Footsteps from the Past

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Lance T.
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Footsteps from the Past

Post by Lance T. »

[Open Roleplay]

A steady breeze blew along the foot of the mountains. On this day though, the wind seemed colder than usual, and almost seemed a fire-sword wouldn't stand against the chill that traveled over the horizon. Clouds, massive and gray loomed above in the pale colored sky. It hadn't been long since it rained last, and the ground was still soggy and wet from last it had. The wilted flowers and bent tree-branches left one with an eerie feeling of defeat and humiliation. It seemed as if the suffering of the land could actually've been felt.

On the path leading towards the settlement of Bane walked a lone figure. Of average height and build, he seemed another mere peasant making his way from town to town. Up close, one could see pale skin with hardly a mark made upon it as well as a pair of shamrock-green eyes that seemed to glisten as the light passed upon them. This was, obviously, a man. Yet he possessed many feminine features. Not overly muscular, yet his body is well toned from what one could make out from beneath the ragged clothing he wore. It seemed as though he spent many-a day running, yet, his skin showed no signs of such.

He wore brown boots that escalated up his leg to the bottom of his knee-caps. His shirt was torn and tattered, yet the deep shade of brown still shone through. His pants are much the same and hold the same color. Thrown over all of this, is a bright-green cloak which is in almost perfect condition, off-setting everything else worn upon him. Worn around his neck is a small pouch, possibly carrying coin or small items he possesses. A simple, plain sword lie sheathed at his side, and an old, wooden shield sit strapped to his back.

There is nothing particularly different about this man, apart from the excellent conditioned cloak he wears, and he simply carries on his own way. Following the path towards the settlement of Bane, aiming to beat the approaching storm...
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Gregory Hardcast
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Post by Gregory Hardcast »

A man with a roughly shaven head lies slumped against a tree, 4 empty wine and beer bottles strewn around him, with another half-full clutched in his dirty left hand. His eyes are half-open, deep blue and watery, the left one a bruised mess. Suddenly he coughs, twitching his head and moving a dry tongue over cracked, crusted lips, murmuring blearily to himself. He wears nothing but an old pair of fur trousers, the bare skin of his chest tanned and weathered.

As the sound of footsteps pierces his stupor, his head lolls to the side, his thin lips curving into a smirk at the traveller before he tips the half-full bottle to his lips, letting it flow down his throat. He let his hand drop, wearing an imperious drunken smirk on his face as he speaks in a surprisingly clear voice.

'Havent got a spare drink or some coin on you my man?'
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Lance T.
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Post by Lance T. »

He tilts his head a moment, his eyes thoughtfully scanning over the man. His somber expression seems to turn into that of pity. With a quick movement to his pouch, he withdrawals a single silver coin from it. As he extends it towards the man, he closes his hand before saying to him:

"I am giving this to you. Not to encourage your habits, nor fulfill your need for more drink. I am doing this from the kindness and pity I feel for you, good sir. If you buy more drink with this coin, then so be it. If you can find the courage to stop, and invest the coin into something healty... you will certainly find that the benefits of doing so are much greater than throwing it away for another couple days in a drunken stupor."

Then he opened the palm of his hand, dropping the silver coin at the man's feet.

"I am Lucius Clearwater, sir. And I implore you to think on the things I've said here on this day."
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Gregory Hardcast
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Post by Gregory Hardcast »

The man's deep blue eyes seemed to gradually gain some focus, settling first on the coin before narrowing as they switch to the person's face, holding a hint of former arrogance and pride.

'Well i am Gregory Hardcast, and on second thoughts i dont need your charity.' His upper lip curls into a sneer, before taking another sip of wine and swishing the liquid round in his mouth. 'Sides.. a drink is what i need..' He swallows the liquid, a few drops squeezing out of the corner of his mouth, trickling down his chin as a moment of silence passes. Suddenly, something seems to snap, and he lurches forwards, his left hand reaching out to grab the shoulder of the mans cloak, lifting his head so his mouth is level with the other's ear, the smell of booze thick in the air.

'Not that i dont appreciate the thought old thing. Now run along and leave this drunken fool to mope in peace.' He pulls back his head slightly, offering a friendly wink.
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Lance T.
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Post by Lance T. »

Lucius looks at the man calmly, the stench wafting around in the air. With a small motion he lays his own hand on the beggar's arm and turns it over, placing the silver coin into his hand himself.

"I said if a drink is what you desire, then you are free to drink my friend."

And he moves away from the man slowly, starting his walk towards Bane once more.
Maeglin Telemmaite
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Post by Maeglin Telemmaite »

A tall elf walks past the two conversing and stops to listen for a brief second.He then turns around and looks at the OBVIOUSLY drunken man grabbing the others shoulder.

Sir you should realy think about Not drinking for a while hmm.

I think you have had enough hmm.
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Post by Lance T. »

Looking over his shoulder a moment as the elf approaches, he decides to stay a moment and see how the drunken man reacts to the situation. A faint look of worry sparks across his face for a brief moment.

Hmm.. I wonder how this fellow who calls himself Gregory will handle this situation.

He thought to himself a moment before leaning against a hedge to his side, watching.
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Post by Maeglin Telemmaite »

The elf carefully aproaches the drunk man and tries to take away his wine.
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Gregory Hardcast
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Post by Gregory Hardcast »

At the sound of a new voice his eyes flick over to the left, narrowed at their new target of an annoying elf. He twists his body round, facing the elven man and with the corner of his mouth upturned in a defiant smirk, empties the rest of his bottle down his throat, before tossing the empty container at him, chuckling lightly to himself.

'Why so many people ive never met appear concerned over my safety all of a sudden is rather disconcerting.'

As the elf approaches him his slight smirk curls into a legitimate sneer, his expression holding contempt. 'Go.. away.' His words are both mocking and questioning, icy in their temperature.
Maeglin Telemmaite
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Post by Maeglin Telemmaite »

The elf responds to his words with a fire in them to melt the Ice in his.

It is one of the sins to overdrink my dear sir and I recommend you hand over the wine

He then flicks out a modified dagger from a wooden handle.

((couldnt think of a better way to describe pocket knifeXD))
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Lance T.
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Post by Lance T. »

Lucius' eyes narrow a moment, seeing the weapon drawn. Could the Elf possibly not have drawn a weapon on another man.. on a BEGGAR? Listening to the Elf for a moment, he shakes his head. Justifying the drawing of a weapon on an, to his own knowledge, unarmed man by saying his drinking is a sin? Obviously this Elf thought he knew everything, and was obviously trying to force himself upon this lonely beggar.

"Hey, Elf.. Your weapon is not needed, nor is it very polite. If you're trying to help this man, and by the Gods it doesn't look like it, I'd not resort to weapons at all. Are you insane? This beggar has done nothing that deserves the drawing of a weapon. I suggest you put it away, and have on with your day. If this man wishes drink, then allow him to in peace. I myself was just leaving..."

There was a sort of suggestive, yet commanding tone to Lucius' voice as he spoke, yet his expression cool and calm.
Maeglin Telemmaite
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Post by Maeglin Telemmaite »

The elf looks at the man and shakes his head.

Dear boy I havent taken weapon upon a man in centuries.I was merely going to trade him.The knife for his wine.Im sorry if I gave you any wessed thoughts.But I suppose those not wanting to hear the words of the gods is their own buisness.What might your name be sir,If you dont mind me asking.
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