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Post by Triton »

Thats exactly whats the topic about, thanks for coment.

We did some graficwork but then we were teached
thats illegal to get pictures from net and make them
yust smaler, because of the copyrights.
The big and long posts are about the law of
copyright and if its able to use photos ore grafiks
from other internet users. The answer was no and
so we decidet to make them to ourselfs with a
good grafik design program.

My english isnt very well.
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Post by Llama »

Here's the thing though.

A few weeks ago I posted something in internal proposals, a nice new fishing system, which I could program myself. I expanded it quite well and would be able to program it given the graphics.

However I need graphics for it, and this is why it was lucky that this thread popped up.

I'll post the graphics that I need, and what I already have (thank you kevin). I just hope that someone will upload them to the server soon, so I can get to work. I also hope that the idea is accepted by the great Nitters, who hasn't yet commented

Graphics needed:

Fish Fillets // 2 (at least) simple fish dishes
Fish Steak // 2 (at least) rare fish dishes
Exotic Fish Steak // 2 (at least) hard fish dishes
Tiny Fish (similar to the 'cooked fish' graphic we have now, but not burnt) // 2 (at least) fish soups
Lobster // Cooked Lobster
Turtle // Cooked Turtle (Turtle soup?)
Octopus // Octopus meal
Squid // Squid meal?
At least 1 more 'common fish'
At least 3 'rare fish'
2 'exotic fish'
Fish Bones (typical cartoony ones)
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Post by Triton »


Nach §7 und §12 veröffentliche ich dieses Bild
Nach §16 §17 u §18 darf es vervielfältigt, verbreitet u ausgestellt werden.
Sozusagen gilt §24, die freie Benutzung. (Auch wenns scheisse aussieht) :wink:
It s called out for free use.

Program: Paint

Name: Flusskrebs / crawfish

Grösse/ Size: 1/10 einer Forelle so ca. vieleicht etwas kleiner
1/10 of a trout little smaler perhaps

Gewicht/ Weight: 2.5 % einer Ausgewachsenen Forelle
2,5% of an big trout

Nährwert/ nutritional value: 1/5 eines Lachses / 1/5 of a salmon

Diätometer: ~
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Post by Triton »

Den wird man wohl kaum nutzen können eh?

Speichert jemand die folgenden Ausgüsse ab?

Kann man Paintgrafiken weiter nutzen?

Vieleicht ist es ja eine Anregung für bessere Gestallter.
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Post by Nitram »

ich weis nicht genau was du mit deinem letzten Post sagen wolltest, weil ich den vollständig nicht verstanden habe (inhaltlich)

Aber ich kann dir einen Tip geben. Mach dir einen Screenshot aus dem Client und kopiere deine Grafik mal dort rein und schau ob sie gut ins Bild passt. Wenn dem so ist, ist das schonmal ein gutes Zeichen. Wenn nicht kannst du die Grafik direkt neu überarbeiten.

Dein Flusskrebsdings passt in meinen Augen gar nicht ins Bild und wirkt auf den ersten Blick eher so als sollte das mal ein Monster und kein Item werden.

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Post by Thanseus Valerian »

Ich könnte mir eher vorstellen das sich in bewachsenem Gewässer so Kleinkram wie Pergament, Schmuck oder vielleicht auch mal ne Karte versteckt^^
Der nachteil dabei wäre halt das dort die Schnur schneller reist weil sie sich im Schilf oder so verheddert
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Post by Triton »

zB: für ungeschliffene Edelsteine die im Fluss ausgewaschen wurden:

Item: / Erfolg pro Aktion:
Amethyst: 0,7%
Schwarzstein: 0,3%
Blaustein: 0,4%
Diamant: 0,2%
Rubin: 0,1 %
Smaragd: 0,2 %
Topas: 0,1 %

Zweige: 1%
Äste: 1%
leere Flaschen: 1%
graue Flaschen: 1%

Ringe könnte man ähnlich wie Schatzkarten schwer finden,
je nach Art, schwieriger. (Die anderen Ringe lass ich mal weg):

Goldring (schlechtere Qualität) einfach (wie Bauernkarte)
Diamantring ( ~ ) schwerer
Blausteinring ( ~ ) schwerer als Diamant
Schwarzsteinring (~) praktisch unmöglich (Drachenhort)

Man könnte auch auf einzelnen Wasserkästchen
etwas spezielles verstecken (5-10 auf der Insel),
das man dann mit der Angel, wie einen Schatz heben kann.
Natürlich weiss niemand von diesen Punkten und diese
müssten eben, eher aus Zufall gefunden werden.


For example
(unpolished Stones wich were washed out the ground):

Item: / Success per action:

Amethyst: 0,7%
Blackstone: 0,3%
Bluestone: 0,4%
Diamond: 0,2%
Ruby: 0,1 %
Smaragd: 0,2 %
Topas: 0,1 %

brenches: 1%
boughs: 1%
emty Bottles: 1%
grey Bottles: 1%

Rings for example could be find like treasure maps. (difficult)
(These arent all of the Rings that would possible)

Goldring (schlechtere Qualität): easy (like farmermap)
Diamondring ( ~ ) : difficult
Bluestonering ( ~ ) : more difficult
Blackstonering (~) : praktical not possible

Perhaps it is possible to make fields with spezial items
(5-10 on the island) like a treausure to bring it up with
the rod. These fields would be secret and are able to
find with a good fishing skil by everyone.
Last edited by Triton on Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

Do I get this right, you want add a 9.2% chance that one fishes a gem? Together with the other numbers, you want to add a chance of 23.2% for bycatch, added to the current bycatch?
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Post by Triton »

Now its 2% chance that one fishes a gem.
And 5% for bycatch added to the other.

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Post by Estralis Seborian »

Actually, I was just asking because the numbers appeared from nowhere. Currently, we have the following items as bycatch:

-Oil lamps
-Treasure maps

The rates of boots and oil lamps are pretty high IMHO. A dev might be able to provide exact numbers.

Honestly, I have my problems with gems hanging on a hook. Same holds for intact bottles. But I appreciate more different bycatch as long as the bycatch rate gets lowered.
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Post by Triton »

Estralis Seborian wrote: I appreciate more different bycatch as long as the bycatch rate gets lowered.
ähm, lowered. How much? 7% is to much for everything?

I need the highest possible % number per action,
to find new bycatch and the maximum quantity of potential items.

The gems could be find during the fishing, they do not hang on the rod. :wink:


Ich bräuchte sozusagen den noch zu vergebenden % wert der es noch möglich macht Mitfang logisch ins system einzubinden. Dann noch die max Anzahl der Gegenstände die ich benutzen darf um eine kleine Liste mit Werten zu erstellen.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

As far as I know, the number of items is not limited. The rate (bycatch/total catch) we have now is, that is just my very own opinion, too high. So, if you add new items as bycatch, make sure the bycatch rate does not rise. Or in other words:

The total percentage should not rise above the current total value when you add new items. So, if the current distribution looks like this:

-Boots 1/100
-Oil lamps 1/50
-Buckets 1/200
-Treasure maps 1/600
-Mummies 1/600

...then you should not create a list that looks like

-Boots 1/100
-Oil lamps 1/50
-Buckets 1/200
-Treasure maps 1/600
-Mummies 1/600
-New item1 1/100
-New item2 1/500
-New item3 1/200

...but something like

-Boots 1/200
-Oil lamps 1/250
-Buckets 1/300
-Treasure maps 1/900
-Mummies 1/700
-New item1 1/100
-New item2 1/500
-New item3 1/200
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Post by Thanseus Valerian »

Wie wärs mit:
Als du den Fisch auseinandernimmst fällt ein glänzender Stein aus seinem Körper. Den muss er wohl verschluckt haben!
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Post by Triton »

Vieleicht habe ich da noch was falsch verstanden.
Its possible that i didnt understand the whole system.

New system items:

Am Ende deiner Leine glitzert etwas ,
du holst die Schnur ein und nimmst den Ring vom Haken.

On the cords end is something glittery,
there is a ring on the crook.

golden ring 1/900
diamond ring 1/1000
emerald ring 1/950
amethyst ring 1/950
bluestone ring 1/1300
ruby ring 1/1200
topas ring 1/1250
blackstone ring 1/1500

Eine Kette verfängt sich in der Leine,
es dauert etwas bis du sie herausgefriemelt hast.

A chain ensnarled in the cord, it takes a bit time to ungarble.

emerald amulet 1/900
amulet 1/950

Durch das Wasser siehst du einen besonderen Stein,
du bückst dich und fischst ihn mit der Hand aus dem Wasser.

You see an unique stone trough the water,
you stoob down and take it with the hand out of the water

raw diamond 1/350
raw emerald 1/300
raw amethyst 1/300
raw bluestones 1/300
raw ruby 1/500
raw topas 1/550
raw blackstone 1/600

Ein Pergament verhängt sich am Haken, du nimmst es ab.
A parchement ensnarled on the cook, you take it.

parchement 1/250

Eine Flasche treibt vorbei, du bekommst sie zum greifen und steckst sie ein.
Abottle drifts across, you can get it and take.

grey bottle 1/200

Etwas hält stark gegen die Rute,
als du zerrst und sie einholst hängt eine Pfanne daran.

Something works against the rod, you pull at it strengthful and see a pan.

pan 1/400

Ein Stück holz treibt vorbei, bei näherer betrachtung ist es eine Flöte.
A pice of wood drifts across, you look at it and see a flute.

flute 1/300

Ein Ast hat sich verfangen, du nimmst ihn ab.
Your rod catched a bough, you take it of.

bough 1/300

Etwas glitzert am Grund,
als du es hoch holst fällt dir auf das es sich um ein Glas handelt.

Something glitters on the ground, it´s a glas.

glas with water 1/250

Old system items:

treasure maps 1/1200
mummies 1/900
oil lamp 1/400
bucket 1/500
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Post by Tanistian_Kanea »

with these odds it's possible to get

golden ring 1/900 - 3
diamond ring 1/1000 - 3
emerald ring 1/950 - 3
amethyst ring 1/950 - 3
bluestone ring 1/1300 - 2
ruby ring 1/1200 - 2
topas ring 1/1250 - 2
blackstone ring 1/1500 - 2
emerald amulet 1/900 - 3
amulet 1/950 - 3
raw diamond 1/350 - 8
raw emerald 1/300 - 10
raw amethyst 1/300 - 10
raw bluestones 1/300 - 10
raw ruby 1/500 - 6
raw topas 1/550 - 5
raw blackstone 1/600 - 5
parchement 1/250 -12
grey bottle 1/200 - 15
pan 1/400 - 7
flute 1/300 - 10
bough 1/300 -10
glas with water 1/250 - 12
treasure maps 1/1200 - 2
mummies 1/900 -3
oil lamp 1/400 - 7
bucket 1/500 -6

all numbers being out of 3000

chance for any item.
about 1 in 19
1 in 19 is to often in my opinion.
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Post by Triton »

Oh, forgot the boots. :wink:

What do you think would be the best way to lower the itemchance?

Rings and amulets should be very difficult to find.
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Post by Tanistian_Kanea »

change the chances. rings and amulets should be really rare so double them.
golden ring 1/1800
diamond ring 1/2000
emerald ring 1/1900
amethyst ring 1/1900
bluestone ring 1/2600
ruby ring 1/2400
topas ring 1/2500
blackstone ring 1/3000
emerald amulet 1/1800
amulet 1/1900

same with stones, not very likely so we increase.

raw diamond 1/500
raw emerald 1/450
raw amethyst 1/450
raw bluestones 1/450
raw ruby 1/650
raw topas 1/700
raw blackstone 1/750

parchment and bottles are alright

parchment 1/250
grey bottle 1/200

i don't know what this is:

pan 1/400

Flutes and boughs have same chance of being found? increase flute decrease branch. (i'll admit it i catch more branches then fish sometimes)

flute 1/600
bough 1/200

for current items it would be good to see current chances. this would also help give an idea what everything else should look like.
glas with water 1/250
treasure maps 1/1200
mummies 1/900
oil lamp 1/400
bucket 1/500



you take out boughs and grey bottles it becomes


you take out boughs, parchments, glass with water and grey bottles, (less useful filler items)

and you get aprox.

1/39 chance for a relatively good item.

better but still not great. however the one ring already has a 1/3000 chance unless you think gems should be harder to find.
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Post by Triton »

parchement 1/250
grey bottle 1/200
pan 1/400
flute 1/300
bough 1/300
glas with water 1/250
treasure maps 1/1200
mummies 1/900
oil lamp 1/400
bucket 1/500

If we deside to leave the other things out.
Then it would be better i supose.
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Post by Ivar Kraftimarm »

sorry, but i'm against additional bycatch. fishing should used to get fish and not for other things. actual you can see a lot of people who only fish to get treasure maps. they drop the fish.

in my oppiniom we need fewer bycatch (only 50% of oil lamps and boots).
i would also drop the treasure maps. there was a proposal to find treasure maps by reading books. i think thats a good oppinion.

new fish graphics would be nice, but i know thats not that easy...

thats my two cent ;)
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Post by Triton »

Hm, eventualy youre right.

but some items like boughs are possible to bring them in.
They would make the game more realistic.

Or makeing the boughs not usable to use, like rotten wood.
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

Realism sucks.
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Post by Triton »

Hadrian_Abela wrote:
Graphics needed:

Fish Fillets // 2 (at least) simple fish dishes
Fish Steak // 2 (at least) rare fish dishes
Exotic Fish Steak // 2 (at least) hard fish dishes
Tiny Fish (similar to the 'cooked fish' graphic we have now, but not burnt) // 2 (at least) fish soups
Lobster // Cooked Lobster
Turtle // Cooked Turtle (Turtle soup?)
Octopus // Octopus meal
Squid // Squid meal?
At least 1 more 'common fish'
At least 3 'rare fish'
2 'exotic fish'
Fish Bones (typical cartoony ones)
Fish bones are in work.

Octopus and Turtle transcend my abilitys by far

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Post by Lrmy »

Ivar has a point about fishing being for fish. All these other items you might want to add can be obtained in other ways. We need more ring smiths and glass blowers in game as is.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

Personally, I must admit I like random events during monotonous actions like fishing or mining. So, when I fish and I suddenly find an old boot on my hook, that adds something to the game. My character has something to talk about when he comes home and I could start investigating where this boots comes from. But when I find 18 boots, 23 oil lamps, 2 treasure maps and some buckets during fishing, the surprise-element is lost.

What I would be in favour of: Random events for all(!) ressource collecting actions (collecting herbs, digging for clay and sand, mining, chopping wood,...). These random events should have a total rate of 1/100-1/10000 (order of magnitude). Ideally, each action should have a similar catalogue of random events, with differing items and/or events. Just an example how such a catalogue could look like:

1/1000: Oil lamp
1/2000: Boot
1/3000: Bucket
1/10000: Pure water

Digging for sand:
1/1000: Copper coin
1/2000: Rock
1/3000: Coal lump (from last bbq)
1/10000: Treasure map

Herb lore:
1/1000: Sickle blade
1/2000 :Sickle hilt
1/3000: Mug
1/10000: Pure earth

(numbers and items are just for illustration and not part of a proposal ;-))
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Post by Jupiter »


Nice idea, but take the pure earth out.
I would like it to be in, but in fact we would have so much chars just seachring for pure earth, not for the herbs..thats sad, it would become the same like treasure maps.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

Current map rate afaik: 1/600
A rate of 1/10000 means you find an item in the same time as you find ~15 treasure maps...

The numbers and items were just to display what I mean: A catalogue with the same number of items with the same rates, but with differing items to be found. I did not propose that one shall be able to find whatever item during whatever action *sighs*.
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Post by Triton »

I would bring it up again,

Eventualy we should work on it.
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Post by Thanseus Valerian »

Wären Schätze im Wasser möglich?
Also in kleinen Flüssel und man muss sie mit der Angelrute ablaufen und wenn man sie gehoben hat kommen irgendwelche Lizards oder so^^
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Post by Jupiter »

Du kannst schon Schatzkarten fischen, wozu dann auch nich gleich Schätze fischen? :?
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Post by Triton »

Wenn eine Echse mit ihren Krallen fischt,
wäre es doch auch sicher denkbar,
das sie Muscheln suchen kann.

((Die Miesmuschel und die Perle die ich hier rein stelle,
sind nur Vorschläge, die nicht mit einem
3D Programm hergestellt wurden. Es sind Bilder,
welche auf die Grösse verkleinert wurden!!!))



Muscheln könnten also wie gesagt beim Fischen gefunden
werden, als Beifang wenn man so möchte.
Mit diesen Muscheln könnte man vieleicht,
um den Köchen etwas Gutes zu tun, Muschelsuppe herstellen.
Wofür eine bereits bestehende Suppengrafik nur geringfügig
verändert werden müsste. Des weiteren hätten Echsen ein
Zubrot, welches ihrer Rasse entgegen kommt, indem sie Perlen
an die örtlichen Juweliere und Goldschmiede verkaufen.
Geknackt werden sie mit Hilfe eines Meissels in einer der
Hände und den Muscheln im Gürtel, so könnte man an
die Perlen heran kommen.

Es ist wie gesagt nur ein Vorschlag.
Triton :D
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