Death, and Healing

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Death, and Healing

Post by Llama »


Suggested System: If a person is killed during fighting, or for any other reason, he automatically loses 1 'life'. Once 5 'lives' have passed, the person loses 4 points of constitution, and 4 points of dex and strength.

These points remain until either 1 real life month has passed, or the person is 'healed'


Healing will take place by usage of a 'healing rune'. This healing rune can be 'given' (taught) to other players, and is independant of the magic system (though it might be a predessor to the druid system). In order to heal another person, the healer just USES the rune on the person.

Now, if this rune is entrusted to people who already ROLEPLAY healing (say the druids of the forest and their medicos), then that means, that in order to be healed, a person will have to look for a person who is already a good roleplayer, and obviously ROLEPLAY with him.


1) Death Will have a bit more meaning
2) It will encourage roleplay between fighters and healers, making it 'forced'
3) It'll be a reward to people who roleplay healing, and gives them a job to do

A healer can use the rune to erase the amount of points a person has accumulated
Healers cannot heal themselves
If a person loses as much points as to reach a 0 in an attribute, instead the character immediatly takes a speed penalty (same as encumbered), and is considered to be very fragile
Each month 2 'lives' are given, though no more then 5 can be kept at one go.

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Post by Nitram »

All in all not bad. But i see a better chance for giving the druids ( as soon as the druids system works ) a kind of "restoring" potion. That does exactly what your "rune" does.

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Post by Elviane Kitomerae »

Did I hear someting about "druid-system"? *gets long ears* Oh well, never mind...

To the proposal: sounds a bit complicated to me... Bu I like the idea of making death more relevant... Even if my Chars rather belong to the victims...

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Kaila Galathil Travinus
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Post by Kaila Galathil Travinus »

I am not fond of more "skill" that is required to be used to add to the RP. I would think it would be up to the char how long, or how sick they are after ghosting. Actually when you talk to different players, there is even confusion on the ghosting, some say it is just being "hurt badly". Tying in to the Druid/Medico magic system though may increase opportunities for RP, but I wonder if the proposal should wait until we have Druid magic first.
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Post by Llama »

Its not a skill, on purpose.

Its a rune. Use it and the subject is cured.

Its meant to promote Rp, not make medicos run around healing random people to skill up.
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Post by Kaila Galathil Travinus »

Hadrian_Abela wrote:Its not a skill, on purpose.

Its a rune. Use it and the subject is cured.

Its meant to promote Rp, not make medicos run around healing random people to skill up.
That was not my intention, by mentioning the Druids. The intention being it could open up opportunities for RP only, I am hoping that Druid magic won't add much "skilling" to the Druid system. But my thought was, why "promote" RP, using devices in a RP game. The only reason is to "make" someone RP versus allowing them to RP as they think is the best way to do it for their char. If I have a weak char, they would take longer to heal then a stronger char... but that would be up to the PO and not up to a function built into the game. In my opinion, this would take away from the voluntary aspects of striving for a good RP environment and would just make something that is voluntary, now mandatory.
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Post by Llama »

People do NOT Rp their deaths more often then not. Whether its 'rebirth' or heavily injured, do NOT expect to wake up the next morning and go hunt mummies again. If one feels the need to look for a medico even when s/he's still got 4 lives left, thats very good, but at least going to see a medico after dying FIVE times...

A fighter who just powergames, or attacks the town, gets beaten by guards and attacks when less people are logged on, will have a problem. Bandits who terrorise the roads can be 'beaten back' due to injury, or they might try to obtain healing at sword's point or the like.

Obviously, I trust the healer will ROLEPLAY patching them up and the like, instead of shift clicking his way ...
If I have a weak char, they would take longer to heal then a stronger char... but that would be up to the PO and not up to a function built into the game.
You still 'died' or 'almost died', I'm sure you'd have a few bones broken, or large rips in your skin. Perhaps don't look for a healer the first time, but the 2nd? third? FIFTH?!
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Post by Rosendil »

The main opinion is, that you are not dead but heavily hurt.

Some players already rp being hurt, others don't. That's ok for me.

I would'nt make things so complicated (counting numbers of deaths, and so on ...). Why dont you add a drastic delay while getting rested/healty if a character was clouded (e.g. set the max hitpoints to 5% after "death"; add 5% every RL day to the max hitpoints value ... after 20 RL days the character has e.g. increase the max hitpoints from regenerate 5% of the hitpoints per RL day). Let the druids make potions that gives you some additional % to the characters max. hitpoints.

But most important is ... fix the server problems!
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Post by Garen »

dude, i tihnk the runes or however you want to make it is a good idea, it would realy help out in makeing death something to fear, lol.
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Post by Pellandria »

I don't like this idea, it just pushes the players into another boundary, I think we got enough boundarys for people allready, we don't need another one and whats with mes then, if you want to create yet another magic healing rune, in the end the whole thing brings nothing other then have another thing to care about, why not let every char die imedeatly, after he/she was clouded, best solution eh?

Just think of ocosiancions, where even traveler can die, because some idiot lured monsters on the streets, but you need to "run" slowly, because the cow just can't keep up, so you want to left all our things behnd or run for your live, which will be even harder, because you are slow like a snail, but you need the things to get better..yeah devilcircel ..
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Post by Llama »

Pellandria wrote:Just think of ocosiancions, where even traveler can die, because some idiot lured monsters on the streets, but you need to "run" slowly, because the cow just can't keep up, so you want to left all our things behnd or run for your live, which will be even harder, because you are slow like a snail, but you need the things to get better..yeah devilcircel ..
Lets say he has 10 constitution (average)

In order to have the effect, he'd need to pass through the system 10/4 = 3 (rounded UP).

That means 5 * 3 = 15 deaths

If you suffered 15 deaths (or 15 'really bad injuries') without looking for a medico, I think you deserve all you get.

Added: if you have less then average constitution, then don't expect to survive long enough in a fight...
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Post by Tanistian_Kanea »

ok one note: i have been gone a while as i have not been able to get on site so i am only reading first few posts.
I actually think this is a good idea and it would work well for druids. However i think you will find the numbers need tweaking. also, perhaps not 1 rl month. perhaps only 2 dwarven months. Even a broken arm mends in 8 weeks. This imo would be most acurate. Also, perhaps you could look at some more injuries you could sustain at death, or "Clouding" since it is supose to be knocked unconsious. Things like amnesia(temp lowering of skill, forgetting), concusion(lower intelligence), swollen eyes(lower perception) broken arm(lower dex, strenth), broken lag(lower agil), broken ribs(lower willpower, don't want to do anything cause it hurts), deep cut(lowered constitution cause your body is already working, so it would take less to overwhelm it, could get infected.), burns?(not sure but you get the point).
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Post by AlexRose »

Tanistian_Kanea wrote:ok one note: i have been gone a while as i have not been able to get on site so i am only reading first few posts.
I actually think this is a good idea and it would work well for druids. However i think you will find the numbers need tweaking. also, perhaps not 1 rl month. perhaps only 2 dwarven months. Even a broken arm mends in 8 weeks. This imo would be most acurate. Also, perhaps you could look at some more injuries you could sustain at death, or "Clouding" since it is supose to be knocked unconsious. Things like amnesia(temp lowering of skill, forgetting), concusion(lower intelligence), swollen eyes(lower perception) broken arm(lower dex, strenth), broken lag(lower agil), broken ribs(lower willpower, don't want to do anything cause it hurts), deep cut(lowered constitution cause your body is already working, so it would take less to overwhelm it, could get infected.), burns?(not sure but you get the point).
A dwarven month = An rl month..
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Post by Tanistian_Kanea »

mistake, i ment 2 ig months, whatever that works out as.
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Post by AlexRose »

About 20 rl days.
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Post by Damien »

Well if you die at the moment, your attributes go down really badly. All of them. it takes hours for them to go up again already.
A druid potion could fix THAT.... but ! If it is fixed by potions, we will have powergamers again who just powergame a lot of money, then buy a hundred of these potions and then use them whenever they die -> where's the sense in that ?
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Post by Llama »

Hense instead of using a potion, you have to ask a medico to help you. And since medicos are 'just' roleplayers, you have a guarantee that the person will be nudged towards Rping...
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

Hadrian_Abela wrote:Hense instead of using a potion, you have to ask a medico to help you. And since medicos are 'just' roleplayers, you have a guarantee that the person will be nudged towards Rping...
Or everyone will just get healing skill... make it impossible for someone to use it on himself?
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Re: Death, and Healing

Post by Llama »

Hadrian_Abela wrote: -

A healer can use the rune to erase the amount of points a person has accumulated
Healers cannot heal themselves
If a person loses as much points as to reach a 0 in an attribute, instead the character immediatly takes a speed penalty (same as encumbered), and is considered to be very fragile
Was already in there.

Again, it isn't a SKILL, its an ability.

I trust the medicos, who have already ROLEPLAYED it for ages, would just give it away to a powergamer, or to everyone.
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Re: Death, and Healing

Post by Jupiter »

I trust the medicos, who have already ROLEPLAYED it for ages, would just give it away to a powergamer, or to everyone.
Yes, IF this comes IG, it should be possibel for the chars who already RPed it since a long time.
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

I may be misunderstanding something but from what I gather this Druid system which is to come is quite a long way down the road. How many Druids actually play ig on a regular basis now? Of all the "professions" offered by Illa, basically the Druid one is the only one that has nothing machine run/skill based, but is totally RP based and more often then not, this RP is being done by other chars also.

It would be very nice to see even a temp measure in place to encourage this profession. Not necessarily something that would take away from what it is now, but simply to add to it. Something the Druid profession could do.

Possibly instead of a Druid simply RPing "healing warmth of their hands" .. something could be added so they can actually with the "touch" of their hands half the time it takes to get "reborn" (if possible to script)?
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Post by AlexRose »

Achae Eanstray wrote:the Druid one is the only one that has nothing machine run/skill based, but is totally RP based
*cough* Priests *cough*
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

AlexRose wrote:
Achae Eanstray wrote:the Druid one is the only one that has nothing machine run/skill based, but is totally RP based
*cough* Priests *cough*
You are right, thank you :D
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Post by ogerawa »

scripts can't tell who are the druids, unless the druids ID number is hard-coded.... *shrugs*
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

ogerawa wrote:scripts can't tell who are the druids, unless the druids ID number is hard-coded.... *shrugs*
They can tell an object though, like the blackstones :wink:
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Post by ogerawa »

In case I didn't misunderstand it. I don't think that's such a good idea, especially for druid since they are generally weak. My reason would be, if the script didn't know whether you are a druid or not, then anyone can use such item. This might leads to, a druid hunt just to get the item.... Since, if they have the item and can use it, then they won't need a druid any longer.
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Post by Azuros »

An item that is embedded in the druid, like a rune type of object, maybe? Or simple one that cannot be dropped.
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

Embedded item is a thought (the item if possible to script could simply be in the Druid's hospital depot also), however how appropriate of a RP would it be for someone to all of a sudden start hitting on another char (the Druid) that wears no armor nor has a weapon and won't defend themselves??

It seems like to me that may be time to call a gm? Whatever the case, I am proposing this temporarily until Druid magic comes into play and not permanently. If this item/object gets out to become general use, it can simply be deleted entirely from the game.
Since, if they have the item and can use it, then they won't need a druid any longer.
Just a reminder, this item would only help to cut the time "reborn" by half, it is not something that people couldn't do without. Yet would be very helpful to the profession of the Druids, making it more meaningful distinguishing Druids from other chars that also do medico, it ties in the RP of the "warmth of the healing hands" that the Druids use anyway, and would facillitate hopefully increased Druid RP.
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Post by ogerawa »

Temporary rune might be possible, but i don't have such access nor knows any druid's.
however how appropriate of a RP would it be for someone to all of a sudden start hitting on another char (the Druid) that wears no armor nor has a weapon and won't defend themselves??
However the normal bandits rob those crafters who wears no armor nor has a weapon and won't defend themselves?
Just a reminder, this item would only help to cut the time "reborn" by half, it is not something that people couldn't do without.
If it's something special, won't normally someone else wants it? Else why do you want it? At least I for one wants it :D

Keep on suggesting, maybe someone else who read this have an idea how to apply this better ^.^

On second thought, it's actually a pretty useless item (for the victim and not druid) if you are going to RP it. It would take pretty much 30 mins to RP the whole situation which means, the victim will be almost reborn or even reborned by the time the RP itself is done. Not to mention the time it takes to look for a druid, unless you have a druid friend in msn...

On the other hand, if such item falls into non-druid, they can just use it without RP and wait less before they can go back and do stuff once again.

Unless the reborn thing would be made into hours and hours of waiting instead of around 30 mins, which i'm pretty sure there will be a lot more complaints than the druid population. So... to satisfy the druids and not make non-druids abuse such item, maybe an item that will just do a force #me would suffice? *shrugs*
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Post by Achae Eanstray »

Sorry, am not interested in a force #me if I am understanding your idea.
Yes there may be bandits I assume (chars) but without adequete RP and just to "ghost" a Druid ...that would be against game rules.

The "healing hands" though may be beneficial to some, and my whole point is that there may be more Druids ig if something positive can be done. (this is only if Druid magic likely to take a long time)

I don't agree that anything should be taken away however from what is ig now. Possibly then instead of helping with "reborn" the Druid could help heal so well that there would be less learning (skill) loss by even a fraction? As an arbitrary figure ......say there is a 3% skill loss on ghosting. With this (and I would say with something like this it would have to be embedded, or not lost) skill/object.. the Druid could use to make only a 2.5% skill loss? Anyway, I am open to ideas on the Druid and use of the "healing" hands that would distinguish Druids from other healing besides RP alone (which is great but I think would help if had more to offer).
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