Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

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Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

To centralize the information about the current defence of the Realm all future reports and commands regarding the fight against the orcish invaders from the north and the masses of undead pouring from the volcano of Letma are to be put here. As it is improbable for both to be over before the nights of blood, reports and commands regarding the Mas defence of the 10th cycle are to be put here as well.
Um die Informationen über die gegenwärtige Verteidung des Reiches zu zentralisieren sind alle Berichte und Befehle bezüglich des Kampfes gegen die orkischen Invasoren aus dem Norden wie die Massen der Untoten aus dem Vulkan Letma hier zu platzieren. Da ein Ende beider Invasoren vor dem Ende des Zyklus als unwahrscheinlich eingeschätzt wird, sind Befehle und Berichte bezüglich des Mas des zehnten Zyklus ebenso hier zu veröffentlichen.

Anlagen im Bau - Sites in Construction:
(21th Malas, 10th Cycle)

  • keine - none

Aktivitäten - Activities:

  • Fortführung des Abnutzungskampfes im Süden (Adelshäuser und Freiwillige) - Continuation of the fight of attrition in the south. (Noble Houses and Volunteers)
  • Untersuchung der Ritualplätze (Träger des Feuers) - Investigation of the ritual sites (Bearers of Fire)
  • Untersuchung der Ritualplätze (Träger des Feuers) - Investigation the invaders goal away from the fighting (Noble Houses and Volunteers)

Die Situation - The Situation
(21th Malas, 10th Cycle)


Gegenwärtig geschehen zwei simultane Invasionen gegen das Reich: Eine orkische invasion feindlich gesinnter Clans im Norden und eine untoter Streitkräfte aus den Tiefen Letmas im Süden.
There are two simultaneous invasions happening against the Realm: An orcish invasion of hostile clans in the north and one of undead forces coming from the depth of Mount Letma in the south.

Nordfront: Skullcrusher
  • Feinde - Enemies:
    Orkische Jäger, Krieger und Schamanen - Orkish Hunters, Warriors and Shamans

Several orkish clans were driven from their homes by an undead dragon which is speculated to be kin to the slain first dragon Zharas. While some settle peacefully, a large portion under the leadership of Clan Skullcrusher moves into the desert of the Realm with intent of conquest and plunder.
Mehrere orkische Clans wurden von einem untoten Drachen aus ihrer Heimat vertrieben. Von jenem Drachen wird vermutet, dass es sich um ein Geschwisterteil des erschlagenen ersten Drachen Zharas handelt. Einige Orks ließen sich zwar friedlich nieder, ein großer Teil jedoch sammelte sich unter der Führerschaft des Clans Skullcrusher und marschierte mit der Absicht von Beute und Eroberung in die Wüste ein.

Die orkischen Streitkräfte hatten einen Kommandoposten errichtet und waren bis zum Kantabifluss vorgerückt, wurden dann jedoch von den Verteidigern des Reiches zurück in die Berge getrieben. Nun da der Kommandoposten zerstört ist und verstärkte Aktivität der Untoten im Süden besteht haben sich die Orks in eine defensive Position zwischen den Bergen und der Alten Festung Zots zurückgezogen und scheinen auf einen Moment zum Zuschlagen zu warten.
The orcish forces had set up a command post and occupied as far as the Kantabi river, but were repelled by the Realms defenders and momentarily pushed back into the mountain. With their command post destroyed and massive activity of the undead of Letma the remaining orcish forces have set up a defensive position between the mountains and the old fortress of Zot and seem to wait for a chance to strike again.

Südfront: Letma
  • Feinde - Enemies:
    Rote Skelette (Krieger, Magier, Totenbeschwörer) - Red Skeletons (Warriors, Magicians, Necromancers)

Ever since the beginning of the 10th cycle the volcano of Letma has been restless, sending out tremors, spitting fire, ash and pouring masses of powerful undead creatures (even dragons) into its vicinity. The battle against the mountains creatures has been long and bloody, and while there have been countless victories against the dead, the enemies numbers and ressources do not at all seem exhausted yet.
The entrance to the Mountain was first sealed by the defenders of the Realm after a push into the heart of the Mountain, then collapsed during the tremors following it. Gradually more portals appeared in front of the Mountain, spitting out ever more invaders. Two ritual sites appeared during the latest tremors, one on fire next to the portals and one in front of the Cadomyrian gates.

Seit beginn des zehnten Zyklus war der Vulkan Letma unruhig und bebte, stoß Feuer, Asche und Massen an Untoten (selbst Drachen) in seine Umgebung aus. Der Kampf gegen die Kreaturen des Berges war lang und blutig, und obwohl zahlreiche Siege gegen die Untoten erfochten wurden scheinen deren Ressourcen noch lange nicht erschöpft.
Der Eingang zu dem Berg wurde zuerst von den Verteidigern des Reiches nach einem Vorstoß in das Herz des Berges versiegelt und brach in den darauf folgenden Beben zusammen. Schrittweise erschienen mehr Portale vor dem Berg, immer mehr Invasoren ausspuckend. Zwei Ritualplätze entstanden während der letzten Bebeben, ein Brennender in der Nähe der Portale und Einer vor den Toren der Festung Cadomyrs.

So lange der Berg schweigt können die Portale der untoten Invasoren nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Kreaturen im Feld haben, unabhängig derer Position. Für gewöhlich erscheint unverzüglich eine weitere Kreatur aus den Toren für jeden erschlagenen Untoten um dessen Platz einzunehmen. Jedes Portal had ebenso eine eigene Auswahl an Kreaturen, welche es hervorbringt. Es ist möglich vorrübergehend die hirnlosen Kreaturen an einen ungefährlichen Ort zu locken und nur eine geringe Auswahl an 'aktiven' Portalen vor Ort zu bekämpfen. Solche Taktiken werden nahegelegt, dennoch sollten Kampfgruppen des Reiches Kreaturen, welche zur Seite gelockt wurden nach dem Angriff wieder zu erschlagen um die Gebietskontrolle des Feindes minimal zu halten.
For as long as the mountain is quiet the portals used by the undead invaders can only keep a certain number of creatures in the field, no matter where they are. Usually another creature from the same portal takes the place for each invader slain. Each portal also has a unique set of creatures coming from it. It is possible to temporarily lure the mindless creatures to a place where they do no harm and have only a select number of portals active to fight the creatures coming from it. While such tactics are recommended, raiding parties are strongly encouraged to clear creatures that were lured to the side and contain the invaders to a space as small as possible.

The islands of the Temple of Sirani have been fortified and a forward camp has been set up there, almost in sight of the portals. Due to the raw strength of the invaders only capeable warriors and soldiers should engage the enemy. Both noble Houses of Cadomyr again and again deploy their best fighters to fight at the mountain.
Die Inseln des Tempels der Sirani wurden befestigt und an selbiger Stelle ein vorgelagerter Rückzugsplatz eingerichtet, fast in Sichtweite der Dämonenportale. Aufgrund der rohen Stärke der Invasoren sollten nur fähige Kämpfer den Feind dieser Front entgegentreten. Beide Adeligen Häuser senden ein um das andere Mal ihre fähigsten Kämpfer in die Schlacht am Berg.

Für das Reich der Erwählten Mutter Zelphias,
For the Realm of the Chosen One of Mother Zelphia,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the grand Lettarius. Who continues to amaze even himself.

Last edited by Q-wert on Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:59 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Befehl: Tore und Türen jenseits des Kantabi

Post by Q-wert »

For the duration of the invasion of the undead from Mount Letma following order is in place:
Für die Dauer der Invasion der Untoten aus Berg Letma gilt folgende Order:

Tore und Türen auf Reichsgrund ostwärts inklusive dem Ufer des Kantabiflusses oder -Deltas sind so lange sie nicht akut für Passage oder Verteidigung benötigt werden geschlossen zu halten. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Tore der Barrikaden der Kantabibrücke und des Siranitempels.
Gates and Doors on ground of the Realm eastwards of the shore of the Kantabi River and -Delta (including western shore) are to be kept shut if not immediately required open for combat or passage. This holds especially for the gates of the barricades of the Kantabi bridge and the Temple of Sirani.

Violation of this order is considered cooperation with the undead enemy.
Zuwiderhandlungen werden als Kooperation mit dem untoten Feind angesehen.

Für das Reich der Erwählten Mutter Zelphias,
For the Realm of the Chosen One of Mother Zelphia,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the grand Lettarius. Who is sad to see some people needing to be ordered to do things of common sense, as his magnificent talent could be put to so much better use.
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Barrikaden fertiggestellt

Post by Q-wert »

Die Barrikaden zur Sicherung der Kantabibrücke sind nun fertiggestellt.
Construction of the Barricades to secure the Kantabi bridge is complete.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Lia »

The Fortified temporary wooden bridge over the delta to the Temple of Sirani is now finish.

Hunter from the House of Sea Serpent
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Zurückgewonnenes Kernland

Post by Q-wert »

The core lands of the Realm, as well as the temple island of the delta have been swept and are now again free from the remnants of the last push of the invading forces.
Das Kernland des Reiches, wie die Tempelinseln des Deltas wurden durchkämmt und sind nun wieder frei von den Überbleibseln des letzten Vorstoßes der Invasoren.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Schriftgelehrter des Dritten Hauses
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Preisgeld - Prize Money

Post by Q-wert »

Um für dem Kampf gegen die südliche Invasion mehr Kämpfer zu gewinnen ruft hiermit das Haus der Seeschlangen einen Wettbewerb aus:
To win more warriors against the southern invasion the House of the Sea Serpent presents the following contest:

  • Whoever can prove the most slain red skeletons in the Kantabi Desert until the beginning of the nights of blood of the 10th cycle recieves a price money of:
    Wer bis zum Beginn der Nächte des Blutes des zehnten Zyklus die meisten erschlagenen roten Skelette in der Kantabiwüste vorweisen kann erhält ein Preisgeld von:

    250 Goldmünzen - coins of gold

    Als Nachweis sind Paare von Daumenknochen an den Arenameister des Blutzirkels zu händigen. Dieser wird zum einen Liste über die erschlagenen roten Skelette führen, wie auch die Knochen verbrennen.((*))
    Pairs of thumbbones may be handed to the arena master of the Blood Circle as proof for the creatures slain. He will keep list over the slain red skeletons and burn their bones.((*))

May the Ushak-Skath bless the defenders of the Realm with his primal endurance and strength.
Möge der Ushak-Skath die Verteidiger des Reiches mit seiner urtümlichen Ausdauer und Stärke segnen.

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

By the magnificant Lettarius. Who despite his unmatched talent chose to not further try to teach the Baron Templewarrior to read and write. And even if he had succeeded, one might not want to make the results of such daring endeavours public.

  • *Post the number of pairs brought to the areana master by your character in the pad at the following link:
    Anzahl der von deinem Charakter beim Arenameister vorbeigebrachten Daumenknochenpaare bitte im Pad des folgenden Links eintragen:

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Vision des Tarias Faelivrin

Post by Q-wert »

Tarias Faelivrin of the Bearers of Fire informed the House of the Sea Serpent of a vision he had. Key points were masses of undead raising from around a black pillar and them marching against fire-lit walls of Cadomyr. As similar visions of magicians assisting with the defence and the investigation of the portals have repeatedly pointed towards a black pillar to be of importance any sightings of such structures should, as already told in previous announcements of the House of the Sea Serpent, immediately be reported on their discovery.

For the safety of the Realm of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Brought to paper the magnificent Lettarius. Who can confirm there to be no such pillars in the library.
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Ende des Wettbewerbs

Post by Q-wert »

The competition for the fight at the volcano is over. The numbers registered for slain red skeletons are as follows:
    • 3150 - Baron Ssar'ney (Sea Serpent)
      2575 - Knight Kraex'Ju (Desert Fox)
      1027 - Knight Zelphyra (Sea Serpent)
      908 - Knight Xanthe (Sea Serpent)
      369 - Knight S'rrt K'shire (Desert Fox)
      27 - Banduk (Galmair)
      1 - Knight Sefja (Sea Serpent)

With such, the Baron Templewarrior does keep his prize. Still, the House of the Sea Serpent does thank each and every single participant most warmly for their significant contribution to the battle. Once the dust from the nights of blood has settled and the invasions leave time for such, all participants will be rewarded in a ceremony.

  • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Kraex »


A dramatic increase in activity has been witnessed around Mount Letma as of the 23rd of Elos! Sir Kraex'Ju warns all defenders of the realm to be on their utmost guard as the waves of demon skeletons has more than tripled from previous numbers. As Sir Kraex'Ju scouted Letma and the surrounding areas, he concludes that our enemy is searching for something. The knight closely trailed the ravenous hordes of undead and it does not appear that they have found what they are seeking.

Further scouting reports found the following:
  • A large collection of fallen rocks on the eastern side of Mount Letma, near the shore that leads to the narrow path to the golem islands.
    • Near where the rocks fell from the mountain side a snapped rope was spotted.
    • No signs of tracks, blood, or other clues were present at this scene.
Stay Vigilant,
Sir Kraex'Ju ___X____
Head Knight of the House of the Desert Fox
Scribe Mirarie Bragolin
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Expedition Galmairischer Magier

Post by Q-wert »

Two dwarven days ago an expedition initiated by Galmarian Evie Pryler set out to close the red portals used as staging points for the undead invaders, making use of previously prepared talismans. Things went well for a moment at the first portal until the magicians present drained all their power.

After this turning point dead hands, only seen by those they reached for, tried to pull those near into the portal and during the retreat of the expedition onto holy ground a sizeable number of red portals sprung up, four of them on the temple island. Furthermore a black pillar reading the letter 'A' (apparently all pillars sighted to this moment read 'P' 'R' 'E' 'A') appeared from nothing in the centre of the mentioned four portals.

With the Count Templewarrior refusing to let the temple fall into enemy hand, rallying the retreating expedition, the red skeletons coming from the portals were slowly driven back, leading to the collapse of those portals on ground holy. The black pillar was destroyed by a bottle of holy water smashed against it by the Count Templewarrior.

Uhuru Pryler may consider herself scolded for slaughtering peaceful animals at the temple of Sirani. Azure Lynch is to report to the Count Templewarrior, for refusal of a Noble command to aid those entangled by portals is nothing the House takes lightly; refusal of report by end of the month will be considered cooperation with the enemy.

The House of the Sea Serpent praises the the well intended effort of this expedition, for those not trying have already lost.

In the name of the Count Templewarrior,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by S'rrt »

The undead invasion has blasphemed and destroyed Sirani's temple

Less than a dwarven day ago, the following events took place near mount Letma, according to my memory of the events:
  • Noble Count Ssar'ney of the House Sea Serpent came across piles of ashy substance circling Sirani's temple
  • He went to get backup suspecting a ritual taking place, and upon his return there was a circle of fire around the temple
  • More backup arrived from Runewick and Galmair, including mage and chancellor Evie Pryler. This is where I also got involved
  • The elfess who has been linked to the undead invasion, Prea, appeared in a portal within the burning temple
  • Count Ssar'ney and a couple of others rushed Prea, following her into the portal
  • The rest followed, only to find Count Ssar'ney claiming he slayed the elfess, in a long dark cavern with two sets of three portals at each end, and a pool of lava separating the fighters from a mass of mixed red skeletons
  • The lava began to solidify as mage Evie was attempting to investigate the portals, and the forces from three settlements formed a defensive line with the leadership of Count Ssar'ney and myself
  • After the undead were destroyed, mage Evie determined that we were under mount Letma, glimpsing on what has been brewing inside. She also gained visions of Prea being surrounded by flames and undead, a vision of Prea being replaced by four dark columns. Soon after everyone had to evacuate due to crumbling ceiling
  • Upon returning to Sirani's temple, four columns had appeared on the southeast side of Sirani temple island, with letters P, R, E, A
  • Count Ssar'ney, myself and Katharina Ross stayed to dig a trench to allow water to flow into the temple to hopefully solidify the rest of the lava there
Sirani's temple is now burnt down and destroyed but it will be rebuilt in good time. The bridge leading to the island from northwest side will be reinforced with the spread of the invasion in mind.

I would like to extend my greatest gratitudes to the Cadomyrians, mage and chancellor Evie Pryler, the rest of the Galmairians, Bearers of Fire and Runewickians who gave their help in trying to prevent the seizing of Sirani's temple. Cadomyr will require further arcane help to retaliate against the terrible blasphemy that's happened to the beautiful temple of Sirani but will not take such help for granted.

Hail the Queen and her allies,
~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire
Noble of House Desert Fox,
Queen's ambassador to Galmair
Last edited by S'rrt on Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

The Third House affirms the memory of Noble Baron K'shire of the House of the Desert Fox to be correct and only wishes to add minor details to his written report:
  • Upon return of the Count Templewarrior the temple was found in flames, the gate leading to the mountain wide open.
  • A battle against red undead materializing around the temple followed, lasting about until the third wave of reinforcements arrived.
  • Prea melted down to a burning spot on the ground when the Count Templewarrior burst a bottle of holy water over her head.

The House of the Sea Serpent has construction of fire resistant defences to shield the battered temple under way. The temples shell might have crumbled and collapsed, but for as long as the altar still stands it shall be defended with unyielding zeal.

For purity of faith in the Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent

Whom doth thou call when there is exquisite writing to be made? Lettarius.
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Errichtete Verteidigungslinien

Post by Q-wert »

Construction of fortifications for the temple island of Sirani is complete.
  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House
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Ehrenzeremonie für die Helden des Reiches

Post by Q-wert »

The House of the Sea Serpent wishes to remind of the award ceremony being held at the evening of this threeday. The ceremony will be taking place in the practice hall above the workshop with food and dring provided for all guests.
Those having participated in the long fight of attrition during the months of competition are the following:

  • Counsellor Banduk from Galmair
    Baron S'rrt K'shire of the House of the Desert Fox
    Knight Kraex'Ju
    Knight Zelphyra
    Knight Xanthe
    Knight Sefja

Each of them will be rewarded with the Cadomyrian Medal of Bravery for contributing to the staggering kill count of the Realm against the undead invaders.

For the Realm of the Chosen One of Mother Zelphia,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent

Put to paper by the magnificent Lettarius. Who humbly acknowledges letters of admiration sent to him.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by S'rrt »

After a brief inactivity from the undead, they now appear to have returned in similar numbers to before.

~~ Noble of the House Desert Fox, Baron S'rrt K'shire

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Sinister »

A Miner's log - 5.249 years since the scriptures origin.

Today is the first of Malas.
We have encountered a red bone creature of extraordinary power and it appears to have a vague conscience.
It is believed to be an undead acolyte, a demonic existence capable of casting magic of the arcana.
Miners and travelers alike beware.
This dangerous and vile existence was last sighted south of the Cornerstone of Candour.
Soldiers of her majesty's realm have yet to be dispatched, however it is naught but a matter of time before they are.
This does not however clear the danger.
Whatever reason for it to appear this close to the borders of our realm, there have been sightings before in the past, before this most recent calm.

Be on your guard, and may the warmth of the gods ever shine upon Cadomyr and her people.

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Lia »

I have removed the Acolyth.
The Area should now safe again

- Sefja
Knight from Cadomyr
Hunter of the House of Seaserpent
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

Report on the Mission of Hunter Chirch Ka Shrr
Chirch Ka Shrr of the House of the Sea Serpent had been tasked with finding out what the dragon Erdhal residing in Runewick knows about the forces invading the Cadomyrian desert. After locating the dragon, who tends to spend most time out in the wilderness to hunt, and talking to him without setting the surrounding area on fire, Shrr returned with the following information:

  • Erdhal had been a prisoner of the undead underground and was freed by Tarias Faelivrin of the Bearers of Fire.
  • During his captivity Erdhal observed vast amount of undead, to which the amount deployed into the desert is neglectable in comparison.
  • The dragon felt a powerful presence residing under the mountain of Letma, although that presence frequently left the area and its undead forces for extended periods of time.
  • From the observation of the flow of magic Erdhal believes the restricted amount of deployed undead to be deliberate and that the presence could direct considerably more numbers of undead creatures wherever it opened portals. The presences current strategy is possibly to divert attention from its main activity and to safe the main force for truly important battles.

The House of the Sea Serpent will keep an eye out for irregular activities at the uncolonised parts of the New World, as well as the vicinity of the Hemptie Neck INN, as those are the places where the least of activity from the divertion forces were observed. Information regarding such activities are to be reported on this board.

Chirch Ka Shrr is from now on listed as Hunter of the Third House.

For the safety of the Realm of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

Put to paper by none other than the most grand, handsome and pleasing to read scribe of our time, Lettarius.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

Durchkämmen der Wildniss - Searching the Wilderness
To press on the investigation of the heresy behind the invading forces from the depths of Mount Letma the House of the Sea Serpent is leading an expedition to search suspicious and reported places in the wilderness. Participants may gather in the gatehouse of the fortress Cadomyr at the highest sun of the 8th Elos.
Um die Nachforschungen über die Heräsie hinter den Invasoren aus den Tiefen des Berges Letma voranzutreiben führt das Haus der Seeschlange eine Expedition, welche gemeldete und verdächtige Orte der Wildnis untersucht. Teilnehmer mögen sich zur höchsten Sonne des achten Elos im Torhaus der Festung Cadomyr sammeln.

Für die Reinheit des Glaubens im Reich,
For purity of faith in the Realm,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

By the most handsome Lettarius. Who will most honouably and dutifully will do his part in regards of the expedition by writing down its findings in from the safety of the library.
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Partial success on the island of Sirani's temple

Post by S'rrt »

Partial success on the island of Sirani's temple
Count and Templewarrior Ssar'ney, myself, priest Alrik and Tarias of Runewick, and red brother and Alberich from Cadomyr executed an emergency cleansing on the island where Sirani's temple lies after the Count and myself witnessed the flames spreading as far as the bridge leading to Blood Circle arena.

The ground shook, earth cracked, flames appeared and burned bright but the power of the combined prayer from all participants begging for gods' help. Eventually the waters rose, replacing the lava with water as well as waterblossoms and icy fire. The red portals also disappeared and the rest of the flames were put out with water.

The pillars are still standing but due to the exhaustion of the participants, the area around the pillars was covered with the unmelting snow that rained on Cadomyr some months ago and was stored for later use, so as to prevent the flame on top of the pillars from spreading.

It seems safe enough now to leave the pillars standing, seeing how they are the only things now carrying a fire on them, surrounded by snow.

Praised be Mother for her help.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

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Letma activity

Post by S'rrt »

Warning: "Gate" portals active

During a routine check of mount Letma, the Desert Fox discovered that there are red skeletons near Letma again with the cause seeming to be the physical gates embedded into the base of the mountain, as they are for whatever reason active.

The undead will have likely spread into the desert by now so visitors and citizens alike are advised to keep cautious past the outer defenses. The House of the Desert Fox will gather at the earliest convenience to find the straggler reds.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Q-wert »

The warriors of the House of the Sea Serpent have been fighting the undead almost continuously at the portals for the past six days, in parts side to side with the Galmarian counsellor Banduk and Runewickian magicians.
Due to the functionality or the portals the House of the Sea Serpent has contained the creatures at a fairly safe position and the depths of the desert with only a small fraction active to be slain over and over again at the portals. It however has witnessed an irregularity in the undead attackers, as they seem to self-destruct after straying idly for a prolonged time.

The House of the Sea Serpent wishes to comment it to be inefficient to slay those invading creatures that have been 'cleaned away' to a position where they pose no threat to the Realm and dumbly stumble about. Especially when there are people fighting at the portal at the same time, as they probably will be jumped by hostile magicians.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent
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Feuerkreisportale erneut aktiv

Post by Q-wert »

The portals of the fire ring have gone active during this night, practically doubling the amount of active invaders.
The Count High-Templar has crushed several dozen of the invaders and confirmed the portals function to be identical to the usual ones.

  • ~Lettarius
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Gates left open in outposts

Post by S'rrt »

During several of Desert Fox's procedures to contain the undead to Letma, it has been discovered that the gates at the outposts on the bridges crossing the river to Letma have been left wide open for invaders to spill through.

The nobility of Cadomyr need not remind anyone, be it citizen or a visitor, that allowing such simple gaps on in our defenses is irresponsible and comparable to cooperation with the undead forces.
Perpetrators of this negligence will be met with punishment by a beating or death.

The House of the Desert Fox now offers a reward in exchange for eyewitness accounts of anyone foolish, lazy or heretic enough to leave a door open for the forces of Moshran, and for trouble of their own.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

Übersetzt durch die Hauszofe Katharina Thorstar wrote:Während einiger Manöver der Wüstenfuchse um die Untoten bei Letma einzudämmen wurde entdeckt, dass die Tore an den Außenposten auf den Brücken, die den Fluss in Richtung Letma überspannen weit offen gelassen wurden, sodass Angreifer hindurchkommen können.

Der Adel von Cadomyer muss niemanden daran erinnern, weder Bürger noch Besucher, dass die Ermöglichung solche einfacher Lücken in unserer Defensive unverantwortlich ist und mit einer Kooperation mit den untoten Streitkräften gleichgesetzt werden kann. Täter, die bei dieser Nachlässigkeit erwischt werden, werden verprügelt oder mit dem Tod bestraft.

Das Haus des Wüstenfuchs bietet von nun an eine Belohnung im Austausch für Augenzeugenberichte über jeden der dumm, faul oder mutig genug ist das Tor für die Streitkräfte Moshrans und für Ärger für sie selbst offenzulassen.
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Path inside Letma and source(?)

Post by S'rrt »

It is this Noble's belief that we have found the source of the invasion.

Desert Fox lead an investigation into the visions of its War Mage, Roland Ross, accompanied by allies and friends Tarias, Tialdin, Katharina, Celegail, Chirch, Vanille and Zannam. An entrance into one of the ground-floor caves of Letma was discovered with the combined effort of the party mages, where this Noble witnessed golems moving piles of bones.

Going underground from here revealed more red skeletons and a row of red portals. These portals began pulling people in against their will so this Noble ordered for the portals to be closed by Vanille but only after everyone else had gone through. It turns out this last portal as impossible for her to close so she followed us.

On the other side of this portal was an area of much heat, lava, shadowbeasts and strange pillars but most important of all, a dark, framed, wide portal sitting in the midst of the lava whose face showed hundreds of red skeletons..
This Noble has attempted to sketch the portal and the two skeletons laid against it:
The sensations given by this portal lead Tarias to believe that it is the connection between the demon plane and ours. Mages refused to use magic near this large portal as they felt that it would immediately suck up their magic.

Unable to do much about the portal at the time, and trapped by flames, the party was beginning to run out of options when a portal appeared between some pillars that took us outside, just outside Letma's west side. Here another entrance-looking wall was discovered but instead of revealing another path, it revealed another active portal.
The onslaught of red skeletons was too great to securely allow Tarias and other mages to close these portals, which they said requires ritual magic. It is at this point that the party had to retreat.

If what we found was truly the source, this Noble personally urges other the mages of other realms for help and to work together, bringing everyone's skills and knowledge into account, to find away to end this wretched invasion once and for all.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

House Maid Katharina Thorstar wrote:Dieser Adlige ist überzeugt, dass wir die Quelle der Invasion gefunden haben.

Der Wüstenfuchs führte eine Untersuchung der Vision seines Kriegsmagiers Roland Ross durch, begleitet von den Freunden und Verbündeten Tarias, Tialdin, Katharina, Celegail, Chirch, Vanille und Zannam.
Durch die gemeinsamen Bemühungen der Magier wurde ein Eingang in eine der Höhlen Letmas entdeckt, in der der Adlige Zeuge davon wurde wie Golems Knochenhaufen bewegten.

Als man von hieraus in den Untergrund hinabstieg, enthüllte dieser mehr rote Skelette und eine Reihe aus roten Portalen. Diese Portale begannen die Leute gegen ihren Willen hineinzuziehen, also befahl der Adlige Vanille die Portale zu schließen, nachdem alle hindurchgegangen waren. Allerdings stellte sich heraus, dass das letzte Portal nicht von ihr geschlossen werden konnte, weshalb sie uns folgte.

Auf der anderen Seite dieses Portals war ein Gebiet mit großer Hitze, viel Lava, Schattenbestien und merkwürdigen Säulen. Das Merkwürdigste jedoch war ein dunkles, eingerahmtes, großes Portal in der Mitte der Lava, welche hunderte rote Skelette beinhaltete.
Der Adlige hat versucht das Portal und die zwei Skelette die daran lehnten zu zeichnen ((siehe englische Version für das Bild)):
Das Gefühl, das Tarias bei diesem Portal befiel war, dass es eine Verbindung zwischen der Dämonenebene und unserer ist. Die Magier weigerten sich Magie in der Nähe des Portals zu verwenden, da sie fühlten, dass es die Magie sofort einsaugen würde.

Unfähig etwas gegen das Portal zu unternehmen und gefangen von den Flammen blieb der Gruppe nicht viel Entscheidungsspielraum als ein Portal zwischen zwei Säulen erschien. Es brachte uns nach draußen, direkt vor die Westseite Letmas. Hier wurde eine weitere Wand gefunden, die wie ein Eingang aussah. Doch statt einen anderen Weg zu enthüllen, enthüllte sie ein weiteres aktives Portal.

Der Ansturm der roten Skelette war zu groß, als dass man Tarias und den anderen Magiern hätte ermöglichen können das Portal zu schließen. Die hätte einem Ritual bedurft, wie sie sagten. An diesem Punkt musste sich die Gruppe zurückziehen.

Wenn das was wir fanden wirklich die Quelle ist, bittet dieser Adlige persönlich alle Magier anderer Städte um Hilfe und darum zusammen zu arbeiten um die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen von allen zu sammeln, um einen Weg zu finden diese elendige Invasion ein für alle Mal zu beenden.
Last edited by S'rrt on Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Short update on portal activity

Post by Q-wert »

The large portal inside the mountain has disappeared during the last threeday, whilst the path to its place is still open.

Since the last two threedays the outside portals of the fire circles and on the side of the mountain opposite to the temple of Sirani have gone inactive. Instead there is a single one further south which brings forth only warrior type skeletons.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by S'rrt »

To make a slight correction to the Count's report: The path to the inside of the mountain is there but what is missing since the expedition is a red portal that would take us to the floor with the large portal in it.

In other words: We are trying to find a way to restore a portal connection to the "core" room, with the large portal in it.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

House Maid Katharina Thorstar wrote:Als kleine Korrektur zu dem Bericht des Grafen: Der Weg ins Innere des Berges ist da, was allerdings seit der letzten Expedition fehlt ist ein rotes Portal, das uns auf die Ebene mit dem großen Portal bringen würde.

In anderen Worten: Wir versuchen einen Weg zu finden die Portalverbindung zum "Kernraum", mit dem großen Portal, wiederherzustellen.
Last edited by S'rrt on Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Vermillion Dynasty »

An elven female in white garments and magicians robes walks up to the report board, decisively pinning a note to it, obviously having contemplated this action beforehand, leaving as swiftly as she came.
Knight Vermillion makes her report. Speculations included.

I believe it would be of benefit to gather reports of the visions our mages saw on this trip and other occasions. The visions seem rather odd and perhaps random, but maybe if we put them all together we may find an answer to this puzzle that is Letma currently, in order to know how to properly proceed with this portal that was found during the expedition. Thus to contribute to this, I will make the move of my own and report all the visions I had during this expedition, listed below. However one should be aware of the possibility that some or even all may be some sort of deceit from whatever forces are at play. These also include my initial speculations on the matter.

A figure and flames
I saw visions of flames and a shade of a figure wandering in the distant background, this figure entered the mountain where we later on found the entrance. Whether this is a spirit attempting to guide us, or something trying to deceive us, or even just a lost soul contacting me unawares, it is all difficult to determine. It did not speak in any other form than these movements and flames. This figure walked on water, making me believe that this was a spirit and not a vision of the past or the likes, unless there has been a bridge or flatland there in the past.

A lizard and dwarf
Later I saw a dwarf and lizard being captured and chained by skeletons. This was at the same time that Tialdin and the Baron had left ahead of us, so at first I thought it may be a vision of their possible future fate, or something trying to deceive us to rush in after them. Later we found them safe, and I also had a vision of what was presumably the same lizard and dwarf as they were captured and dragged to portals.
upon entering the portals only their skeletons remained. This is mainly the reason why I believe the visions to be of the past, perhaps reflected by lost souls in the area of this dwarf or lizard, as the skeletons in the vision were by the portals still, along with 3 skeletons of elves. The appearances of these figures were very blurry, and I could hardly even make out what races they were of.

The elf
The final vision I saw was when Tarias was dragged into a portal by whatever force commanded the portals. Upon him disappearing, I received a vision of an elf whos flesh was melting away from his bones. Tarias ended up being fine, and the elf in my vision may likely have been one of the three skeletons of elves lying near the portal. This however makes me suspect that whatever force is sending mages these visions, is trying to manipulate us somehow. The difference between the first vision and the latter ones also makes me suspect there may be more than one force at play in sending these visions, especially since Tarias is seeing a young child who needs saving. Again, this vision was quite blurry, so I could not make out any particular features of this elf. Not to mention any features he had was quickly melting.On that note, maybe the vision was not blurry enough.

Knight Vanille of the Vermillion Ancestry
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Vermillion Dynasty »

An additional parchment is attached to the most recent one, by the same elven female as before.
Additional thoughts by Knight Vermillion.

Upon hearing of the words of the seer of Ushara, as quoted below, I have made some additional thoughts on the subject. As a knight of the realm, I believe it is appropriate of me to share these thoughts, as to inspire others to do the same, and perhaps aid the realm in finding a solution to defeating this long-term threat. Finding a solution to banish these demons back to whence they came.
Even the lowliest peasant, in this case assuming they can read or hears this by ear, has their bright moments. I believe publicizing what we all know and speculate about the mysterious surrounding the invasion of Prea will be of aid to the realms efforts.

One is innocent, one lies, one is lost.

This might very well be about the visions us mages have been seeing, and thus may work as a guideline if we were to gather the various visions and try to decide which belongs to which.
Of course this is only a speculation and the seers words may be of something else entirely, though I believe all the same that mages and those of us more sensitive to the spiritual may be wise to keep this in mind:
Not everything must be deceit. Not everything must be the truth. And most of all: Not everything must be purely one or the other.

I also hope I will see more cooperation between the realms on this matter than there already has been. I know that by many I will be considered a newcomer to the topic, and I appreciate the effort done so far by participants of all realms and am by no way trying to undermine such effort. However I still express my hope to see political differences be put aside for the better of the realms, as the forces of the unnamed one will without doubt not cease with Cadomyrs destruction. I believe in our ambassadors in that they will take the steps required to find such unity.
As said by the Runewickian scholar Amira Ranevskaya: Different schools of thought will allow for the best possible conclusion to be determined.
In any outcome, rushing in with brute force to destroy the portal without discerning the truth behind what the seer said and these mysterious visions, may very well lead to a poor end for us all.

May we all walk the path of purity as guided by the gods.

Knight Vanille of the Vermillion Ancestry
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Re: Invasion - Commands and Reports / Befehle und Berichte

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

An investigation of Mount Letma was conducted in order to further our knowledge as to the source of the invasion. It was lead by Vanille Vermillion and joined by our friends and allies, Baron S’rrt, Sefja, Exelous, Elessar, Bonislav, Caswir, and Lizzie.

The entrance was buried under rubble and had to be cleared away before the party could enter. Having found nothing of interest, the investigation was moved underground. After clearing reds from the area, the mages began to investigate a portal.

Visions began to affect members of the party. Those who were affected are asked to inform Vanille of what they saw so that she may use it to aid in her investigation.

The party then entered the portal. It lead to a small stone areas with paper covered desks and tables. Around the work area was shallow water. Our mages worked to search through the paperwork.

Suddenly, flames erupted from the shallows and began to engulf the water around us. Paperwork was hastily gathered and a portal book was read so that we could make a hasty retreat.

A warning to all people. Should any portal in Mount Letma be discovered, take caution in entering. It is unknown what is on the other side. Better yet, do not enter and instead report your findings to the nobles of Cadomyr so that an investigation can be lead.


Eine Erkundung des Berg Letma wurde durchgeführt um unser Wissen rund um Herkunft der Invasion zu erweitern. Angeführt wurde die Erkundung durch Vanille Vermillion und begleitet von unseren Freunden und Verbündeten: Baron S’rrt, Sefja, Exelous, Elessar, Bonislav, Caswir, und Lizzie.

Der Eingang war unter Schutt begraben und musste zuerst freigeräumt werden, bevor die Gruppe Zugang hatte. Nachdem nichts Interessantes gefunden wurde, ging die Erkundung unterirdisch weiter. Nachdem einige rote Skelete von der Arena entfernt wurden, begann die Magier ein Portal zu untersuchen.

Mitglieder der Gruppe begannen Visionen zu haben. Jene die von den Visionen betroffen waren, sind gebeten Vanille darüber zu informieren um die Untersuchung weiter zu fördern.

Die Gruppe ging dann durch das Portal. Es führte zu einem kleinen, gebirgigen Bereich mit Papier gestapelten Tischen- und Schreibtischen. Um den Arbeitsbereich herum war seichtes Gewässer.

Flammen brachen plötzlich aus und umfassten das Gewässer um uns herum. Die Papiere wurden rasch eingesammelt und ein Portalbuch wurde geöffnet um Rasch einen Rückzug anzutreten.

Eine Warnung an alle: Sollte ein Portal im Berg Letma entdeckt werden, gebt Acht wenn ihr durch jenes hindurch schreitet. Es ist nicht bekannt was auf der anderen Seite liegen könnte. Oder besser noch, betretet es nicht und teilt es indessen dem Cadomyr Adel mit, damit es genauer untersucht werden kann.

(Übersetzt von Bailey Marescot, die herkam um Schreibtischarbeit zu entgehen, nur um mehr Schreibtischarbeit zu finden.)
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