The Archduchy of the Town of Troll's Bane

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Joxia Doral
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Post by Joxia Doral »

Grandmaster Lennier, good to his word has made the needed repairs to make the bridge usable again. He has my appreciation and thanks.

Also the library is back in order and is now safe to venture in and make use of its peaceful setting and wealth of information.

~-~Archduchess Joxia Doral~-~
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Post by Joxia Doral »

Verdazar has been stripped of all titles and lands of the Government of Trolls Bane. Apparently he has chosen the path to Hellsbriar. I have been a fool and I admit it freely now. I had hoped that I had really made some difference in the paths of the inhabitants of Hellsbriar. But it was foolish girls ideal. I appologize yo everyone sincerely And I hope you can forgive me eventually.

~-~Archduchess Joxia Doral~-~
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Post by Kugar »

Jefferson walks by the board, glancing absently around as if in a world of his own, when he notices the last parchment. Arching the side of his mouth to a weak smile, he slicks his hair back and sighs in a relaxed tone...

"Heh... Joxia, you never cease to surprise even I...

... Smart girl..."

...Before walking on with a vague glint in his glazed eyes.
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Joxia Doral
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Post by Joxia Doral »

I am resigning from the position of Archduchess Trolls Bane.

~-~Joxia Doral~-~
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Post by CJK »

Would you mind telling us why you choose to do so? If it is Verdazar, I think that ought not be so much for youto resign over... after all, there have been mistakes about chancellors in the past as well.

Jonathan Cain.
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

Geralt Devan has been appointed as the magistrate of Trollsbane. His area of responsibility is the town proper, where he shall act as a representative of the Archduke. He has authority to direct the duties of the guard within the walls, the right to accept new citizens into the town, as well as to manage the day to day activities in the town. He is still subject to the commands of the Archduke (who can override or cancel his decisions at a whim if he sees fit), or anyone else designated by the Archduke.

Lord Cromwell
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Post by JonathanSmith »

Support Geralt Devan! // Unterstützt Geralt Devan!

How can Geralt Devan be subject of the commands of the Archduke, if there is no Archduke anymore?

The last years have shown that the devision of the Trolls Bane district in counties and assign them to some randomly selected people which were assigned the title duke had completetly failed.

Allthough, I will fully support the honoralble and brave man, Geralt Devan, in fullfilling his daily tasks and - hopefully - establishing a new form of government in Trolls Bane.

John Smith


Wie kann Geralt Devan dem Erzherzog Rechenschaft schuldig sein, wenn es keinen Erzherzog mehr gibt?

Die letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, dass die Aufteilung der Ländereien um Trolls Bane und die zufällige Zuweisung der Grafschaften an irgendwelche Personen, die dann den Titel Graf bekamen, vollständig gescheitert ist.

Trotzdem biete ich dem ehrenwerten und tapferen Mann, Geralt Devan, meine Untestützung, bei der Bewältigung der täglichen Aufgaben sowie der Bildung einer hoffentlich neuen Form von Regierung in Trolls Bane, an.

John Smith
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

Above is another case where a man's quill works faster than his brain. Sadly. Yet, I have some faith in you, Mister Smith, so allow me spend some of my precious time in order to explain the situation:

I am the acting Archduke, by the virtue of a combination consiting of seniority, experience, ability and (last but not least) balls. As the most senior member of government, I have overtaken the duties of the Archduke after Joxia Doral's abdication. The nobility supports me, and hence this was a natural choice.

Of course, all of this would have been clear if you would have bothered to stop, read and think before littering the walls with parchments, Mister Smith. Though, do support Geralt Devan.. as he works for the goverment now. As Trollsbane still has a functioning government that is capable of doing decisions that even please you (read: the appointment of Geralt Devan as the Magistrate) then the only thing which can be rightfully characterized as a being failed is your own logic.

I will once again step down from the position of the supreme leader of the town as soon as the situation is reasonably stabilized.

Lord Cromwell
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Post by JonathanSmith »

As a smith, my quill is quite slow - comparable to the information flow from the high nobles down to the low folk.

Anyhow, you are one of the rare nobles, where I have still some faith left, and in believe of your capabilities, you have my support too.

John Smith


Als Schmied bewegt sich meine Feder recht langsam, vergleichbar mit dem Fluss der Informationen vom Hohen Adel herab zum Niederen Volk.

Trotzdem, Ihr seid einer der wenigen Adeligen, denen ich ebenfalls noch etwas Glauben schenke und im Vertrauen auf Eure Fähigkeiten habt Ihr meine Unterstützung ebenfalls.

John Smith
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Post by Julia »

Volk von Trollsbane,

Die Bürgerliste von Troll's Bane wurde auf den aktuellen Stand der Dinge gebracht. Sollte jemand seinen Namen ungerechtfertigter Weise nicht mehr finden, soll der jenige sich bitte melden, damit dieser Fehler behoben werden kann. Wenn jemand nicht mehr auf der Liste stehen will, aber noch immer darauf niedergeschrieben ist, dann möge sich derjenige bitte auch melden.

Desweiteren bitte ich alle die ein Haus innerhalb der Mauern von Trollsbane ihr Eigenen nennen sich per Taube bei mir zu melden. Es gibt leider keinerlei Aufzeichnungen, welches Haus, an wen gegeben wurde und diese fehlenden Informationen müssen nun aufgearbeitet werden.


Citizens of Trollsbane,

The list of the citizens of Troll's Bane is now set to the latest state. In case anyone is not written anymore on the list but should be or is still written in the list but does not want to be, his person shall contact me.

Furthermore everyone who owns a house within the walls of Troll's Bane shall contact me. There is no written reference on what house is owned by whom and this informations need to be gathered.

Geralt Devan,
Magistrate of Trollsbane
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

I feel like having a change of scenery. The meeting will be held in half a dwarven hour at the Fuffy Sheep Tavern in Trolls Bane. All those interested in the knighthood and the current events of Trolls Bane are welcomed to attend. Drinks will of course be provided.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

((4 pm est, 10 pm in German I think))
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Running for a place in the TrollsBane Government

Post by donaideenn »

Greetings Citizens of Trolls Bane and surrounding area!

I am James Faros, a Guard on the Trolls Bane Guard.
I am here to both address, the many problems of Bane, as well as attempt a run at a position in the Trolls Bane Government, so please sit back and enjoy the reasons and concerns deluding myself and other guards as well as the Bane Citizens.

Firstly I shall list the reasons why I am attempting a run at this position.
1. The current Archduchess has resigned, leaving only fools and Temple members in charge.
2. Bandits, Renegades, as well as Temple Members, and trouble makers run the streets, through terror, and numbers, instilling fear in Citizens.
3. There is no apparent, or clear replacement.
4. Thus Far, every Leader, Bane has had so far has either been power hungry,or "Royalty" with some fancy title somehow enabling them to break laws, and do as they wish with no consequences. Forcing true, and honorable, men and women, out of Bane, for no true reasons, and casting those with there own opinions into the Prison. Without releasing such men and women.
5. Trolls Bane is desperaitly in need of a Leader, Leaders, or a Leading Council, that is there when the Town needs them. Not to there own Agenda.
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Running for a place in the TrollsBane Government part 2

Post by donaideenn »

Also bandits, brigades, and miscreants run the streets. The Organization known as the Temple, has long held the Government officials and Citizens of Trolls Bane at the Noose. Due to fear, or shame. Or meer power.

I think the time for a noble and well Lead city has come! A well respected establishment lead by Humans, for the other races of Gobaith to come and adorn and dwell in. The Dwarves, they have a proud Keep, and community that to an extent is well known and respected. The Orcish clans, though sometimes snippy or rude. Dwell in the mountains near Varshikar. Though to some they come across as rude, they are a noble, respectful race, only looking for the respect of the other races of Gobaith. The Lizard-Folk, have the Temple of Zelphia, or who ever they call the Goddess, they praise. The Halflings have Green briar. Now my point isn't that they all have there own race specific communities to dwell in. My point is, is that they are all respected, and dwell in respectful dwellings. Whereas some may refer Troll Bane to a pit of filth and misery
Not one week ago, but a mere two days. I heard a Dwarf, speaking to his mate expressing how he felt Trolls Bane is a disrespectful City, run by Power-Hungry Humans, and those who would seek to Come across Ill to the many races of Gobaith, and the Citizens of Trolls Bane. If that is not enough to encourage you Citizens and non Citizens, that dwell in Bane, that it is time for true leaders to take a step. Then I am not sure what is.

Any questions, or concerns, please PM me. ((Forum name Donaideenn))
Sincerely James Faros.
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Joxia Doral
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Re: Running for a place in the TrollsBane Government

Post by Joxia Doral »

donaideenn wrote:Greetings Citizens of Trolls Bane and surrounding area!

I am James Faros, a Guard on the Trolls Bane Guard.
You are NOT a guard.

I am here to both address, the many problems of Bane, as well as attempt a run at a position in the Trolls Bane Government, so please sit back and enjoy the reasons and concerns deluding myself and other guards as well as the Bane Citizens.
you cannot run, your not a noble..and you ARE deluded

Firstly I shall list the reasons why I am attempting a run at this position.
1. The current Archduchess has resigned, leaving only fools and Temple members in charge.
Old news, and ALL temple members quit Bane.

2. Bandits, Renegades, as well as Temple Members, and trouble makers run the streets, through terror, and numbers, instilling fear in Citizens.
We resent being catagorized with Bandits, Renegades, and trouble makers and DO NOT run the streets, through terror, and numbers, instilling fear in Citizens.

3. There is no apparent, or clear replacement.
A capable and experienced leader stepped in to pick up the pieces that the Temple left behind and he was also the last clear choice of the people

4. Thus Far, every Leader, Bane has had so far has either been power hungry,or "Royalty" with some fancy title somehow enabling them to break laws, and do as they wish with no consequences.
What laws have been broken? And I dont care what ANYONE says, any wishing or willing to hold a leading position has some kind of interest in power

Forcing true, and honorable, men and women, out of Bane, for no true reasons, and casting those with there own opinions into the Prison. Without releasing such men and women.
No one FORCED anyone to leave, and no one was ever arrested that I am aware of for having an oppinion

5. Trolls Bane is desperaitly in need of a Leader, Leaders, or a Leading Council, that is there when the Town needs them. Not to there own Agenda.
Again, there is a capable and experienced leader in place.
donaideenn wrote:Also bandits, brigades, and miscreants run the streets. The Organization known as the Temple, has long held the Government officials and Citizens of Trolls Bane at the Noose. Due to fear, or shame. Or meer power.
There has been no 'holding at the noose'

I think the time for a noble and well Lead city has come! A well respected establishment lead by Humans, for the other races of Gobaith to come and adorn and dwell in.
Why lead by humans? Are you racist? you should move to Nordmark.

The Dwarves, they have a proud Keep, and community that to an extent is well known and respected.
The dwarves are sneaky and liars and have a VERY small community.

The Orcish clans, though sometimes snippy or rude. Dwell in the mountains near Varshikar. Though to some they come across as rude, they are a noble, respectful race, only looking for the respect of the other races of Gobaith.

The Lizard-Folk, have the Temple of Zelphia, or who ever they call the Goddess, they praise.
There are lizards living in Zelphia? Seems like they live in Trolls Bane

The Halflings have Green briar. Now my point isn't that they all have there own race specific communities to dwell in. My point is, is that they are all respected, and dwell in respectful dwellings.
The dwellings in Trolls Bane are stinking mud hovels?

Whereas some may refer Troll Bane to a pit of filth and misery
Everyone knows that trolls bane is DOOMED, just ask Grandmaster Lennier of the Grey Rose

Not one week ago, but a mere two days. I heard a Dwarf, speaking to his mate expressing how he felt Trolls Bane is a disrespectful City, run by Power-Hungry Humans, and those who would seek to Come across Ill to the many races of Gobaith, and the Citizens of Trolls Bane. If that is not enough to encourage you Citizens and non Citizens, that dwell in Bane, that it is time for true leaders to take a step. Then I am not sure what is.
i can honestly you are not fit to fill the spot

Any questions, or concerns, please PM me. ((Forum name Donaideenn))
Sincerely James Faros.
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Trolls Bane leader referral

Post by donaideenn »

This comes from one who is sneaky, one who is part of the Temple and one who seems to be racist and disrespectful to the dwarves and other races. If your small brain could understand the letter Doral, it stated that as of thus, each race has it's own establishment run by it's OWN race. That is why Bane needs top be Human run.
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Post by Etherim Mingil »

Humans have Nordmark
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Vern Kron
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Post by Vern Kron »

Enough of this. Honestly, what is done is done and we can not go and change the past. Step forward and continue working for the future. To do otherwise is to just hurt yourself, and those around you.

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Post by Damien »

It is indeed suggestable to, in lack of another person with direct experience, have a person like Mr. Cromwell step in to stabilize things until a new leadership has been formed or town council elections after salkamaerian example have been successfully organized.
Also do not forget that it indeed looks like a direct heritage of the local nobility that the temple did get into the position of power it had, therefore it does sound fair to have a person representing those responsible for said heritage to help the town itself back to a calmer and safer state for people of all races.

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Jason Felarion
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Post by Jason Felarion »

To the leader and the cabinet of Bane.

I'm in search of a new sphere of action, so I offer myself to help Bane. If any help is needed, please send me a dove or meet me around Bane. Let Bane shine in the light of good old times! If an election is needed, I will introduce myself to the new and of course the old habitants of Bane and clarify my agenda and targets. If the cabinet needs more help, contact me please.

~Jason Felarion~
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Mad Female Halfling

Post by donaideenn »

**pinned hastily to the board is a scribbled message**

Some, anyone! please help, my name is Hamfast, I was slicing boards at the work bench near the ally with the tailory shop and the smithly, when a halfling female asked me if I wanted something to eat, I was hungry so I took it. Then I went back to work. She called out "you have to pay for that," Which she tells me when I've already eatten it. Seeing how I made no contract, and she told me after I was finished, I told her no. She then said "Then I'll cut my food out of your stomache" this is madness, she attacked me I have two slashes on my belly, and a mark on my yellow belt. She chased me around Bane, before giving up. If someone can help, Ill be hiding around bane or working.

~Thanks and hurry
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Post by Town Guard of TB »

The female halfling has been found and Hamfast may contact the guard to give a detailed report about the happenings.

Crime reports should be sent to us by dove and not sprayed on the wall reserved for official Trollsbane announcements.

((If you want to report a crime please sent a Pm to this account))
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Who in Bragon's name keeps removing my name from the list? I have been a citizen of Troll's Bane since I have come to this isle and a citizen I shall remain even if I must bash the leader's head in to keep my name on the list.

And as a citizen who has seen this town burn to the ground many a times I would like to point out that Troll's Bane wouldn't be in this mess if not for Cromwell. He put the noble system in place and he would gladly inact it again so he can retain his ego and power.

If you really wish for Troll's Bane to regain stability it may be wise to use the plan I suggested years ago when I ran against him in his first election. A council of three. Captain of the guard, Magistrate, and Treasurer. One to control the military, one to deal with political maters, one to control and record supplies, and all to vote on new laws and changes to laws.

And no, citizen or not, I'm not running and I am not going to listen to any complaining about me not wanting to run either. You screwed yourselves over, I'm just going to advise you on how to get out of it.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior of Bragon
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Post by nmaguire »

Dantagon Marescot wrote: I must bash the leader's head in to keep my name on the list.
Dantagon Marescot wrote:And as a citizen who has seen this town burn to the ground many a times
Not the kind of person I'd want as a citizen in my town, a violent firestarter.

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Post by Saigwin »

Sir Dantagon Marescot is an honourable knight of Gobiath Dom.
You take his words out of context. Before you fling insults and accusation you should know who you speak of.

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Joxia Doral
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Post by Joxia Doral »

I assure you that Dominic has known Dantagon far longer than you have and knows exactly of whom he is speaking.

*the parchment is left unsigned*
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Post by nmaguire »

Whoever wrote that was right, I've known Dantagon for years. He's always been a bit of an odd one, tending towards violence in secret. *something has been obscured*

Last edited by nmaguire on Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Saigwin »

Ok You say you know him apologies for that. But you still took his words out of context. That has not changed.

Not a citizen but not afraid to sign his name either
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Post by Julia »

Volk von Troll's Bane,

es freut mich bekannt machen zu dürfen, dass Jason Felarion mit dem heutigen Tage den Posten des Veranstaltungsorganisators von Troll's Bane übernimmt. Er wird sich um die Organisation von Festen, Markttagen und anderen Veranstaltungen, im Namen von Troll's Bane kümmern.

Ich möchte ihm in Meinem und im Namen von Troll's Bane viel Erfolg bei seiner Arbeit wünschen.

Geralt Devan,
Magistrate vom Troll's Bane


People of Troll's Bane,

its a pleasure to announce that Jason Felarion takes from today on the position of the event manager of Troll's Bane. He will take care, in the name of Troll's Bane, for the oganisation of festivals, market days and other events.

I want to wish him great success at his new job in my name and the name of Troll's Bane.

Geralt Devan,
Magistrate of Troll's Bane
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Dantagon Marescot
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Dom, Dom, Dom. Why are you still around and why must you cause trouble? Can you not read sarcastic comments when they dangle infront of your nose? You may have known my face and name for much longer than others, but you do not know me or my personality and I would appreciated if you go back into hiding as you have for the past few years. It might be best for all of our sanity.

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Post by nmaguire »

Looks like somebody can't take a joke. I wouldn't call a bit of light-heartness "causing trouble" , but if you're so worried...

Oh, by the way, I paid a visit to your castle the other day. The way double doors work, see, I think you are supposed to lock BOTH halves of the door. You locked one half, and left the other half open. You're very lucky I decided not to leave you a golem. Just shows how intelligent the knighthood has grown.
