Drunken Daze ((open RP))

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Drunken Daze ((open RP))

Post by Caswir »

Caswir Drakull sits on the edge of a bed. He has recently rented a flat, Drunk on wine again. There is a red stain on the plaid cover. Now thinking to himself, how he had got there, his new profession brought him great profits.

"I am finally out of the wild and am home."

He takes his red wizard hat off his head and dusts it off before setting it on the bed next to him. He has ceased his cravings for now it seems...

"Ive been in such great spirits lately. It all seems to good to be true. Now If I could just resist the dark urges I have, and kill the demons that hunt me..."

He coughs grasping his chest a moment, then falls back on the bed, knocking over a bottle of wine with his foot. It spills on the hard tile floor.
"Ehhh too fucked up lately"

He passes out then.
Last edited by Caswir on Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Drunken Daze

Post by Caswir »

Caswir sits awake at the table the next day. He breaks off a piece of cake sitting at the table, he chomps down biting it. It is his normal breakfast routine to eat cake. Later on he makes his way to town and to the workshop. He ends up running in to some fellow bard friends. After conversing with them a while, they tell of rumors of an ancient song book, somewhere in Runewicks library. "This songbook would be elite! Most excellant!" So he heads to Runewick.

He arrives and goes straight to the library, he begins his search. After few hours he finds it, bound in green leather. The ancient song book. "Alas, it is mine!" He begins to page through the book. Yes this is just perfect! After paging through the book, he has already found a few songs to his liking.

Before leaving Runewick, he stops at the tavern for mead and cabbage stew.
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Re: Drunken Daze

Post by Caswir »

Drakull sits at the tavern munching on his stew, drinking his mead. The book rest securely in his satchel. He looks around the room, it is an empty house today. He turns to Rose Deepdelver and thanks her for the meal and drink, before leaving the tavern and heading home.

That same night Caswir is sitting in his Flat, paging through the book, studying the songs and chants. He proclaims his thoughts.

"This book may be magic! I think.. Some of these songs could have been used in rituals, and ceremonies! The book looks old enough, and is supposed to be ancient." He pauses looking over the rugged leather covering, and the weathered pages. "Only question is, what kind of spirits will this book summon?"

Caswir proceeds to copy select songs from the book to parchment paper. He spends the rest of the night, with his lute in hand, the parchments laid about the room, practicing his new material.
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Re: Drunken Daze

Post by Caswir »

Caswir Drakull march across the Northern Woods, it is dusk. His sword in hand. He is hunting, this early morn. He comes across a bear, it starts running towards him. Caswir attacks the bear with his sword. The bear paws his chest, it doesn't phase Caswir. He is clad in dark armor. Caswir strikes back and deals a blow to its head. The bear falls instantly to the ground. Caswir stand still and silent, sword in hand. Blood drips slowly down the magic sword..Then a flash of light, a horned spirit appears glowing out of his Magical Longsword. It grows slowly in height to giant proportions.

"The horned beast!" Caswir proclaims. The spirit dissipates and Caswir sheaths his sword. Just then he is startled by a sound, he turns and watches as an elk pass by.
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Re: Drunken Daze

Post by Caswir »

"Yes the ancient song book, seems to summon great spirits indeed!"

Caswir tokes his briar pipe while walking down the streets of Galmair.

"It is a good sign of times to come."

He mutters.
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Re: Drunken Daze

Post by Caswir »

Caswir returns to his flat. He sit at the table and pours a drink.

"Damn this forsaken world. The dead rule here..." He grumbles slamming a fist on the table. "What happened to the good people? The mana runs dry here, and the food is stale. Our perfect world, rotting underneath its beauty."

He drinks from a silver goblet.

"Ive lived thousands of years, and here I sit. In this place, where the undead rule, and the fire is gone. Ive known love, pain, and hatred, still there is something missing..."

He looks at the ancient songbook setting on the table.

"Ahh at least there is always new music,."

He packs his briar pipe full with fresh herbs, before lighting it.
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Lesson learned, way of the joker

Post by Caswir »

Caswir returns home the night after Mas. He hangs up his hat soon after he enters the flat. There is a bottle of wine on the table. He pours himself a drink.

"A long lesson learned. Next time I will trust my instinct."

He drinks. Then stares off thinking about the day. How Jefferson betray his allegiance, and made him look like a fool. He is clearly angered.

"My jokes arnt funny, I do not know why I insist on always being a joker. I was made to look like a fool today! One of these days it will be the cause of my trouble."

He gulps from a silver goblet.

"I should lay off the jokes, No one will take me serious if I don't. It is the way of the sword I live by, as so it requires only as much."

Caswir takes his sword from his belt and rest in on the table. Caswir then goes to pray, to his god Malachin, for guidance.
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Re: Drunken Daze

Post by Caswir »

Caswir awakens in his flat. He scratches his head and yawns. "I must have drank too much last night, now look Ive overslept even." He lights the lantern on the table. There he sits, for a moment thinking. "I should go to the temple today." He lights his pipe for a morning toke. "Yes must go to the temple of Malachin and pay tribute." Moments later after Caswir puts on his red hat, and leaves his flat.

Now he makes the trek to warp to Cadomyr, then down the road to the Malachin temple. He arrives and enters. He looks amazed "My what they have done to this place, since the ritual..." he stops and thinks. "Eh ..yes.. "

Drakull kneels before the alter and prays.
"Malachin, Lend me your strength.
Give me courage, for I am the hunter
Redeem me in wisdom,
to abandon my fear and doubt
Give me glory in battle
So I can slay"

He stands and looks about. "I think the gods have heard my prayers recently." Caswir gotten much stronger recently, and been able to withhold his accursed bloodlust surprisingly. He is adjusted to his new cozy life, and if possible leave his dark past behind him. "I must give tribute." He makes his offering before leaving.

Now he rest near a campfire near Galmair. He eats some cake and drinks wine. Staring at the fire trying to relax. After all his training, he could afford some time to relax.

((I added "Open RP" if anyone wants to join me.))
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