you were both slain. I took high quality weapons and armor you both, you were both armed. Worry not, all of your belongings have already been destroyed.

The fact is Harok, you did not face me one on one, And when i was struck in the back, i stepped back and began to speak, what did you do? you continue to strike as i did not. This is the only reason you defeated me.
Just ta note, that tall Elf stole a leather bag from Coslam. The Elf made a request ta purchase the bag. Coslam Bumblefoot Littlethorn made the bag and placed it on the ground in exchange for the agreed upon price of one silver. The Elf took the bag and threw a copper piece down. When asked politely ta put down a silver piece or 99 more copper, the Elf stated he didn't have the money and began to back away. Coslam and I gave short pursuit after demanding the leather bag back, then the bloody Elf drew his daggers. Coslam was poisoned and struck down by the daggers. Neither me, Coslam, or the soon approaching Chester Copperpot recognized the thief. The Elf was quite skilled with his weapons and poison, so I assume he's been on the island a while.

And this is witness to the thieving elf, who is now free because of Leva. What is to stop him from continuing? Nothing.

As for you Harok, i am done with this situation, you ambush and in the end, see that i am robbed. I do the same to you and your bed pet Leva.

Fists are weapons harok, If someone threatens my life, they shall face my blade, it is that simple. Lest they have no hands or feet, then i shall overlook it as foolishness.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:56 am
by NightHawk
hurrr a woman named leva come up and wubba buy my poison so i show her me bag wid poison and lotsa weapons!she wubba buy weapons,but wunna pay too low so i say gib me it back,she gibs it back wit barely anehting left in it!den me almost kill her for burglery and she run away,and behemoth catch her an help get me my stuff,hurr! she was killed,stoopid oomie..but behemoth helped get my stuff back!

mighty orc,
Grug'lar Hammersmash!!

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:57 am
by Salathe
On this night, Leva robbed an orc, she admitted it and insulted myself again. I struck her down forcing her to return the items. She has done so. And you should know, she was armed and struck me. THe orc and Felix can witness that.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:23 am
by Jude Atelhier
Since the prior reports are vague i'll speak on all of the event i was present for.

As i walked past the library heading toward the east gate I hear someone shout the word "thief" and hurried on to see what was transpiring. I found Leva and an orc exchanging blows by the fire, after a brief skirmish Leva seemed to begin her retreat at which time i spoke up and asked them both to stop swinging there sword so that the mess could be figured out.

The orc to my surprise declared Leva to be the theif in question and after saying this she ran off toward the shop depot. We both entered the shop where she was standing next to the depot. The orc in question confronted her about the alleged thievery to which she would not respond, likely because she was to busy stuffing the items she took from him into the depot so they would not be lost if a skirmish were to break out once more.

Around this same period of time Behemoth entered the shop. The orc breifly explained the situation to Behemoth, whom was the benefactor of the weapons that had been stolen in the firt place. Though the two and myself were present within the shop Leva made no attempt to plead her innocence for the theft and instead chose to arm herself with full armor serinjah and shield of the sky. To Behemoth she turned and said "Alright asshole." switch prompted the fight in question where she was defeated.

After said defeat and only a short time later, Leva returned demanding her shield be returned to her dispite her prior actions and injuries, armed with a poisoned serinjah sword, when Behemoth told her he did not have the shield she responded with

"I'll have your head on a steak you bastard." and stormed out of the shop.

All was quiet after that.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:48 pm
by Harald Hradradr
Oh dear gods, you are a liar, mister Lizard. The Mage Seregon stunned me, he was casting at me other spells i do not know, for i am no magician. You then just chopped at me, not letting me even a chance to speak or arm myself. You are the poorest creature here on this island and all i see from you is assaults and slaughter.
The next time i see you, you shall once again meet my blades and then i indeed will take these belongings of you. I will drag you to the cross and i will take anything you have with you and i will ask you to apologize for all the assaults you have done in town and for every 'no' i hear from your hissing mouth i shall wound you again...and again...and again. Untill you filthy creature see that you are nothing but scum and your so called 'honor' is nothing but brute cruelness.

Harok Silversmith

PS: Hands are weapons for you? No wonder you mad robber claim then, that every victim of you has been armed. You are a constant threat to anyone near you and you keep threatening townspeople. This must end. Once and for all.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:09 pm
by Harald Hradradr
You moronic Lizard!
I just got some information. The things you stole by that ambush you did not let rot. They now belong to some Orc. There is proof for that. The Orc you handed the stuff to was not all too clever.

The Orc who offered a bag to Leva received his bag back with no things taken out. And suddenly 'oh wonder' you show up just in time to once again ambush and rob her without any warning.

You are a great slayer of farmers and cooks. How honorable! You slay unarmed people dayly. How honorable! You rob and lie. How honorable!

Come, meet me again and i will end it.

Harok Silversmith

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:17 pm
by bdgdkay
Due to an assault on Leva and Harok in trollsbane by the elf Seregon, and the Lizard known as Behemoth, I am imposing a ban on both of them. If any guard sees them in town, you have my full permission to remove, fine or jail them by any means necessary.

Lieutenant of the Town Guard
Squire of Gobaith
Soldier of the Grovestriders

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:56 pm
by Jude Atelhier
To harok

You can say nothing was taken, and you can call it all a scam, but I saw what I saw. to those facts Leva does seem to share some amount of guilt, I know not whom you are or why you seek to stand as if your side of the line is completely blameless but i see no reason the orc would hyave to lie about the situation.

If i need add further information to the incident, the orc was speaking with Leva long before Behemoth ever arrived, two other humans were present at the time Draken and another woman whom i did not recognize. this was long before the incident in question had taken place, during that time there seemed to be no hostility between them.

Also aside from the shield which the orc kept for whatever reasons there might be all other items he claims to have returned to Leva. Behemoth came looking for myself to speak briefly. He has not bespoken many likely but according to his own words he will be away from the isle for a fair amount of time. Though i would believe it ha little to do with the current situation.

Having fought matches with most every great swordsmen on the isle i'll say that you defeating Behemoth in a fair fight are highly unlikely. You can spit profanity at the lizard, and bark and howl at the moon all you like but it does not make you seem brave or righteous, it merely makes your testimony to any innocence in Leva harder to believe.

To everyone else I say

The people of Bane should do well not to forget that all men and women are capable of committing acts of selfishness and violence, this is not a previlage reserved for a select few, to speak as if someone is completely incapable of committing any crime is a clear and utter bias. No mortal is entirely pure of heart, not myself, not any guard nor woman or man of any race or calling.

I would suggest in the future that ALL involved of these incidents be put on watch, because each one of them speaks a falsehood or misdirection in order to sway opinions to there respective sides.


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:29 pm
by Retlak
Harok, calm down. I merely sealed the doors of the tavern, from there I teleported to clear space while Behemoth quickly beat you down. The stuns you witnessed was behemoth slamming blades into you, it is hard to move while defending indeed.

To all guards: Do not try to remove me by force before talking, the last guard now has no legs.

- Seregon

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:38 am
by Salathe
You wish another chance Harok? Of course not, you had your chance. You speak of honor when you wield POISON and AMBUSH me, and AID a ROBBERY.

If you and myself ever face each other in battle again, it will be with my blade to your unprepared back. Just as your ambush had done to me. You had your chance for a fair fight.

Slay unarmed people? I slew Leva 3 times, each time she had weapons and armor. I knocked her around once when she was unarmed, if she cannot handle a few scratches, my apologies. I hope she is able to please you in bed again shortly.

This orc must have misunderstood what i spoke to him then. Surely he wishes to anger you, since Leva has robbed him.


Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:27 pm
by Harald Hradradr
Good news, Lizard. I found the Orc, well he found me, somehow - and i found the a bag you have robbed from me in his hands.
The things you have taken from me you obviously did NOT let rot - which is just a single one of your many lies. But you used them. You gave them to the Orc as payment for another ambush at Leva. An ambush i might add that took place a few hours after announcing that you now are done with her and me. Which is just a second statement of yours i hereby can prove false.
The Orc admitted that you have given him the stuff to provoke Leva. And, of course you strolled along with that Orc just when the 'robbery' took place. So you could ambush and assault her again. You then robbed her even again!
By the way, Lizard, there is a Difference in thievery and robbery, if your mind is too small to get that i shall teach you. However, the Orc furthermore admitted that the ambush at Leva was plotted by you.
I have several witnesses for the talk with said Orc. With you being before the court all shall speak up. While the Orc refuses to do so i do not care, for there have been enough witnesses and i know the Orcs name to prove what i say.
Oh, and i could imagine that you would chose to hide and not to accept a duel. You know too well what i would do with your sorry teeth.

All i can say is: Citizen of Bane, beware of the Lizard who calls himself Behemoth. He will use anything to satisfy his bloodthirst. He not only lies and seeks other strange excuses for his behaviour when his false words got proven as such but he mercyless ambushs and strikes at unarmed people. He will even attack already wounded and unarmed citizens. Several times a day if he feels like doing so. He even plots against them just for being able to wound and rob them again and again for some mad reason. One of his reasons for an assault has been that he 'felt threatend'. Dear Citizen of Bane, i really hope that this mad thing never feels threatend by a child of yours.

Harok Silversmith

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:38 pm
by abcfantasy
Upon my word, the ban of Werner von Mintraching is lifted and he is free to roam Troll's Bane again.

~ Sir Jorokar

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:25 pm
by Aernor Ingloril
For all of these troubles I can not give witness.
My only concern is that an elf, that I was poisened and robbed by, was almost apprehended by this "Behomoth" to whom I am gratefull. This elf I do not know but I did manage to leave a mark which I would recognize on sight. As to those events which followed I have only heresay to go on.

Behomoth, my thanks for your attempted aid, to all those that accuse you I pay no heed. As I judge by what I know to be true, I can not judge their hearts or minds.

For now you have my service as a friend.

Coslam Bumblefoot, Littlethorn