The Violet Lens Apothecary

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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

A large form is starting to take shape on the cold stone slab Ufedhin labours over, pieces made from the dark clay of the undercity sewers are begining to form the shape of something hideous, a frame work of bones and iron is slowly being covered .Ufedhin can be seen to mix this dark clay with another type ,the container marked with the lable "Slime regurgitated clay" in dwarf runes.
The stone slab on which he works is set within a huge diagram of complex symbols and alchemical dwarven runes of a disturbing nature drawn with dark powder so black it seems to absorb light ,dark wax candles smoke and splutter with a greenish flame at the edge of the diagram casting the place into a dim eerie greenish setting.
A large amount of equipment ,scrolls and books are within the alchemical diagram .Every now and again Ufedhin consults them with a maniacal intensity.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

Working on two iron plates with a chisel and hammer Ufedhin looks up at the runes written out on a parchment for the thousanth time" Canna git this wrong on no! that would be bad ..very expensive an bad.." he moves some candles closer to give the work area more light and continues tapping out the ancient dwarven runes with great care and expertise.The iron plates are almost covered in tiny runic symbols that seem to offend the eye in some inexplicable way.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

"Finally i has it" cackles Ufedhin ,holding tightly in his hand a red glowing gem, he croons over it and pets it for a while "Well my Tortourous magik eye yer better off here wit me than that foul eight legged frothy scuttler ...why the blasted thing held ye so i do nay is surely as i suspect the great spiders o' this land arr fouly intelligent..i must wonder that they has a great evil queen somewhere..i must bend my mind te that problem one day, then we shall see...." he mutters to himself.
Finally he places the gem into an ornate silver crafted clasp resembling eyelids and attaches it over his empty eye socket by leather thongs, Ufedhin convinces himself he can see better and gets straight back to work on the huge Clay form in the rooms centre ,the faint red glow from the jewel mixing with the green light of the candles causing a dark radiance to surround them both.
Last edited by Ufedhin on Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

With the assistance of the enchanted ruby lens Ufedhins project is speeded up, things barely noticable are now clearer,folding and twisting the runes in on themselves is made vastly less painfull .Finishing the two control plates and the master plate he sits back and stretches ,the pop and crack of old joints very audable.
"Good good" he mutters now lets call a meeting o' wots left o' Galmairs reseachers.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

Weed killer bah! Ufedhin furiously starts to throw ingredients into a cauldron ,pausing at the dangerous substances shelf before selecting ground black dragon bone, powdered excretion from a kingsfright and three finger bones from a powerfull undead horror."Blasted farmers how dare they bribe me wit elderberry pies " pauses again and licks his lips at the thought of eldrberry pie and cream ,he looks over his shoulder and winks at one on his dinner table.

Sorting out now with care what he has selected for the toxin he adds liquid bulbsponge juice to a bubbling cauldron of dark liquid "one ,two three" switching the bulb sponge bottle for the powdered kingsfright droppings "two spoons full be sufficient" "now the dragon bone " with great care Ufedhin sprinkles a small amount across the bubbling liquid and then dumps a small bag of high grade amethyst powder straight in.Imediately deep purple sparks appear deep in the liquid giving it a look as if the sparks go down vastly deeper than the cauldrons depth as though the cauldron is a gate way to another place ,a night sky filled with purple stars.Ufedhin then dips the still wriggling undead finger bones into the liquid one at a time a hideous keening noise fills the cavern for a brief moment before the sound and the sparks subside leaving behind a still cold dark purple liquid.

Taking a tiny spoonfull Ufedhin drops a tiny drop on a potted sample of the weed.It goes black and brittle almost instantly , a tap on the plant and it falls to dust.Tipping the plant out and searching for its roots he finds only more black ash .

With utter care he then draws off half a dozen bottles of the lethal liquid. He lables them before turning to the single pie sitting on his dinner table next to a pint of cream and a dark beer.
Aye i can eat ye now my darlin" we will soon has plenty o' yer cousins te take yer place,wiping his hands on his beard he pulls his eating knife from his belt shealth.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

Ufedhin wakes up from a deep sleep and takes his morning medicines before even thinking ."Arrrr 'tis a good morning he mutters with contentment at the thought of the completed Golem ,now active but hidden ,waiting for a time to assist Galmair.
"I can now call meself a Grand Master Alchemist this wos ever a sign o' the Grand masters o' the bygone age.." Rising slowly Ufedhin grabs a bedside bottle of the latest wormacide and treats his ancient wooden limb ,flexing the gnarled root like fingers and groaning, bastard worm! one day one day i will get ye, ye demonic horror!

Changing from night shirt and cap to his shadowplate and leathers he ponders the current troubles in Galmair and his long list of accomplishments for the town "Galmair is headed fer some serious differculties ...the list of useless chancellors have really hamstrung us..Plucking out some nose hairs in the mirror Ufedhin grins his horrid gap toothed grin at himself "ye ever wos a handsome devil!"......"well wot is te be done wit this gaggle o' petty squablers ,do i run fer Chancellor or not.." He looks up at the golden pickaxe on the wall awarded to him by the Don and sighs deeply.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

Retreating back down into Galmair's undercity the old dwarf heaves a sigh of relief to be away from
the humans,elves,halflings and wotnots that dwell on the surface.
"Dwarves aint ment te be in the company o' such folk all the time ,its bad...bad!
there minds arr lik'..lik'...soft cheese!..bah! only the sixth can know how i stand it!"
Shakes his head and hurries into the deep darkness .
The sound of his dwarf boots on the solid granite ,the whispers of the shadows created from the
glow of his bejeweled enchanted blade sooth his mind promising rest and the refreshment of solitude
as only old dwarves can understand .
Comming at last to a great iron bound door Ufedhin sheaths his blade and heaves it open ,his one good
eye glittering red briefly in the inky darkness.Sniffing the air He steps through and closes the
door behind him and slips the iron bolt home.
A cold dank smell permiates the air ,stillness is absolute ,only punctuated now and again by a groan
or grinding audible to dwarven ears only ,and of those only the ones wise enough to hear and understand
the language of the deep ones..the keepers of the sixth elements knowledge.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

Reading the latest announcement from Chancellor Evie regarding armed threat o' violence to Galmairian's ,Ufedhin spits in disgust "so House Stonescale
threatens Galmair does it? well then that's the end of business wit that lot.Ufedhin pens a message to the Head of the Cadomerian house ending any business deals for the forseeable future from the Violet lens Apothecary.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

Hearing the latest rumours from Cadomyr about an attack by Galmair warriors, Ufedhin mutters "well it aint as if they has na' been fishen fer it,they started this ruckus wot wit attacks an poisonings.....better git te brewen more potions fer our lads an' lasses"Knocking out his pipe on his chair leg he stands and slowly makes his way to the undercity apothecary pondering the advantages and disadvantages of the developing situation."should be a bit o' coin te be made either way " he grins.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

A loud blast has been heard from the direction of the Hogden's, a sulphurous yellow vapour could be seen billowing around inside the apothecary like wind deamon's swirling and dancing in a grotesque ballet, for some time nobody would be able to enter due to the foul acrid chemical smoke ,Lucky for Grimlug he was out getting some rats for dinner at the time ,and upon his return stood speechless at the doorway holding his ragged cloak over his nose and mouth as its slowly starts to clear.
"Ufedhin ..he croaks can yub hear me!" silence...then a groan and a mutter and a shape hunched and blackened staggers from the den in direction of Grimlugs voice.
Grimlug stands back and makes the sign of warding against the evil eye at the shuffling wizened figure "Wub happen to yub ? The withered hunched shape snarls and splutters "Nothen ye mud brained goblin! can ya nay see..."coughs violently and gathers his breath "nothen at all!" and staggers away up the tunnel shuddering and coughing.
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Re: The Violet Lens Apothecary

Post by Ufedhin »

A week or so later another huge explosion shudders the hog den apothecary ,weird flickering lights and smokes billow around the chambers when it finally clears all that can be found is a pair of smoldering dwarf boots..............