Newbie Feedback

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Newbie Feedback

Post by Jen »

Hi Devs :)

I've recently introduced two new players to Illarion (and a few more to come) and was on Skype with each of them while talking them through character creation, etc. I made some notes along the way what things they found were difficult or annoying. I know that pretty much all of this are already known issues anyway, but I thought it be interesting for you to see what the experience is like for a new player and maybe it will shift some priorities.

1. Character graphics are not very appealing
This one actually made me laugh. My friend originally wanted to create a female human, then on the next page, where you can then set height/hair colour etc, she was confused: "Hold on, I'm sure I selected female, but it's showing me a guy!", at which point I had to explain her, that that *is* indeed the graphic of a female human. Paperdolling is amazing, but if I think especially new players will be easily turned off by the unappealling look of the character graphics.

2. No Magic system
Quote: "Oh, sweet, I want to play a mage!" - "Err, no... there is no magic system at the moment." No explanation necessary :D

3. Music too loud when you first start the game
Both of the newbies complained that the music was way too loud. You also have to log out again to be able to change it in the options, unless you are changing it in the windows volume control. Not a major thing, but gave both of them a bit of a freight.

4. Text boxes cover up the screen for too long
While being on the newbie island both newbies first noticed how annoying it was that the text boxes cover up the screen way too long and make it impossible to see anything until they have faded.

I have another 2 newbies who want to give Illarion a shot :) I'll post some more feedback then later on. I hope you find this helpful.

PS: On the upside I want to mention how extremly helpful the players are! *Everytime* one of them logged in there was someone who else teleported to them in an instant to help. Great job <3
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Estralis Seborian
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Re: Newbie Feedback

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Thanks a lot!

This is very helpful, if not one of the most helpful posts I read on this board. We rarely get feedback from new players, because they simple leave the game or do not find the problems. Old players and developers do not notice obvious problems and some even consider them "good"... Because it has been like this forever. I also once pretended to be a new player, wrote down several issues, but I also did not notice the sound issue what is so obvious!

I created Mantis tasks for the points or added your commentaries to existing ones. A brief feedback:

1. and 2. are on the list, but due to the massive work for said changes, don't expect any changes too soon. The more support and developers we get, the sooner we can realise e.g. magic. We do not lack ideas but manpower :-(.

3. and 4. should be easy to fix and I hope Nitram can consider both issues for one of the next client updates.

All in all - thanks again! If you get any further newbie feedback, I'd be more than glad to read it. We need to listen to those who are new to the game and have the most neutral point of view. Every new player is a victory for the game and what appeals new players cannot be too bad for old players as well!
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Re: Newbie Feedback

Post by 1d20 »

I think it would be interesting if the speech bubble didn't overlap each other but instead went one under the other. Example (only care for the speech bubbles) ... 98O9I#t=29
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