Beasts at the gate!

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Beasts at the gate!

Post by CJK »

Some evil force is assaulting our city!

I will stand guard over the Queen as long as I can, but Cadomyr will fall without aid!

-Jonathan Cain
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Re: Beasts at the gate!

Post by Q-wert »

Tainted forces of the Fallen God of Blood were so bold as to launch their attack prior to the days of blood.
A sighting of a demon was followed by the sudden attack onto the main gate of the Realms settlement.
All attackers now lay slaughtered or fled into the desert where they will be hunted down at sunrise.
The faith of the Cadomyrian people remains unwavering.

During further attacks until the days of Blood defenders are hereby ordered to hold the gates and thin out attackers with archery from the walls.
Once magical targets are taken out the rest is to be be scattered into the desert at night and killed once the sun rises.

Glory to the Goddess, Her Firstborn and the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

    Written by Lettarius. Who would be rendered most impressed by a demonstration of the might of the pen (which he heared to be rumored to be more powerful than the sword) by his scribe colleagues during any following attack.
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Re: Beasts at the gate!

Post by Mephistopheles »

I've slain only a few, there is more in tha desert. The magic some of these creatures use is powerful, single parties ain't advised unless yer a crazed battle hardened madman.

I went te Akaltut's chambers but I could do nothen te stop the creatures from coming from it, reports tell of a half spider half human creature, I say it sounds like we've got a hell of a fight come Mas.

~Vern Burnhammer
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