Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

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14.Bras 63 Announcement/Bekanntmachnung

Post by nathi »

Dear fellow citizens

Instead of a lengthy town hall meeting, I hereby publicly announce a few things.

Magical teleporter in front of Runewick.
Preparations for the performance of the ritual to repair the teleporter have been initiated. The ritual itself is expected to take place in the first days of Irmas 63. A few days before the ritual, there will likely be an attempt to remove the offending red portals.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our guest Rhaindierne for coming to assist in the ritiual. Rhaindiernes service will be payed on Runewicks cost. I like to thank as well Radelia and Drathe for their generous donations of needed pure elements. Also I would like to thank Guir for his various supports.

Letma - Preparations in Runewick
The production of basic potions is almost complete. The need to manufacture special tactical potions needs to be discussed with the mission leaders.
In the production of the enormous number of healing potions Yridia supported me a lot by taking over the share of the healing and strength potions for mages. But also for the production of the other potions by the way I was supported by donations of large amounts of gemstone dust and herbs from Sammy, Radelia, Drathe, Aswe and Guir. It would not have been possible to make this number of potions in that time without these donations. Only a few items had to be purchased.
The donations collected by Eli Travinus, especially more than 300 magic gems could not yet be retrieved until today. Therefore, 50 magic gems of each Runewick type were subsequently given to Oxiana by myself.
Should anyone get over his frustration about the loss of the donations and still continue to support with magic gems, please contact me.

Situation in Runewick / Poisonous Water
The predicted flood came late, but it happened. The mountain rising from the sea off Yewdale seems to be at rest.
The flood defences around Runewick are partially destroyed but have served their purpose in keeping worse effects away from the town.
Unfortunately, the flood had no effect on the poisoned water. However, the hole in the fields was filled with water.
After talking about this with Radelia and Aswe among others, I would like to implement the following plan:
We already know the composition of the poison in the water. Therefore, in the case of Alessandra's poisoning, she could be helped with an antidote that could be obtained from a particularly rare plant.
To brew an antidote for the water we would need tons of this herb and also a huge cauldron.
The water hole could serve as a cauldron. And Fergro had the idea to use the oars of the ships as stirring rods.
The recipe for the antidote without the extremly rar herb should be discussed among the alchemists. I will announce a call for this separately.
If we manage to mix this antidote in the water hole, we will lead it over a ditch to the posioned water and cause the hole to overflow by throwing the remains of the flood protection into the hole. So much for the plan.

Rented rooms
I would like to announce that in rooms and houses that have not been paid by the end of Bras, and no clarification has been sought with me, the door locks will be changed. The rent claims of the City of Runewick until the end of Bras will remain, as well as the costs for the replacement of the locks.

Changes to positions in Runewick.
I hereby give notice that at the end of Bras 63, the following appointments of 23 Bras 62 will be rescinded:
- Internal City Affairs, previously Jacob Maren.
- External affairs, previously Eli Travinus.
This cancellation can be objected to by those concerned up to and including 24.Bras 63.

For the shaping of Runewick, for the care of the connection with the other realms and also as candidates for the extension of the council successors are welcomed.

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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Elvaine Morgan »

Citizens of Runewick

I do not doubt all of you are now aware of Deanna’s departure. Of course we wish the best for her and her family, but we also mourn her loss and hope that in time she may return. Some will wonder why I have taken so long to address this matter but I hope in time this too will become apparent.

For those of you who may not be aware, I have long considered Deanna a dear and loyal friend. Whilst we might not always agree, we have a deep respect for one another that transcended public duty. Deanna truly understood the very essence Runewick was built upon. Her departure was not, however, a surprise. Deanna had long strived to build a strong administration and uphold the values of Runewick. All too often this was met with apathy and the very ethos of our foundation has been neglected. Deanna became convinced that in order to teach a true appreciation of citizenship, responsibility, and service, she must leave. I am glad she does not now bear witness to what emerges in Runewick today. I only hope in time we can do justice to her sacrifice and humility.

Characteristic of her administration, I can confirm Deanna left everything in order, detailing anything outstanding and returning all town funds in her possession. Deanna left a list of those owing rent and further to her earlier announcement this should be considered a last opportunity to arrange payment before access is denied.

Perhaps more significantly for Runewick's future, Deanna left a recommendation and I am pleased to announce Lennier the Grey has graciously accepted the position as Master of the Faculty of Nature and Alchemy. Whilst traditionally this would also mean serving as a Professor on the Academic Council, I have agreed that Lennier can first focus on growth of the faculty without the encumberment of handling town matters.

As we come to terms with this ‘new’ Runewick some have already sought my guidance, statements have been issued, and inevitably others simply seek to stir discord. We should consider this a time of reflection and an opportunity for learning. It is a chance to ask ourselves how each and every one of us uphold the values Runewick was founded upon. The path of enlightenment can quickly darken if we do not heed lessons of the past.

During this period of reflection and learning I will announce opportunities for public discussion. Equally I hope to speak personally to any Runewickian who wishes to seek guidance or offer their thoughts. In particular I ask any who believe they already hold a position within Runewick to present themselves, if they have not already done so, as I would like to hear in person of your contribution.

For Runewick


Bürger Runewicks

Ich bezweifle nicht, dass ihr nun alle über Deannas Abreise informiert seid. Selbstverständlich wünschen wir ihr und Ihrer Familie alles erdenklich Gute, aber wir betrauern auch, dass wir sie verloren haben und hoffen auf baldige Wiederkehr. Einige werden sich fragen warum ich so lange gebraucht habe um diesen Umstand anzusprechen, aber ich hoffe dass diese mit der Zeit offensichtlich werden.

Für jene unter euch, die es nicht wissen, ich habe Deanna stets als eine gute und treue Freundin gesehen. Auch wenn wir nicht immer einer Meinung waren, so hegen wir doch einen tiefen Respekt dem Anderen gegenüber, die über die öffentliche Pflicht hinausging . Deanna hatte wirklich begriffen woraus Runewick im Kern gemacht war. Ihr Abschied war jedoch keine Überraschung. Deanna hat lange versucht eine starke Verwaltung aufzubauen und die Werte Runewicks zu pflegen. Zu oft wurde ihr gegenüber mit Gleichgültigkeit begegnet und die Gesinnung unserer Gemeinschaft vernachlässigt. Deanna war überzeugt davon, dass sie gehen musste damit andere das Bürgerrecht, die Verantwortung und den Dienst an der Gemeinschaft zu schätzen lernen. Ich bin froh, dass sie nicht hier ist und mit ansehen muss was gerade in Runewick zu Tage tritt. Ich hoffe nur mit der Zeit können wir ihrem Opfer und ihrer Bescheidenheit gerecht werden.

So wie es charakteristisch für ihre Amtsführung war, hat Deanna alles ordentlich zurückgelassen, die Stadtreserven hat sie ordnungsgemäßs zurückgegeben und genau berichtet welche Einnahmen offen stehen. Deanna überlies mir eine Liste derer, die noch Miete schulden, und zusätzlich zu ihrer Ankündigung soll dies als letzte Möglichkeit begriffen werden, eine Zahlung der Miete zu arrangieren, bevor jemandem der Zutritt verweigert wird.

Vielleicht bedeutsamer für die Zukunft Runewicks, Deanna hinterließ eine Empfehlung und ich bin froh, dass Lennier der Graue gütigerweise das Amt der Leitung der Fakultät für Natur und Alchemie angenommen hat. Während dies der Tradition nach mit einer Professorenstelle einhergeht, habe ich zugestimmt das Lennier sich erst dem Ausbau der Fakultät widmen kann, ohne dabei durch Stadt Belange gestört zu werden.

Während wir uns in diesem “neuen” Runewick einleben, haben einige bereits meinen Rat gesucht, Absichten wurden erklärt, während unvermeidbarer Weise andere wiederum versuchen Unruhe zu stiften. Wir sollten dies als eine Zeit der Reflexion und Lernens begreifen. Es ist eine Gelegenheit uns zu fragen wie jeder einzelne von uns die Werte Runewicks hochhalten kann. Der Pfad zur Erleuchtung kann schnell düster werden, wenn wir nichts aus der Vergangenheit lernen.

Während dieser Lern- und Beobachtungsphase werde ich Gelegenheit für öffentliche Diskussionen ankündigen. Desweiteren hoffe ich, persönlich mit jedem Runwicker Bürger zu sprechen, der Rat suchen oder seine Gedanken mitteilen möchte. Im Besonderen bitte ich, die, die denken bereits eine Position in Runewick zu bekleiden, sich zu zeigen, wenn dies noch nicht geschehen ist, denn ich möchte gerne persönlich von ihren Beiträgen erfahren.

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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Lennier »

((German translation below|Deutsche Übersetzung ist weiter unten))

Citizens of Runewick

Upon reflection it has become apparent that in order to learn there is a need for opportunity to take responsibility. With this in mind I am pleased to announce that Lennier will be considering positions within the realm to allow those who wish to contribute to demonstrate their skills and how these might evolve to serve Runewick as a whole. Conduct and performance in these roles will be debated at a later date, with the view to drawing this period of reflection and learning to a close.

For Runewick


Citizens of Runewick

The time of reflection and learning, which our regent, the archmage, has proclaimed, is not over. But he agrees with me that Runewick needs a functioning leadership and therefore he has assigned me as 'Executive Secretary' to select suitable people who will overtake responsibility with me in the Academic Council.

At this point I would like to state that the members of the Academic Council will be appointed on probation. All members will be under the archmage's watch. No one will receive further privileges in the form of a ranking upon acceptance. These have to be earned by success, but especially before the archmage's eyes.

I have and about the next days I will contact various people who, in my opinion, enjoy respect and authority to talk to me about their future roles. Over the next few days, after I have sorted some things for me, I will call all of you to a city meeting where we will hopefully enter into a good dialogue and fill positions for the realm.

For Runewick

Executive Secretary of Runewick
Master of the Faculty of Nature and Alchemy


Bürger von Runewick

In weiterer Überlegung scheint es ersichtlich, dass auch im Lernen die Möglichkeit besteht, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Vor diesem Hintergrund freue ich mich, mitteilen zu können, dass Lennier Ämter für das Reich schaffen und besetzen wird, damit diejenigen, die einen Beitrag leisten möchten, ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen können und zeigen wie sie sich entwickeln, um Runewick als Ganzes zu dienen. Verhalten und Leistung in diesen Rollen werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erörtert, um diese Phase des Nachdenkens und Lernens zu beenden.

Für Runewick


Bürger von Runewick

Die Zeit der Reflektion und Lernens, welche unser Regent, der Erzmagier ausgerufen hat, ist nicht vorrüber. Doch er stimmt mit mir darüber ein, dass Runewick eine funktionierende Führung braucht und daher hat er mich damit beauftragt als 'Geschäftsführender Sekretär' geeignete Personen auszuwählen, welche mit mir gemeinsam im Akademischen Rat die Verantwortung übernehmen werden.

Ich betone an dieser Stelle, dass die Mitglieder des Akademischen Rates auf Probe bestellt sein werden. All seine Mitglieder werden unter Beobachtung des Erzmagiers stehen. Keiner wird bei Amtsannahme weitere Privilegien in Form einer Rangerhebung erhalten. Diese müssen durch Erfolge, insbesondere aber vor Augen des Erzmagiers erst verdient werden.

Verschiedene Personen, welche aus meiner Sicht Ansehen und Authorität genießen, habe und werde ich in den nächsten Tagen kontaktieren um mit mir über ihre zukünftige Rolle ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Nachdem ich in den nächsten Tage noch einige Dinge für mich regeln muss, werde ich zu einem Stadt-Treffen rufen, zu dem wir hoffentlich in einen guten Dialog treten werden und die Ämter für das Reich besetzen können.

Für Runewick

Geschätftsführender Sekretär von Runewick
Meister der Fakultät für Natur und Alchemie
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Lennier »

Bürger von Runewick,

es freut mich mitteilen zu können, dass Drathe und Caswir Drakull eingewilligt haben und von nun an mit mir gemeinsam den neuen Akademeischen Rat Runewicks bilden. In Übereinstimmung mit beiden wird Drathe als Direktor für Diplomatische Beziehungen bzw. Erster Diplomat Runewicks fungieren, während Caswir als Direktor für Magie und andere übernatürliche Kräfte der Erste Magier Runewicks sein wird. Mit diesen Ämtern sind lanfristige Ziele verbunden: Die Stärkung Runewicker Standpunkte im Dialog mit Cadomyr und Galmair, sowie die Mehrung von Wissen und der Ausbau der magischen Fähigkeiten Runewicks.

Der Akademische Rat wird mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahres 64 eine erste Stadtversammlung abhalten und sich allen Bürgern Runewicks näher erklären.


Citizens of Runewick,

I am pleased to announce that Drathe and Caswir Drakull have agreed, and from now on they will form the new Academic Council of Runewick together with me. In accordance with both, Drathe will serve as Director of Diplomatic Relations, while Caswir will serve as Director of Magic & Supernatural. Long-term goals are associated with these positions: Strengthening Runewick's standpoints in the dialogue with Cadomyr and Galmair, as well as increasing knowledge and developing of Runewick's magical abilities.

The Academic Council will hold a first town meeting at the beginning of the new year 64 and explain itself to all of Runewick's citizens in more detail.

Executive Secretary of Runewick
Executive Director Faculty of Nature and Alchemy~
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Caswir »

Citizens of Runewick,

There may be some concern that there is discord among the citizens. The council supports the Rangers of Runewick and values them. Though none are above the law however and will be held accountable. There has been numerous reports of attacks by one Bidukan, so as the Archmage requests, there will be brought upon a trial against Bidukan. For harassing a witness Norayil after trial of Aswe, also for the reports of attacks against Aswe, Norayil, Fergro.

Signed by~
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by nathi »

Anmerkung: Version in der alten Sprache unten

Dear fellow citizens

I went to see the Archmage to give him a suggestion from a fellow citizen and to hear his opinion. He referred to the council of the town, whereby we were already with a topic on which he put much value to clarify. It was about the occupation of the council and my attitude or rather my readiness for it. As everyone knows, I took a leave of absence from the council for a longer trip. After my return, things in Runewick had changed significantly. A group had formed in Runewick that had made it its goal to prevent me from exerting political influence again, because I was obviously a threat to their plans.
On the part of the probationary council there was just as little a position statement as from the archmage himself. The Archmage proclaimed a time of learning, which was mainly for the probationary council. For these reasons I have held back from returning to the council. Now that Lennier had evaded this test for quite some time now and Drathe has also resigned, which I personally regret very much, the Archmage sees this process of learning as a very questionable success and wants a clear occupation of the Council, he asked me to return to the Council.
We have agreed, taking into account conditions I have set, that I will return to the Council as of now. One of these conditions I would like to announce publicly. The Council must be expanded with qualified professors. My highest priority is to fill the Magic Academy with a professor who is able to build up and lead a tribe of magical scholars. Furthermore, I see an urgent need to revive the clerical circle in Runewick, which is represented in the council with its highest priest. Furthermore, I would like to further strengthen the most enduring faculty of nature and alchemy by a following professor to this faculty.
There will be discussions on this in the coming days.

Returning to the original reason for my visit to the Archmage, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that Itsuko Fuyino's request can be implemented, on the condition that the citizens of the city support it.



Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger

Ich habe den Erzmagier aufgesucht um ihm einen Vorschlag eines Mitbürgers zu überbringen und seine Meinung dazu zu hören. Er verwies dabei auf den Rat der Stadt, wobei wir auch schon bei einem Thema waren auf das zu klären er viel Wert legte. Es ging um die Besetzung des Rates und meine Haltung beziehungsweise meine Bereitschaft dazu. Wie alle wissen habe ich mich für eine längere Reise von Rat freistellen lassen. Nach meiner Rückkehr hatten sich die Dinge in Runewick deutlich geändert. In Runewick hatte sich eine Gruppierung gebildet die sich zum Ziel gemacht hatte zu verhindern das ich wieder politischen Einfluss nehmen konnte, weil ich offenbar eine Gefährdung ihrer Planungen war.
Seitens des auf Probe gestellten Rates gab es dazu ebensowenig eine Stellungsnahme wie vom Erzmagier selbst. Dieser hat eine Zeit das Lernens ausgerufen, die vor allem dem Rat auf Probe galt. Aus diesen Gründen habe ich mich zurückgehalten wieder in den Rat zurückzukehren. Nachdem sich nun Lennier schon seit längerem dieser Prüfung entzieht und auch Drathe zurückgetreten ist, was ich persönlich sehr bedauere, sieht der Erzmagier diesen Prozess des Lernens als sehr fraglichen Erfolg an und möchte eine eindeutige Besetzung des Rates, er forderte mich auf in den Rat zurückzukehren.
Wir haben uns unter Berücksichtigung von Bedingungen die ich gestellt habe geeinigt, dass ich ab sofort in den Rat zurückkehre. Eine dieser Bedingung möchte ich öffentlich bekannt geben. Der Rat muss um qualifizierte Professoren erweitert werden. Höchste Priorität lege ich hierbei auf die Besetzung der Magischen Akademie mit einem Professor der in der Lage ist einen Stamm von magisch Gelehrten aufzubauen und zu führen. Weiterhin sehe ich einen dringenden Bedarf den Klerischen Kreis in Runewick neu zu beleben der mit seinem höchsten Priester im Rat vertreten ist. Ferner möchte ich die bisher beständigste Runewicker Fakultät der Natur und Alchemie weiter stärken indem ein Professor in diese Fakultät nachrückt.
Es wird in den kommenden Tagen hierzu Gespräche geben.
Um damit auf den ursprünglichen Grund meines Besuches beim Erzmagier zurückzukommen - Ich möchte bei dieser Gelegenheit bekanntgeben das der Antrag von Itsuko Fuyino umgesetzt werden kann, unter der Bedingung das sie die Bürger der Stadt dabei unterstützen.

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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by nathi »

Dear fellow citizen

Regrettably, on the first day of my return to the Council, I have an unpleasant matter to decide.

For the safety of the city and the citizens living in it, I have asked Bidukan, who reappeared in Runewick today, to leave Runewick voluntarily by dawn of 10.Elos 66. I have also suspended him from the Rangers. He has the possibility to leave without any further measures being taken against him.
If this is not done, Bidukan will be banished from Runewick until further notice and may face a trial to be determined by Runewick. The city guard will be instructed to repel him by force if necessary.
Bidukan's expulsion is based on his presumption of office through disregard of Runewick laws, attempted usurpation of power, unauthorized orders and threats against Runewick citizens for noncompliance, false testimony, and physical threats, assaults, and insults against Runewick citizens and guests.
In his misguided exercise as a ranger, he took risk to a war with the other cities. In the event of a trial, the suspicion of inciting war will be investigated beforehand. Further, Bidukan has committed several offenses in the other cities. Which will be put on record if necessary.

I take this emergency security measure as the highest-ranking full member of the council. This decision can only be challenged by the Archmage.

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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by nathi »

Dear companions of time

The detoxification of the waters around Runewick has taken a very long time. In the end, this process showed us how important perseverance and science are for the land, nature and society.

Each society has its own special skills and aspirations. Occasionally these aspirations are dispersed with ideals that rather other realms claim for themselves. Runewick must once again have the courage to consider its abilities; we should not be tempted to measure ourselves against other ideals. When it comes to respect, it can be gained through swordsmanship, through gold, but also through knowledge. But respect should be earned, not simply demanded.
Runewick traditionally stands for the attainment, promotion and preservation of knowledge and thus for science.

We divide science into the knowledge of nature, the arcana, clerics and healing. All these sciences have their own characteristics but also overlaps that connect them. Therefore, we are not in competition in the sciences, but always complement each other.

It is no secret that most of the sciences in these areas are withering away more and more in Runewick. Partly it is believed that knowledge falls from the sky without doing anything for it. There is a lack of motivated and talented people who have the courage and perseverance to take on a role in one of the faculties. At the same time, Runewick offers good conditions for science, where successes and failures alike lead to valuable insights.

I would like to take this opportunity to call on those who can enrich Runewick with research and knowledge. From young scientists with new ideas to experienced masters, come out of the houses, come to Runewick, go to the falcutes and academy. Help advance science, contribute, research, teach, and join us on a journey of knowledge and fulfillment, and a path of peace.

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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Caswir »

Some days ago at the town meeting, one major issue was discussed and debated regarding the attack on four Cadomyrians. It has come to my attention that two Runewick citizens were involved. I originally suggest a town ban for both of them, since citizens were left in fear that they were free to roam our streets, although after discussion a conclusion was found. It was decided according to the Runewick constitution that both citizens: Sardon Atarka and Orion Lanister were to face trial at a date to be set for their involvement in the attack.

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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Karrock »

Oof I'm safe.

~signed: Orion Lysander
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Kugar »

~ A skeleton takes a parchment and folds it into a boat-like shape. The skeleton then throws (pointy end first) in the direction of Runewick. Maybe it ends up there, maybe not? Regardless, it _TRIES_ to get there ~
I've come... because you haven't let me REST Elvaine!

~ Sagrimore Ravenshire

cursed Deadmarsh meatshield
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Irina Monteira »

A little note is attached
"To the Council,

regarding the announcement above and the conclusion reached during the citizens' meeting, I would like to know about the date of this trial.
Or have the defendants Sardon Atarka and Orion Lysander already become unavailable ?

A concerned citizen
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Caswir »

The town meeting has been postponed. TBA

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Town Meeting

Post by Caswir »

There will be a town meeting soon on 05th Siros 71 - 03:00 pm (14. November 2023 02:00 pm).
Topics for discussion:
[*]Trial date of Orion Lysander announcement and discussion.
[*]Asking for building ideas for the betterment of Runewick.

~Caswir Drakull
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Re: Announcements / Bekanntmachnungen

Post by Malchus »

Malchus visits the announcement board and attaches a parchment.
Treasures await YOU!
Do you know how to fight, dig, or read a map?
If your answer to any of these questions is "YES!",
you are welcome to join Runewick's upcoming treasure hunting expedition!

Where: Runewick's tavern
When: 14th Adras 71 at 06:00 (20. January 2024 at 18:00)

All found coins will be equally distributed among the participants.
Found equipment will be donated to Runewick's armory or treasury.
Interested treasure hunters are recommended to bring their own equipment and provisions.

Captain of the Town Guard
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