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Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:53 am
by Aldan Vian
Everyone! Give me a D! Give me a R! Give me a A! Give me a KON!

That spells DRAKON!!!

*shakes his pompoms*

The hunting has become much more fun*gives a final cheer*

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:03 am
by Taliss Kazzxs
A lot of you where really awesome!
Nice running into Don.

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:34 am
by Orioli
I had a grand time tonight! As always "you" were the reason. :wink:
Great to have you around Verdazar! :D
Thanks to all who were there, and also for the talk afterward. 8)

I did enjoy the earlier trip in the skeleton woods and then the unexpected meeting, between Idrandal and Ori. :shock:

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:05 am
by Das Auge
Eisenbein wrote:Geniales RP von allen die Amrothar heute in Silberbrand getroffen hat! Danke an Snorri, Boindil, Terolas und Tialdin :D
War wirklich gutes Rp, auch wenn ich Snorri nur einmal gesehen habe und Tialdin nur kurz, war gutes RP!


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:11 am
by Rafael
Cool rp day today, hadn't got many of those for a long time (of course not including Cael, 4 seconds of rp with her just rocks)

Ori encounter, odd, short, but good :)

Treasure crew, specially being annoying with Tak, really fun, I know I will get my ass kicked by this, but worth it :P

Elli and Shandariel last talk, sadly now much of rp, but really interesting conversation :D Both are becoming great people to talk to.

Drakon, not forgetting, you don't rp much, but you are a hell of a friend for Idrandal

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:11 pm
by Aldan Vian
Rafael wrote: Treasure crew, specially being annoying with Tak, really fun, I know I will get my ass kicked by this, but worth it :P
He comes for you as we speak....

Anyway thanks to Drakon, Idrandal, Alli, and Shan, for the treasure hunt(hope I remembered everyone..)

And thanks to Drakon and Deme and Ss'an and...Alli....and....Anyone else who was involved in the completely random Semi-medical rp, night was getting a bit boring so I had to at least try to make it interesting. I hope it worked...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:35 pm
by Drakon Gerwulf
I want to thank everyone a well for the Rps and Talks with Drakon.

Dea, For the Rps and talks with Drakon its always enjoyable and very interesting. He is worried about her but he knows she can take care of herself and he has patience and understanding to not give up not on her ever no matter what happens.

Deme, for the being Deme and the Rp with Tak last eve. Drakon was glad you were there to get though to him.

Alli, Shan , Tak, and Idrandal for the very enjoyable Treasure hunt. Thanks Shan. for leading it you did a great job.

Tak, "listens to Tak's cheer and bows to him" Thank you My friend, I want to thank you as well for getting Drakon out he hasn't been much lately you know the reason. The Treasure hunts have been really fun he has learned a lot not just in fighting but other things as well and the Rp last eve was really good thanks.

Idrandal, for trusting in Drakon and for being a close and dear friend to Drakon. ((sorry for not really Rping with you, must times when Drakon gets to you the day has either gotten to him or he is tired and its hard just for him to speak without going tongue tied. I will try and do more with you I promise. ))

Sam, As always for being Sam, sorry for not seeing or talking to you much. It always seems to be busy when Drakon finally sees you and he has to talk to someone else. your a good friend Sam thanks.

Bindus and Squee for their Rps with Tak and Drakon.

Slug' The hunting was very good and enjoyable with you as always. so are the talks and Rps.

Rose, It was sooo Good to see you again and to talk with you. Thank you, Drakon missed you a lot.

Morbius, All I can say is Thank you for being a good friend to Drakon, the hunts, training and rps and talks are always enjoyable.

Sorry if I forgot anyone if I did I want to say Thank to you as well.

Drakon Gerwulf

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:58 am
by wolfsword
S'rrt, Lura, and Harald. :P

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:34 am
by Lucy Bann
Sam, Harald and the lovely Miss Mead. :wink:

And S'rrt, my lovely lizard love.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:35 am
by Das Auge
Alle Ranken gestern bei den Druidenhaus


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:40 am
by Grabranke
Das Auge wrote:Alle Ranken gestern bei den Druidenhaus

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:43 pm
by Rekarafi
Grabranke wrote:
Das Auge wrote:Alle Ranken gestern bei den Druidenhaus

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:03 pm
by S'rrt
Lucy Bann wrote:And S'rrt, my lovely lizard love.

There were so many good RPers. Alex, Lura, Samuel, Lkkta, Harald, Slug, "Jack", Leva, Harok, Bindus, uhm.. There might be several more but I bet those people who know they are. Thanks. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:41 pm
by Das Auge
Wo soll ich anfangen? Vielleicht am Altar..

Danke Jirath Thariel und Arthur war klasse! UND DANN DANKE ICH CHERGA! VIelen Dank Alsaya, dass du uns beglückt hast mit Cherga persöhnlich! danke! Es war Klasse. Natürlich auch dem Mädchen, was wir geopfert haben.

Wenig später in der Taverne, Thariel Arthur und das Mädchen.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:37 pm
by Rincewind
Die Weihe des Altars und alle beteiligten.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:39 pm
by Grabranke
Einmal die Jagd durch Troll's Bane: Saliana
Altarweihung: Terolas, Arthur, Jirath, Saliana
Taverne anschließend: Terolas, Arthur, Timasia *hicks*

Und danke Alsaya für's Umbauen der Umgebung und Cherga spielen :D

-Thariel Soralay


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:00 pm
by Alexander Knight
Luca for the midnight antics ;)
And Squee for... Well being Squee :)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:20 pm
by Rekarafi

Gute Arbeit Alsaya, man kann halt auch ohne große Effekte mal richtig reinhauen ;-)

Noch Danke an Terolas, Arthur, Thariel und wen zur Hölle wir da auch immer geopfert haben...O_o

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:39 pm
by Damien
Wen geopfert bei ner neutralen Gottheit ? Zudem eine, die sich für Lebende nicht interessiert ? Wolltet ihr die beleidigen oder sowas ? XDDDD
...Egal, nich mein Bier. Hauptsache Spaß :lol:

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:54 pm
by Arvemor
Lol, Thanks to Grokk, I think the name was, for the fun little theft. Welcome to the game, and I hope I didn't go to hard on you! I can already tell you are a good roleplayer!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:22 am
by Drathe
Luca as always for being such a good accomplis and imaginative RP. Squee, Whipserand Elizibeth

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:02 am
by Tialdin
Ein Menschenopfer an eine Gottheit die

Zitat aus dem Götterintergrund:

"Wird angebetet um:
Den Tod abzuwenden, Heilung der Kranken, Ruhe für die Toten ..."

Und das Opfer wurde aktzeptiert und nicht bestraft?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:41 am
by Drakon Gerwulf
I want to thank a few people for the Rp's and Talk they had with Drakon.

Deanna, it was fun the Rp's and talk we had while fishing. @>----

Shan, For the Rp's and talks during the fishing.

Tak For the Rp's and talks during the fishing.

Maeglin for the Rp's and talks during fishing.

A special Thanks to these people for a very good Rp.

Maemori, very good Rp and the ceremony was really nice. Drakon hopes to see you again.

Caelianna, for the talk and Rp before Maemori showed up plus after.

Orren, Galthor, Whisper. Thank you all for taking part in the Ceremony.

Sky, for the Rp with Drakon and then the Orc.

Yuki, for the Rp with Drakon and the Orc.

The Orc.

Drakon Gerwulf

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:55 am
by Rhianna Morgan
Hmm... man wundert sich doch nie aus über die Götter. Cherga hatte wohl nen seltsamen Tag ^^.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:33 am
by Arvemor
Luca, for beating up Sylmare! I felt cool till that happened...I know I know, can't start off a good fighter..oh well.
Oh, and I think he likes you! :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:01 pm
by Das Auge
Sie mag uns halt :D, Thariel ahst du nicht noch ein Screen mit Cherga?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:28 pm
by Galim
Das hat nichts mit mögen zu tun ;), sondern damit das die schon seit Jahren in der Hintergrundstory des Spieles bestehende Gottheit nicht dadurch pervertiert wird das sie bei Ihr vollkommen verhassten Dingen wohlwollend in Erscheinung tritt. Und ein Menschenopfer bei dem das Opfer zu Ihren ehren getötet wird IST ihr verhasst. Das wird und wurde so schein eigentlich seit anbeginn des spieles so behandelt. Ingame und outgame. Cherga hat noch nie gut geheissen wenn ihr das Leben eines Menschen geopfert wurde. Und das sollte sich auch nicht durch schwankende Launen ihrerseits ändern. Vom Hintergrund der Gottheit und Ihrem Wesen bin ich auch weiterhin der Meinung das sie all jene, die ihr zu ehren einen Menschen töten, dafür durch bestrafen sollten. So wie sie es ingame auch schon in der Vergangenheit getan hat. Aber auf jedenfall sollten diese charaktere nicht von ihr einen Segen erhalten und wohlwollend betrachtet werden. Wir lassen Moshran auch nicht andere dafür danken das diese einen Krieg mit einem Friedensvertrag beendet haben. und Malachin wird auch niemanden gratulieren der einen Ehrenkampf durch Gift und Betrug gewonnen hat ;).

aber ich hoffe ja immernoch das die Opferung nicht durchgeführt wurde und das Opfer lediglich zum Altar gebracht wurde um dann freigelassen zu werden. Ihr also das Leben geschenkt wurde um cherga dadurch zu ehren. alles andere wäre...tja...falsch? Weiss sehe ich das jedenfalls ^.^. Da schliesse ich mich Damien und Tialdin an.

Back to topic:

Zum Dank:

Ich danke vielen mit denen Ich die lezten Tage spielen durfte. Ich bin sehr eingerostet was das Rollenspiel angeht, aber ich hoffe dennoch es hat euch Spaß gemacht. Mal sehen ob ich die alte RP-Maschiene meinerseits wieder in Schwung bekomme ^.^.

Es danken meine Chars Kl'urk, Shandariel, Ghorn und Elizabeth van Lichtenfels. And of course Samantha too ;)


Thank you:
I want to thank anyone with whom I played the last days. My roleplay skills are pretty rusty after the long break, but I still hope it was for everyones enjoyment. Lets see if I can get the old rp-machine of mine back to work properly ^.^.

Special thanks to all who played with my chars Kl'urk, Shandariel, Ghorn and Elizabeth van Lichtenfels. And of course Samantha too ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:52 pm
by Rekarafi
Mensch, hört einfach auf über die Opferung zu reden.
Es is gegessen, also kocht euch was andres.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:11 pm
by Lrmy
Jag, a great orc.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:27 pm
by Taliss Kazzxs
Drathe that was a lot of fun man, though I do feel a bit bad about it. :lol:

All in the name of Roleplay I suppose, good stuff.