Older Players

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Werner von Mintraching
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Re: Older Players

Post by Werner von Mintraching »

Sagt mal, der Thread ist schon was alt, was hat sich geändert oder was hat man daraus gezogen oder wars nicht wichtig genug?
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Achae Eanstray
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Re: Older Players

Post by Achae Eanstray »

Your information is very important despite how old the thread is. Come join us on discord!
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Guir Rabenflügel
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Re: Older Players

Post by Guir Rabenflügel »

Werner von Mintraching wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:50 pm Welches Ereigniss hat euch am besten gefallen, welches ist eure geliebteste Erinnerung?
Der Rauch in der Kleidung, der Dröge Kopf am morgen.... wer die Beschreibung nicht einordnen kann, war nicht dabei. ;)
Schön wars :D
Werner von Mintraching wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:56 pm Sagt mal, der Thread ist schon was alt, was hat sich geändert oder was hat man daraus gezogen oder wars nicht wichtig genug?
Ich würde mich jetzt nicht direkt als erneut "aktiven" Spieler bezeichnen, auch wenn ich inzwischen wieder öfter online bin. Von meinem subjektiven Empfinden her, macht Illa gerade wieder eine Veränderung durch. Es kommt mir irgendwie so vor, als würde die Spielerzahl gerade langsam wieder steigen. Hier und da sind plötzlich wieder Spiel aufgetaucht, die man Jahre nicht gesehen hat (inkl. mir). Es dauert dann vermutlich eine Weile, aber man findet wieder rein.
Mich hat das System der drei Städt (plus eine neutrale Taverne) am Anfang sehr gestört, da es die wenigen Spieler einfach noch mehr auseinandergezogen hat. Aber im Moment habe ich das Gefühl, dass man durch die Ereignisse, die derzeit im Spiel geschehen, näher zusammenrückt. Man dümpelt nicht mehr stundenlang alleine durch die Gebiete seiner Stadt, ohne jemanden zu treffen, zumindest kommt es mir so vor.

Ich würde also vorschlagen, du schaust mal wieder rein ;)

Außerdem braucht Cadomyr noch ein vernünftiges Toilettenhäuschen :lol:
Werner von Mintraching
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Re: Older Players

Post by Werner von Mintraching »

Your information is very important despite how old the thread is. Come join us on discord!
Hi Achae Eanstray,

i did give the discor Chanel a try.
Today i was asking if the race language still working.
The first reaction i did get, was like "Grow up.".

I had a nice conversation with an other player, about the development of the game and the Comunity size.
And had to learn that there was more than one person who likes to exceed competences.
I don't need to be bullied around just because someone can't stand the facts.

So i decidet not to stay in the Chat, cause i do not need that.

Ich würde also vorschlagen, du schaust mal wieder rein ;)

Außerdem braucht Cadomyr noch ein vernünftiges Toilettenhäuschen :lol:
Ich hab der Sache eine Chance gegeben, aber irgend wie, kommt weder Spaß noch viel RP auf, wenn man sich nicht mit anderen, alten Spielern ooc verabredet.
Im Moment ist mir Illa zuviel Arbeit für zu wenig Spaß und die Umgangsformen im Chat lassen deutlich mehr zu wünschen übrig als früher, lockt mich also auch nicht zwingend.
Ich wünsche dem Spiel und dem Staff viel Glück und vor allem Staff Mitglieder, die besser kommunizieren.

Liebe Grüße an alle.

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Estralis Seborian
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Re: Older Players

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Werner von Mintraching wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:12 am Ich wünsche dem Spiel und dem Staff viel Glück und vor allem Staff Mitglieder, die besser kommunizieren.
Zur Klärung: Namen von Staffmitgliedern sind auf Discord in Lila, Rot, Grün oder Blau eingefärbt.
Werner von Mintraching
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Re: Older Players

Post by Werner von Mintraching »

Zur Klärung: Namen von Staffmitgliedern sind auf Discord in Lila, Rot, Grün oder Blau eingefärbt.
Ja, war mindestens ein Staffmitglied, das meinte ich äußere mich unreflektiert, das war was ich meinte mit
who likes to exceed competences

Hat ja auch sofort nachgeschlagen um zu gucken, dass ich ja schon lange nicht mehr aktiv bin.

Edit Estralis: Es wurde mit dem Spieler geklärt, dass die Aussage nicht durch ein Staffmitglied getätigt oder unterstützt wurde.

Es darf keine Diskussionsgrundlage sein oder Grund jemanden anzugreifen, weil er neu ist oder schon lange keinen Spaß an Illa mehr gefunden hat.

Mir vorzuwerfen ich würde mich unfreflektiert äußern, dürfte ziemlich weit ausserhalb des Kompetenzbereiches so ziemlich der meisten liegen, die nicht mit mir am Lagerfeuer von meinem Meet gekostet haben.
Wers tat und nach 22Uhr noch auf war, darfs, vielleicht.
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Yridia Anar
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Re: Older Players

Post by Yridia Anar »

Nur zur Information = private Illarion Treffen haben nur bedingt was mit dem Spiel zu tun. Und als Spielerin die seit 2006 mit dabei ist würde ich sagen das man erst denken sollte bevor man sich äußert. Das Spiel hat momentan einen sehr hohen RP Faktor mit wirklich viel hochwertigem RP. Man muss sich nur darauf einlassen ( ja auch und besonders englisch ) und nicht wie Gottvater von Illarion agieren.

Und Deine Äußerungen waren sowohl unbegründet als auch aggressiv.
Mehr werde ich dazu nicht sagen.
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Achae Eanstray
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Re: Older Players

Post by Achae Eanstray »

This topic is for older players to give their opinion on certain questions asked. I would say if anyone with a specific complaint, a topic can be started in General if you wish.

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Re: Older Players

Post by Kasume »

Why did you start playing, what were you looking for?
I had never role played before, and was always interested in a new online RPG at the time. I was literally a kid. Applied to join because it was a free game to play and got in.

If you quit, why did you quit playing and how long did you play before quitting?
I went off and on for a few years. Returned around 2009, but I felt that a lot of the in game systems felt clunky at this point. I wanted to play a certain thing, but I wasn't interested in grinding again. When I originally quit after playing for a year or so, it was probably due to some mundane drama I caused as a kid.

What made you come back to try to play again and did you stay or leave again, if so why?
I'm always finding myself coming back to these forums just to see how things are going. It's actually mind blowing to think that it has been almost 20 years since I came here.

What is/are your best time in the game, your best memory?
Honestly, I always remember sitting in town and fishing. Despite my reputation as a childish desperado on here, I think I actually had the most fun just talking with people in game in town. I always wanted to be a part of some conflict at the time, like some big war or event similar to the drought when I originally started. I always thought those types of things drove interest, and it didn't seem like it was either possible or developers were unwilling to dynamically change the landscape regularly to fit ongoing ingame RP elements.
I preferred it too when you didn't have to travel so far from cities or hub locations (where other people were) to work on your trades or skills. Watching people go to and fro to get things done made a relatively small game feel livelier.

Positive aspects of the game:
Community I guess. There was a lot of negativity back then, and I actively participated in it. But honestly, as negative as it got, it was a big driving reason why I cared so much about anything related to this game. I felt like I was a part of something.

Negative aspects of the game:
I always really despised some of the "video game" mechanics in the game. I remember having a lot of issues with the differences of powerlevels between characters, simply because another person had gamed the system or grinded out an exceedingly long time in the past. I haven't played in an extremely long time, so I don't know what the current state of that is today.

What would you like to see as far as general game direction and would this encourage you to play more?
More players, easier mechanics. I'm a lot older now, I just absolutely do not have the kinds of time I had when I was a kid. I enjoy the mystery games, but any recent memories of playing this game made me feel lonely. I had to spend a lot of time alone doing boring things alone in order to play the character I wanted to play. I'm not super sure how something like that gets fixed, or if it's even still a problem. Like I said, I haven't played in an insane amount of time.

Other: Anything to add?
Hope things are well here. I'm always keeping an eye on this place, see if anything exciting is happening. I'm still an immature little bastard, but I like to think it's less negative than it used to be :o
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Re: Older Players

Post by IsisVanderford »

Achae Eanstray wrote: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:02 am
Why did you start playing, what were you looking for?
I started playing because I was looking for a new mmorpg in 2001. I was 17 and was looking for a game similar to pre-t2a Ultima Online in a sense, but with RP

If you quit, why did you quit playing and how long did you play before quitting?
I've never "quit" but I have taken vacations and always find myself returning

What made you come back to try to play again and did you stay or leave again, if so why?
I miss the simplicity of some things as well as a few old friends I made while I was here last.

What is/are your best time in the game, your best memory?
Attempting to mix both evil rp with the need to murder everyone I came in contact with, Leading Servants of Darkness, aggravating Bror, being apart of Dylucks Magic Academy, and a few more. It's been so long, I can't recall all everything.

Positive aspects of the game:
There's always RP to be found. It's never a dull moment

Negative aspects of the game:
The amount of people that are on at times are slim.

What would you like to see as far as general game direction and would this encourage you to play more?
Updates to both the crafting system, drops, possible pets or mounts, new items IG and more.

Cheers :evil:
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Re: Older Players

Post by MBN »

Why did you start playing, what were you looking for?: When I found Illarion I was younger and beginning my journey into the world of role playing. Had I not found Illa, I would not have found my passion for writing and role playing, and when I started I honestly had no idea what I was looking for or what to expect.

If you quit, why did you quit playing and how long did you play before quitting? I have not played in many years, but, I played for many years as well.

I will be honest here because it was extremely hard for me. During the times when the graphics and the engine were maturing and various systems were being tweaked and developed—when Gobaith was no more and the survivors watched as their home disappeared—that is when I feel I actually “quit” Illa. I had been part of shaping that island from “well” before the founding of Varshikar and beyond it, and then long after to the end.

To be honest I miss Gobaith and the engine/systems/gfx right before it was gone.

What made you come back to try to play again and did you stay or leave again, if so why? I saw that there were a handful of players online and have seen the news being updated and such with tweaks and bug fixes and such and thought I would check it all out once more.

What is/are your best time in the game, your best memory? I had so many extremely amazing times in Illa….it honestly shaped a big part of the role play world for me moving on but I would have to say some of the most fun I ever had was during the Lich Wars or whatever with the Temple and that cast of marvelous chars.

Positive aspects of the game: True, organic, role playing.

Negative aspects of the game: In my personal opinion I feel like the current Illa is not what I remember it to be. I miss the old gfx, I miss the “broken” systems, the OLD FEEL of the entire game, engine, etc. I miss Gobaith.

What would you like to see as far as general game direction and would this encourage you to play more? Resurrect Gobaith. :)
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