Unveiled ((closed rp))

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Unveiled ((closed rp))

Post by Amria »

At the edge of the city of Trolls Bane, a lone hunched over figure stood between the trees surrounding the roads, her gaze steadily watching the gates. She had made her trips for three weeks now, always to the same place, always in the same determined manner.
This day was different though, she could feel it in her old bones, in fact she could almost feel the heat emanating from this fiery red one.
But she was a woman of stubborn patience, she simply stood in her place determinedly ignorant of the looks of the passers by, who had quickened their pace at meeting her hard face. For many hours she stood there, cheeks an untouched withering pale despite the soft warmth of Zhas' sun. If it wasn't for the occasional slow dispassionate smile, one would believe the woman had walked into Cherga's embrace.
I'm waiting child..
The woman's smile widened considerably both hands now clasped at the gnarled staff she held, a low raspy laugh following.
She had come.
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Post by Adalia »

A round-shouldered cloaked figure walks hesitantly through the gates, her reluctance growing heftier by the step. She senses the old woman’s eyes upon her. She couldn’t escape where she was meant to be, not sure if she even wanted to. As the distance between her and the woman gradually fades, her knees buckle and she keeps her pallid face secured to the floor. She stops then, dragging her emerald eyes to the woman’s. It was time to receive what was forthcoming, and she had a feeling she knew exactly what it was. Her mouth opens but nothing comes out except a surprising cough. The unspoken words hang on the tip of her tongue, fighting desperately to escape. At last, they succeed. Her voice is clearly one that has not been used in years. “I am ready, “she declares confidently in a hoarse and scratchy whisper, barely audible to the woman in front of her.
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Post by Lhosseth »

The teleporter east of Troll’s Bane flashes its blue light as it is activated and out steps a white haired, young elfess, followed only moments later by her dark haired, human companion. The elfess immediately turns her eyes to the grassy land south of the Copper Mountains. "East, east, east," she exclaims as she and the man start following the road that leads them away from Troll’s Bane. Normally rather calm and controlled like those of her kind, Lhosseth now looks distraught and finds herself in an unelven position: She is in a hurry. The tear streaks on her cheeks are a record of the agony she feels, her nervous chattering a clear indication of the restlessness of her mind. Drakon, although appearing more calm, does not feel less pressed for time or convinced that they must find what, or better who, they mean to track down.

Together the man and elfess search the grasslands east of Troll’s Bane, then move on to the mountains. They search along each path, under each hedge and behind every tree. The man often kneels down, searching the ground for tracks. Their excitement rises every time they find an abandoned campfire, or see a passer-by who might know more. But their faith sinks quickly every time they receive a negative response or a promising hint leads to another unknowing traveller. At night, before falling into an exhausted sleep, they discuss their progress, or lack thereof. They talk of their beloved sister Caelianna, who lies with hollow eyes and a grey complexion on the brink of death in the Druid house, clutching a bag to her chest. And they talk of their need to find this woman to help her, this strange elusive woman who moves around east of Bane, only to be found by following abandoned campfires. "East of Bane is a large place," Lhosseth sighs.

Days become weeks as they continue their search. At times they shortly return to Tol Vanima to replenish their supplies or handle some business, but they never stay long and they never give up their hunt. It takes them through the stinking, bug infested swamp. They investigate the nearby Troll’s camp for clues without success. Unsure where to go next they follow the path further east and north to Varshikar. A glimmer of hope hits them as they think of the Drow town and they cross the burning sands of the Kumdah Desert, but once there they also come up empty handed. The paths north and south of the Eastern Woods, leading to Zzyathis, are empty of creatures and campfires and they return to the road that leads north, east of the desert, where a few new campfires give fresh clues. At last they arrive in Varshikar, where the road and campfires do not go further east. Exhausted they decide to sleep in the safety of the temple. Drakon makes an offer of gems to the Gods as Lhosseth utters a prayer in front of the altar. The last clue they found, the words of an old man, lead back south. That is where they will go tomorrow.
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