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Yridia Anar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Yridia Anar »

It seems that the druid Yridia has left Illarion for a while.
Few, maybe even only one person, know why or for what reason.

Some whisper that she left through a strange blue portal, shortly after Mas.
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Sammy Goldlieb
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Re: Downtime

Post by Sammy Goldlieb »

Some may have seen a giantic dwarf following the beloved Ushara priest.
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Amelia Rotholz
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

Since the day Cadomyr got cut off by flames, Amelia has not be seen anymore. Bre, the guard at the gates, said, she wanted to take a ship at the harbour, as the teleporter failed her.

((Things are too much RL. I need time to get all in line again. I hope it won't be too long))
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Re: Downtime

Post by Bidukan »

Bidukan has been seen leaving Runewick's harbour by ship. Nobody knows where he's going nor for how long.

(( I will take a break from the game ))
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Inara und Aleytys werden für eine Weile nicht in Illarion zu sehen sein.
Es ist jedoch bekannt dass sie Inaras Heimat besuchen - aus familiären Gründen


Inara and Aleytys will not be seen in Illarion for some time.
However, it is known that they will visit Inara's home - because of family reasons.
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Re: Downtime

Post by Fergro »

Fergro is often wandering below Galmair or off into the darker parts of the forest. It could be days, weeks or months at a time that he wanders off...
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Cassidy Eshorn
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Re: Downtime

Post by Cassidy Eshorn »

A crumpled parchment is found under a barrel of empty beer while cleaning at the Hemp Necktie. It should have been neatly placed on the board ages ago. Someone managed to straighten it out and finally place where it belonged.

Alistair and I along with our two toddlers are going to be visiting his home for awhile. We are unsure the exact date of our return but will miss everyone.


There is no date when this was written.
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Amelia Rotholz
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

Peter and Amelia have been seen at the harbour, taking a ship.

((Back in a week))
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

A letter reaches those in Illarion who are close to Ami, telling them she might take some more dwarven days to return as there is no ship leaving the harbor due to stormy weather.

((Got trouble with my arm, give me one or two more days))
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Azure Lynch
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Re: Downtime

Post by Azure Lynch »

Azure has left a letter to his friends as others have seen him booking passage. The letter simply reads going to see my daughter will return soon

(Sorry ment tonpost this sooner. Work has been keeping me busy Friday is the last day of work then going to Tennessee to get my aunt and moving her down here. Should be back by this wed or Thursday))
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Amelia Rotholz
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

Amelia has been seen with a bunch of parchments, heading to her flat.

((Back on Sunday, seeing my family))
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Re: Downtime

Post by Fergro »

Fergro has been taking time to work with Senka, Galmair's priestess to Ronagan to feed, educated, and busy the few orphaned children in Galmair. Food and blanket donations have been made by Amelia, Claudette and Titus. When he's not patrolling on guard duty, he is helping with the orphans.
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Re: Downtime

Post by Charlotte-ate-wilbur »

Sardon is seen leaving the lands by Runewick Harbor, Brassius and others may have heard him say as he left "There is nothing in these lands, no work for mercenaries, no governing bodies to sspeak of, thiss one iss surprised these realmss have remained to this day, it's simply a wonder."
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Guir Rabenflügel
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Re: Downtime

Post by Guir Rabenflügel »

Guir wurde dabei gesehen, wie er eilig die Stadt Cadomyr verließ und auf ein Schiff am Hafen stieg. Zurück ließ er nur einen Zettel am Stadtbrett...

((Meine erstgeborene Brut wird in der nächsten Zeit das Licht der Welt erblicken :twisted: , daher ziehe ich mich auf unbestimmte Zeit aus Illa zurück. Sollte etwas Wichtiges sein, bin ich jederzeit über PM oder Discord zu erreichen. Bis dann! :D ))


Guir was seen hurrying out of the city of Cadomyr and boarding a ship at the port. All he left behind was a note on the town board ...

((My firstborn brood will see the light of day in the near future :twisted: , so I am leaving Illa for an indefinite period of time. If there is something important, I can be reached at any time via PM or Discord. See you then! :D ))
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Re: Downtime

Post by S'rrt »

Sir S'rrt had gone after Jefferson Gray during Mas and hasn't been seen since...

((Been on downtime since Mas and continuing to do so for another couple of weeks or so))
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Re: Downtime

Post by Bidukan »

Guir Rabenflügel wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:33 pm Guir wurde dabei gesehen, wie er eilig die Stadt Cadomyr verließ und auf ein Schiff am Hafen stieg. Zurück ließ er nur einen Zettel am Stadtbrett...

((Meine erstgeborene Brut wird in der nächsten Zeit das Licht der Welt erblicken :twisted: , daher ziehe ich mich auf unbestimmte Zeit aus Illa zurück. Sollte etwas Wichtiges sein, bin ich jederzeit über PM oder Discord zu erreichen. Bis dann! :D ))


Guir was seen hurrying out of the city of Cadomyr and boarding a ship at the port. All he left behind was a note on the town board ...

((My firstborn brood will see the light of day in the near future :twisted: , so I am leaving Illa for an indefinite period of time. If there is something important, I can be reached at any time via PM or Discord. See you then! :D ))
(( All the best with your baby Guir <3 ))
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Inara Valdris
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Re: Downtime

Post by Inara Valdris »

Inara wurde gesehen wie sie hinter der Villa Edward wohl ein Portal öffnete und mit einer Tasche und einer größeren Kiste hindurch ging.

((Kleine Pause meinerseits von ein paar Tagen, bis ich wieder ganz auf der Höhe bin :) ))


Inara was seen opening a portal behind the Villa Edward and walking through it with a bag and a larger box.

((Small break on my part of a few days until I feel better :) ))
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Re: Downtime

Post by nathi »

Deanna was seen grabbing a couple of thick books from the library and retreating with them in the southern town forest.

((Just back and gone again for a few days))
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Re: Downtime

Post by nathi »

Deanna boards a ship with some baskets in her hands and calls out to the captain:" Take me to a port where gem dust is traded."

((away again for some days, until the middle of the week))
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Re: Downtime

Post by Roxie »

Roxie was seen boarding a foreign ship with a blood-red flag to be greeted by a jeering crew.

away for a longer time
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Amelia Rotholz
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

Amelia has been seen boarding a ship in the early morning.

((back next week))
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aly is seen at the beach, opening a portal and going through

((a short break from IG playing))
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Dragonlord Atarka
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Re: Downtime

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

Sardon may be seen around Yewdale and the Hall of Elara taking various books to the Ranger's Cottage for study. He cloisters himself away and when disturbed from his study or slumber he seems to be
quite irascible.

(( My wedding Anniversary is coming up here soon and I'm taking a short break from Illarion for just a few days. If you need to get a hold of Sardon I will still be able to take private messages, I may play a bit here and there but I won't be incredibly active for a little bit))
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Re: Downtime

Post by Aswe »

Illarion has ceased to be fun for the time being.
might be back
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Amelia Rotholz
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

Amelia has been seen on the way to her flat, carrying a crate, filled with finest cloths, silk yarn, gem pearls and other materials.
With her was a servant of the Crest, obviously helping to carry, with quite a bunch of parchments…

Gone till next Wednesday
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Inara Valdris
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Re: Downtime

Post by Inara Valdris »

Man konnte sehen und hören, wie sich Inara von ihren engsten Vertrauten verabschiedet hat. Offenbar ist sie auf eine Reise gegangen, relativ still und heimlich.
You could see and hear Inara saying goodbye to her closest confidants. Apparently she has gone on a journey, relatively quiet and secretly.
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Avaroth Teladon
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Re: Downtime

Post by Avaroth Teladon »

Avaroth left or something ((pretty doubtful I'll play illa again. Never say never but doubtful and certainly not any time in the foreseeable future))
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Dragonlord Atarka
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Re: Downtime

Post by Dragonlord Atarka »

Sardon sends a simple note to those he associates closely with.

In careful text with an unskilled hand in writing as follows: 'The Dragon Sleep falls upon the Atarkan.'

He is not seen, nor heard from besides this.

((I'm temporarily out of internet, I can use my phone but not sure when I can get back, sincere apologies to those whom I started things with and stopped, I'll be back when I can.))
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Amelia Rotholz
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Re: Downtime

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

Amelia has been seen leaving Galmair towards the harbour.
Her close ones know, she is visiting her family to recover from a desease.

((Gone for Christmas for about a week. Happy Holidays, everyone!))
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Alytys Lamar
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Re: Downtime

Post by Alytys Lamar »

After receiving the letter from her friend Nish, Aly is seen packing. On Countess Katharina's door you might also notice a short note.

* Dear Katharina,
I am at a wedding for a few days - should something extraordinary happen then Inara knows how to reach me.
See you soon

((Aly is gone 'til mid of next week))
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