***Peasants gawk at a wall etching***

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***Peasants gawk at a wall etching***

Post by Omarcomin »

A gaggle of downtrodden peasants gawk at an etching which has mysteriously appeared in the Cadomyr town square overnight. The artist, clearly proud of his work, has signed the graffiti. Speculation is rampant throughout the city as to the identity of the unknown malcontent 'Le Rapier'.
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Re: ***Peasants gawk at a wall etching***

Post by Q-wert »

~A note of fine writing, very possibly familiar to those from Cadomyr, is pinned underneath.~

Whilst I personally can but close my eyes in disgust how one can abuse the beauty of the new language to such horrendous degree in words so few, the Count High-Templar found this piece of 'art' bemusing.
Thus, the piece of 'art' may remain where it is. Also, in stead of being ordered to be executeded, the artist may (if he dares) duel the Noble the insulted Knight Exelus belongs to, the Count High-Templar himself. The choice of arment would be rapier, free choice of armour and no potions. Whilst the Count High-Templar will not use any, the challenged artist may use as many gems as he finds honourable.

Should the artist survive the duel, he will be commissioned a piece about the Houses enemies, for a more than generous sum of 100 coins of gold.

For the Count High-Templar,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House
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Re: ***Peasants gawk at a wall etching***

Post by Exelous »

On his routine daily patrol Exelous, esteemed knight of the realm, happens upon the gaggle of downtrodden peasants. After noticing a member of the riffraff pointing and laughing at him, the warrior marches over with measured steps to find out what all the hubbub is about. Finally, as he comes close enough, he notices the graffiti and exhales a long sigh.

"I wear my patch over the left eye socket... This 'Le Rapier' may be a dab hand with a paint brush but, clearly, is not talented enough in the arts of observation."

Showing the peasants the back of his hand, Exelous soon orders them to disperse and marches off in the direction of the Sea Serpent headquarters.
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