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Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:49 am
by wolfsword
*Another note is attached at the bottom of the one above, more cleaner, and less sloppy*

I encountered the same lizard later after the robbing incident. He tried to lure some of the people near a depot to play his 'game'. He made a trail of cherries and those who made it to the end (Me, and Shancus Life, a halfling made it to the scene, suspicious. No one else did the game.) were jumped by the lizard. He attempted to assault me, but wasn't able to dent my armor. When Shancus arrived with his crossbow, the lizard fled, scared. He was later seen late at night, teasing us by throwing coins, though it might've beena different rogue.

We saw him again, later that night, yelling. Please, do not mistake this lizard for Sssari as some of you did earlier (Such as when he did the 'game') And do not participate in this game. If you see him, run away, and notify any guards nearby.

Also, my friend, Shancus Life, wishes to join the Town Guard. He also seeks to become a citizen of Troll's Bane. That is all..

~Olaf Flaktreus

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:53 am
by Town Guard of TB
The lizard robber has been added to the wanted list.
Please provide further informations (description, worn clothes and other items if any) by dove ((this account)).

People interrested in becoming a townguard should write a dove directly to the Captain ((this account)), or maybe catch him or another townguard on their patrols ((usually roughly 7 pm GMT+2 onwards)).

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:47 am
by Town Guard of TB
Dranis ist seit dem heutigen Tag neuer Rekrut der Stadtwache.


Dranis is now a recruit of the townguard.

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:50 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Tirrend is cleared of all charges.


Tirrend wurde von der Gesuchten Liste entfernt.

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:06 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Jefferson Grey ist seit dem heutigen Tag neuer Rekrut der Stadtwache.


Jefferson Grey is now a recruit of the townguard.

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:31 am
by PurpleMonkeys
I want to rejoin the guard.
~Tirrend Skye~

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:26 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Dellakim Thornbrae Littlethorn ist seit dem heutigen Tag neuer Rekrut der Stadtwache.


Dellakim Thornbrae Littlethorn is now a recruit of the townguard.

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:36 pm
by CJK
I will be hosting a meeting in the coming days for New Language members.

I need all new language to send me a letter ((this account)) telling me when they are available. I especcially need to recieve a letter from those unable to make the other meetings.

Lieutenant Jonathan Cain.

A Warrent, is Placed on Joxia Doral and Dain Laiden

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:01 am
by donaideenn
A warrent, is hereby issued by the TrollsBane Town Guard Majority. For the Arrest and Containment of Mrs. Joxia Doral and for Mr. Dain Laiden both whom are members of the Temple.
Mr. Dain, struck down a Trollsbane Guard, during a patrol inside the Town borders and there fore wanted for questioning and for fines. Mrs. Doral, is wanted for Questioning of Allegiance, and for Encouraging Violent acts, inside the Town of TrollsBane. The Town asks that they turn themselves in peacefully, so no more harm may come of this inccendent.

By Order of TrollsBane Town Guards: James Faros, and Olaf.
Any questions please post a response. Once this message has been viewed by the Majority of the Guard, the Captain of the guard is to private message me please and thanks. The time of Order has come! The time of Outlaws in Bane is coming to an end!

For Trolls Bane!

My Sincere Apologies, and Regards
Knight, Trolls Bane Town Guard
James Faros

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:32 pm
by Town Guard of TB
The previous announcement is no official declaration of the townguard.

The name of James Faros is one I've read for the first time, never has he talked to me since I am in office about joining the ranks of the townguard,
never have I seen him patrol the streets, he does not show up on older lists, who is he?

Whoever this man is, he is NONE of the townguard and can not speak on its behalf.

If this attack has happened there are ways to report and have the town consider a proper response.

Speaking as if you are in charge James is not the way.

I will not let this town fall into chaos and get blasted away because some idiot wanted to play the hero for a day.

The previous Announcement has no power, legal or otherwise and can be disregarded. If a crime has happened I wish to be informed, not read about vigilant justice upon the townguard wall.

Both James Faros and Olaf are to report to me and explain themselves.

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:49 pm
by CJK
I will be hosting a guard meeting on ((Thursday, 5PM EST or 10PM GMT let me know if I got the transfer of times wrong)) I request all of the New Language speeking guards or prospective guards to meet at the jailhouse.

Lieutenant Jonathan Cain

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:12 pm
by CJK
The meeting will be starting currently. My apologies I couldn't be punctualy on time.

Jonathan Cain

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:15 am
by Vern Kron
Could a guard with a key please make themselves present?

Thank you,

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:48 am
by dellakim thornbrae
I wish to warn the people of Trollsbane against two criminals who have been in town frequently the last couple of days.
Sagrimore was witnessed by myself and a few others in the attempted kidnapping of a man near the Trollsbane workshops. He has attacked a few poeple and claims to be a bounty hunter.
Another man by the name of David Quick is also accused of attacking people who were in the hospital.
Both men seem to be working together in some way although Sagrimore claims he is seeking to capture David for a bounty placed on his head. Both men are dangerous and armed, both are human. Be on the lookout and if seen please try to find the nearest guard.

Also the man named Sagrimore has been seen wearing a Grovestriders robe, it is suspected that he has attacked and robbed someone. He was also in possession of a jail key. If you have been attacked and robbed please come forward.


Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:23 am
by dellakim thornbrae
Another man by the name of Harbringer or something similar has also been involved in attacks upon innocents. He and Sagrimore have used force and threats against children to gain possesion of a key to the farmers union. There they attacked a halfling named Saigwin and sent him to the cross. Sagrimore is also Accused of the attempted kidnap of Yvanna.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:57 pm
by Town Guard of TB
A meeting is sheduled early for the 22. Ronas around the 6th hour of morning.

Everyone able is expected to be at the jail at that time, guards and people interested in joining alike.

(( use This to figure out when 22. Ronas 6:00 / 1. August 18:00 (6 pm) Illarion Servertime is in your timezone ))


Am 22. Ronas zur 6. Morgensstunde findet ein Treffen der Wache statt.

Wachen und Bewerber sollen sich zu dieser Zeit am Gefängnis einfinden.

(( Samstag, 1. August, 18:00 ))

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:55 pm
by Town Guard of TB
The human Sigmar is banned from Trollsbane for one dwarven day.


Der Mensch Sigmar ist für einen Zwergentag aus Trollsbane verbannt.

~Garìck Dràkén

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:13 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Der letzte Überfall durch Piraten hat gezeigt, dass die Institution "Stadtwache" in ihrer jetzigen Form unfähig und wirkungslos ist.

Zu Beginn der Sichtungen wurden Späher ausgeschickt und vorsorglich die Stadttore verschlossen, ein hoffnungsloses Unternehmen da die Piraten es vorzogen ein durch Tempelmagier beschworenes Portal das direkt in die Bibliothek Banes führte zu benutzen.

Dem Angriff, unterstützt durch die Magier des Tempels die immerwieder durch Zauber Personen lähmten die sich gegen die Piraten zur Wehr setzten und die Piraten heilten, hatten die wenigen Kampfbereiten kaum etwas entgegenzusetzen, auch für Löschmaßnahmen des durch die Piraten gelegten Feuers waren keine Leute vorhanden.

Vor dem Angriff wurden im Volk, das sich auf dem Marktplatz versammelt hatte, Stimmen laut, die Wache sei darauf bedacht den Vorfall hinunterzuspielen und generell unfähig. Dies geschah zu einem Zeitpunkt da die Anwesenden Wachen die Sicherheit der Tore und etwaiger anderer Angriffspunkte überprüften.

Der Wache wurde vorgeworfen in dieser Situation beleidigend gewesen zu sein, da ein Mann der Einlass in die Stadt begehrte zuerst verhört wurde ehe ihm Zutritt gewährt wurde.

Es gibt eine Zeit für alles, falsche Höflichkeit in so einer Ausnahmesituation hat keine Zeit und keinen Platz.

Die wiederholten Beleidigungen von Wachposten, sie wären nur Möchtegerns, es wären nie Wachen da wenn man sie bräuchte und sie wären generell zu nichts zu gebrauchen haben mich dazu gebracht die Konsequenzen zu ziehen.

Ich lege hiermit mein Amt als Captain der Wache mit sofortiger Wirkung nieder. Gegen einen übermächtigen Feind von Außen kämpfen zu müssen wie den Tempel und seine neuen Verbündeten die Piraten hätte mir nichts ausgemacht, da dies in den letzten Wochen der Dauerzustand gewesen war.

Aber wenn dazu auch noch Opposition von Innen kommt, von den Leuten für die ich und meine Männer ihr Leben riskiert haben, dann kann ich nicht anders als Ausspucken und meine Verachtung für diese Verblendung kundtun.

Es ist leicht als Außenstehender zu kritisieren, in letzter Zeit wurde daraus ein regelrechter Volkssport ohne dass ich die herummosernden Personen dabei erwischt hätte etwas für die Stadt zu tun außer auf ihrem Hintern zu sitzen und der Wache ins Gesicht zu spucken.

Daher habe ich beschlossen mich diesem illustren Kreis anzuschließen und dem nächsten armen Teufel der dieses Amt übernimmt mit der selben Häme und Gehässigkeit ins Gesicht zu spucken wie es mir widerfahren ist.

Garick Draken,

(Nachtrag in anderer Schrift)

Luego ihr locos! Sucht euch ein paar andere amigos die für euch Feuerbälle einstecken (Si, fliegen und brennen wirklich gut, fragt nur den hombre Johann) und die ihr beleidigen könnt, ich und Draken tun uns das nichtmehr an. Wenn euch die Wache nicht gefällt, bueno, muy bien, uns auch nicht also sei doch DU der nächste Idiot der sich diese Arbeit antut. Oder fragt gleich nach dem Tempel die haben die Stadt sowieso in der Hand und könnten euch jederzeit in Flammen aufgehen lassen wenn sie nur wollten.



The last pirate attack has proven that the Townguard in its current shape is useless and incapable.

Before the pirate camp was located, scouts have been dispatched and the towngates have been locked to prohibit entrance, in vain as the pirates choose to use a portal leading directly into the Trollsbane library, summoned by mages of the Temple.

Supported by these mages, which repeatedly stunned people that fought against the pirates and healed the pirates, there was little resistance we could musted and not enough people to extinguish the fire the pirates started in town.

Prior to the attack the people, citizens or not, who assembled on the marketplace voiced their opinion the guard would try to hide this happening and is generally useless. This happened at a point where the guards present double checked the gates and other possible attack points.

The guard was accused of being insultive in this situation, as a man that tried to enter town was not let past until after he answered the questions the guard asked him (Where do you come from and did you see anything suspicious about).

There's a time for anything and fake curtesy has no time or place in a moment of danger as the town was in at that point.

Repeated insulting of guards, they would be wannabes, never around when they were needed and generally useless have urged me to face the consequences.

I resign from captain of the guard,effect immidiately.
Fighting against an overwhelming enemy from the outside, such as the temple and their new allies the pirates I could have shrugged off (As a matter of fact, since weeks that was the situation, the town being at the whim of the temple all this time as we do not have the power or the people to put up defence against them).

But if furthermore the people within, those which I and my men risk their lives for daily, put up opposition against us, then there's nothing else for me to do than spit out and pity this hindsight.

It's always easier to stand on the outside and point out what's wrong, recently this has become some sort of sportsmanship competition among some, whereas I have never seen those people complain the loudest ever do anything for the town than sit on their bums and spit into the face of every guard that walks past them.

Therefor I have choosen to join this amusive circle of people, and treat the next fool that will take up the position of Captain with the same malicious attitude I was allowed to experience.

(A different handwriting is added)

Luego locos!
Look for some other amigos that take fireballs for you (Si, fly and burn real good, just ask Johann) which you can insult like you want to, me and Draken are out.
If you don't like the current guard, bueno, muy bien, we don't like it either so why don't YOU become the next idiot to do this work.
Or ask for the temple directly to do it, since they control the town anyway and could torch and fry all of you anytime if they wanted to.


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:52 pm
by Kugar
That's it gentlemen. Run at the first sight of trouble. But do not expect others to follow you.


Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:30 pm
by CJK
I shall be taking the position of a relief captain effective immediatly until the time a new captain can be named.

Jonathan Cain,
Lieutenant of the Townguard

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:07 am
by Dantagon Marescot
As always, the knighthood is here to help. Command, Jon, and we shall do our best to follow.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:52 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Please welcome Dahinar Sharpeye into the guard as a recruit.

Captain Jonathan Cain

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:20 am
by Town Guard of TB
Please welcome Taliss as the new lieutenant.

Captain Jonathan Cain

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:42 am
by Amadi Yusuf Randal
As the former captain of the trolls bane guard I want to inform you that any member of the townguard has to be citizen of the town.
Taliss has to become citizen first.
If you got any more questions feel free to write a dove.

Captain Randal

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:53 pm
by CJK
From my understanding, he was already a citizen. If not then he can just smile and look pretty until Geralt or Edward makes him one. Satisfied?

Captain Jonathan Cain

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:16 pm
by Town Guard of TB
((please remember to keep this disclamer in mind
OOC Note:
This Topic is about proclamations of the 'Town Guard'.
This is no place for discussions about the posts in here.
Before you post anything here, please consider the option to send me a PM. Please do not spam this topic.

thank you))

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:59 pm
by Hucu
I would like to join the town gaurd. My name is Hucu.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:31 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Hucu, please meet with me in Troll's Bane sometime soon.

Captain Jonathan Cain

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:11 pm
by Town Guard of TB
I need for all guards to send me a letter ((this account)) telling me when they can attend a guards meeting.

Captain Jonathan Cain


So far it appears that the meeting will be ((Monday, 16:00 GMT -4))

If this is bad timing for anybody, please let me know.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:40 pm
by Taliss Kazzxs
An emergency meeting is being held at the library for all members of the guard. If you can attend, please report to the library as soon as possible.
((30 minutes))

~Lieutenant of the Guard
~Taliss Kazzxs