A Bitter Farewell

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A Bitter Farewell

Post by Ayla »

[[ Closed RP ]]

"I can't bear any more burden..."

The words hit her like a ten ton brick on the chest. With a young Elarinya in her arms, Ayla came to an abrupt stop as her gaze locks on the man before her. She felt a slow chill run over her, perhaps even a few beats of her heart are skipped. Deep down, she had somehow sensed this scene coming yet she had done nothing to stop it. And now it came at her like a huge wave. With a slow breath and a bitter chuckle following, Ayla shakes her head with a blatantly incredulous look as she speaks in barely more than a mumble.

"Any more burden... My attempts to talk to you are no more than a burden..?"

A wry, unforgiving smile touches her lips sadistically at the response she gives, watching Jorokar move on over the bridge at which she too crosses. Then she comes to a slow stop once more as she speaks aloud.

"A dwarven month. You promised a dwarven month and you would change. Gods have mercy, you have indeed changed... "

Again, she lets him speak, words are left exchanged as she feels a sense of bitter cold sweep over her, causing her hands to tremble as the rest against Elarinya who had, by this time, begun to cry for the tension between the adults.

"You were the only one able to keep me here... No longer, Jorokar." She mumbles cooly before another dry chuckle comes from her as she turns to head back the way she came. "Farewell..."


Barely had a whole ten minutes passed that Ayla found herself walking through the forest in the direction of the harbour, a heavy bag slung over her shoulder and Artimer following in silence next to her. As she moved on, angered tears fell down her cheeks. All that settled in her thoughts were those words over and over again. "I can't bear any more..." Whether the man had meant it or not, they had done their job. Without hesitation, she knew then that she had to leave or things would only worsen, if not for him, then for her. She couldn't handle the sight of seeing those words on the board, the hatred that seemed to be surrounding everyone near her.

As she comes up along the board of the wharf, the elven woman again slows her stride to a hault, eyes set forth to the ships creaking with the sway of the tide. Her chest rises as she takes a slow, steadying breath before mumbling something in elven to the ear of the child on her shoulder, giving a vain attempt at calming the tears of the girl. Moments passed, words exchanged between elfess and the young man that had accompanied her. At last, she bows her head once with quiet parting words.

"Watch him, Artimer... Let me know if anything happens. Farewell."

Without further hesitation, she turns with child and belongings in hand, passing over a few silvers to the sailor that awaits her boarding a ship marked with the crest of Salkamar. The ship sways unsteadily as she steps upon its deck, sails snapping with a strong wind. A long moment does she stand where she is, listening to the wind and the crew moving around and preparing for sailing. Elarinya had settled vaguely in her mother's hold, tears stilled for now.

Ayla turns after a moment, looking back toward the dock of Gobaith as the ship sets away into the wind, carrying off. Another tear falls along a stained cheek at the sight of Pellandria striding up beside Artimer. Her head is lowered, cheek resting against the child's own as she again turns away and heads below the deck in silence, quietly being told where she would be boarded during the sail to the mainlands. A hand presses open the wooden door into the small room, Ayla quietly making her way to the bed and setting Elarinya down in her lap as she reaches for a small box in her bag and a few rolls of dark parchment.

Even a good couple of hours after she had gone below, with a child now asleep near her, the scratching of quill against parchment can be heard as the elfess repeatedly attempts explaining her disappearance to others.
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Vern Kron
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Post by Vern Kron »

Artimer walked silently beside the elven woman. His mind was on fire with what had happened.
"I caused this. No, I didn't cause it, it was their problem. Why did it have to end this way, I knew it was coming but still. Jorokar could have fixed it, or I could have.."
They approached the harbor from the forest, and he prayed to himself that the ships were out. He let out a sigh as the sail was seen through the trees.
"Maybe they won't sail today.." he thought to himself.

Artimer talked quietly to her, though one thing stuck out in his mind. How would he speak to her again?
"Under my depot, there is a key. Take it, and you may have the longsword and serinjah inside. I won't need them anymore."
He nodded, there was only one thing left to say. Struggling as he did, and tears running down his face
"Farewell Ayla.. Good bye Rin." He smiled weakly to the girl, who buried her face into the womans shoulder.
As they climbed onto the boat, he waved. Tears ran down, but he smiled to them as they sailed off, wishing them a safe journey. As the boat leaves his sight, a breeze brushes past him. He drops onto his knees and weeps as footsteps come up from behind.
"She's gone... she is really gone." Artimer mutters lowly to himself, falling silent as a little bit more salt water gets added to the sea.
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Re: A Bitter Farewell

Post by abcfantasy »

The days gone dull, the people got dark, the spirit was fading. Jorokar had failed the promise of a dwarven month, and was a disappointment to Zhambra and Sirani both. He knew this well enough as in his devotion, he felt it. It was only a matter of time until the bond with his lady was shattered. With this, all his attachments to anything else weakened as if each one depended on the other.

It could have been entirely his fault, or perhaps not. Regardless, during these somber days that followed after the loss, he went through rapid change that could not be avoided. Though the grief and sorrow that ached in his heart remained, possibly as lifelong stains that could never be cleansed, his manly pride and boldness shot in to reign and control his outer impressions. He will not be stuck for weeks, lamenting over his loss. There's no place for soft spots or weak points in a man. Delicacy and vulnerability are no man qualities. Earning the trust of one man should be rare, and thus rewarding when earned. That's what he thought. His life now was no longer guided by the Gods, or by others. He was now guided by his own aims, wills and determination. His loyalty to Malachin, and perhaps Zhambra as well remain, but his own judgment would decide for him.

This loss will not bring me down...

He thought, while staring over the river leaning against the thick bark of the naldor tree.

This loss will strengthen. There's no looking back. Not now.
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Vern Kron
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Post by Vern Kron »

Artimer stood quietly watching over the town from the east gate tower. The morning dew and fog sat heavily on the town, and he shivered slightly. He watched the town slowly move into life, and mutters lowly to himself.
"I can't let him stay like this. He has to change. I won't let Ayla down, especially not like this."

He walked down from the tower, and paused as he walked passed the alleyway beside Eliza's shop.
"I can't let this just fall to pieces, if I do, then we won't get that shop built.."

He shakes his head and enters the workshop. Slowly he begins to make a large amount of crafts, storing each carefully within his depot.
"He will understand. I know he will. It just takes work, and practice."

He closes his eyes and prays quietly,"Zhambra, please help me show Jorokar the way. Malachin please protect him in battle. Irmorom, please repair this relationship, and help me with my craftings."
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