At the Lakeshore

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At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

(Open RP thread for any that are involved in the story line.)

Carefully opening and closing the door, the figure slips into the room gazing at the occupants for a long while before sitting in one of the chairs in the room and removing her boots. Slowly she approaches the bed, almost hesitantly. As the moonlight shines through the window it provides a brief glimpse of the exposed parts of her body, which appear to be bruised and scraped. Approaching the bed she slides in on the far edge, taking care not to touch anyone or anything that would make a noise. The figure remains still, as if asleep, as the moonlight glints into the room hours later though, teal blue eyes that almost match the long straight hair on the pillow, can be seen open and staring at the ceiling. As she finally dozes off she mutters to herself, "Blue, when will you learn?".
Last edited by Rourke on Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sarai Flysse
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Sarai Flysse »

She stood side-on behind an oak tree, staying as still as possible within the early morning forest glow. The young fox, who she tracked, stood stock still twenty paces ahead, obscured by the tree. Its ears twitched, seeming to listen or sniff the hazy forest air. The elfess didn't move, except for the tiniest motion of her chest rising and falling.

She'd woken early, careful not to wake people, disappearing to clear her head. She'd left Blue a hasty note. It read, 'Couldn't sleep. Maybe find some woodland breakfast. Join me if you like. S.' Truth was, she'd hoped the elfess slept in, this madness had her mind whirling like a Gynkese monk, and focusing on prey was all that cleared it. Slowly, she began to lower herself, finally lying flat, face down on the soft forest belly. Gradually she inches closer to the fox, slithering much like a snake. She could've shot the poor creature, but this felt more satisfying.

*Crack*. A patch of leafy undergrowth gave way to reveal a twig, and she cursed soundlessly. The fox turned to face her, eyes knowing. For some strange reason, it didn't bolt.
'How's it going,' she whispered hoarsely, a sad smile on her lips. The fox gazed at her soulfully. She pounced, drawing her dagger in one swift motion, trying to pin the beast to the earth. The young fox twisted, and her knife grazed its side, sending flecks of blood onto her leathers. The creature ducked and span away with inhuman speed, sending the elfess crashing to the empty earth as it sped off into the night. She rose swearing loudly, feet unsteady. 'This bloody madness is killing my speed.' She clutched her head, wincing from some stress. 'I need my focus again. Get back to the true task. No more distractions. Gods damn everything.' Growling in frustration, she stomped deeper into the forest.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Waking at the soft click of the door, from her restless slumber, Lyrica rises and reads the note left for her. "Another time Sweet Sarai, hopefully another time." After glancing once more at the bed, she leaves the room silently moves to the waters edge. Sinking into the soft sand, she draws her knees up to her chest and gazes off into the clouds. Life was easier when all she lived for was the hunt.

Sitting, she mentally berates herself for once again giving into the hope of finally thinking she found acceptance. A hand hastily wipes at the corner of her eye before her head is buried in her knees as she sits there.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

She hadn't dared to return to her room at the inn to face the sleeping form of Sarai that night. There was too much tension from the talk at the lake shore to even consider sleeping in the same room as the elfess. Reena instead spent the night at the shrine in Cadomyr, praying to Zhambra between bouts of fitful sleeping.

When the early morning sun wakes her, the young raven haired woman finds herself wandering around town, wincing at the ache in her limbs from sleeping on the hard ground and from the countless spider bites covering her body. Her troubled mind took her thoughts away from the painful bites, instead keeping her preoccupied with the previous night's events.

"You know I feel differently about you."

"Take your time."

Reena seeks the solitude and comfort of the tavern, waving her hand dismissively at Hassan before he even tries to speak with her.

"Something strong, Severus."

"Commander. Good morning. Bit early for that don't you think? Wouldn't you rather have something of Linda's to eat?"

She fixes him with a cold, hard stare.


"Drinking early in the morning isn't going to take care of your problems, Commander."

"I don't want to talk about it with you, Severus. Please. Enough talking."

Her words end as a loud slam reverberates throughout the room, causing Reena, Severus, and Linda to jump in surprise.

"Get out of here, Reena. You aren't a drunk. Go on." Hassan speaks up, lifting his fist from the table.

With only one place left to go, the woman rushes out of the tavern and absent mindedly takes a seat on the shore, unknowingly near the blue-haired elfess.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Lost in her own self thought and loathing, it takes Lyrica a few moments to realize she is no longer alone. When she looks up and glances over, her face is calm and devoid of any of the emotions that had been on it moments before.

"Be Greeted beautiful Raven, I hope you slept well and are feeling better? Shall I go get you some breakfast from the tavern?"

Her voice is calm and there is even a light smile on her lips. It seems obvious she will not mention the troubles of the last evening voluntarily.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

With a cursory look to the side, Reena's lips twitch with the hint of a smile. She realized what Lyrica was doing, and thought it the best course of action for herself as well.

"Always taking care of me, Lyrica. I'm not hungry, but thank you. You look a little beat up though. Are you alright?"

Her hair curls gently around her face, the black tresses heavy and shining in the morning sun.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

"Of course beautiful Raven, I am well. Just some training mark." smiles lightly dismissing the worry over the injuries. "I will always try to take care of you, unless you tell me not to."

With her final comment, her head turns back to gaze out over the water.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Laying on the floor of the Inn gazing at the ceiling she thinks of how the Gods have ways to make you see the error of your ways. She reflects back on her conversation with Sarai
"Do you love her?" Sarai had asked.
"Love is fickle." was her evasive reply.
How quickly the two of them had crept through her defenses. Defenses that had been patched in the not so distant past. Watching Reena suffer and hurt had made something inside her tear free and struggle to come out. The helplessness and frustration had made her nearly strike out at those that were trying to help. When she glanced at Sarai, she felt a mirror of her own feelings coming back at her.
"Do you love her?"
"Do I love them?" she wonders.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »


The amount of times she had almost died in one week.


The amount of times she had rolled over painfully onto her side with that Gods-awful tube sticking out of it.


The amount of times that she had wanted to run away in the middle of the night to escape them.


The amount of times that she had been this confused and lost.

It didn't seem likely that Reena would make it very far if she tried to leave. A sleeping figure lay next to her, an arm wrapped gently around Reena. Another one lay on a pallet on the floor, essentially blocking the door way. The window wasn't an option; she'd probably hurt herself even more if she went that route, and her two companions would throttle her if she injured herself again.

With a groan of defeat, the raven haired woman resigns to sleeping again, muttering restlessly about returning to Albar.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

From her position on the pallet on the floor, Lyrica listens to the restless movements her expression unreadable and body tense. The instinct to move to the bed and hold and comfort Reena was strong. Such soft emotions were a rarity for her and that fact plus the tube sticking out of Reena made her hold back. She always seemed to destroy that which she touched, usually this was her plan but not here, not with these two. So she continues to lay there, each restless movement of pain by Reena, making emotions flicker in her chest and her mind get more confused.

As the restlessness stops, Lyricas body relaxes until she hears the mutter about Albar, suddenly her body is tense as a board and a guttural grumble comes from her chest, involuntarily to echo softly out into the room. "Don't even try."
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

Resting was making her restless.

She was not used to lying in bed, being coddled, and reading. She hated it.

While they are away, Reena moves around the room, pacing slowly and sitting down occasionally to catch her breath. But she always rises once more to continue her pacing, speaking aloud to herself abou what she'd need to travel to Albar.

But she needs a good excuse to go. A simple, I'm visiting my brother, might be suspicious. And they could easily check with her superiors to see if she had been sent by the Queen.

"I never was a liar."
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Slowly she opens the door to the room only to come up short seeing Raven up and about pacing the room. Several emotions reflect through her face caring, concern, pride, maybe even love before she schools her face blank and speaks in a deceptively soft tone. "Going somewhere?"
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

She runs a hand through her dark curls, growing used to it's heavy length against her shoulders and back.

"Going somewhere?"

Reena pauses, turning to face Lyrica, a forced smile on her face.

"No, of course not. I was just tired of sitting." The woman sits down at the table, hissing slightly as the tube in her side moves. "I thought you were out all day."
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

"I will never be far beautiful Raven til you are healed. I was simply telling your boss, no work for you for awhile."

She gives her a light smile and moves into the room sliding behind her back. Slowly she runs her hands through the dark tresses before pulling a comb from her bag and sliding it through the raven locks if allowed to. "Would you like me to pin up your hair and have you eaten yet?" She queries softly as she seems intent on pampering the woman before her.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Sarai Flysse »

She enters without knocking, a young deer slung over her shoulder, clothes and demeanor well worn from the days exertions.

'I found some dinner.' She grins at them both, before gratefully lowering the slain beast to the floor, finally free of its weight.

'I hope one of you is a better cook than I. My tastes are rather simple.' She smiles as says this, wandering over to the two women, patting blue's waist and touching the commander's cheek protectively in turn. Her eyes then shift about, trying to garner the room's mood, standing over them both.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

"I will eat whatever you decide to make, Sarai."

Reena offers a soft smile at the sight of the blonde elfess, seemingly in a better mood since she entered the room.

"I'm sure your fare is better than that of the tavern's though." With a wink, she rises again and crosses over to the bed, sitting down with her legs crossed, leaning against the wall for support.

"Tell me, what have you two been doing? I'm getting tired of these walls."
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Careful she sleeps into the room, much like she had been a few nights ago only this time there was a lightness to the step and no tension in her body. A light smile plays on her lips as she pulls off her amour, She had enjoyed comparing stories with Azure about their ladies. He said she was more at peace, similar to when Hellcat was around. The name had caused a moment of pain and indecision, and insecurities had fled back. Then she remember the two vixens waiting for her in this room and the pain had eased.

The arguments today had been horrible, painful and took her to a place emotionally she had never been before. But, she knew she wanted to be no place else. Time to be courageous and see what this was.

The tube was missing so she felt no qualms about crawling in the bed between them to night. With a smile playing on her lips she softly kisses both of their sleeping heads before sliding under the cover and closing her eyes.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

When she wakes, a letter is waiting for her. Reena quickly reads the letter, then crumples it up in her fist. Someone was going to leave; it was inevitable. But she never thought it would be the one that actually did the leaving. There was a promise of returning, one that Reena hoped was upheld. There too, was an offer to join. A very tempting offer, but it would break all of her vows to which she had dedicated her life to. As much as Reena wanted to, she couldn't let herself throw away the life that she'd carefully planned since she was a child.

Careful not to disturb the sleeping woman next to her, Reena sneaks out the door, closing it behind her with a quiet creak. The innkeeper nods at her as she passes by in a loose pair of black trousers that rest lowly on her hips and a sleeveless white top that she hastily tucks into her pants. Finding a seat on the ever popular lake shore, Reena looks at the letter again, smoothing it out on her leg with the palm of her hand.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Crumpling the paper into a ball, Lyrica tosses it in her bag and storms out of the castle. Off all of them, she thought Sarai would be the last to run. The Gods were laughing at her again, no sooner had she slid down her rope into the spider den then there was Sassy Sarai herself. Her mind a whirl of emotions, still unwanted and uncommon, she tries to keep her tone light and supportive of her girl and not further push her away.

Slowly they hunt, before a stray comment about becoming weak has them stopping again. Lyrica vows to help her with her task, even if she doesn't come back. Its not a lie, but the truth and a solemn oath. She would help her, even if she was not acting in the way Blue wanted. She learned a long ago and early in her life, acceptance for who you are is worth more than anything. It was an easy thing to give, and all she could really do at this point.

As Sarai leaves for a nap, Blue roams the spider den smashing spiders here and there and thinking of Reena. How is she reacting, she had made herself vulnerable yesterday, just like her. She hoped her beautiful Raven did not close up again. Distracted in thoughts she is caught unawares but a spider ambush and finds herself in the arms of Cherga for the third time that day.

"These women are going to kill me."
she growls as she picks herself up off the ground by the cross in Runewick and stumbles inside to get her gear fixed. AFter talking to John she is seen headed to the teleporter and muttering Cadomyr.
Last edited by Rourke on Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

Gone was the gentle laughter, the ease of sleep, the soft smiles.

This Reena was the one she used to be. Controlled, cold, and terse. She thought that after the fighting and the making up, that everything was fine.


She felt rejected, and the sting of it hurt.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Stripping her armour, she crawls under the covers and wraps her arms around the raven haired lady she had left slumbering only a few hours before. She would hold this one as she sleeps so she couldn't get away also.

"I am not gone."

She wasn't gone, but the room felt different. Something , someone was missing. She buries her head in the curls in front of her and thinks how she had held them both just like this earlier today. It was peaceful and refreshing, she couldn't admit to not enjoying the time spent with either of them. But she had always been told she was selfish, and now she knew it to be true. She wanted them both, with her always not in two separate towns by the gods. The crafty fox has slipped her net while she slept last night, but at least she had a firm hold on the Raven this eve.

"Does your precious Albar have this?"

She would make sure Albar lost all appeal to the woman in her arms, and that living out in the wilds felt empty to the other. She had no other options but to hold fiercely to the one she had, and hunt the other til she got her back close where she belonged.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

Lyrica had come back to her.

Worry had washed over Reena when she woke as Lyrica left soon after their talk. She was waiting for this little bit of peace to end like the pop of a bubble. Lying there as Lyrica snuck out quietly, the woman's thoughts swirled, leading her to believe that she had once again been fooled by the seductive and charming words of the blue-haired elfess.

Waking again, hours later, she knew she was dreadfully wrong. Slender arms curl around her waist, holding her closely to the sleeping form they belong to. Turning onto her other side, Reena faces the elfess, brushing her silky blue hair away from her face.

"You came back..."
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

"You came back..."

"I only slipped out for my nightly hunt. I am going no where beautiful Raven til you send me away. We must lay a trap and catch our sly fox. "
She lays there holding the woman close stroking her hair if allowed as they talk. "Help me devise a plan to get her back."
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Teal eyes stare at the ceiling of the flat, morning had come. Slowly she shifts staring at the woman by her side, the raven tresses spilling onto the pillows. She had woke in the night, as had been her custom for many years now. But instead of slipping out for her nightly hunt before returning, she stayed in bed seeking comfort in the presence of another. Never before had the thought of hunting appealed less to her or held such a lack of joy.

The elders where she was raised had told her that her wicked ways would make the God's curse her. Twice now she thought happiness was within her grasp and twice now it had been ripped from her hands. Maybe the God's were laughing at her, but she still refused to believe it.

A wave of helpless swept through her making her tense and shift where she lay. There was nothing she could do to help Sarai, until Sarai herself was ready to accept and work on the situation. Brute force was not the way to mend the situation, but Sarai was not listening to her. She would track her town again today and try once more, though she feared her refusal to aid in her plans would cause a fracture in their relationship. She vowed to find a way to save her from herself if at all possible.

Morning had come, yet she continued to lay there. Carefully she moves to lay her head on the pillow beside the woman's slipping her arm around her carefully. Last night they had shared their pain, heartbreak , confusion, and love. She would stay her with her just awhile longer. Her Raven had become her one source of comfort in this raging storm. Very softly she kisses the woman's forehead then closes her eyes willing herself to sleep just a little more, before she has to face the day.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

The night had started innocent enough with star gazing and storytelling. Reena had told Lyrica her favorite story about a cluster of stars that looked vaguely like the outline of a giant. She'd originally heard the story during her stint in Albar when out with a friend at some shady tavern drinking one night. Though, Reena hadn’t been doing the drinking.

It was after the storytelling with Lyrica that the night took a turn to a more serious and upsetting matter. Reena knew she needed to tell the elfess; Lyrica was smart and would catch, considering the nature of the story. The story was a segue almost, as if she had planned to spill her secret.

Reena was glad that she had told her and felt as if a large weight was lifted off of her shoulders, a weight she had been carrying for almost twelve years.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Several nights later as she headed out for her nightly hunt, the secret that had been revealed still burned in her gut. Sarai was out of jail and things were stilted but at least back somewhat to normal. The secret burned her all the time , though she was careful to hide any of the feelings from Reena. She had promised not to tell anyone and so she wouldn't, but luckily she had evaded the promise to not extract revenge. She had begun spending time in the bar chatting and drinking with Hassan and Servus. It was very easy to get them to talk of one of their favorite subjects, the commander. Slowly she was piecing together the information she needed. She was a hunter and she knew all the ways to slowly stalk her prey, stealth and patience was all that was needed. The hurt she had felt coming from Reena would never happen to another again. With a grim smile she heads on out into the wilds to train.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by commander »

The coming month of Mas had quieted her mind about the matter, pushing it far back into the depths she had pulled it from some weeks ago now. She wouldn't dwell on it any longer, nor did she want Lyrica to. Though Reena knew that it bothered her still.

Reena remained focused on Mas and its impending hordes of undead. The first day proved to be more difficult than she had thought, having been sent to the cross three times. Now, every time she coughed, it hurt and there was blood in her mouth, however it wasn't as bad as it had been the last time she had gotten seriously hurt. She couldn't let anyone see it though. It wouldn't do well for Lyrica or Sarai, or anyone else for that matter, to see her in her weakened state.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

"Your very protective... Is it because of what I told you?"

There was no way she could deny it, the secret burned still in her gut. She was constantly at her side and ready to attack anyone or anything that even hinted of doing her harm. Mas had a been a trial. She had nearly fell herself, by refusing to leave Reena's side in a hoard of undeads. She could tell her Raven was injured, but by the gods she had no idea how bad. She would have bodily hauled her off to the medic screaming if she had. The medic had told her a couple weeks rest, she was determined to make that longer, the commanders job permitting.

But it was more than fighting, she couldn't seem to stand to see anyone touch Reena but Sarai. She fought hard to control her feelings but failed now and then. She had even growled at some young elfess in the tavern scaring her half to death. The need to protect had became all consuming at times and she was sometimes powerless to stop the force of it.

As she slowly stroked the raven head of a sleeping woman, she pondered how to go about her misson in Albar. She had gathered information and had a general idea of what to ask for how. Her only problem, how to go to Albar to get information if she couldn't separate herself from Reena's side. There was no way she could go till she had healed. Perhaps a few more drinks with Hassan and Servus would lead to the name of an investigator in Albar. The tavern had become a fountain of information, even if they didn't know it. Those two plus the regulars going in and out throughout the day and night had let slip alot of details.

Lyrica shifts slightly to gaze down at the woman's face. The fear she had seen there earlier only strengthened her resolve to see this act done. Nothing would harm this woman as long as she lived. She leans down pressing a kiss on her forehead then settles in to go back to sleep. After she got an investigators name, she would go to the harbor with a note and some gold. Hopefully, the rest of the pieces will fall into place then.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

Returning from the wedding that wasn't, a note was waiting for her in Runewick. After scanning the note she knew she had a decision to make. When and how to leave the others for a few days. The rest of the missions plans were done.

Later that evening,talking to her love's it became sadly very easy.
"We have to be carefull for now."
"Ss'sarney ... says what we have is unnatural."

The thought of having to restrain from touching even casually those she loves made Lyrica hurt and have flashbacks of her life at home. Pretending to be something she was not. She could not hurt Raven though or her position at court.. and how did this all affect her move to Cadomyr. Would it really make things worse or better? Should she even move at all now?

With a heavy heart she offered the solution of going on her trip to get away for awhile. She told them she was meeting with a merchant about some hides. It wasn't a total lie but the guilt warred with the pain inside her. Things was stilted after that, she vowed to return as fast as she could. then holding them both closely she rested before leaving.

As dawn approach her tall figure can be seen approaching the harbour and after passing over some coins boarding a ship. If any one was watching they would have seen her at the rail looking back til the land disappeared.
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Re: At the Lakeshore

Post by Rourke »

The trip had been uneventful leaving Lyrica plenty time with her thoughts. Plans of her mission were far from her mind the details set and ready. Repetitively though, she thought over the women and the situation she left behind her and longed to already be back. She had disembarked her ship and moved to the Inn taking a room. Awhile later she had left the room disguised as a man and started the rest of her journey to the town of Albar on foot.

The physical exercise of the jog to Albar had at least released some of the tension from her body and her mind focused on the task she was about to do. She arrived in town as dark was falling buying an outfit from a local merchant who looked at her puzzled but made no comment at the flash of coins. Still dressed as a man with her hair bundled under a hat, she had slipped into the tavern ordering a beer and whatever special was on the menu. As she glanced around and listened to the locals her target stumbled in taking a seat at the bar ordering a drink. After some time she left to make preparations for later. If the report she had received was accurate he was only starting his nightly drinking.
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