Ghost of truth?

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Alexander Knight
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Ghost of truth?

Post by Alexander Knight »

Running out of Trolls Bane, Alexander Knight begins to thing about the voices he heard. "Lura... Dead, Nicko... Dead, taken to Cherga's realm" he stops by a near by tree and throws up, stillcrying from the reality of the words.

"Lura... My love, how... It wernt meant to be this way" Looking up at the ever darkening skies Alex begins to run again faster than he has ever run, not even hindered by his armour he soon arrives at Greenbriar and upon checking through the buildings the voice repeats to him "..hrhrrr..he is ssso worried..about his..elfess..while you..don't ssseem to botherr..that Lura might be dying rrright now..asss well.. ..ooh..sssweet..are herrr..scrreamsss..hers..and'sss.. ..Lurrra....poorrr Luuura..bleeding..heaving..yearrrning..for you..Alex..ssso lonely..taking..herrr last..breath.."

Dropping to his knee's Alex calls out Lura's name...

((Post your quest ghost stories))
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Sandro Arcanum
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Post by Sandro Arcanum »

Sandro firmly takes Alex head with both hands, and keep repeating "It's only an illusion dont be a fool, dont feel fear!!".

Alexander get crazed and starts to hit Sandro with his sword, but Sandro keep his hands handling Alex head, trying to stand, repeating again "Its only an illusion... if you get feared, you are simply lost"

Then Alex push Sandro, making him fall in the ground, and run away
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Post by S'rrt »

Among the chaos on the streets caused by the ghost, S'rrt stands beside Arabel as an audience to the people around them blabbering about voices in their heads.

"It'ss trying to sscare uss with ssimple liess?", he says out loud before his eyes darken and his head feels like it's being rushed with cold blood. A voice speaks in his head:

"Alexander Knight.. yesss.. he isss responsible.. he caused all thisss to happen.. you ssshould kill him.. kill Alex.."

S'rrt grabs his head in agony and listens to the voice with sheer terror. In the end he loses touch of himself and his eyes lock to Alex, who is kneeling on the ground, whispering something about Lura. S'rrt takes some quick steps in front of him and jams his palm on his throat, pressing his claws in the sides of his neck. "You..", he says to Alex as he points to his face with a dagger he pulled out of his belt. Alex stares back at him in fear, coughing because of the claws pressing to his neck and S'rrt hears distant calling of his name, probably from Arabel.

S'rrt knees Alexander in the stomach and throws him further, making him fall next to his own sword, which he picks up and lunges at S'rrt with. S'rrt slashes at him vigorously in his rage. Someone hits him in the back with a sword and it makes him fall down on his knees, temporarily making his vision unclouded at what is happening.
"No.. no, sstop!" he yells at Alex still slashing at him. Alex is pulled away and S'rrt hastily crawls backwards as the ghost leaves him alone.
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Post by Estelwen »

Estelwen wandered into Troll's Bane after hearing shouting. There Alex was being throttled by S'rrt!
"What is going on!" Estelwen asked Leva, by the campfire, yet after getting no reply, she walked off to observe the commotion.
"Sweet chaos.....Sweet panic.... Enjoying the show Estelwen?" Estel froze the hair on the back of her neck standing on edge. Glancing around to see who had spoke to her, she saw nothing. All the commotion began to make sense.
"Its a ghost!"
"A spirit!"
"It thrives on panic and fear!"
A crazed Alexander had now been released by S'rrt and was murmuring about Lura and Nicko. Dead.
" You will join Lura in Cherga's Realm!" Estelwen heard while standing close to Alex. Alex was close to tears at this point, mourning his son and wife.
"Alex ! It is lies! Do not listen!" Alex just stood and shook his head in disbelief. Drawing her hand back as far as she could, Estel violently slapped Alexander around the face. "It is lies! Pull yourself together!"
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Post by Darkshade »

Ksiksin crawls out of bridge when hearing commotion. Sees alexander and s`rrt fighting. Ksiksin attacks S`rrt from behind. [color=red][/Leave alex alone!] she shouts. When fighting stops Ksiksin hears about the ghost and goes crazy running around and shouting. Finnaly Ksiksin becomes exhausted and passes out. Mumbeling about her old town and mushroom jokes she is resusitated by close friends!
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