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Post by Olive »

* the grey overcast sky left a dark and gloomy mood over trollsbane. But not for two lizardfolk armed with hammers as they walked over to the glassworks theatre. As a gentle rain descended the two lizards swam on to the stage and got straight to work. The female swam underneath the stage and systematically kicked the boards until they came loose while the male used his hammer and chisel to pry the baords that refused to be disloged so easily.

Next came the suuport beams. Armed witha mighty warhammer Lesska hammered away at the posts, her muscles protestingthe exhertions as she disloged the beams and floated them to the shore to be dragged off later. The rain stopped and the sun shone through fora few moments as the Szrenszor waited for the signal, a tail twitchign from the depths marking thatthe new post was ready to be hammered into place. Dutifully He hammered away atthe carved pillar until it was in drilled deep enough into the lake to be secure. The process repeated eleven more times.

Next came the flooring. Fresh naldor logs were nailed into position Resting upon fresh beams of naldor that would support more weight their their original predecessors. Naldor was a very heavy wood and the boards took several hours to get all secured.

as the worked, a halfling, human and an elf, the beginnings of many crude tavern jokes for sure, wandered by to see what all the noise was about. they nodded theri approval atthe new stage as the lizards cleaned up the debris, barely able to move from thri fatigue. The stage had sucessfully been repaired and should last many years into the future. A job well done, now, to collect payment....*
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Fianna Heneghan
Posts: 463
Joined: Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:40 pm

Post by Fianna Heneghan »

Stepping out onto the new stage, Fianna smiles widely as she surveys the work. She taps a foot in a few spots she knew had been loose and gives a satisfied nod as each board fails to yield under her boot. Going out through the workshop doors and strolling along the rim of the stage, she admires the work approvingly. She steps back inside to the depot and carefully counts out a few coins, tucking them safely into a deep pocket of her robe before setting out for her shift at the hospital.
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